Conspiracy theories 2024, September

Secret Communities Of The World - Alternative View

Secret Communities Of The World - Alternative View

Throughout the history of mankind, information about secret societies runs like a thread. As a rule, they were created to achieve religious or political goals that were outlawed, so all the activities of secret societies were hidden

11 Conspiracy Theories That Few Believed In, But In Vain - Alternative View

11 Conspiracy Theories That Few Believed In, But In Vain - Alternative View

Perhaps everyone has heard of conspiracy theories at least once. Has it ever occurred to you that you are being followed or that someone might read your correspondence? If the answer is yes, then you are also partly a conspiracy theorist. In general, a great interest in all kinds of collusion appears especially when another theory is confirmed in life

Syndicate - Secret Government - Alternative View

Syndicate - Secret Government - Alternative View

A group of people known as the Syndicate (or Consortium) works in conjunction with the first settlers on Earth - aliens, who are also called "colonists"

Secret Rulers Of The World - Alternative View

Secret Rulers Of The World - Alternative View

On the Internet, you can often find articles on the intrigues of the secret masters of the world. Unfortunately, these articles are not specific. What makes the Secret World Government different? Quite right - secrecy and globality

The Most Famous Russian Masons - Alternative View

The Most Famous Russian Masons - Alternative View

"A freemason in Russia is more than a freemason"

Social Zombie: 6 Steps Into The Abyss Or The Principles Of Uncle Goebbels - Alternative View

Social Zombie: 6 Steps Into The Abyss Or The Principles Of Uncle Goebbels - Alternative View

The most offensive thing is that in the information warthe one who speaks the truth always loses.- Salik.bizHe is limited by the truth and a liarcan carry anything. Robert Sheckley.nA strange sensation has been experienced by many people lately

Mind Control. Substitution Of Memories - Alternative View

Mind Control. Substitution Of Memories - Alternative View

Sometimes, watching TV, we are surprised: will anyone really believe this nonsense? Alas, they do. Almost any fiction finds some part of the audience that uncritically perceives everything that is suggested to it.But it turns out that the situation is even worse: it turns out that human memory is arranged in such a way that distorted information can be introduced into it even about what a person knows himself, personally, and he will be unable to distinguish between fictional

Noam Chomsky: 10 Ways To Manage The Masses - Alternative View

Noam Chomsky: 10 Ways To Manage The Masses - Alternative View

Managing human behavior is one of the primary tasks of the state. True, you need to understand that the state is created by its citizens in order to harmonize their own interests, but the state or political power acquires its own interests and its primary task is to manage those who elected it and maintain it for the purpose of trivial self-preservation

The Influence Of Television And The Computer On Children - Alternative View

The Influence Of Television And The Computer On Children - Alternative View

One of the features of modern civilization is the transition to an information society, the rapid development of television and Internet technologies.The appearance of a TV in every home has led to the fact that many people spend a significant part of their free time in front of the TV screen

Consciousness Capture Mechanisms. Part Two - Alternative View

Consciousness Capture Mechanisms. Part Two - Alternative View

Part one - The main thing in them is - rhythm and sequence of sounds

Whom Do Ontotechnologies Serve? - Alternative View

Whom Do Ontotechnologies Serve? - Alternative View

In the information field such concepts as “ontopsychology” and “ontological thinking”, “ontologists” and “ontotechnologies” began to appear more and more often. This was preceded by the appearance of educational institutions of this kind, the spread of which has signs of a systemic nature. This is the “Sc

Consciousness Capture Mechanisms. Part One - Alternative View

Consciousness Capture Mechanisms. Part One - Alternative View

Part Two - In order to understand how the system of suppressing People and the system of global control of the superparasite was built, you need to know several key points that were laid down by the Creator during the Creation of His Universe and People

&Bdquo; The Beatles &Rdquo; - Western Project For Enslaving Youth - Alternative View

&Bdquo; The Beatles &Rdquo; - Western Project For Enslaving Youth - Alternative View

Modern youth, as one of the most weakly protected and vulnerable categories of the population, due to the lack of relevant knowledge, experience and economic dependence, often acts as an object for various kinds of manipulations, as well as approbation of political, socio-psychological technologies and experiments on it

Freemasons In Modern Russia - Alternative View

Freemasons In Modern Russia - Alternative View

SO, more recently, it was published in the media: "specialists from the University of Zurich conducted a mathematical analysis of the connections of 43 thousand transnational corporations and made a frightening conclusion: the world is ruled by one giant" super corporation "

"Hidden Hand" Sign Of The Freemasons? - Alternative View

"Hidden Hand" Sign Of The Freemasons? - Alternative View

In this article you will find portraits of many famous and powerful men. They lived in different eras and performed their great deeds in different areas. They have completely different fates

I Was Ordered To Do It: The Secret Side Of Russian Freemasonry - Alternative View

I Was Ordered To Do It: The Secret Side Of Russian Freemasonry - Alternative View

Masons are among us. A "free mason", as they call themselves, can be anyone - from a neighbor in the stairwell to some media personality. In Russia, for 150 years, talk about their power has not subsided

10 Weird And Surprising Facts About Freemasons That Most People Don't Know - Alternative View

10 Weird And Surprising Facts About Freemasons That Most People Don't Know - Alternative View

Freemasons - an organization shrouded in mystery for centuries. Someone speaks of them as secret world leaders, someone as an occult sect, someone accuses them of conspiracies and influencing the fate of people. But what is the truth?

The Dollar Is Shrouded In Mysteries: The Plan Of The Masons With The Participation Of Russian Members Of The Order Has Been Revealed - Alternative View

The Dollar Is Shrouded In Mysteries: The Plan Of The Masons With The Participation Of Russian Members Of The Order Has Been Revealed - Alternative View

On the dollar bill since 1935, the all-seeing eye of the Illuminati flaunts with a secret inscription about world rule. After revealing the secret of the dollar, scientists learned about the great plan of black forces with the participation of Russian members of the order

What Masonic Signs Are Encrypted In The Dollar - Alternative View

What Masonic Signs Are Encrypted In The Dollar - Alternative View

The story of the birth of the American currency has not been without a "Russian trace" Fans of conspiracy theorists are sure that the closed elite community of Freemasons endowed the American dollar with power

Sanity Techniques - Countering Hostile NLP - Alternative View

Sanity Techniques - Countering Hostile NLP - Alternative View

THREAT IS THE FEELING OF GUILT Developing feelings of guilt is a powerful lever to manipulate and make you dependent. This is a form of psychological bondage

The Disastrous History Of False Flags Used To Drag America Into War - Alternative View

The Disastrous History Of False Flags Used To Drag America Into War - Alternative View

When did the Democrats become a "war party"? - Why has the Anti-War Left “gone missing” since 2008?

Masons Have Created A Centuries-old Vampiric Pyramid Of Control And Are Afraid Of Losing It - Alternative View

Masons Have Created A Centuries-old Vampiric Pyramid Of Control And Are Afraid Of Losing It - Alternative View

The mind control system of people has existed for many centuries, but in our technogenic world it has taken on a global character

Freemasons Helped Donald Trump Win 45 Presidential Elections In The United States - Alternative View

Freemasons Helped Donald Trump Win 45 Presidential Elections In The United States - Alternative View

Republican candidate Donald Trump, Masons made the election winner, 45th President of the United States of America, reports online magazine UFO MIR

America Prepares For An Attack With Impulse Weapons - Alternative View

America Prepares For An Attack With Impulse Weapons - Alternative View

William Forstchen is Professor of History and Fellow at Montreat College, North Carolina

Scientists Against Myths Or Against The Russian People? - Alternative View

Scientists Against Myths Or Against The Russian People? - Alternative View

Probably already many of you - Dear readers, we managed to get to know well the company of people who call themselves a group of scientists, whose duty is to refute pseudoscience and promote scientific methods to the masses

Sergey Kapitsa: How Russia Is Deliberately Turned Into A Country Of Morons - Alternative View

Sergey Kapitsa: How Russia Is Deliberately Turned Into A Country Of Morons - Alternative View

“I warned the ministers: 'If you continue this policy, you will get a country of fools. Such a country is easier to govern, but it has no future. "The words from the title were said by Sergey Petrovich back in 2009, in an interview with the AMF newspaper. T

How Jews Fascize Russia Through The Destruction Of Education - Alternative View

How Jews Fascize Russia Through The Destruction Of Education - Alternative View

"Children is our future." This dictum sounds quite natural to every normal person. What does it mean? Depends on the context. But in the most general case, children are the future of our Motherland.Then it turns out that if someone denies the wording of "our future", then such a person separates himself from the people of Russia

The CIA Has Posted Files On Projects Of Telepathy, Clairvoyance And Foresight For Free Viewing - Alternative View

The CIA Has Posted Files On Projects Of Telepathy, Clairvoyance And Foresight For Free Viewing - Alternative View

Stargate and MKULTRA documents in PDF format have become available for study The US government has used people with psychic abilities for at least several decades

How Much Do Church Candles Actually Cost - And Whether The Church Makes Money On Them - Alternative View

How Much Do Church Candles Actually Cost - And Whether The Church Makes Money On Them - Alternative View

Arriving in Russia to a famous Orthodox monastery or attending an ordinary church "in the area", believers buy candles, icons, oil and other paraphernalia - so it should be

7 Main CIA Servers Are Shut Down. Lost Control Of Satellites. War? Starting Event? - Alternative View

7 Main CIA Servers Are Shut Down. Lost Control Of Satellites. War? Starting Event? - Alternative View

7 mainframes at the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) are no longer working for an unknown reason. The loss of computing power has also resulted in a significant number of U.S. intelligence satellites being disabled

How Did The Slavery Contract Come About - Alternative View

How Did The Slavery Contract Come About - Alternative View

The first information about the invaders of the Earth appeared in print and on TV, one might say, by accident. Here is an excerpt from a lecture by former CIA Captain Bill Robertson, who told people how it was.An independent group of British television journalists investigated the disappearances of many prominent scientists and talented military personnel in the 1960s

The CIA Developed A Cancer-causing Weapon Back In The 1970s - Alternative View

The CIA Developed A Cancer-causing Weapon Back In The 1970s - Alternative View

We invite skeptics who dispute that the CIA may have had a hand in Hugo Chavez's cancer death to take a look at the device in the video below. This is a dart gun developed in the 1970s (and possibly earlier) for the CIA

The CIA Was Sued For The Strange Death Of A Bioweapons Expert - Alternative View

The CIA Was Sued For The Strange Death Of A Bioweapons Expert - Alternative View

The sons of an American scientist, who died under mysterious circumstances almost 60 years ago, filed a lawsuit demanding compensation for damages for the death of a parent

Eugenics By Kissanger - Alternative View

Eugenics By Kissanger - Alternative View

Dr. Henry Kissinger said: "Depopulation should be the top priority of American foreign policy towards the third world."

USA And New Zealand Tested Tsunami Bomb - Alternative View

USA And New Zealand Tested Tsunami Bomb - Alternative View

US and New Zealand have covertly tested an underwater super-bomb to create a tsunami

Why Is It Forbidden To Overclock The Brain Only In Russia And In A Couple Of African Countries? - Alternative View

Why Is It Forbidden To Overclock The Brain Only In Russia And In A Couple Of African Countries? - Alternative View

Yes. You understood correctly from the picture. Today we are talking about Amphetamine (alpha-methylphenethylamine). Today, this is the best nootropic invented by mankind. Modafinil, Methylphenidrate will also appear as junior colleagues (mainly via links), and Grandpa Cocaine will slip through

Nuclear Warheads For Minuteman Missiles Delivered To Yellowstone - Alternative View

Nuclear Warheads For Minuteman Missiles Delivered To Yellowstone - Alternative View

On April 3, the Daily Mail published a strange video sent to the editor by You Tube users

THEY Leave With Annoying Wealth To The Shelters. What Do They Know That We Do Not Know? - Alternative View

THEY Leave With Annoying Wealth To The Shelters. What Do They Know That We Do Not Know? - Alternative View

The insider site Above Top Secret has periodically flashed this material in recent days: “ THEY are leaving. THEY transport their families and annoying wealth from earthlings, to shelters

Syrian War For Dummies - Three Versions - Alternative View

Syrian War For Dummies - Three Versions - Alternative View

Although the Syrian war is almost over, many Americans still do not understand what has happened in the past seven years because the main coverage of events was a myth of propaganda, half-truths and lies

How Does The US Get Evidence Of A Chemical Attack In Syria - Alternative View

How Does The US Get Evidence Of A Chemical Attack In Syria - Alternative View

On the American television channel CNN, a story appeared in which journalist Arva Damon communicates with people who "survived" in Duma after the alleged chemical attack there, which caused the United States to launch missile strikes on Syria on April 14