Conspiracy theories 2024, September

Celebrity Conspiracy Theories - Alternative View

Celebrity Conspiracy Theories - Alternative View

2Conspiracy theories - one of the favorite amusements of Internet users, in which you can express yourself to the fullest. The conspiracies of the Masons, the curse of the Illuminati and the secret world government - these topics have already exhausted themselves

Roman Law: You Are Dead Until You Declare That You Are Alive - Alternative View

Roman Law: You Are Dead Until You Declare That You Are Alive - Alternative View

We are all under the illusion that all people are equal. In fact, according to generally accepted international standards, all people are classified into certain categories

Secret Agreements With Aliens - Alternative View

Secret Agreements With Aliens - Alternative View

In early 2009, the British magazine "Incounters" published an article by ufologist Richard Lineham about the relationship of the US government with aliens

The President Of The United States Has Met Three Times With Aliens - Alternative View

The President Of The United States Has Met Three Times With Aliens - Alternative View

US President Dwight D. Eisenhower met with aliens at American military bases and mentally communicated with aliens, former Pentagon and US Congress consultant and now British ufologist and writer Timothy Goode told the world in an interview with the TV channel

Why Was The Ancient Knowledge Of Mankind Destroyed? - Alternative View

Why Was The Ancient Knowledge Of Mankind Destroyed? - Alternative View

I began to deal with the mystery of the disappeared ancient libraries after I faced numerous facts of the mysterious disappearance of information from the many books of ancient authors I read

Conspiracy Theorists: The Vatican Is Involved In A Secret Conspiracy To Hide Information About Nibiru - Alternative View

Conspiracy Theorists: The Vatican Is Involved In A Secret Conspiracy To Hide Information About Nibiru - Alternative View

According to the generally accepted theory, the world elite is in a conspiracy, the main goal of which is - preventing the leak of information about the end of the world, which will be caused by Nibiru. 2017, according to futurologists, should be the last in the history of mankind

Kennedy Learned Too Much About UFOs - Alternative View

Kennedy Learned Too Much About UFOs - Alternative View

“US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy worried about UFOs appearing in the skies over the Soviet Union. After all, the Soviets could misinterpret this phenomenon, mistaking it for American aggression and considering that this is some kind of new technology of the States

Why Is The Same Ad Often Repeated? - Alternative View

Why Is The Same Ad Often Repeated? - Alternative View

We are often outraged by the fact that spending our time on television, we often see the same advertisement. It's boring, but we have to watch it. Why, if this or that ad is so irritating, they still keep showing it?When switching TV channels, there is almost never a moment when ads are completely absent on the screen

TOP-5 Incidents, The Events Of Which Scientists Hide From People - Alternative View

TOP-5 Incidents, The Events Of Which Scientists Hide From People - Alternative View

There are many mysteries in the world that scientists simply cannot give a clear answer to. Every day there are hundreds of cataclysms on Earth, which every time more and more surprise the public

The Naked Truth: At Whose Expense Does The West Prosper? - Alternative View

The Naked Truth: At Whose Expense Does The West Prosper? - Alternative View

As is known from the universal law of conservation of energy and the Lomonosov-Lavoisier law, in the physical world, nothing comes from nowhere and disappears into nowhere. Consequently, if the British or, say, Americans live better than others, then this life is necessarily paid for by someone

Secret Games With Earthlings, Or About The "Network" Project - Alternative View

Secret Games With Earthlings, Or About The "Network" Project - Alternative View

After reading this story, you can seriously think about the degree of truthfulness of this story … However, all that has been said is, rather, a documentary truth, in which there is not a drop of fiction or fantasy

Scientist: Dangerous Viruses Are Needed To Sell Expensive Drugs - Alternative View

Scientist: Dangerous Viruses Are Needed To Sell Expensive Drugs - Alternative View

According to a scientist from Irkutsk, the emergence of information about viruses and new diseases that are fatal to humanity is nothing more than a perfectly well-oiled business

Creation Of Epidemics In The USA - Alternative View

Creation Of Epidemics In The USA - Alternative View

To create diseases and then force people to treat these diseases, the medical mafia uses a large arsenal of psychological weapons, which are based on fear

The H7N9 Virus Is A US Biopsychological Weapon? - Alternative View

The H7N9 Virus Is A US Biopsychological Weapon? - Alternative View

A senior military official from China has sparked a storm of emotions among fellow citizens, calling the outbreak of bird flu in China an American conspiracy and downplaying the deaths from the virus

Who Created The AIDS Virus? - Alternative View

Who Created The AIDS Virus? - Alternative View

Several years ago, an article on AIDS was published in the English paranormal journal Steamshovel Press. Author Ken Thomas considers different versions of the origin of this dangerous disease

Scientists Have Informed That NASA Is Hiding From Humanity - Alternative View

Scientists Have Informed That NASA Is Hiding From Humanity - Alternative View

Ufologists emphasized that NASA broadcasts are often strangely interrupted, according to professionals, at these moments agency employees receive secret information that is concealed from the public

Secret World War: Benjamin Fulford's Sensational Conspiracy Theory - Alternative View

Secret World War: Benjamin Fulford's Sensational Conspiracy Theory - Alternative View

Benjamin Fulford is a very famous and popular figure in the conspiracy community. He is a Canadian journalist who has lived in Japan for many years. He worked in Japanese media, then headed the Pacific Bureau of the Forbes publishing house

Generating CO2? Give Two! - Alternative View

Generating CO2? Give Two! - Alternative View

Translation of an American article.Anyone who considers himself a modern "civilized" person must believe in global warming. Its functions also include, to make a martyr's expression at the sight of factories operating on combustible fuel, and spread into a blissful smile next to even the dwarf windmill itself

The Transgenic Corn Approved In Russia Destroys The Liver And Kidneys - Alternative View

The Transgenic Corn Approved In Russia Destroys The Liver And Kidneys - Alternative View

It became clear why Monsanto was hiding the data from the rat studies. Ecologists believe that it is necessary to radically change the system of registration and control of GMOs, which does not guarantee the consumer safety

Alarm Sign: Research Confirms That Human DNA Absorbs GMOs - Alternative View

Alarm Sign: Research Confirms That Human DNA Absorbs GMOs - Alternative View

Scientists have found that the consumption of GMO foods leads to the fact that the genes from these foods enter the bloodstream and are inserted into our DNA

Why It Is Impossible To Survive By Subsistence Farming In Russia! - Alternative View

Why It Is Impossible To Survive By Subsistence Farming In Russia! - Alternative View

Many townspeople mistakenly believe that if something happens, it is possible to leave their old apartment, move to the village and live there as subsistence farming

Monsanto: The Health Of Europeans Under US Control - Alternative View

Monsanto: The Health Of Europeans Under US Control - Alternative View

GMO. Until today, all attempts of this corporation to conquer the European market have been a fiasco, but today the unexpected happened: in Europe they agreed to purchase genetically modified products

GMOs Cause Anemia And Leukemia - Alternative View

GMOs Cause Anemia And Leukemia - Alternative View

Proponents of the introduction of GMOs never tire of arguing that genetic fantasies have nothing to do with negative health effects and cancer in particular. However, there is sufficient reason to doubt this

The Shocking Results Of Feeding Animals With GM Foods - Alternative View

The Shocking Results Of Feeding Animals With GM Foods - Alternative View

The results of these studies were shocking: the sow fed on GMOs weighed, on average, a quarter more than the female in the control group. From a biological and statistical point of view, the discovery was significant

Conspiracy Theory - Conspiracy - Alternative View

Conspiracy Theory - Conspiracy - Alternative View

Speaking about secret societies, one cannot but reveal the concept that is often encountered in this connection - - "Conspiracy theories"

Cyber weapons Against Our Children Or Wake Up At 4-20 - Alternative View

Cyber weapons Against Our Children Or Wake Up At 4-20 - Alternative View

Good day, dear readers. I want to talk to you about a threat that I myself faced not so long ago. My son, who is 11 years old, told me that he had installed the game on his phone, I quote: "The Suicide Game"

Alien Invasions - False Flag Operations - Alternative View

Alien Invasions - False Flag Operations - Alternative View

Jay Weidner's interview with Stephen Greer D.W .: Hello Dr. Greer. Thank you for being with us. I think this will be a real contribution to understanding the knowledge about the incredible that is happening around us. SG: With pleasure. D.V .: Thank you

Why Is The World Not Becoming Multipolar - Alternative View

Why Is The World Not Becoming Multipolar - Alternative View

In Russia, the concept of multipolarity in world politics is most often associated with the figure of Yevgeny Primakov. Indeed, the beginning of the transition to multipolarity was marked back in 1996

Imperial Trouble - Alternative View

Imperial Trouble - Alternative View

Whatever one may say, but the actualization of a serious conversation about the correctness or incorrectness of the entry of the new Russia into world geopolitics cannot be avoided

Why Are Archaeological Finds Classified? - Alternative View

Why Are Archaeological Finds Classified? - Alternative View

Most people are convinced that archeology is one of the most harmless sciences. Lovers of antiquity poke around in the earth, looking for outlandish exhibits, and then exhibit their findings in museums, illustrating the inexorable progress in the evolution of man as a species of living creatures and illustrating the inexorable technological progress

Who Takes Water From Planet Earth And Where? Part 4 - Alternative View

Who Takes Water From Planet Earth And Where? Part 4 - Alternative View

Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - To the water problem in Germany. It seemed to me that the degree of water loss in rivers and lakes in Germany is approximately the same as elsewhere, say, in the same Russia

The SIRIUS Project - Who Is Behind The Scenes? - Alternative View

The SIRIUS Project - Who Is Behind The Scenes? - Alternative View

In 2012, a very unusual film appeared on the network

Zombie Box: Purpose And Description Of Zombie - Alternative View

Zombie Box: Purpose And Description Of Zombie - Alternative View

Zomboyaschik is the popular name for television or television. Has a negative connotation and denotes the numbing effect of television programs used by the authorities or advertisers of goods and services to brainwash the population in order to create a certain public opinion or consumer behavior they need

What Do The Charms Of "Maxim" Hide? - Alternative View

What Do The Charms Of "Maxim" Hide? - Alternative View

On the Maxim website, between narrow ankles, rounded hips and high Persians, a section called "The Immanent Paradigm Maxim" is deeply lost, consisting of five blocks of short thesis articles, which in a concise form reflect the editorial policy of the entire publication - a kind of constitution, according to which the authors verify your texts

L.K. Fionova: “End Of The World - Our Today's Everyday Reality, Created By Our Hands "- Alternative View

L.K. Fionova: “End Of The World - Our Today's Everyday Reality, Created By Our Hands "- Alternative View

Reference: Fionova Lyudmila Kuzminichna was born in Novokuznetsk. In 1966 she graduated from the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys with a degree in physics of metals. In 1972 she defended her Ph.D., and in 1985, her doctoral dissertation

Vaccination Is A Complete Hoax - Alternative View

Vaccination Is A Complete Hoax - Alternative View

NaturalNews provides readers with shocking information, which suggests that health authorities are conducting mass vaccination programs knowing they are ineffective, harmful or life-threatening

Widespread Vaccination As A Harbinger Of A Global Bioterrorism Event - Alternative View

Widespread Vaccination As A Harbinger Of A Global Bioterrorism Event - Alternative View

Activistpost: We all see signs but misinterpret them. What are the signs? California's infamous child vaccination law. Other scandals in other states where similar bills are being considered

Birth Control Vaccines. India's Queue. Do You Think Your Country Is Not On The &Ldquo; Blacklist &Rdquo;? - Alternative View

Birth Control Vaccines. India's Queue. Do You Think Your Country Is Not On The &Ldquo; Blacklist &Rdquo;? - Alternative View

VacTruth: In 2015, after his country was targeted for a tetanus vaccine, a fertility-regulating vaccine containing the hormone HCG, Dr. Wahome Ngare of the Kenya Physicians' Association drew our attention to a document titled

Methods For Reducing The Population Of The Earth. Plans To Destroy Russia - Alternative View

Methods For Reducing The Population Of The Earth. Plans To Destroy Russia - Alternative View

The population on Earth is only growing every year, but does this mean that the world is becoming cramped? Take China, for example. It is the most populated country in the world

Who Chips Humanity? - Alternative View

Who Chips Humanity? - Alternative View

According to data that can be found in the UFO literature, at least 10% of the US population is subject to recurrent abductions by representatives of extraterrestrial intelligence