Conspiracy theories 2024, September

GMOs Lead To Extinction - Alternative View

GMOs Lead To Extinction - Alternative View

Perhaps it seems to someone that the problem caused by the presence of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in food is a matter of the distant future and is more related to the West. In fact, these products have long been with us

Hollow Earth: What  On  Actually Have  Us  Under  Feet - Alternative View

Hollow Earth: What On Actually Have Us Under Feet - Alternative View

Everyone knows about the flat Earth theory, according to which our planet is a disk. Many people in different countries sure that this is the case

UFO Over North Korea, Many Lights In The Sky Over The United States. Blue Beam? War? - Alternative View

UFO Over North Korea, Many Lights In The Sky Over The United States. Blue Beam? War? - Alternative View

Last Saturday, late in the evening of December 9 (US time), thousands of Denver (Colorado) residents witnessed the movement of an unusual chain of lights flying high in the sky above the city: Messages from all over the state, people harassed

Birthday Of The "sovereign Internet". Acceptance Stage - Alternative View

Birthday Of The "sovereign Internet". Acceptance Stage - Alternative View

The authors of the law on the "sovereign Internet" adopted in the first reading could not explain which "external threats" it would protect. But they admitted that the document would make it possible to control all internal Russian traffic. The State Duma adopted

Game Of Thrones - An Alien Virus In The Minds Of Viewers - Alternative View

Game Of Thrones - An Alien Virus In The Minds Of Viewers - Alternative View

When fantasy replaced science fiction, the future was replaced by the past, according to the historian and social philosopher Andrei Fursov. In an interview with BUSINESS Online, he told how Game of Thrones blurs the notion of good and evil among its viewers, why Christianity was removed from the fantasy Middle Ages, who was hindered by the scientific and technological progress of the 1960s, and why dreams of other planets and starships were exchanged to the world of debauchery

A Huge Object Hovers In Orbit. HAARP? Magnetic Storm? Has The Invasion Begun? - Alternative View

A Huge Object Hovers In Orbit. HAARP? Magnetic Storm? Has The Invasion Begun? - Alternative View

Earlier, we have already told our readers about a very interesting service for observing the near-Earth space

Freedom Atlanta Or How Babies Collapse Their Necks - Alternative View

Freedom Atlanta Or How Babies Collapse Their Necks - Alternative View

In ancient Rome, newborn children of slaves were deliberately twisted around their necks so that they grew up depressed, inhibited and underdeveloped. A specially trained person approached a slave baby - and using a special technique, ROLLED HIS NECK. What do we have?

Only 600 Million People Live On Earth? - Alternative View

Only 600 Million People Live On Earth? - Alternative View

Since ancient times, almost all peoples have known about the existence of parallel realities. This knowledge is reflected in the cosmogony, cosmology, mythology of these peoples

Long Live The Monarchy! - Alternative View

Long Live The Monarchy! - Alternative View

Immediately 12 European countries have the state status of a monarchy - that is, forms of sole rule, inherited (with the exception of the Vatican and Andorra). Their heads are kings, princes or dukes

Aliens Blew Up An American Military Satellite? - Alternative View

Aliens Blew Up An American Military Satellite? - Alternative View

The American military satellite for transmitting meteorological observation data collapsed into 43 parts. The spacecraft was in use by the US Navy and Air Force. Security officials reported that the cause of the crash of DMSP-F13 was a "catastrophic event"

The Head Of The CIA Opposed The Publication Of Classified Data On The 9/11 Attacks - Alternative View

The Head Of The CIA Opposed The Publication Of Classified Data On The 9/11 Attacks - Alternative View

CIA head questioned the need to publish the secret part of the report on the 9/11 attacks

From People To Geeks - Alternative View

From People To Geeks - Alternative View

Criminal chronicles, which tell us about another abomination that is not characteristic of a healthy person, have become a symbol of our time. Numerous rapes of children, brutal murders, psychopaths who have gone wild, killing bystanders - all of this is not really the core, but only the tip of the iceberg

Was Chechnya Cleared By Military Psychics Of The Russian Army? - Alternative View

Was Chechnya Cleared By Military Psychics Of The Russian Army? - Alternative View

It is no secret that for decades, both in our country and overseas, the military has studied various non-standard types of weapons that can bring skeptics to smiles. Let's say hypnosis was considered a weapon

How Many People Actually Live On The Planet? Part 2: Strange Characters On The Streets - Alternative View

How Many People Actually Live On The Planet? Part 2: Strange Characters On The Streets - Alternative View

Part 1: Network Bots - Since the release of the movie “ The Matrix ”, which later became a cult, a real philosophical movement around this topic has appeared in the world

Who, Why And Where Is Kidnapping People From Earth? - Alternative View

Who, Why And Where Is Kidnapping People From Earth? - Alternative View

Since the beginning of April 2019, at one of the popular US conspiracy forums, there has been a discussion regarding the incomprehensible disappearance of the homeless from American cities. The situation with this problem is more than strange

The Big Disappearance Theory - Alternative View

The Big Disappearance Theory - Alternative View

The search operations to find the missing Malaysian Boeing 777-200 aircraft on March 8, 2014, seemed to have come to an end. However, there is still no reliable confirmation that the plane fell into the ocean

Conspiracy Theories And The Downed Boeing - Alternative View

Conspiracy Theories And The Downed Boeing - Alternative View

As often happens after disasters that shake the world, there are many assumptions and outright fakes. This happened immediately after the tragic crash on July 17 over the territory of Ukraine of the Malaysian "Boeing"

Instructions From The Missing Boeing Were Found At An Australian Recycling Plant - Alternative View

Instructions From The Missing Boeing Were Found At An Australian Recycling Plant - Alternative View

A user of one of the largest English-speaking Internet communities Reddit has published photos of the on-board safety instructions from a Malaysia Airlines plane

Version: The Missing Boeing Was Carrying Biological Weapons? - Alternative View

Version: The Missing Boeing Was Carrying Biological Weapons? - Alternative View

The search for the Malaysian Boeing, which disappeared on the night of March 8, lasts almost three weeks. The only thing that experts are sure of: it is definitely not the failure of the equipment to blame

Moscow Expert: "Boeing Missing In March Was Shot Down Over Ukraine" - Alternative View

Moscow Expert: "Boeing Missing In March Was Shot Down Over Ukraine" - Alternative View

Such conclusions were made by one of the best Moscow experts Yuri Antipov. He has military training: Lieutenant Engineer Aircraft Technician. He took part in the investigation of a number of aircraft accidents

The Mystery Of The Malaysian "Boeing": How Can You Hide A Plane From The Whole World For Such A Long Time - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Malaysian "Boeing": How Can You Hide A Plane From The Whole World For Such A Long Time - Alternative View

The disappearance of a Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 on the night of 8-9 March this year has become one of the most mysterious events in aviation history

The American Claims That He Served In Space For 17 Years, And On Mars You Can Breathe Freely - Alternative View

The American Claims That He Served In Space For 17 Years, And On Mars You Can Breathe Freely - Alternative View

A former US Marine using the alias Captain Kaye claims to have served 17 years on the Red Planet, protecting 5 human colonies from Martian life forms

Bitcoin Was Created By Artificial Intelligence To Take Over The World Of - Alternative View

Bitcoin Was Created By Artificial Intelligence To Take Over The World Of - Alternative View

In October of this year, the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Maxim Oreshkin said (jokingly or not) that the sensational cryptocurrency Bitcoin could become a reliable tool for enslaving humanity with artificial intelligence

Herding And The Werther Effect - Alternative View

Herding And The Werther Effect - Alternative View

In 1774, Goethe published his first novel, The Suffering of Young Werther. The book brought the writer instant fame and gained such popularity among the public that impressionable young people of Europe, following the example of the protagonist, armed themselves with two pistols and dressed in blue tailcoats and yellow pantaloons

Constitutions Drawn Up By Fraudsters - Alternative View

Constitutions Drawn Up By Fraudsters - Alternative View

Do you think the Parliament adopts the Constitution? No, there are unprepared people in parliament. A ready-made draft, prepared by the behind-the-scenes authors, is submitted to parliament. Parliament does not understand the meaning of this project, and only votes for it

Who Is Making The Revolution In Armenia? - Alternative View

Who Is Making The Revolution In Armenia? - Alternative View

Before the Maidan in Ukraine, there may be few who understood beforehand. Could be mistaken or hope for the best. But now that example, but not one, is before my eyes

Shadow Of Knowledge. Part 1. Forward To Scientific Conspiracy - Alternative View

Shadow Of Knowledge. Part 1. Forward To Scientific Conspiracy - Alternative View

"I know that I know nothing". Recently, I think, I read an intellectual maxim from Ivanov-Petrov. They say that many social phenomena such as the deliberate collapse of post-Soviet science have no logical explanations other than conspiracy

Shadow Of Knowledge. Part 2. Or Back To Pure Machiavellianism? - Alternative View

Shadow Of Knowledge. Part 2. Or Back To Pure Machiavellianism? - Alternative View

Part 1. Forward to scientific conspiracy theories. Last time we mentioned the founder of political science, Nicolo Machiavelli

The Answer To The September 11 Attacks: Terrorists Were Brainwashed By Aliens - Alternative View

The Answer To The September 11 Attacks: Terrorists Were Brainwashed By Aliens - Alternative View

The September 11 terrorists were brainwashed by aliens - this is the conclusion reached by American ufologists, who conducted their own investigation of this tragedy

Why Did The Americans Use Russian Biomaterials - Alternative View

Why Did The Americans Use Russian Biomaterials - Alternative View

And answers to five more naive questions about the “ genetic weapons scandal ” By the Pentagon After Vladimir Putin's statement that Americans are collecting biomaterials in Russia, many versions of what is happening have appeared

Russia Is Ready To Provide Pictures Proving That The United States Was Involved In The September 11 Attacks - Alternative View

Russia Is Ready To Provide Pictures Proving That The United States Was Involved In The September 11 Attacks - Alternative View

Vladimir Putin: "Russia is ready to provide satellite images proving that the US authorities were involved in the September 11 attacks" We all remember the monstrous terrorist attack on September 11, 2001, when suicide bombers who hijacked civilian planes

Bin Laden's "killer" - Alternative View

Bin Laden's "killer" - Alternative View

The Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN is not to be envied. He has to spend most of his working time with people living in cloud cuckoo land

Secrets Of September 11. Or Punchinel's Secret - Alternative View

Secrets Of September 11. Or Punchinel's Secret - Alternative View

"We will no longer use the American military to build democracy in distant lands or try to rebuild other countries in our image and likeness," - the American President announced another principle of his policy

University Study: All Three WTC Buildings Destroyed On September 11 By "controlled Demolition" - Alternative View

University Study: All Three WTC Buildings Destroyed On September 11 By "controlled Demolition" - Alternative View

A number of high-profile studies show that the buildings of the World Trade Center were destroyed using nanothermic explosives, writes

Kerry Admits That World Trade Center # 7 Was Destroyed By Controlled Demolition - Alternative View

Kerry Admits That World Trade Center # 7 Was Destroyed By Controlled Demolition - Alternative View

This answer reveals why everything that happened on September 11, 2001 became a controlled, organized event, writes

The Meaning Of The Official 9/11 Myth - Alternative View

The Meaning Of The Official 9/11 Myth - Alternative View

Translator's Note: Kevin Ryan is a well-known activist of the "truth-seekers" movement regarding the events of September 11, 2001 in the USA

The USA Has Declassified The Last Part Of The Report On The September 11 Terrorist Attack - - Alternative View

The USA Has Declassified The Last Part Of The Report On The September 11 Terrorist Attack - - Alternative View

The US Congress has removed the "top secret" stamp from the last 28 pages of the parliamentary investigation into the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack

European Scientific Study: The Twin Towers Collapse Due To Controlled Demolition - Alternative View

European Scientific Study: The Twin Towers Collapse Due To Controlled Demolition - Alternative View

European scientific study concluded that the twin towers collapsed via controlled demolition on 11 September 2001

September 11: British Journalists Tried To Debunk Conspiracy Theorists - Alternative View

September 11: British Journalists Tried To Debunk Conspiracy Theorists - Alternative View

Almost 10 years have passed since the September 11 tragedy, but there are still more questions than answers about the circumstances of one of the worst disasters in US history

September 11: Big Political Adventure - Alternative View

September 11: Big Political Adventure - Alternative View

On the morning of September 11, 2001, 19 Islamic terrorists, allegedly associated with al-Qaeda, hijacked four passenger liners over US territory. They took control of the Boeings and sent them to pre-selected targets