Conspiracy theories 2024, September

The Hidden Secrets Of The Rothschilds And Rockefellers - Alternative View

The Hidden Secrets Of The Rothschilds And Rockefellers - Alternative View

In March 2017, at the age of 102, the most famous and richest man in the world died - David Rockefeller. I must admit that the history of this famous dynasty is constantly in the spotlight

Only Four Countries Do Not Have A Rothschild Central Bank - Alternative View

Only Four Countries Do Not Have A Rothschild Central Bank - Alternative View

The Rothschild family slowly but surely established their central banks in every country in the world, giving them an incredible amount of wealth and power

Resistance Has Revealed The Secret Of The Rothschild Empire: The Three True Owners Of The "Crown" - Alternative View

Resistance Has Revealed The Secret Of The Rothschild Empire: The Three True Owners Of The "Crown" - Alternative View

The French site Political Resistance has revealed a previously unknown Rothschild dossier revealing US dependence on the financial center in London, or Crown

How Can The "poor" Rothschilds Rule The World? - Alternative View

How Can The "poor" Rothschilds Rule The World? - Alternative View

Interest in the Rothschild clan has once again intensified in 200 years in connection with the presidential elections in France - after the little-known 39-year-old Emmanuel Macron bypassed all other candidates in the first round of elections, and the French media amicably accepted

Media Power As It Is: Rockefellers, Rothschilds And Morgana - Alternative View

Media Power As It Is: Rockefellers, Rothschilds And Morgana - Alternative View

Only an uneducated person can talk about media independence in the modern world Traditional media are integral components of the corporate West

Conspiracy Theorists About The Death Of The Heir To The Rockefeller Clan - Alternative View

Conspiracy Theorists About The Death Of The Heir To The Rockefeller Clan - Alternative View

Friday 13 June 2014 was truly fatal for one of the richest families in the world. In the morning at the New York airport, the great-grandson of the first dollar billionaire Richard Rockefeller sat at the wheel of the single-engine Piper Meridian

Insider From The Rothschilds: King Mashiach Or Peace In - Alternative View

Insider From The Rothschilds: King Mashiach Or Peace In - Alternative View

Secret calendar In November 2017, the next, 32nd in a row, issue of The Economist magazine from the series "The World in such and such a Year" was released with a forecast of the main world trends for 2018 and a set of multi-colored pictograms to illustrate them

The Owners Of Money: Who Really Controls The World? - Alternative View

The Owners Of Money: Who Really Controls The World? - Alternative View

Not many of the general public know their names, even fewer have seen them in person. They are almost never mentioned in the lists of the richest people simply because their fortunes are impossible to calculate

Blue Ray: A Project To Enslave The Earthlings - Alternative View

Blue Ray: A Project To Enslave The Earthlings - Alternative View

NASL's Blue Beam project is a foundational part of an ambitious plan to capture the world's population

Neuroweapons Of The USA As A Means Of Mass Subordination - Alternative View

Neuroweapons Of The USA As A Means Of Mass Subordination - Alternative View

The offensive capabilities of cyber forces in the United States have been developing for a long time. It has also been no secret for a long time that the Stuxnet virus that attacked Iran's nuclear facilities was a joint product of the US and Israeli special services

An Agency That Doesn't Exist - Alternative View

An Agency That Doesn't Exist - Alternative View

Fort Mead, a closed town, is located about 40 km northeast of Washington, Maryland. Ordinary mortals are strictly forbidden to enter there

The Secret Services Are Involved In Discrediting The UFO Phenomenon - Alternative View

The Secret Services Are Involved In Discrediting The UFO Phenomenon - Alternative View

The US intelligence services have done a tremendous job to discredit the UFO phenomenon and globally distort the information leaked to the media

How To Hide From Special Services - Alternative View

How To Hide From Special Services - Alternative View

Are you being watched by security agencies from all over the world? And the shielding foil cap that protects your brain from the invasion of enemy intelligence super equipment no longer inspires confidence in you? I would like to use something more reliable and modern

The KGB Plan For The Repression Of Soviet Neomystics - Alternative View

The KGB Plan For The Repression Of Soviet Neomystics - Alternative View

In the early 1980s, Fyodor Zhorin became the secretary of the board of the KGB of the USSR. In his ranks, he became famous for the fact that in 1985-86 he proposed to start repressions against yogis, ufologists, Hare Krishnas and other mystics and conspiracy theorists, considering them agents of the CIA

Secret Apocalyptic Hideouts Of The World Elite In The Ocean - Alternative View

Secret Apocalyptic Hideouts Of The World Elite In The Ocean - Alternative View

In 2012-2013, the world elite, according to some researchers, planned to arrange a nuclear cataclysm on our planet

The White House Says There Is A "deep State" - Alternative View

The White House Says There Is A "deep State" - Alternative View

And they are trying to undermine Trump's activities White House spokesman Sean Spicer told reporters that there is a "deep state" in the United States, and it is trying to undermine the activities of the government of President Donald Trump, writes http: // you

Traitors To The Deep State - Alternative View

Traitors To The Deep State - Alternative View

Lucifer's revolution against God and nature The rich and powerful, or rather, the bankers use their power to oppress the weak, and in fact destroy the economy

Nibiru Arrives. The Top Secret Rescue Plans Do Not Apply To Us - Alternative View

Nibiru Arrives. The Top Secret Rescue Plans Do Not Apply To Us - Alternative View

World leaders prepare for the end of the world by building top-secret bunkers for the political elite, says a survival expert - but they won't save any of us

Finally Exposed - 13 Families Who Secretly Rule The World - Alternative View

Finally Exposed - 13 Families Who Secretly Rule The World - Alternative View

Are these people from 13 Illuminati families who secretly influence the media, secretly rule the world behind the curtain? Most Conspiracy theorists have believed this to be true, but let's take a closer look

10 Secret Communities That Affect The World - Alternative View

10 Secret Communities That Affect The World - Alternative View

There are a large number of large organizations in the world, about the type of activity of which most people know practically nothing. And, as we know, everything unknown or known, but not completely, always causes a lot of rumors and conjectures

The Purpose Of The Central Bank Is To Sabotage The Russian Economy - Alternative View

The Purpose Of The Central Bank Is To Sabotage The Russian Economy - Alternative View

The "best" means of combating violations in the activities of banks, the Central Bank chose the termination of their activities by revoking licenses. This conclusion is obvious, since since the beginning of 2014 the Bank of Russia has revoked licenses from 354 banks

Secret Organizations: Is There A World Conspiracy? - Alternative View

Secret Organizations: Is There A World Conspiracy? - Alternative View

For those who are not in the know: there is a theory of a secret world conspiracy, suggesting that through many cunning machinations around the world, a single world government consisting of persons of Jewish nationality will come to power

Dolls And Puppeteer - Alternative View

Dolls And Puppeteer - Alternative View

First of all, a few words about the Alien hypothesis. I do not know how widely known she is, therefore, very briefly, about her

Priory Of Zion - Alternative View

Priory Of Zion - Alternative View

Priory of Zion - it is a secret society that has existed for many centuries. It plays an important role in the plot of Dan Brown's novel The Da Vinci Code. After the murder of Sophie's grandfather, Jacques Saunière, it is revealed that he was the Grand Master of the Priory

In Anticipation Of Brexit 3500, The British Military Hid In An Anti-nuclear Bunker - Alternative View

In Anticipation Of Brexit 3500, The British Military Hid In An Anti-nuclear Bunker - Alternative View

The UK Department of Defense has put a special military team on "very high alert", relocated to an anti-nuclear bomb shelter under the Ministry of Defense

"I Defended Five Human Colonies From Indigenous Martian Life Forms" - Alternative View

"I Defended Five Human Colonies From Indigenous Martian Life Forms" - Alternative View

A certain informant made a statement that he spent almost three years in service in the secret space fleet, writes This fleet is operated by an international organization called the Earth Defense Force

Airliner MH370 Did Not Fall Into The Sea: A New Version Of The Lost Boeing - Alternative View

Airliner MH370 Did Not Fall Into The Sea: A New Version Of The Lost Boeing - Alternative View

According to the new version, within four days after the disappearance of Boeing, the mobile phones of the missing passengers were receiving calls

There Is An International Conspiracy To Reduce The World's Population - Alternative View

There Is An International Conspiracy To Reduce The World's Population - Alternative View

The bishop claims: there is an international conspiracy to reduce the world's population

Liberal Market Economic Model - Bluff To Enslave Idiots - Alternative View

Liberal Market Economic Model - Bluff To Enslave Idiots - Alternative View

Let us recall that one of the guarantees of depriving society of economic sovereignty is the construction of a system of uncontested higher education in the field of sociology, economics and finance based on deliberately inadequate theories

Three Disastrous Ideas Of The Club Of Rome - Alternative View

Three Disastrous Ideas Of The Club Of Rome - Alternative View

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of bringing mines to humanity. Only a few, perhaps, could appreciate the role of the Club of Rome in the fate of the world. Most often they say that the Club of Rome - A think tank that predicts world processes

Climate Change As A Rockefeller Foundation Project: Facts And Evidence - Alternative View

Climate Change As A Rockefeller Foundation Project: Facts And Evidence - Alternative View

Director of the Institute for the Environment and the Legal Field Craig Richardson on the air of The Alex Jones Show spoke about the report entitled "The Rockefeller Path: A Secret Plan for Climate Change", released by the specialists of his organization

Rockefeller - World Director - Alternative View

Rockefeller - World Director - Alternative View

William Rockefeller - imaginary deaf The history of the Rockefeller family - just the same plot for the series. And the first series will begin with William Avery Rockefeller, the founder of family happiness

Federal Reserve - Alternative View

Federal Reserve - Alternative View

Federal Reserve - it is a private bank that prints and sells the US their national currency

Russia And Other Former Post-Soviet Republics Do Not Control Their Central Banks - Alternative View

Russia And Other Former Post-Soviet Republics Do Not Control Their Central Banks - Alternative View

Author - famous Georgian businessman (Bloomberg), traditionalist conservative philanthropist, and activist of traditional family values

Credit Slavery Of The American Dream - Alternative View

Credit Slavery Of The American Dream - Alternative View

Almost all Americans live in debt. Many Americans make purchases on credit, thereby driving themselves into debt.Interlocutors:Victoria Butenko (writer, Voitenkov ( Educational TV).- Salik.bizVictoria Butenko : I noticed one difference in the behavior of Russian people and American citizens, that in Russia, it even happens, you hire a taxi, he drives, takes me in Lexus and says:- That's how hard it is to live, how badly, they have ruined

Planet Earth Is Someone's Property - Alternative View

Planet Earth Is Someone's Property - Alternative View

As sad as it is, planet Earth is someone's property. This property belongs to someone. The owner conducts systematic work on the exploitation of its subsoil and uses his most "advanced" ideas for this (writes the resource "Our Planet")

Moneylenders Bankers Are Turning Russia Into A Country Of Debt Slaves - Alternative View

Moneylenders Bankers Are Turning Russia Into A Country Of Debt Slaves - Alternative View

Social parasites invented usury to turn people into slaves. Now in capitalist Russia the number of lending to the population is growing and at the same time the number of non-payments on loans is growing …- Salik.bizUsurious Russia: Individuals Turn into Debt SlavesCapitalism in Russia, among all its other names, can also be called usurious. T

Biometric Passports: The German Experience - Alternative View

Biometric Passports: The German Experience - Alternative View

In January 2013, biometric documents will appear in Ukraine. In Germany, a biometric passport was introduced in 2005. The DW correspondent tried to find out why in Germany these documents are still the subject of heated discussions

The Central Bank Of The Russian Federation Saw In The Lifestyle Of Young People A Threat To Capitalism - Alternative View

The Central Bank Of The Russian Federation Saw In The Lifestyle Of Young People A Threat To Capitalism - Alternative View

The youth of the Russian Federation understood that it is only necessary to fight for an increase in wages, for an improvement in working and living conditions, and everything else is your freedom, your knowledge, your impressions. In fact, it should be so

The Big Lie About Mortgages: How Bankers Profit From People - Alternative View

The Big Lie About Mortgages: How Bankers Profit From People - Alternative View

Mortgage lending in the world of Russian capitalism is a tool for robbing the people. None of the presidential decrees that set targets for mortgage interest rates have been met.- Salik.bizMortgage: a short historical excursionMortgage lending has been around for a long time