Conspiracy theories 2024, September

Conspiracy Theory: Space Shuttle Challenger Astronauts Are Still Alive - Alternative View

Conspiracy Theory: Space Shuttle Challenger Astronauts Are Still Alive - Alternative View

We all know the heated debate over whether the Americans were on the moon or not. Why is there the Moon, there is a conspiracy theory about whether they were even in space! This is what we discussed in a post titled - NASA's Fake Vigorous Astronauts

The UN Officially Recommends To Ban The Words "husband" And "wife" - Alternative View

The UN Officially Recommends To Ban The Words "husband" And "wife" - Alternative View

Building a "happy world society" continues without a break for coronavirus. As it turned out, numerous complaints about the blocking of Google services, primarily YouTube and Facebook, of posts and videos criticizing homosexuals, and most importantly, mentioning the words “groom” and “bride” (boyfriend and girlfriend), as well as “husband "And" wife "became" toxic "to the UN and were recommended for elimination in the media. On the ba

What Does The - All-seeing Eye - Alternative View

What Does The - All-seeing Eye - Alternative View

The image of the all-seeing eye can be found on the ancient Egyptian papyrus, Orthodox icons, and even on dollars (since 2006, this symbol can also be seen on the 500 hryvnia bill)

The Illuminati Are Back! - Alternative View

The Illuminati Are Back! - Alternative View

In 2017, the Pope's speech in Vancouver was addressed to the Illuminati (secret world government). Researchers argue that the pontiff's gestures during the speech had a hidden meaning that only the initiated

Radio Frequency Treatment Of People, Psychotronic Brainwashing - Alternative View

Radio Frequency Treatment Of People, Psychotronic Brainwashing - Alternative View

In this summary of the report, the problem of self-protection from psychotronic processing (PTO) is considered at the level of the concepts of radio frequency coding of the brain, at the level of parapsychology, without taking into account the interaction of lepton biofields

6 Interesting Conspiracy Theories That May Be True - Alternative View

6 Interesting Conspiracy Theories That May Be True - Alternative View

Conspiracy theories have always existed. Every year people try to take a fresh look at different historical events, and sometimes they even discover unusual facts from the biographies of famous people. These discoveries make people laugh at first

5 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True - Alternative View

5 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True - Alternative View

Conspiracy theories and everything connected with them is gaining popularity in the media again. For example, recently Mark Zuckerberg said at one of the press conferences that he is absolutely, absolutely not reptilian

Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True - Alternative View

Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True - Alternative View

Conspiracy theorists are often viewed as paranoid. However, sometimes they suddenly turn out to be right - and the world gasps with amazement and horror. Proponents of these theories were also considered insane

Who Is Holding Back The Development Of Mankind? - Alternative View

Who Is Holding Back The Development Of Mankind? - Alternative View

Transport This photo gives me the feeling that we live in a parallel reality from the branch of development along which we had to go

Why Did The "consumer Generation" Stop Giving Birth - Alternative View

Why Did The "consumer Generation" Stop Giving Birth - Alternative View

A specialist from the Ministry of Health named the reason for the fall in the birth rate - the upbringing of consumers from the younger generation, and Putin added that it is necessary to instill in young people the values of a large family. Eve

A Video Of A Flight Through The Solar System, Filmed In The Period 1900 - 1945 - Alternative View

A Video Of A Flight Through The Solar System, Filmed In The Period 1900 - 1945 - Alternative View

On November 11, 2019, a very strange message appeared on the famous social platform Reddit:- Promotional video:As you can see from the link to the source, all this has just appeared on the network and there are no particular opinions on this

The Great Reboot Of The World Economy Is Inevitable. This Can Happen At Any Time - Alternative View

The Great Reboot Of The World Economy Is Inevitable. This Can Happen At Any Time - Alternative View

David Stockman warns that the global economy has reached a 'milestone reversal', a moment when the false prosperity created from trillions of dollars of printed money by the world's central banks is turning sharply in the opposite direction

The Global Economy Is Run By One "super Corporation" - Alternative View

The Global Economy Is Run By One "super Corporation" - Alternative View

Experts from the University of Zurich conducted a mathematical analysis of the ties of 43 thousand transnational corporations and made a frightening conclusion: the world is ruled by one giant "super corporation". It is she who "pulls the strings" of the world economy

About School And Education - Alternative View

About School And Education - Alternative View

Why do we send creative, versatile healthy kids to school, and after eleven years we get illiterate infantile ignoramuses unfit for military service?

NASA: 98% Of Children Are Born Geniuses, But The School Makes Them Average Idiots - Alternative View

NASA: 98% Of Children Are Born Geniuses, But The School Makes Them Average Idiots - Alternative View

In a sensational interview with TEDxTuscon, Dr. George Land told the audience the shocking results about the creativity tests he and his team developed as part of a special NASA project

Mysterious Code 239/923 - Alternative View

Mysterious Code 239/923 - Alternative View

For a number of years, the world conspiracy community has been racking its brains to no avail over the so-called code 239 - a strange sequence of numbers that constantly appears in films, in advertisements, on the pages of magazines and even on price tags in stores:- Salik

Climatic Changes On The Planet - A Consequence Of The Acceleration Of Time? - Alternative View

Climatic Changes On The Planet - A Consequence Of The Acceleration Of Time? - Alternative View

Over the past five years or a little more, on the forums, there has been a frequent and ubiquitous assumption that over time "something is wrong", that it seemed to accelerate. Obviously, this acceleration has been taking place for more than a decade, but this has become especially noticeable recently

Why Is Each New Generation Dumber Than The Previous One? - Alternative View

Why Is Each New Generation Dumber Than The Previous One? - Alternative View

Water fluoridation has been hailed by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as one of the major public health advances of the 20th century, but new research raises questions about the role of fluoride as a potential neurotoxin that damages the brain of a baby right in the womb

The Assassination Of Osama Bin Laden: Why There Are Doubts - Alternative View

The Assassination Of Osama Bin Laden: Why There Are Doubts - Alternative View

The US authorities claim that Osama bin Laden, responsible for the terrorist attack in New York, was killed on May 2, 2011 during the special operation "Spear of Neptune" in the Pakistani city of Abbottabad. However, many doubt the truth of these words

9/11 Was A False Flag To Provoke The US To Wage Wars Against Muslim Countries - Alternative View

9/11 Was A False Flag To Provoke The US To Wage Wars Against Muslim Countries - Alternative View

According to experts, the 9/11 attacks were a false flag carried out by Israeli agents to provoke the US to wage wars against Muslim countries and Israel's opponents

September 11: Terrorist Attack Or Provocation Of Special Services - Alternative View

September 11: Terrorist Attack Or Provocation Of Special Services - Alternative View

9/11 - this is how the catastrophe of September 11, 2001 is called in the American tradition. The largest terrorist attack in history claimed nearly three thousand lives

The Cult Of Vices Is A Tool For Monopolizing Power - Alternative View

The Cult Of Vices Is A Tool For Monopolizing Power - Alternative View

Animal behavior is two-dimensional:1. on the one hand, it is focused on receiving pleasure, mainly of a physiological nature and partly of a psychoemotional one;- Salik.biz2.On the other hand, it is focused on avoiding troubles, mainly pain and partly psycho-emotional

The Era Of Catabolic Capitalism Is Coming - Alternative View

The Era Of Catabolic Capitalism Is Coming - Alternative View

In our time, when the shelf life of modern civilization expires, more and more scientists are turning their attention to the decline and death of civilizations of the past. Their research has spawned competing explanations for why societies collapse and civilizations die

Why Were A Hundred Mentally Ill Brains Stolen From The University Of Texas? - Alternative View

Why Were A Hundred Mentally Ill Brains Stolen From The University Of Texas? - Alternative View

The American scientific community was shocked by the heinous crime committed at the University of Texas. Unidentified attackers kidnapped a hundred human brains stored in glass jars with formalin

Where Did The Thousand Bodies Of Those Killed In The September 11 Terrorist Attack Go? - Alternative View

Where Did The Thousand Bodies Of Those Killed In The September 11 Terrorist Attack Go? - Alternative View

More than 11 years after the catastrophic destruction of the World Trade Center, the New York City government has finally puzzled itself with the question: what could have happened to the 1116 victim who disappeared in it?

Transhumanists From "Neuronet" Attack The Brains Of Schoolchildren - Alternative View

Transhumanists From "Neuronet" Attack The Brains Of Schoolchildren - Alternative View

The younger generation of Russians, and with it their parents, are on the verge of a new big challenge associated with the readiness of transhumanist foresight officers to start an "innovative" experiment in the field of education called "Neuronet"

Drinking Water From Well-known Manufacturers Turned Out To Be Hazardous To Health - Alternative View

Drinking Water From Well-known Manufacturers Turned Out To Be Hazardous To Health - Alternative View

Bottled water sales in Russia are growing every year. Many people buy bottled water not only in hot weather outside, but also for daily use at home. How not to be mistaken with the choice? Roskontrol experts have chosen 12 popular brands of drinking and mineral water for prices ranging from 20 to 150 rubles

&Ldquo; Masks Show &Rdquo; At The CIA Headquarters In Langley. Donald Trump Launched A Purge In America? - Alternative View

&Ldquo; Masks Show &Rdquo; At The CIA Headquarters In Langley. Donald Trump Launched A Purge In America? - Alternative View

As reported by the American radio station Hal Turner Radioshow, late Saturday night, November 18 (US time), the Marine expeditionary unit (MEU) landed at the CIA headquarters in Langley

An Objective Analysis Of The Phenomenon Of QAnon, The Most Mysterious Insider Of The Highest Level - Alternative View

An Objective Analysis Of The Phenomenon Of QAnon, The Most Mysterious Insider Of The Highest Level - Alternative View

Claiming to be a top-level government insider, "Q" posts cryptic messages on 8Chan, revealing the extent of the "Deep State" and stating that it is about to be revealed

Approaching Global Hunger: Blame The &Ldquo; Global Cooling &Rdquo; Or &Ldquo; Weather Wars &Rdquo;? - Alternative View

Approaching Global Hunger: Blame The &Ldquo; Global Cooling &Rdquo; Or &Ldquo; Weather Wars &Rdquo;? - Alternative View

ANP: In this post on May 21 to ITV News titled “ Would you eat insects? Food shortages could make them the future staple of our diet “ we are getting the latest signs of impending problems

The Global Financial Revolution Has Already Happened - Alternative View

The Global Financial Revolution Has Already Happened - Alternative View

Real revolutions are made not in squares, but in the quiet of offices, and therefore no one noticed the World Revolution that took place on March 29, 2019. Only along the periphery of the information field a small wave passed, and the impulse faded away, because the situation was described in terms incomprehensible to the broad masses

Rothschilds - World Rulers. Part One - Alternative View

Rothschilds - World Rulers. Part One - Alternative View

The second part - "Golden Feathers", which at various times described the history of the Rothschild dynasty, as a rule, were, for well-known reasons, complimentary and one-sided. As a rule, they carried out the order

Rothschilds - World Rulers. Part Two - Alternative View

Rothschilds - World Rulers. Part Two - Alternative View

Part One - Recall that Napoleon was ill at Waterloo, the command was taken by Soult - and deliberately lost the battle

Who Benefits From Conspiracy Theories? - Alternative View

Who Benefits From Conspiracy Theories? - Alternative View

The term "conspiracy theory" first appeared in economics literature in the 1920s. In its modern meaning, it began to be used only by the end of the 1960s

Why Kill An Old Traitor Or Conspiracy Theory - Alternative View

Why Kill An Old Traitor Or Conspiracy Theory - Alternative View

I don't know if there will be a war. But judging by the outward signs, "on the other side" such a variant was clearly recognized as quite acceptable. Hence, such a sharp change in our behavior

What Are The Largest Central Banks In The World Hiding? - Alternative View

What Are The Largest Central Banks In The World Hiding? - Alternative View

Having survived the largest collapse since 2008, the American and world indices have been steadily growing for several weeks, and commodity assets are also adding in price

The Rothschilds And The Seizure Of Europe - Alternative View

The Rothschilds And The Seizure Of Europe - Alternative View

At the end of the second book of this series, we observed a very curious event - the queen of the most powerful empire of that period in the history of mankind - Great Britain sent Sir Moses Montefiore to Russia to Nicholas I with her letter of recommendation

Conspiracy Theory. Global Puncture Of The Law Of Universal Gravitation - Alternative View

Conspiracy Theory. Global Puncture Of The Law Of Universal Gravitation - Alternative View

The Earth's surface masses are not uniformly distributed. There are powerful mountain ranges with a rock density of about three tons per cubic meter. There are oceans in which the density of water is only a ton per cubic meter - even at a depth of 11 kilometers

Russia For The Rothschilds - Chance Or Curse? What Is So Attractive For A Family Of Bankers In Our Country - Alternative View

Russia For The Rothschilds - Chance Or Curse? What Is So Attractive For A Family Of Bankers In Our Country - Alternative View

The history of the Rothschild house goes back two and a half centuries. Over this long period, it has become perhaps the most famous banking brand. And also - overgrown with numerous myths

Why Did They Kill Rothschild? - Alternative View

Why Did They Kill Rothschild? - Alternative View

The word `` soft '' was used to describe Amschel Mayer James Rothschild. He was the only son of Victor Rothschild in his second marriage to Theresa Mayer and heir to the Rothschild dynasty after his older half-brother Jacob