Conspiracy theories 2024, September

How To Recognize A Reptilian And Who Has Already Been Identified - Alternative View

How To Recognize A Reptilian And Who Has Already Been Identified - Alternative View

Is humanity ruled by alien reptiles disguised as humans? Do world leaders and pop stars hide scaly skin and vertical pupils? What nonsense! Nevertheless, many on the Internet take such statements quite seriously

Biblical Project: Global Predictor Contract With The Nation - Alternative View

Biblical Project: Global Predictor Contract With The Nation - Alternative View

I will lay out my version of understanding how our affairs are. Who did not hide - It's not my fault

Why Don't People See And Never See Reptilians? - Alternative View

Why Don't People See And Never See Reptilians? - Alternative View

As everyone knows from the school biology course, the hair color of humans and all other mammals is provided by pigments of the melanin group, which biochemists distinguish between two main types: eumelanin, whose granules are purple-red, and pheomelanin, whose granules are red-yellow

Investigators Who Proved A Lie About The Shooting Of The Royal Family Were Killed One After The Other - Alternative View

Investigators Who Proved A Lie About The Shooting Of The Royal Family Were Killed One After The Other - Alternative View

Article from 2014 … There is an interesting video on YouTube. the comments below it are discouraging. However, how many people, so many opinions

The Mechanism Of The Enslavement Of Peoples. Three Methods By Which The West Conquers The World - Alternative View

The Mechanism Of The Enslavement Of Peoples. Three Methods By Which The West Conquers The World - Alternative View

Over the past centuries, the concept of Western colonialism has hardly changed. Having become more sophisticated, its mechanisms have remained approximately the same as at their dawn. As before, countries that do not have resources, but have usurped technology, as well as control over the emission of currencies, exploit and threaten those who have subsoil resources and cannot give back

David Icke - Conspiracy Theory: The True Nature Of Cancer - Alternative View

David Icke - Conspiracy Theory: The True Nature Of Cancer - Alternative View

It is very likely that the medical mafia is using the word "cancer" as a decoy for the subsequent mass murder of people using radio and chemotherapy. These procedures are very expensive, but they work well - they kill absolutely everyone … Dr. T

World Mafia - World Domination? - Alternative View

World Mafia - World Domination? - Alternative View

Corruption, drug trafficking, gambling, racketeering, prostitution … “Two trillion dollars a year - this is the income of the global mafia,” reports Reuters. - The biggest profit comes from the sale of drugs and weapons: 300-400 billion a year. Sligh

Who Are The Illuminati? Mystery School Renegades - Alternative View

Who Are The Illuminati? Mystery School Renegades - Alternative View

The word "Illuminati" has become an all-encompassing term for the rulers of planet Earth. The definition is critical as the words "conspiracy" and "Illuminati" themselves have become code words for occult (covert) powers of power

&Ldquo; Black Eye &Rdquo; - Illuminati Dedication Badge - Alternative View

&Ldquo; Black Eye &Rdquo; - Illuminati Dedication Badge - Alternative View

A new conspiracy theory suggests that celebrities seen with a black eye on their left eye (`` Black Eye '') were participants in an Illuminati ritual

Illuminati - The Secret Of The Enlightened - Alternative View

Illuminati - The Secret Of The Enlightened - Alternative View

The modern Illuminati are a secret society seeking to establish a New World Order with a world government and a single cashless monetary system. Every person in this society will be required to obtain a chip implant for personal identification

Catholics VS Illuminati. Who Will Win? - Alternative View

Catholics VS Illuminati. Who Will Win? - Alternative View

Among history buffs, books by Dan Brown are very popular, who was able to awaken a new wave of interest in the mystical order of the Illuminati, positioning themselves as open enemies of the Roman Catholic Church

Illuminati - Alternative View

Illuminati - Alternative View

In the history of secret alliances of the 18th century, the Order of the Illuminati occupies a large place. It originated in backward Bavaria, where religious obscurantism reigned

&Ldquo; Belluminati &Rdquo;: Conspiracy Trolling Or Illuminati Chutzpah? - Alternative View

&Ldquo; Belluminati &Rdquo;: Conspiracy Trolling Or Illuminati Chutzpah? - Alternative View

From “ The Vigilant Citizen ”: “ Taco Bell has a couple of advertisements titled "Belluminati" featuring the eerie secret society and Illuminati symbolism

The Vatican And The Conspiracy Theory - Alternative View

The Vatican And The Conspiracy Theory - Alternative View

Behind the scenes "behind the scenes" Instead of an introduction: a small giant of big politics Conspiracy theorists of different countries always associate the concept of "conspiracy theory" with the concept of "world conspiracy of Jewish masons" who "insidiously captured" the world financial markets

Who Are The Illuminati? - Alternative View

Who Are The Illuminati? - Alternative View

Illuminati are Illuminati or "enlightened" - they have always been hidden by a veil of secrecy and therefore gave rise to many legends. They experienced a mystical fear

The Disappearance Of The Brazilian Conspiracy Theorist: What Is Known A Month Later - Alternative View

The Disappearance Of The Brazilian Conspiracy Theorist: What Is Known A Month Later - Alternative View

What is known about the student's mysterious disappearance a month after he left home, leaving behind encrypted books, graffiti and a statue

The Mystery Of The Illuminati, Or Who Rules The World - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Illuminati, Or Who Rules The World - Alternative View

Our world is in a state of chaos. The destructive beginning is as if destined for us by Heaven

Hillary Clinton: I Will Become President - I Will Tell The Whole Truth About Aliens - Alternative View

Hillary Clinton: I Will Become President - I Will Tell The Whole Truth About Aliens - Alternative View

In the upcoming elections in the United States, for the first time, not just a woman can win, but a woman-ufologist, besides, the aliens deceived by her husband will help her Hillary Clinton - the American presidential candidate - continues to make loud promises

Archons As An Instrument Of Secret Power - Alternative View

Archons As An Instrument Of Secret Power - Alternative View

In a recent article "Archons" we considered the origins of such a phenomenon as the Archons (from the Greek "rulers of the world") or more accessible, the secret owners of money

Rehearsal Of The Death Of Queen Elizabeth II Was Held. Is The Queen Still Alive? - Alternative View

Rehearsal Of The Death Of Queen Elizabeth II Was Held. Is The Queen Still Alive? - Alternative View

Dailystar: UK rehearsed Queen's death plan in “ unprecedented ” exercise. The secret rehearsal was based on preparations for 10 days of national mourning after the death of Queen Elizabeth II

Another Clinton Sponsor Jumped Out Of The Window - Alternative View

Another Clinton Sponsor Jumped Out Of The Window - Alternative View Steve Bing, director, screenwriter and philanthropist, died at the age of 55. According to law enforcement sources, on June 22 at about 1:00 pm, he jumped from the 27th floor of his luxurious apartment building in Century City, Los Angeles

The British Crown Completes The Seizure Of Power Over The World. Part I - Alternative View

The British Crown Completes The Seizure Of Power Over The World. Part I - Alternative View

The largest agents and corporations through which Queen Elizabeth controls the world

Books Of The Union Of Nine Unknowns - Alternative View

Books Of The Union Of Nine Unknowns - Alternative View

The Union of Nine Unknowns was founded in the 3rd century. BC. Emperor Ashoka with the aim of hindering the intellectual and technological improvement of mankind

The "Union Of Nine Unknowns", Created In Ancient Times, Controls Science And Destroys Discoveries - Alternative View

The "Union Of Nine Unknowns", Created In Ancient Times, Controls Science And Destroys Discoveries - Alternative View

According to legend, members of a mysterious organization controlled the course of scientific discoveries and, if necessary, eliminated unwanted persons who dared to cross the line of what was permitted

The World Is Ruled By "Black Dad", According To Conspiracy Theorists - Alternative View

The World Is Ruled By "Black Dad", According To Conspiracy Theorists - Alternative View

In our world, there are a huge number of secret societies and ancient orders that have tremendous power. But many of the members of secret societies prefer to hide their faces and the power they wield. Conspiracy theorists have long been talking about a secret world government that allegedly rules our world and decides the fate of millions of people and entire countries

The Mysterious Union Of The Nine Rules The World - Alternative View

The Mysterious Union Of The Nine Rules The World - Alternative View

Legend of the origins According to the legend of the III century. BC. Emperor Ashoka, after contemplating the battlefield, came up with the idea that humanity is capable of exterminating itself if it possesses the necessary weapons

The State Trolls Are Protected By The Constitution - Alternative View

The State Trolls Are Protected By The Constitution - Alternative View

Will the state manage to eradicate bullying in cyberspace?In the spring of this year, the network was "blown up" by the story of 12-year-old Tasia Perchikova from the village of Tomsino near Pskov. The girl wrote an e-mail to Russian President Vladimir Putin, in which she described, as if in spirit, the bad conditions in which she has to live with her mother - a hospital nurse - for 12 thousand rubles a month

Secrets Of The Nine Unknowns - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Nine Unknowns - Alternative View

No one will say for sure at what time and among which peoples the legend of the Nine Unknowns first appeared - secret keepers of ancient knowledge and wisdom

Secret Organizations ↠ US Student Organizations - Alternative View

Secret Organizations ↠ US Student Organizations - Alternative View

At the heart of any secret organization is the corporate structure

Secret Societies That No One Knows About - Alternative View

Secret Societies That No One Knows About - Alternative View

In the world, over the centuries-old history, there have been many of the most diverse mysterious organizations: from ridiculous to warlike. Each such community is, in its own way, a story of human stupidity and delusion

The Secret History Of Planet Earth 2000-2018 - Alternative View

The Secret History Of Planet Earth 2000-2018 - Alternative View

Please Note: Over the next three weeks, with the exception of some unprecedented news events, reports will be pre-recorded as I accept my annual disconnect from the web and online. Your understanding is appreciated

Russian Conspiracy Theories: From Myths To Science - Alternative View

Russian Conspiracy Theories: From Myths To Science - Alternative View

Conspiracy - is a young science engaged in a comprehensive study of secret, latent, behind-the-scenes mechanisms of power

Forces Of Destruction: Origins, Structure, Basic Methods - Alternative View

Forces Of Destruction: Origins, Structure, Basic Methods - Alternative View

More and more people are learning that in the history of mankind from ancient times to the present, there were various secret societies

Gaddafi Was Assassinated For Trying To Create A New Currency Backed By Gold - Alternative View

Gaddafi Was Assassinated For Trying To Create A New Currency Backed By Gold - Alternative View

Hillary Clinton's e-mail, published by the US Department of State, is considered by some researchers to be a real gift, as more and more secrets are revealed with its help

Nibiru Exists And Hillary Knows It. Will The World Soon Find Out The Truth? - Alternative View

Nibiru Exists And Hillary Knows It. Will The World Soon Find Out The Truth? - Alternative View

Now our Washington source, a former Federal agent and friend of Pieczenik, is reporting disturbing information about the as-yet-unpublished Clinton letters. He spoke privately with Pieczenik, and learned the truth that could shake the world to its foundations

The Truth About Who Hacked Clinton's Email Is Not What You'd Expect - Alternative View

The Truth About Who Hacked Clinton's Email Is Not What You'd Expect - Alternative View

Western media says Russia is behind cyber attacks on Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party, and blames President Putin without providing any evidence

Microchip - What Is Behind The Implantation Of Animals - Alternative View

Microchip - What Is Behind The Implantation Of Animals - Alternative View

Microchip - the product of serious, well-funded research. The real capabilities of the microchip are much wider than those that are declared. Animals were not the ultimate goal of this technology

Secret Societies Hide Extraterrestrial Technologies - Alternative View

Secret Societies Hide Extraterrestrial Technologies - Alternative View

There are millions of civilizations in the Universe, and our planet is constantly visited by intelligent beings

The Great Worldwide Conspiracy - Alternative View

The Great Worldwide Conspiracy - Alternative View

We all know very well that our governments would like to make us believe them. Their task is to convince us that any of their actions is aimed at our benefit

Top Bilderberger: "Global Super Elite" Must Stop Donald Trump - Alternative View

Top Bilderberger: "Global Super Elite" Must Stop Donald Trump - Alternative View

A secret organization uniting the world elite issues a "black" mark to the main contender for the presidency of the United States