Secrets of history 2024, October

There Was No Great Extinction - Alternative View

There Was No Great Extinction - Alternative View

Scientists have recently announced that a new mass extinction has begun on Earth: due to human activities, the rate of extinction of vertebrate species has approached the level that was 66 million years ago when the dinosaurs became extinct

They Have Been Misinterpreted For Many Years: 30 Historical Realities That Will Cause Confusion - Alternative View

They Have Been Misinterpreted For Many Years: 30 Historical Realities That Will Cause Confusion - Alternative View

It is often said that history is written by the winners. If we add to this statement the fact that it is often difficult for people to admit their mistakes, then perhaps the interpretation of some events learned in school may not be true

Scientists From Oxford Investigate The Mysterious Hair - Alternative View

Scientists From Oxford Investigate The Mysterious Hair - Alternative View

A group of scientists from Oxford University, which is researching ancient relics from churches in England, studied hair from Romsey Abbey in Hampshire

The Main Mysteries Of Archeology On The Territory Of Russia - Alternative View

The Main Mysteries Of Archeology On The Territory Of Russia - Alternative View

The territory of Russia keeps many secrets. But Siberia is especially rich in riddles - a place where peoples mixed, where huge ancient civilizations arose and disappeared. Where did the sargats disappear

5 Discoveries That Made The Scientific World Ask Even More Questions - Alternative View

5 Discoveries That Made The Scientific World Ask Even More Questions - Alternative View

Sometimes it seems that humanity already knows everything. But it is at such moments that some discoveries occur that can turn our understanding of the world and everything that is in it

Biography Of Baron Wrangel - Alternative View

Biography Of Baron Wrangel - Alternative View

Wrangel Petr Nikolaevich (born August 15 (August 27) 1878 - death April 25, 1928) Baron, Lieutenant General, participant in the Russian-Japanese, World War I and Civil War, commander of the Armed Forces of the South of Russia and the Russian Army

Where Did Friday The 13th Come From? - Alternative View

Where Did Friday The 13th Come From? - Alternative View

That's how Friday the 13th has already passed a couple of days, and I missed it completely. It is generally accepted that on this day one should be especially careful, as failures and troubles lie in wait for a person

Amudarya Treasure - Alternative View

Amudarya Treasure - Alternative View

More than a hundred years ago, at the antique market in the Indian city of Rawalpindi (modern Pakistan), objects that were completely unusual for those places appeared - and ndash; gold and silver coins of the V - III centuries BC

Odysseus Of Siberia - Alternative View

Odysseus Of Siberia - Alternative View

Who Discovered the Bering Strait? Naturally, a Russian navigator of Danish origin Vitus Bering. But, as is the case with many great discoveries, history tends to forget the pioneers

How Was Adultery Punished In Russia? - Alternative View

How Was Adultery Punished In Russia? - Alternative View

“A woman was created for a man, not a man for a woman” - such a postulate was implanted by the Russian Orthodox Church. This gave rise to distrust of both sexes to each other, so marriages were concluded not for love, but at the will of their parents

Mansa Musa Is The Richest Man Of All Times And Peoples - Alternative View

Mansa Musa Is The Richest Man Of All Times And Peoples - Alternative View

While in the XIV century Europe was shaken by internecine wars, attacks by the Turks and the black plague, the Empire of Mali flourished in West Africa. The then ruler of Mansa Musa had a fortune that made him the richest man of all time

Samurai: Debunking The Legend - Alternative View

Samurai: Debunking The Legend - Alternative View

Ideal warriors without fear and reproach, ready to sacrifice their lives every minute for the sake of their master. Philosophers, poets and aesthetes. Noble knights who adore the code of bushido and perform hara-kiri if their honor is tarnished

Boldt Castle On The Hearts Island - Alternative View

Boldt Castle On The Hearts Island - Alternative View

Boldt Castle is located on Heart Island (New York) and is an important tourist attraction in its region. Hart Island - part of Alexandria in Jefferson County, New York

Biography Of Peter Ivanovich Bagration - Alternative View

Biography Of Peter Ivanovich Bagration - Alternative View

Bagration Pyotr Ivanovich (born (exact date of birth unknown) June 29 (July 10) 1765 - death September 12 (24), 1812

Kornilov Revolt - Alternative View

Kornilov Revolt - Alternative View

Kornilov mutiny - armed anti-government protest in Russia in August (September) 1917, with the aim of establishing a military dictatorship

The Origin Of Russia. Several Versions Of - Alternative View

The Origin Of Russia. Several Versions Of - Alternative View

Three brothers Chekh, Lech and Rus went to seek happiness all over the world. - West Slavic legend Legend of the three brothers - a typical patronymic explanation of the origin of peoples, which was widely used by the authors of the Old Testament

Is There Really A "World Russian Conspiracy" - Alternative View

Is There Really A "World Russian Conspiracy" - Alternative View

In 1812, a special falsification appeared in Russia - the so-called "Testament of Peter the Great". The exact source of the origin of this document has not been established

King Hammurabi Laws, Description, History - Alternative View

King Hammurabi Laws, Description, History - Alternative View

Hammurabi - ruled in 1793 BC e. - 1750 BC e. King of Babylon, creator of the code of laws - Hammurabi Codex. How it all began In 1901 - 1902 French scientific expedition conducted excavations in Susa

How Homelessness Was Actually Eliminated In The USSR - Alternative View

How Homelessness Was Actually Eliminated In The USSR - Alternative View

On May 31, 1935, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) "On the elimination of homelessness and neglect of children" was issued. Everything looked smooth on paper. But in reality

End Of The World And Deer Hunters - Alternative View

End Of The World And Deer Hunters - Alternative View

It just so happened on Earth that 80 percent of people, even if they don't really know anything about this or that phenomenon, but they judge it with confidence and even … are afraid of it

The Death Of Port Royal - Alternative View

The Death Of Port Royal - Alternative View

Sodom was not the only city that disappeared into the bowels of the earth. Three thousand years later, a similar fate befell the pirate Babylon - the city of Port Royal in Jamaica. It was the famous residence of the famous pirate Henry Morgan

Tisul Princess - Unsolved Mystery Of The 70s - Alternative View

Tisul Princess - Unsolved Mystery Of The 70s - Alternative View

The story of the Tisul princess raises more questions than answers. The mysterious find could turn traditional ideas about the origin of man. But until it was presented to the public for judgment, then everyone decides for himself: to believe or not

Horde Yoke: Truth Or Fiction? - Alternative View

Horde Yoke: Truth Or Fiction? - Alternative View

Recently, historians are increasingly asking the question: was there really a Mongol-Tatar yoke? Indeed, the Russian lands lived under the rule of the Horde for 240 years, but for some reason no one spoke about any yoke at that time

Who Was Hitler? - Alternative View

Who Was Hitler? - Alternative View

Hitler: a shaman, a schizophrenic, a medium? Hitler and the occult Hundreds of biographies of Adolf Hitler have been written, many historians were involved in his fate, and yet Hitler's life path keeps many secrets. Example? You are welcome

Lovers Of Valdaro - Alternative View

Lovers Of Valdaro - Alternative View

"Lovers of Valdaro" - two human skeletons that were found in 2007 in a Neolithic burial in Italy. Apparently, these two died, looking into each other's eyes and squeezing each other in a love embrace

"Komsomol Members" Against Brezhnev - Alternative View

"Komsomol Members" Against Brezhnev - Alternative View

The initiators of the removal of Khrushchev from power were a group of young leaders who earned the nickname "Komsomol members" from more experienced party comrades

The Secret Of The Treasure Of The Terrible Ruler Of Turan - Alternative View

The Secret Of The Treasure Of The Terrible Ruler Of Turan - Alternative View

Once again I am convinced: how harmful it is to read books. You live like everyone else, you don’t think anything like that, and suddenly something like that from a monograph will fall on you, here and you lose sleep

A Huge Soviet Crescent Moon In The Sky - Alternative View

A Huge Soviet Crescent Moon In The Sky - Alternative View

The Mystery of the Cold War Since March 1967, when the space age was not even ten years old, fans of gazing at the sky from Ukraine to the Caucasus Mountains have repeatedly witnessed a vivid spectacle

12 Photos With A Creepy Story - Alternative View

12 Photos With A Creepy Story - Alternative View

We present to you 12 unique photographs that have, perhaps, only one thing in common: behind them there are tragic, and sometimes just chilling stories

The Bloody Battles Of The Ice Crusade - Alternative View

The Bloody Battles Of The Ice Crusade - Alternative View

March 15 - March 17, 1918 The Volunteer Army defeated the Red troops at the Vyselki stations and Korenovskaya during a bloody battle

Blockade Of Leningrad, Children Of The Blockade. History Of The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View

Blockade Of Leningrad, Children Of The Blockade. History Of The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View

Blockade of Leningrad, children of the blockade … Everyone heard these words. One of the most majestic and at the same time tragic pages in the archives of the Great Patriotic War

Damned Treasures Of The Nazis - Alternative View

Damned Treasures Of The Nazis - Alternative View

In the victorious 1945, the allies of the anti-Hitler coalition managed to find at the bottom of the Alt-Aussee salt mine a huge cache of valuables worth about 100 billion Reichsmarks

7 Scientific Attempts To Solve The Mystery Of The Turin Shroud - Alternative View

7 Scientific Attempts To Solve The Mystery Of The Turin Shroud - Alternative View

One of the most mysterious religious relics - Shroud of Turin - since its inception, haunts scientists

Princess Eboli: The Intrigues Of The One-Eyed Beauty - Alternative View

Princess Eboli: The Intrigues Of The One-Eyed Beauty - Alternative View

Spain of the 16th century kept women in strictness: the daughters of the best aristocratic families for decades did not leave their palace chambers, their lot was frequent childbirth, prayers in house chapels and household management

A Missed Breakout - Alternative View

A Missed Breakout - Alternative View

Russia passed to capitalism with great losses. But this could have been avoided. For example, follow the path of the same China, which has managed to maintain the world's most dynamic economy

The Same Nimrod - Alternative View

The Same Nimrod - Alternative View

For modern man, the name Nimrod (or Nemvrod) does not mean anything

Wild Field In The History Of Russia - Alternative View

Wild Field In The History Of Russia - Alternative View

It is known that in Russia there was no division, typical for multinational Western empires, into a metropolis (nation state) and a colonial periphery as a donor

What Did The Ancestors Mean By The Phrase "I'm Going To You" - Alternative View

What Did The Ancestors Mean By The Phrase "I'm Going To You" - Alternative View

I'm going to "you" - the legendary expression of the famous commander of Ancient Russia, the Grand Duke of Kiev Svetoslav I Igorevich. "You" - The ancient Aryans are credited with the meaning of this word as "darkness". Hence the concept of "alas" ("in the dark"). Wed

"Convincing" Cartography - Alternative View

"Convincing" Cartography - Alternative View

Imagine a map of the USSR, all dotted with concentration camps - with locations and compelling excerpts from documents "original Soviet documents and written statements from former prisoners"

Palace Of Soviets: What Prevented The Construction Of The Most Grandiose Building In The World - Alternative View

Palace Of Soviets: What Prevented The Construction Of The Most Grandiose Building In The World - Alternative View

On December 30, 1922, at the first Congress of Soviets, the creation of the USSR was proclaimed. Then S.M. Kirov put forward an ambitious idea - build the Palace of Soviets, which would become a symbol of the country. However, the implementation of the idea began only in 1931