Conspiracy theories 2024, September

John F. Kennedy Was Ruined By Interest In UFOs - Alternative View

John F. Kennedy Was Ruined By Interest In UFOs - Alternative View

Not long before the assassination of the American president, he decided to join forces with the USSR and deal with alien visits

The Connection Between The Revolution In Egypt And The Restriction Of Registration In The Social Network "Vkontakte" - Alternative View

The Connection Between The Revolution In Egypt And The Restriction Of Registration In The Social Network "Vkontakte" - Alternative View

The events of recent days have shown the full power of the influence of the Internet on public, mass consciousness, on human minds, moods and ideas

C. Nenner: The US Financial Elite Is Preparing For The Collapse Of Markets And The 3rd World War - Alternative View

C. Nenner: The US Financial Elite Is Preparing For The Collapse Of Markets And The 3rd World War - Alternative View

On March 9, 2011, a real "information bomb" exploded on the American Fox television channel: a well-known predictor of the 2008 global crisis, formerly a leading analyst of one of the most influential financial companies in the world, Goldman Sachs

What Climate Weapons Are Capable Of - Alternative View

What Climate Weapons Are Capable Of - Alternative View

Photo: Fragments of photo reports from the Project Seal, which was an attempt to create a weapon that causes a tsunami

After Being Vaccinated Against Influenza, Children Massively Develop Narcolepsy - Alternative View

After Being Vaccinated Against Influenza, Children Massively Develop Narcolepsy - Alternative View

To date, 12 countries around the world have reported cases of narcolepsy in children to the World Health Organization (WHO) after seasonal influenza vaccination

Will Nanochips Be Implanted Through The Flu Vaccine? - Alternative View

Will Nanochips Be Implanted Through The Flu Vaccine? - Alternative View

The author of the article "Chipping through vaccination" Tatiana Gracheva claims - in the near future, we will face massive chipping with the introduction of special nanopreparations

Presidential Adviser Bushes Assassinated Due To Mass Deaths Of Blackbirds? - Alternative View

Presidential Adviser Bushes Assassinated Due To Mass Deaths Of Blackbirds? - Alternative View

The mysterious death of ex-adviser to American presidents John Wheeler immediately began to grow overgrown with the most implausible rumors

Who Killed Paul's Octopus? - Alternative View

Who Killed Paul's Octopus? - Alternative View

As soon as the body of the world-famous octopus-predictor Paul was tenaciously seized by the tentacles of death, the first conspiracy hypothesis about his death appeared, writes with reference to The Guardian

Strange Characters Found In USCYBERCOM Logo - Alternative View

Strange Characters Found In USCYBERCOM Logo - Alternative View

The emblem itself In the world of deliberately mysterious symbols, which separates itself from the world of the overseas power, another mystery has emerged. The USCYBERCOM emblem has something new and interesting among the traditional symbols

Stalin Died In Tibet? - Alternative View

Stalin Died In Tibet? - Alternative View

Not so long ago, a handwritten medical journal about the last days of Stalin's life was declassified. It was conducted from 2 to 6 March 1953

Birds Were Killed By Tests Of Space Weapons - Alternative View

Birds Were Killed By Tests Of Space Weapons - Alternative View

Scientists link the shooting of Congressman Gabrielle Giffords, who oversaw the military space complex, with a massive sea of birds. Ornithologists around the world cannot figure out the reasons for the massive death of birds

Ali Agja Shot The Pope On The Orders Of The Vatican - Alternative View

Ali Agja Shot The Pope On The Orders Of The Vatican - Alternative View

The Turk who had earlier shot at the Pope claimed that he was connected with some Palestinian groups, and later - that he was hired by the Bulgarian special services

Why Didn't The USSR Expose The American Lunar Conspiracy? - Alternative View

Why Didn't The USSR Expose The American Lunar Conspiracy? - Alternative View

According to the official version, the citizens of the United States have landed on the moon several times, and this official version is supported by all states of the planet, including the support of the Soviet Union, which competed with America in space exploration

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin's Cryptic Tweet - Alternative View

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin's Cryptic Tweet - Alternative View

Buzz Aldrin posted a cryptic tweet. "We are all in danger. It is evil itself." After a while, it was removed, but several people managed to take a screenshot. What do you think Buzz Aldrin wants to say with these words and what he is warning us about

Was The Moon Landing Faked By Stanley Kubrick? - Alternative View

Was The Moon Landing Faked By Stanley Kubrick? - Alternative View

Yournewswire portal. com published a video interview taken with the famous American director Stanley Kubrick 16 years ago by journalist Patrick Murray

Who Killed Stanley Kubrick And Why? - Alternative View

Who Killed Stanley Kubrick And Why? - Alternative View

The ingenious director Stanley Kubrick did not die of a heart attack on March 9, 1999 in his English estate near Hertfordshire, as the official version says

Stanley Kubrick - &Ldquo; Real Eyes Wide Shut &Rdquo; - Alternative View

Stanley Kubrick - &Ldquo; Real Eyes Wide Shut &Rdquo; - Alternative View

Stanley Kubrick's latest film “ Eyes Wide Shut ” before his untimely death, which starred Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman, was perceived by many as a puzzle

How We Are Deceived With Statistics - Alternative View

How We Are Deceived With Statistics - Alternative View

I recently learned from TV that Colgate is the No.1 dentist recommendation in Russia. And this statement is even based on some kind of poll. I took two commercials: the 14th and the 15th year. Both times, the surveys were carried out by marketing companies, but in neither case, I did not find the sources of the research

Cholesterol. The Biggest Scam Of The 20th Century - Alternative View

Cholesterol. The Biggest Scam Of The 20th Century - Alternative View

It was like we had the Great Vitamin Cheating, and now here is another medical theory, which claims that many were mistaken before. Here is what the candidate of medical sciences, doctor O. I. Sineva writes:The famous Viennese surgeon and scientist Theodor Billroth (well-known for his author's operations to remove part of the stomach in case of peptic ulcer disease) asked his students to conduct an interesting experiment

How To Cheat In Canteens, Cafes And Restaurants - Alternative View

How To Cheat In Canteens, Cafes And Restaurants - Alternative View

Bars, cafes, restaurants - places of intimate gatherings, romantic dates and a paradise for rogue waiters, bartenders and chefs. Only here they can earn half of their monthly salary in the evening with the help of sleight of hand and an angelic smile

The Secret Of Bitcoins. The Public Is Being Fed With Lies - Alternative View

The Secret Of Bitcoins. The Public Is Being Fed With Lies - Alternative View

Bitcoin's Value Bitcoin does not have an independent existence like money

"Overton Window" - Alternative View

"Overton Window" - Alternative View

Today's attempts to pass off deviation as a norm, and a vice as a preference, have their goal to make people dumb amoebas. For this, special manipulation technologies are used.- Salik.bizDegradationThe entire modern society, as we are told, in an absolutely natural way accepted homosexuals, their subculture, their right to marry, adopt children and promote their sexual orientation

Trump's "conspiracy Theories": The Head Of The White House Does Not Believe His Predecessors - Alternative View

Trump's "conspiracy Theories": The Head Of The White House Does Not Believe His Predecessors - Alternative View

45th US president may debunk official versions of the moon landing and 9/11

The Ufologist Discovered In The Reflection Of An Astronaut's Helmet On The Moon A Man Without A Spacesuit - Alternative View

The Ufologist Discovered In The Reflection Of An Astronaut's Helmet On The Moon A Man Without A Spacesuit - Alternative View

A virtual ufologist, studying a photo of an astronaut on the moon, which is posted in the archive section on the official NASA website, found a man without a spacesuit in the reflection of his helmet (see video below)

Julian Assange Published A Strange Encryption: Conspiracy Theorists At A Loss - - Alternative View

Julian Assange Published A Strange Encryption: Conspiracy Theorists At A Loss - - Alternative View

Australian Internet journalist Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks and world renowned conspiracy theorist, who has been hiding from the mighty for five years at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, yesterday published on

"It Was Impossible." NASA Was Required To Prove That The Astronauts Had Been To The Moon - Alternative View

"It Was Impossible." NASA Was Required To Prove That The Astronauts Had Been To The Moon - Alternative View

NASA was urged to provide compelling evidence once and for all that the moon landings were real and not a hoax, writes

Wikileaks: The Panama Papers Were Paid For By The United States In Order To Compromise The Russian President - Alternative View

Wikileaks: The Panama Papers Were Paid For By The United States In Order To Compromise The Russian President - Alternative View

The Panamanian offshore revelations that made a big splash all over the world may be part of the information war between the United States and the West against Russia and Vladimir Putin personally Yeah, finally

American Expedition To The Moon And Fomin's Incompetence - Alternative View

American Expedition To The Moon And Fomin's Incompetence - Alternative View

Yuri Alexandrovich Fomin is widely known as a researcher of anomalous phenomena. He is the author of the books Anatomy of Miracles, Encyclopedia of Anomalous Phenomena, The Reality of the Unbelievable

Americans On The Moon - Great Breakout Or Space Scam? - Alternative View

Americans On The Moon - Great Breakout Or Space Scam? - Alternative View

To this day, there are many rumors and gossip about whether the Americans were on the moon. What are they caused by? Rene's statement American engineer Ralph Rene, former member of Mensa, a group of exceptionally intelligent people

Americans Have Not Been To The Moon - Evidence - Alternative View

Americans Have Not Been To The Moon - Evidence - Alternative View

Mysterious Moon - an object worthy of attention in all respects. Back in 1968, NASA published a "chronological" catalog of lunar events, in which the number of lunar phenomena amounted to about 600 names

Wikileaks Leaked New CIA Secrets - Alternative View

Wikileaks Leaked New CIA Secrets - Alternative View

The Central Intelligence Agency's dissatisfaction with the well-known website Wikileaks may have reached an all-time high after the publication of another batch of super-secret documents

Americans On The Moon: Breakthrough Or Scam? - Alternative View

Americans On The Moon: Breakthrough Or Scam? - Alternative View

On July 16, 1969, the American spacecraft Apollo 11 was launched, and on July 21, 1969, the first earthlings walked on the Moon. These pioneers were Apollo 11 members Neil Armstrong and Buzz (Edwin) Aldrin

Not Very Dressed People On The Bills Of Puritan America - Alternative View

Not Very Dressed People On The Bills Of Puritan America - Alternative View

It seems that everyone understands what money is and, of course, everyone from an early age knows how to spend it. This is generally the most pleasant side of them - the ability to exchange for the desired product and service.Regarding the role of money in the economy, its macro and microeconomic aspects, as a certified economist, I can roll such a canvas that my previous notes in which, to get to the meaning, you need to spend 15-20 minutes, will seem like an easy quatrain at

Why Is There Any Doubt That The Americans Were On The Moon? - Alternative View

Why Is There Any Doubt That The Americans Were On The Moon? - Alternative View

On July 21, 1969, American astronaut Neil Amstrong set foot on the moon. However, to this day one can hear the opinion that the American landing on the moon is a great hoax

NASA Has Been Hiding A Terrible Secret Of The Moon For 40 Years - Alternative View

NASA Has Been Hiding A Terrible Secret Of The Moon For 40 Years - Alternative View

More than a dozen years have passed since the moment the American expedition visited the moon. However, since that moment, this flight has been shrouded in mystery, because after such a significant event, only a few photos and scraps of stories were shown

About The Participation Of The USSR In The US Lunar Conspiracy - Alternative View

About The Participation Of The USSR In The US Lunar Conspiracy - Alternative View

Good day, friends. I bring to your attention a very interesting version of why the Soviet Union abandoned the lunar program. An article by a blogger named Sartman. Unfortunately, the full name is unknown. Style and spelling preserved

Where Did The Scientist Disappear To? - Alternative View

Where Did The Scientist Disappear To? - Alternative View

Experts are confident - tampering with history can be pretty rude

Lunar Scam: Lunar Anomalies Or Fake Physics? - Alternative View

Lunar Scam: Lunar Anomalies Or Fake Physics? - Alternative View

The mystery about the reasons for supporting the myth of the conquest of the moon remains a mystery as long as it is considered in isolation from the general context of managing the development of science on Earth

Fake Peppy Astronauts, Or Hollywood From NASA? - Alternative View

Fake Peppy Astronauts, Or Hollywood From NASA? - Alternative View

On November 14, 1969, the Apollo-Saturn-12 spacecraft is launched in the USA. Astronauts C. Conrad, A. Bean and R. Gordon will land on the moon in the Ocean of Storms and stay on the Earth's satellite for 31 hours 31 minutes

The Physicist Warned That The Hurricanes That Hit The United States Were The Work Of The American Government - Alternative View

The Physicist Warned That The Hurricanes That Hit The United States Were The Work Of The American Government - Alternative View

Leading Scientist Michio Kaku told CBS News that the recent hurricanes in the United States are man-made and created by the HAARP installation, reports