Secrets of history 2024, October

10 Little-known Facts About Crimea - Alternative View

10 Little-known Facts About Crimea - Alternative View

Homer, "Odyssey": "There is a sad region of Cimmerians, Covered with eternally wet fog and mist of clouds; Never shows the eyes of people the face of radiant Helios …" The Greeks called the Northern Black Sea region Cimmeria, including the Crimea

The Main Mysteries Of The Crimea - Alternative View

The Main Mysteries Of The Crimea - Alternative View

Crimea has always been a cauldron of peoples, where the fate of peoples and entire states was decided. The ancient and modern history of the peninsula keeps many mysteries, some of which we still have to solve

What You Need To Know About The Crimean Goths - Alternative View

What You Need To Know About The Crimean Goths - Alternative View

The Crimean Goths are one of the most mysterious peoples in history. Having lived for almost a millennium in Crimea, they disappeared without a trace in the 17th century - after the conquest of the peninsula by the Ottoman Turks

Medieval Crimea. Principality Theodoro - Alternative View

Medieval Crimea. Principality Theodoro - Alternative View

The description of the cave cities appeared in the writings of the first Russian travelers, who found the ancient cities and settlements already dead, their ground buildings by that time were erased by time

Finds Of Archaeologists Who Changed The World View - Alternative View

Finds Of Archaeologists Who Changed The World View - Alternative View

Napoleon argued that whoever knows history knows the future. The great emperor was really right: our past, in fact, largely determines the vector of development

How In Russia They Fought With The Demon Of Fornication - Alternative View

How In Russia They Fought With The Demon Of Fornication - Alternative View

Foreigners testified that fornication and adultery in Russia was in abundance. Of course, both the church and secular authorities tried to fight this. However, the temptations of lust were often stronger than any prohibitions

Alexander Menshikov: “semi-sovereign Ruler” Of Russia - Alternative View

Alexander Menshikov: “semi-sovereign Ruler” Of Russia - Alternative View

290 years ago, on September 19, 1727, the young Tsar Peter II signed a decree on the exile and deprivation of all ranks of Prince Alexander Menshikov. Almighty favorite Alexander Danilovich, thanks to his talents, rose to prominence under Tsar Peter the Great

The Main Facts About The Russian People - Alternative View

The Main Facts About The Russian People - Alternative View

Alexander Suvorov wrote: “We are Russians! What a delight! " Let's agree with the great commander and remember 50 facts about the Russian people. 1. Koreans in the USSR called the Russians "Maoz", which translates as "bearded man". 2

The Main Battle Of Victory - Alternative View

The Main Battle Of Victory - Alternative View

A new understanding of the content of a 14-month positional battle in the central sector of the Soviet-German front is presented as a strategy of tying up large German forces with the threat of intercepting communications and forcing them to bear heavy losses in counterattacks in order to prevent these threats

The Real Story Of Santa Claus - Alternative View

The Real Story Of Santa Claus - Alternative View

YOU MUST RETURN SANTA HRYAKUS. - What for? For the sake of peace, goodwill and the ringing of magic bells? Yes, no one cares! He's just an old fat clown who makes people have fun in fear

The World's First - Alternative View

The World's First - Alternative View

The Soviet Union has many recognizable symbols throughout the world - from traditional and already boring nesting dolls, samovars and earflaps to the monument "Worker and Collective Farm Woman"

Square Coins - Alternative View

Square Coins - Alternative View

We are accustomed to the fact that metal money should be round. However, there was a time when unusual coins were minted in Russia - square

Money - Their Origin And Use - Alternative View

Money - Their Origin And Use - Alternative View

It cost only 24 dollars in recalculation, but it was not paid in money in the form of coins or paper money, as we know them today. The sale dealt with the island of Manhattan (New York), which today is worth countless millions of dollars

Who Drew The Money Of The USSR - Alternative View

Who Drew The Money Of The USSR - Alternative View

Every person who lived in the USSR was daily faced with the results of the special creativity of this artist, but few know his name. He is the author of almost all banknotes of that period

The Beatles - Special Services Project? - Alternative View

The Beatles - Special Services Project? - Alternative View

At the end of 2010, the President of the United States awarded Paul McCartney the John F Kennedy Center for the Arts Prize for his contribution to the development of American culture. The reader will learn a little later about why we took the name of the legendary Beatle in quotation marks

The Secret Of The Vladimir Principality - Alternative View

The Secret Of The Vladimir Principality - Alternative View

"Contemporary historical literature - especially its "serious", academic part - strikes the unbiased reader with a strange combination of factual completeness, thoroughness and meticulousness with an amazing conceptual helplessness, a peculiar

Detachment 731: White-Coated Tormentors - Alternative View

Detachment 731: White-Coated Tormentors - Alternative View

When talking about the horrors of World War II, they most often mean German concentration camps. But even there there were no atrocities for which one of the divisions of the Japanese army, known as Detachment 731, became famous

The Great And Noble Impostor - Alternative View

The Great And Noble Impostor - Alternative View

People do not become swindlers, they are born that way. True, not all of them embark on a criminal path, many successfully use their abilities in business or simply in love affairs, but often they turn out to be inveterate scammers

Why Did Sultan Jalal Ad-Din Ordered To Drown His Entire Harem In The River? - Alternative View

Why Did Sultan Jalal Ad-Din Ordered To Drown His Entire Harem In The River? - Alternative View

Before starting the story, it is worth dedicating a couple of words to the personality of our hero - Khorezmshah Jelal-ad-Din Menguberti, the last ruler of a nonexistent state, the son of a man who had everything and died with nothing, the enemy of the Mongols number 1, the prince who

Chemise Of Letters - Alternative View

Chemise Of Letters - Alternative View

The first envelope, which included postage, was issued in England at the same time as the first stamp in 1840. The allegorical design on the envelope depicted a woman who represented Britain, who sent messages to all parts of the world

Ramon Mercader: Hero Of The Soviet Ice Ax - Alternative View

Ramon Mercader: Hero Of The Soviet Ice Ax - Alternative View

This hero would probably never have become the owner of the highest insignia of the USSR if fate had not brought him together with another hero - - Lev Davidovich Trotsky

Secret Office - Founded By Peter I - Alternative View

Secret Office - Founded By Peter I - Alternative View

300 years ago, the Secret Office was created, a special service dealing with the country's internal security. Modern Russian state security institutions originate from her and the Preobrazhensky order

The Lost Battle - Alternative View

The Lost Battle - Alternative View

In December 1937, China was at war with Japan for six months

Flying Coffin Of Mohammed - Alternative View

Flying Coffin Of Mohammed - Alternative View

In the Middle Ages, Europeans believed that the coffin with the body of the Prophet Mohammed (Muhammad) hovers, held by magnets, in the middle of Mecca

Scientists Have Described The Evolution Of Art In The Paleolithic - Alternative View

Scientists Have Described The Evolution Of Art In The Paleolithic - Alternative View

For the first time, Spanish scholars analyzed primitive art in terms of location and era. The results of the work were published in the journal L ' Anthropologie

Uncle Tom's Cabin - Alternative View

Uncle Tom's Cabin - Alternative View

Each book - its own destiny. Some remain hidden in the desks of their authors, others are gathering dust on the bookshelves, and still others - and ndash; drive readers crazy

Mysteries Of History: Avar And Turkic Kaganates - Alternative View

Mysteries Of History: Avar And Turkic Kaganates - Alternative View

In the VI century. from the fragments of various tribes in Altai, a new people was formed - Turks. They were skilled metallurgists, created magnificent cavalry in armor of steel plates, armed with long sabers and spears

The First Explosions In The Soviet Capital - Alternative View

The First Explosions In The Soviet Capital - Alternative View

On January 8, 1977, terrorist attacks took place in the Soviet capital for the first time since pre-revolutionary times. With an interval of thirty-odd minutes in the very center of Moscow, three explosions were heard one after another, claiming the lives of seven people. Suffered about 40

Grandma, Tell Us How You Lived Before The Revolution? - Alternative View

Grandma, Tell Us How You Lived Before The Revolution? - Alternative View

I, a young Soviet schoolgirl, addressed this question to my granny in 1975. It was a school assignment: to ask your relatives about their difficult life under the king and to compose a story

Lena Shooting - Alternative View

Lena Shooting - Alternative View

On April 17, 1912, a demonstration of workers protesting against harsh living conditions was shot by government troops in the Lena mines

5 Greatest Rulers - Alternative View

5 Greatest Rulers - Alternative View

Traditionally it is believed that the power of - male occupation. However, history has repeatedly refuted this statement. There are plenty of examples when female hands confidently coped with the reins of government of the world's greatest empires

Abused Virtue - Alternative View

Abused Virtue - Alternative View

Written sources of the XI-XII centuries are full of names of participants in the tumultuous events of the history of medieval Russia and Western Europe. Not only outstanding princes, but also many boyars and princesses left their memory

The Most Accurate Optics In Ancient Times Is Not A Fantasy - Alternative View

The Most Accurate Optics In Ancient Times Is Not A Fantasy - Alternative View

Five years ago, our newspaper talked with the unique ophthalmologist Elnar Mammadovich Akhmedov. In his work, Elnar Akhmedov is guided not only by the latest achievements in the field of medicine, but often refers to the experience of the ancients

Salyut-7: Details Of A Classified Emergency In Space - Alternative View

Salyut-7: Details Of A Classified Emergency In Space - Alternative View

On February 11, 1985, there was a big and then, naturally, classified emergency at the Salyut-7 station. Astronauts Dzhanibekov and Savinykh received the Stars of Heroes for their flight, but in reality it was extraordinary. So what was this emergency?

Mysterious USSR: Bases For UFOs And Creepy Laboratories - Alternative View

Mysterious USSR: Bases For UFOs And Creepy Laboratories - Alternative View

A Soviet laser cannon damaged the American shuttle, and the development of bacteriological weapons led to the creation of a zombie virus. Conspiracy theorists constantly talk about secret objects

The Language Of Angels - Alternative View

The Language Of Angels - Alternative View

In 1581, occultists John Dee and Edward Kelly announced that they had received a message from the angels in which they presented them with the basics of language with which to communicate "with the other side."

More Than 2000 Years Ago, People Knew That The Earth Is Round - Alternative View

More Than 2000 Years Ago, People Knew That The Earth Is Round - Alternative View

Long before the sailors made their first round the world voyages, long before religious bonfires and executions, the ancient Greeks were convinced that the Earth was not only round, but also revolved around the sun and its axis

General Alekseev Mikhail Vasilievich - Alternative View

General Alekseev Mikhail Vasilievich - Alternative View

Alekseev Mikhail Vasilievich (born 3 (15) November 1857 - death on September 25 (8 October) 1918) - Russian General of Infantry (1914), Adjutant General (1916)

Fritz Kolbe Against Hitler - Alternative View

Fritz Kolbe Against Hitler - Alternative View

By the nature of his duties, he kept in touch with the High Command of the Wehrmacht and was considered one of the most influential and well-informed employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Psychic Attack: How It Works - Alternative View

Psychic Attack: How It Works - Alternative View

The psychic attack can be different. Sometimes she brings a truce, but more often she multiplies the victims. Used since ancient times, this technique still exists today. "Attack of the Dead" is one thing