Secrets of history 2024, October

Janissaries: Scimitar And Crescent - Alternative View

Janissaries: Scimitar And Crescent - Alternative View

Each of our readers has probably heard about the spiritual knightly orders of the West. But the information that similar structures existed in the East will be a revelation for many

Achievements Of Pre-Christian Russia - Alternative View

Achievements Of Pre-Christian Russia - Alternative View

Many followers of the Christian faith argue that before the baptism of Russia, our ancestors did not have and did not know how to do anything, and only with the advent of Christianity did the rise of the Russian people begin, let's see if it really was so

5 Battles That Changed The Course Of World War II - Alternative View

5 Battles That Changed The Course Of World War II - Alternative View

The Second World War was fought on the territory of 40 countries, 72 states took part in it. In 1941 Germany had the strongest army in the world, but several crucial battles led the Third Reich to defeat

List Of Hitler's Personal Enemies: Who Was It? - Alternative View

List Of Hitler's Personal Enemies: Who Was It? - Alternative View

In May 1945, many important documents were found in the bunker of Adolf Hitler, which helped to shed light on many events of the Second World War

To The 80th Anniversary Of Iraqi Leader Saddam Hussein - Alternative View

To The 80th Anniversary Of Iraqi Leader Saddam Hussein - Alternative View

80 years ago, on April 28, 1937, Saddam Hussein was born - Iraqi statesman and politician, President of Iraq (1979-2003)

Drinking Gold - Alternative View

Drinking Gold - Alternative View

Centuries ago, alchemists seriously argued that gold, crushed to a state of powder, added to drink, can not only prolong a person's youth, but also restore youth to deep old people

Biography Of Vasily Stalin - Alternative View

Biography Of Vasily Stalin - Alternative View

Stalin (Dzhugashvili) Vasily Iosifovich (born March 24, 1920 - death March 19, 1962) - military pilot, general - Air Force lieutenant, youngest son of I.V. Stalin. Early years. Study At the age of 11, Vasily was left without a mother. For and

"A Revolution Cannot Be Made Without Shooting!" - Alternative View

"A Revolution Cannot Be Made Without Shooting!" - Alternative View

50 years ago, Ernesto (Che) Guevara was executed - Latin American and Cuban revolutionary. We will tell you about the life, aspirations and death of the legendary commandant below

Vasily Shuisky. Biography. Governing Body. Time Of Troubles - Alternative View

Vasily Shuisky. Biography. Governing Body. Time Of Troubles - Alternative View

Vasily Ivanovich Shuisky (born 1552 - death 12 (22) September 1612) - Russian tsar from 1606 to 1610 (Vasily IV Ioannovich). From the princely family of Shuisky. The last of the Rurik family on the Russian throne

Biography Of Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev - Alternative View

Biography Of Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev - Alternative View

Chapaev Vasily Ivanovich (born January 28 (February 9) 1887 - September 5, 1919) - Soviet military leader, prominent participant in the Civil War

Biography Of Prince Vladimir Monomakh - Alternative View

Biography Of Prince Vladimir Monomakh - Alternative View

Vladimir Monomakh (born May 26, 1053 - died May 19, 1125) General and statesman of Ancient Russia, Prince of Smolensk (from 1067), Chernigov (from 1078), Pereyaslavl (from 1093), Grand Duke of Kiev (from 1113)

Biography Of Adolf Hitler - Alternative View

Biography Of Adolf Hitler - Alternative View

Adolf Hitler (born 1889 - died 1945) Head of the German fascist state, Nazi criminal

Alexander Danilovich Menshikov. Out Of The Mud - To Riches - Alternative View

Alexander Danilovich Menshikov. Out Of The Mud - To Riches - Alternative View

"… Happiness darling, rootless, half-sovereign …" A.S. There are plenty of examples in world history of how a shepherdess or a swineherd become, if not tsars, then in fact the first people of the state

Biography Of Prince Grigory Potemkin - Alternative View

Biography Of Prince Grigory Potemkin - Alternative View

His Serene Highness Potemkin Grigory Alexandrovich (born September 13 (24), 1739 - death on October 5 (16), 1791) - famous statesman and military leader of the time of Catherine II the Great

Biography Of King Richard III Of England - Alternative View

Biography Of King Richard III Of England - Alternative View

Richard III (born October 2, 1452 - death August 22, 1485) King of England from June 26, 1483 to August 22, 1485

The Life Story Of Elizabeth I Tudor - Alternative View

The Life Story Of Elizabeth I Tudor - Alternative View

Elizabeth I Tudor (born September 7, 1533 - d. March 24, 1603) Queen of England, last of the Tudor dynasty

The Life Story Of Fanny Efimovna Kaplan - Alternative View

The Life Story Of Fanny Efimovna Kaplan - Alternative View

Fanny Kaplan, or rather Feiga Haimovna Roydman (this is her real name), was born in 1890 in the Volyn province. She will become Fanny Kaplan only 16 years later, when, upon arrest, the police find her with a fake passport in this name

Gabrielle (Coco) Chanel (Coco Chanel). Biography, Quotes - Alternative View

Gabrielle (Coco) Chanel (Coco Chanel). Biography, Quotes - Alternative View

I do not care what you think of me. I do not think about you at all. - Coco Chanel Gabriel Boner (Coco) Chanel - born August 19, 1883, died January 10, 1971 (87 years old)

How Che Guevara Was Defeated. Half A Century After The Death Of - Alternative View

How Che Guevara Was Defeated. Half A Century After The Death Of - Alternative View

Last week marks the fiftyth anniversary of the death of Ernesto Che Guevara. Rather, fifty years from the date of his assassination by vengeful and, admittedly, rather cowardly performers hired by the CIA

Two-faced Herod The Great - Alternative View

Two-faced Herod The Great - Alternative View

According to Jewish tradition, King Herod - usurper who overthrew the Hasmonean dynasty and ruled the province of Judea for thirty-three years

Four Myths About Baron Ungern - Alternative View

Four Myths About Baron Ungern - Alternative View

His ancestors took part in the crusades, one of the Ungerns fell at the walls of Jerusalem under the banner of Richard the Lionheart, and eleven-year-old Ralph Ungern died in the tragically ended children's crusade

Where Is Seraphim Of Sarov Buried? - Alternative View

Where Is Seraphim Of Sarov Buried? - Alternative View

The Church in Russia has existed for about a thousand years. Of course, many people have been canonized during this time. These are, indeed, people with an "angelic" character: they will always help, shelter and feed

In The Wake Of The Moscow Meteorite - Alternative View

In The Wake Of The Moscow Meteorite - Alternative View

For more than a hundred years, researchers have been fighting the mystery of the Tunguska explosion

Why Did The British Continue To Believe In Witches Until The End Of The 19th Century - Alternative View

Why Did The British Continue To Believe In Witches Until The End Of The 19th Century - Alternative View

The idea that a person can be harmed through witchcraft existed in many countries. Local cultures had beliefs associated with otherworldly ways of influencing people

Battles In The Sky - Alternative View

Battles In The Sky - Alternative View

Fighting armies, cavalcades of knights on white horses, unknown ancient cities surrounded by fortress walls, distant tropical islands with palm trees, water spaces with ships and seagulls - all these paintings have periodically appeared for more than one century

Treasures Of The Pechersk Monastery - Alternative View

Treasures Of The Pechersk Monastery - Alternative View

Kiev-Pechersk Lavra is one of the oldest monasteries in the world. For centuries, legends have been made about him. But the most mysterious of them is about the cursed treasure of the black prince Mafava, which to this day does not give rest to treasure hunters

Secrets And Legends Of Baikonur - Alternative View

Secrets And Legends Of Baikonur - Alternative View

Even in such a high-tech industry as space exploration, one cannot do without signs and superstitions, for which the history of Baikonur is very generous. the cosmodrome from which the first

A Hundred Years Ago, Russia Switched To A New Calendar - Alternative View

A Hundred Years Ago, Russia Switched To A New Calendar - Alternative View

Can two weeks completely disappear from a person's life? Of course, if, for example, he was seriously ill, he was unconscious. But in 1918, two weeks fell from the life of a huge country - Of Russia

Sworn To The Darkness. And The Caves Have Eyes - Alternative View

Sworn To The Darkness. And The Caves Have Eyes - Alternative View

The title would be suitable for a film about one of the most hideous murderers in Scotland's history, Alexander Sawney Bean. Together with his clan, this criminal sent more than a thousand people to the next world

What Is The Golden Bull? - Alternative View

What Is The Golden Bull? - Alternative View

Gold bull of 1356 - legislative act passed by the Imperial Diet of the "Holy Roman Empire" and approved by Emperor Charles IV

Cancer Alexander Nevsky - Alternative View

Cancer Alexander Nevsky - Alternative View

The new capital of the Russian state, the construction of which was started on the banks of the Neva by Peter I, required its own holy - patron of the city

Cosmonaut Lyudmila, Who Burned Down In Orbit On May 17, 1961 - Alternative View

Cosmonaut Lyudmila, Who Burned Down In Orbit On May 17, 1961 - Alternative View

The history of space exploration is replete with legends and myths. All these stories are capable of causing, at the same time, horror and admiration. They have long been part of our great history

The Lykovs - Alternative View

The Lykovs - Alternative View

In 1978, Soviet geologists in the remote Siberian taiga on the territory of the Khakass Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic found the Lykov family of Old Believers, who lived as hermits for over 40 years

The Theory Of Settling America Was Again Refuted - Alternative View

The Theory Of Settling America Was Again Refuted - Alternative View

The first people lived in the territory of modern Chile and Argentina 16 thousand years ago, which refutes the popular hypothesis of the settlement of America

The Uprising That Shook The World - Alternative View

The Uprising That Shook The World - Alternative View

History does not move in a straight line. I do not argue, this saying has become a cliché. However, it does

Was The Marquis De Sade A Sadist - Alternative View

Was The Marquis De Sade A Sadist - Alternative View

The answer to this question is not as obvious as it seems at first glance. Donatien Alphonse François de Sade (1740-1814) belonged to the French aristocracy. His father was viceroy in the provinces of Bresse, Buge, Valrome and Same

Why Is It Impossible To Conquer Russia - Alternative View

Why Is It Impossible To Conquer Russia - Alternative View

Bismarck believed that the Russians could not be defeated. Attempts at military expansion of our country were made more than once, but ended in the same thing - the defeat of the aggressor

Blood On The Foundations - Alternative View

Blood On The Foundations - Alternative View

Construction at all times has been inextricably linked with life and death. In a sense, Europe is like a huge cemetery: most castles, bridges and other fundamental buildings are watered with the blood of builders, and sometimes ritual victims

The Most Heinous CIA Operations - Alternative View

The Most Heinous CIA Operations - Alternative View

Founded in 1947, the US Central Intelligence Agency was created as an organization dedicated to the search and punishment of Nazi fugitive criminals

Courtyard Of Miracles (La Cour Des Miracles) - Alternative View

Courtyard Of Miracles (La Cour Des Miracles) - Alternative View

Personally, I remember that from Angelica.The poor and homeless of Paris during the reign of King Louis XIV, from 1654 to 1715, lived in a terrible slum in the city center, where the unemployed and disadvantaged survived by begging, theft and robbery