Conspiracy theories 2024, September

Incomes Of Russians Are Falling Because The Rich Are Getting Poorer - Alternative View

Incomes Of Russians Are Falling Because The Rich Are Getting Poorer - Alternative View

This is the explanation given by the Ministry of Economic Development - real incomes of the population fell due to the deterioration in the well-being of wealthy Russians. The less well-to-do strata of the population, on the contrary, had a better situation with real income

The US Army Generates Death Rays - Alternative View

The US Army Generates Death Rays - Alternative View

In the age of drones, stealth aircraft, and microwave cannons, it would seem that no innovation from the military could surprise anyone. But now the US Army has decided to subdue the elements and call for lightning

A New Ice Age Awaits Us And The World Elite Is Already Preparing For It - Alternative View

A New Ice Age Awaits Us And The World Elite Is Already Preparing For It - Alternative View

This is what the Russian scientist Vladimir Polevanov says. An unexpected wave of Arab revolutions inspired by the United States to establish puppet regimes in a dozen countries in the region and urgently privatize the Sahara

Impact On The Subconscious Of An Individual - - Alternative View

Impact On The Subconscious Of An Individual - - Alternative View

In 1993, the famous Siege of Mount Carmel took place in the United States (Siege at Waco, Tragedy at Waco, Events at Waco) - the siege of a ranch belonging to members of the Branch of David religious sect led by David Cornish, 14 km from the city of Waco in Texas by the FB

The Second Law Of Thermodynamics And Pseudoscience - Alternative View

The Second Law Of Thermodynamics And Pseudoscience - Alternative View

With the rapid development of science and technology in the 20th century, public consciousness has changed significantly

Did The Bavarian Illuminati Rule Europe In Secret? - Alternative View

Did The Bavarian Illuminati Rule Europe In Secret? - Alternative View

In the 18th century in Western Europe, one of the most influential and most mysterious conspiratorial organizations was the so-called Bavarian Illuminati Society. He is still legendary

Every Day, As A Discovery Or Reflection On Conspiracy Theory - Alternative View

Every Day, As A Discovery Or Reflection On Conspiracy Theory - Alternative View

Conspiracy theory and reasoning about world government I somehow never attached importance to. But if I am not interested in something, it does not mean that this does not exist in the world

How To Make Biomass Out Of Individuals - Alternative View

How To Make Biomass Out Of Individuals - Alternative View

From the book of the psychoanalyst Bruno Bettelg "The Enlightened Heart"In it, he describes his experience as a prisoner of the Dachau and Buchenwald concentration camps, in which he was in 1938-1939, as well as the experience of other people who faced the system of destruction of human dignity later, when the Nazis "revealed" to their full potential

The US Wants To Ban End-to-end Encryption In Messengers - Alternative View

The US Wants To Ban End-to-end Encryption In Messengers - Alternative View

Remember the noise when the FSB asked Telegram for the decryption keys in the criminal case of several terrorists? Still, they argued that this is sacred and the state is not supposed to know what people are texting about. Then there was an epic with locks, etc

Sheldon's List Riddle: Searching For Aliens Is Life-threatening - Alternative View

Sheldon's List Riddle: Searching For Aliens Is Life-threatening - Alternative View

Earlier we published an article about the mysterious premature deaths of Russian researchers involved in the UFO phenomenon (unidentified flying objects). But this problem concerns not only Russia

Programming Our Consciousness - Alternative View

Programming Our Consciousness - Alternative View

A person does not believe in a wider reality only because he is unable to perceive it

Who Benefits From Hiding The Real History Of Mankind And For What Purpose? - Alternative View

Who Benefits From Hiding The Real History Of Mankind And For What Purpose? - Alternative View

Logically speaking, the first contenders for a conspiracy theory are respected church leaders. It was they who destroyed or hid all ancient knowledge and artifacts that did not fit into their religious beliefs. The church still has a lot of influence these days, so it is in their best interest to hide the real history

Building Secret Tunnels Could Trigger The Eruption Of Yellowstone? - Alternative View

Building Secret Tunnels Could Trigger The Eruption Of Yellowstone? - Alternative View

Dailystar: Construction of a secret tunnel system under the US could cause a devastating eruption of Yellowstone, some experts claim

The Tectonic Plates Of Geopolitics Began Their Movement - Alternative View

The Tectonic Plates Of Geopolitics Began Their Movement - Alternative View

The United States is currently waging an economic war against one-tenth of the world's countries with a combined population of nearly 2 billion and a combined gross domestic product (GDP) of more than $ 15 trillion

Stick The Camera On Your Laptop Now. Believe Me, This Is Not A Joke - Alternative View

Stick The Camera On Your Laptop Now. Believe Me, This Is Not A Joke - Alternative View

Last year, the press received pictures of Mark Zuckerberg's desktop. The main news was the plug on the camera of his laptop - yes, you need one too. And urgently

Who Are You, Mr. Q? - Alternative View

Who Are You, Mr. Q? - Alternative View

On October 28, 2017, someone calling himself "Q" began posting a series of cryptic posts on the 4chan web forum under the politician (pol) subcategory titled "The Calm Before the Storm"

Biometrics - Only The First Stage. Usurers Will Burst Into The Life Of Every Russian - Alternative View

Biometrics - Only The First Stage. Usurers Will Burst Into The Life Of Every Russian - Alternative View

Welcome to Huxley's Brave World: The Banksters Abolish the State.On February 19, a press conference of the main developers, beneficiaries and lobbyists of the unified biometric system (UBS) was held at the press center of the Rossiya Segodnya MIA, into which all Russians will begin to be drawn in some four months

Ten Conspiracy Theories That Became A Fact In - Alternative View

Ten Conspiracy Theories That Became A Fact In - Alternative View

In 2013, Professor Lance Dehaven-Smith, in a peer-reviewed book published by the University of Texas Press, showed that the term "conspiracy theory" was coined by the CIA as a means of undercutting criticism of the Warren Commission's report that

Crusaders Or "Holy Chimera". What Is The Church Hiding? - Alternative View

Crusaders Or "Holy Chimera". What Is The Church Hiding? - Alternative View

The church is a place where gentlemen who have never been to heaven tell tales to those who never get there.G. Mencken.- Salik.bizIn 1998-1999, various media reported about the crimes of the "holy" church. This is participation in the "diamond business" and the prosperity of homosexuality in church circles, and the organization of elite brothels in monasteries, and the laundering of mafia money … But these, if I may say so, are earthly crimes visible to the naked eye. B

An American Who Worked With Deadly Viruses Fell Ill And Mysteriously Disappeared - Alternative View

An American Who Worked With Deadly Viruses Fell Ill And Mysteriously Disappeared - Alternative View

Police in the American city of Atlanta are looking for an employee of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, who went missing about two weeks ago. Reported by CBS News

The US Government Has Long Been Cooperating With Aliens - Alternative View

The US Government Has Long Been Cooperating With Aliens - Alternative View

When you read materials from the foreign press that the US government has been cooperating with aliens for a long time and is building joint military bases, and in confirmation of this, photos of their flying saucers at the bases are provided, more and more surprise grows - how

Is The Film Industry A Weapon Against Society? - Alternative View

Is The Film Industry A Weapon Against Society? - Alternative View

Cinematography in the context of algorithmic warfareA distinctive feature of modern conditions is the presence of a completely new, previously absent environment - cyber environment, virtual reality. Specialists in conducting information and psychological operations in various countries have learned to use this environment for a full-scale impact on the masses

Cinema - It Is Ideology, Not Business - Alternative View

Cinema - It Is Ideology, Not Business - Alternative View

Most people believe that modern cinema is primarily a business. And within the framework of this approach, in their opinion, the task of screenwriters, directors, producers and customers of films is to entertain the audience as best as possible and make a good profit

Changing The Logic Of Social Behavior - Alternative View

Changing The Logic Of Social Behavior - Alternative View

We live in a new time. This is a hackneyed phrase said by many to the point and out of place. There is also a lot of talk about the information explosion, which is believed to have occurred in the late 1970s, after which we live in the so-called information society

Foreign Countries Will Help Us How Russia Is Being Killed - Alternative View

Foreign Countries Will Help Us How Russia Is Being Killed - Alternative View

Abroad will help us. This textbook Bender's dictum may well claim to be considered one of our main national ideas

The CIA Admits: The US Intelligence Agencies Organized Shooting On The Maidan - Alternative View

The CIA Admits: The US Intelligence Agencies Organized Shooting On The Maidan - Alternative View

From time to time, Western officials and politicians, when retiring, experience a strange syndrome: they suddenly change their views and begin to speak the uterus truth, about which they were silent before

Child Programming Is Gaining Momentum - Alternative View

Child Programming Is Gaining Momentum - Alternative View

Letter from the teen's mom:“Many people do not hesitate to buy their children CHILDREN'S CHAMPAGNE soda, in a package copying“adult”champagne. BUT WHY??! What will be the results in the future?- Salik.bizPreviously, soda in champagne bottles stood in the section of soda and juices, although the packaging and serving itself were very indignant.Yeste

5 "lost" Inventions Of N. Tesla, Posing A Danger To The World Elite - Alternative View

5 "lost" Inventions Of N. Tesla, Posing A Danger To The World Elite - Alternative View

Many great inventions are fundamentally transforming the society in which they exist. The people in the ruling elite can gain even more power if they suppress such revolutionary technologies

At The Station In Antarctica, Two Americans Mysteriously Died - - Alternative View

At The Station In Antarctica, Two Americans Mysteriously Died - - Alternative View

At the US-owned McMurdo Antarctic Station, two Americans died in an unsolved incident. This was announced on Thursday by the US National Science Foundation, which is responsible for funding science and technology

Destruction Technology: "Overton Window" - Alternative View

Destruction Technology: "Overton Window" - Alternative View

"All progressive humanity", as we are told, "absolutely naturally accepted" pederasts, their subculture, "the right to marry", adopt children and promote their sexual orientation in schools and kindergartens.The lie about the "natural course of things" was refuted by the American sociologist Joseph Overton, who described the technology of changing the attitude of society to the fundamental issues of morality and ethics

"The Weakness For Conspiracy Is A Kind Of Psychosis" - Alternative View

"The Weakness For Conspiracy Is A Kind Of Psychosis" - Alternative View

People who know "the whole truth" about the Kennedy assassination, UFOs and 9/11, - very interesting object of psychological research

American Truth: Is The USA To Blame For 9/11? - Alternative View

American Truth: Is The USA To Blame For 9/11? - Alternative View

The destruction of the World Trade Center (WTC) towers initially surprised not only ordinary people, but also some experts

History Of "Greater Israel" - False! - Alternative View

History Of "Greater Israel" - False! - Alternative View

In 1999, a large information bomb exploded about Jewish lies

England - The Main Parasite Of The Planet - Alternative View

England - The Main Parasite Of The Planet - Alternative View

England - the classic social parasite England is still a parasite in many of its colonies. This - classic social parasitism. England, as a state, is very primitive. But due to the robbery of colonies, it survives for many centuries

Thousands Of People Can Be Infected With A Dangerous Virus, Experts Warn - Alternative View

Thousands Of People Can Be Infected With A Dangerous Virus, Experts Warn - Alternative View

Officially in 1997, the US Food and Drug Administration recognized the hepatitis G virus as harmless to humans. But recent research suggests otherwise. You can get it through blood

Livestock And Bees Are Dying In Tatarstan. Suspected Radiation - Alternative View

Livestock And Bees Are Dying In Tatarstan. Suspected Radiation - Alternative View

Tatarstan ecologists announced today about the mysterious deaths of animals in the Spassky district of the republic. Version - experiments on gamma irradiation of seeds

Libya: The Next Big War - Alternative View

Libya: The Next Big War - Alternative View

Washington's quest for global hegemony is driving the world towards World War III; in the 1930s, the United States, Britain and the Netherlands paved the way for World War II in the Pacific by conspiring over Japan

A Substance From Cans Contributes To The Degeneration Of Men - Alternative View

A Substance From Cans Contributes To The Degeneration Of Men - Alternative View

The most dangerous substance, bisphenol A, was found in cans for canned food. The study was carried out in the laboratory of analytical ecotoxicology of the Institute of Ecology and Evolution. A. N. Severtsov RAS