Secrets of history 2024, October

Kala Koreish. An Abandoned Village Full Of Secrets - Alternative View

Kala Koreish. An Abandoned Village Full Of Secrets - Alternative View

Kala-Koreish - Dagestan Atlantis, which did not go under water, but on the contrary, ascended high above the world, reliably sheltered from prying eyes by mountain passes

The Prototypes Of Santa Claus - Alternative View

The Prototypes Of Santa Claus - Alternative View

"Hello Dedushka Moroz. Have you brought us presents? " Of course, good Santa Claus will not leave children without gifts. But this is now, and once, a long time ago

The Battle That Changed The Future. Part One - Alternative View

The Battle That Changed The Future. Part One - Alternative View

Part Two - I When Frederick II, later called the Great, ascended the Prussian throne in 1740, the state he inherited was territorially and in terms of population slightly larger than Portugal

5 Texts In Which God Knows What Is Written - Alternative View

5 Texts In Which God Knows What Is Written - Alternative View

Amazingly, there are still texts in world history that cannot be read. Hundreds of cryptographers, linguists, mathematicians have made efforts to decipher them, but all in vain. The mystery remains unsolved

Descendants Of The Third Son - Alternative View

Descendants Of The Third Son - Alternative View

In the first centuries of Christianity, several communities of believers formed on the territory of Egypt, who called themselves Gnostics, and the official church - heretics. Their writings were mercilessly destroyed by the church fathers

22 Items From The Past, The Purpose Of Which You Definitely Won't Guess! - Alternative View

22 Items From The Past, The Purpose Of Which You Definitely Won't Guess! - Alternative View

Sometimes, leafing through history textbooks, one has to wonder how smart our ancestors were. Although often their ingenuity was aimed at inflicting pain on others, some objects from the past can not only surprise, but also shock

There Is Nothing More Wrong Than What Everyone Believes - Alternative View

There Is Nothing More Wrong Than What Everyone Believes - Alternative View

(Gullible Newton, or how light is decomposed by a prism) There are no people more gullible, less observant and with a worse memory than (great) physicists

Battle Of The Sheloni River. Battle Of Shelon 1471 - Alternative View

Battle Of The Sheloni River. Battle Of Shelon 1471 - Alternative View

The battle on the Sheloni River took place on July 14, 1471 on the left bank of the Sheloni River between Moscow troops and the Novgorod militia. In the middle of the 15th century, during the reign of Ivan III, Novgorod was going through hard times

Hitler's Anti-aircraft Fortresses - Alternative View

Hitler's Anti-aircraft Fortresses - Alternative View

In 1940, after a fairly successful raid by the British Air Force on Berlin, Adolf Hitler ordered the construction of massive anti-aircraft turrets to begin - - flakturm (Flakturm)

She Was Executed Twice By The Nazis - Alternative View

She Was Executed Twice By The Nazis - Alternative View

She was twice executed by the Nazis, and comrades in arms for many years considered her dead and even erected a monument. When she became a scout in the partisan detachment of the 2nd Belarusian Brigade, she was not even ten years old

The Great Patriotic War Could Not Be? - Alternative View

The Great Patriotic War Could Not Be? - Alternative View

Leonid Reshetnikov, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Retired Lieutenant General of the SVR It is always hard to guess. But we can say with complete confidence that the chances of an attack on Russia would be much less

After The War, The Stalinist Way Of Life Proved Its Superiority Over The Capitalist - Alternative View

After The War, The Stalinist Way Of Life Proved Its Superiority Over The Capitalist - Alternative View

Much is written about the feat of the Soviet people in World War II and its historical significance in the defeat of fascism

DNA Analysis Of Cod Has Helped Scientists Discover One Of The Secrets Of The Vikings - Alternative View

DNA Analysis Of Cod Has Helped Scientists Discover One Of The Secrets Of The Vikings - Alternative View

After analyzing the DNA that was extracted from the bones of medieval cod, scientists were able to establish that more than a thousand years ago, the Vikings traded fish almost throughout Europe

10 Mysterious Deaths Not Solved To This Day - Alternative View

10 Mysterious Deaths Not Solved To This Day - Alternative View

Some mysterious deaths are beyond the power of doctors, police, or private detectives. Before you are ten deaths that still excite the minds of lovers of secrets and conspiracy theories. So let's go

The Most Beautiful Mummy - Alternative View

The Most Beautiful Mummy - Alternative View

If there was a beauty rating among mummies, then this beautiful little girl would take first place every year. It is impossible to believe that she has been dead for over 100 years. How alive

Terrorist Attacks In The USSR - A Story Of A Nightmare - Alternative View

Terrorist Attacks In The USSR - A Story Of A Nightmare - Alternative View

If you believe the communist propaganda, you might think that the USSR had a quiet and peaceful life. In reality, the Soviet Union was overwhelmed by waves of crime and terrorism. Today we will tell only about some of the loudest terrorist attacks of the Soviet era … -

Why Did Alexander Matrosov Sit Before The War - Alternative View

Why Did Alexander Matrosov Sit Before The War - Alternative View

Alexander Matrosov is known to most of us as a hero of the Great Patriotic War, who covered the enemy's embrasure with his chest. However, some facts from his biography are still poorly understood

Incident 228 - Alternative View

Incident 228 - Alternative View

Incident 228 is considered the most tragic episode in Taiwan history. Anti-government demonstrations in the Republic of China began on February 27, 1947, and the famous "Massacre 228" broke out on February 28

So Did He Walk Down The Via Dolorosa? - Alternative View

So Did He Walk Down The Via Dolorosa? - Alternative View

We remember from childhood: Christ entered Jerusalem on a donkey through the Golden Gate. Today we cannot repeat his path: the gates are walled up - a blank wall

How The Weather Influenced The Course Of History - Alternative View

How The Weather Influenced The Course Of History - Alternative View

History and politics are influenced by many factors. But we will consider one that does not depend on the person at all, - treacherous and changeable weather. 1

10 Castles, The Beauty Of Which Will Take Your Breath Away - Alternative View

10 Castles, The Beauty Of Which Will Take Your Breath Away - Alternative View

Not all people are aristocrats, but everyone can visit their residences. If spending the night in a real castle does not appeal to you, you should still get acquainted with the most beautiful buildings of this type

Retired Dictators - Alternative View

Retired Dictators - Alternative View

Is there retribution? We are talking about seven rulers of totalitarian regimes who went on an "honorable retirement". The deaths of about a million of their fellow citizens are associated with their names. How did these odious individuals meet their old age?

Archaeologists Have Reported An Intriguing Find At Qumran - Alternative View

Archaeologists Have Reported An Intriguing Find At Qumran - Alternative View

Archaeologists have discovered two more caves near Qumran on the western shore of the Dead Sea, in which, presumably, ancient scrolls previously unknown to science can be stored. As reports Live Science, the caves received the symbols 53b and 53c

Operation Six Little Indians - Alternative View

Operation Six Little Indians - Alternative View

The death sentence was passed in Nuremberg, which was carried out on October 16, 1946 by the chief executioner of the international military tribunal, US Army Sergeant John Wood

The Truth About Ivan Susanin - Alternative View

The Truth About Ivan Susanin - Alternative View

Today every schoolchild knows that there was such a folk hero Ivan Susanin, who led an enemy Polish detachment into the forest, where he disappeared. But there is much that is not clear in this story. How everything really happened, perhaps, no one knows

7 Management: The Most Secret Police Department - Alternative View

7 Management: The Most Secret Police Department - Alternative View

Despite the really serious secrecy of the operational search divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, this police service periodically gets into the scandalous chronicle - its employees are trying to illegally make money on the side by what they have been taught

Pavlik Morozov And His Epigones - Alternative View

Pavlik Morozov And His Epigones - Alternative View

In 1932, the entire Soviet people learned about the death of the Ural pioneer Pavlik Morozov

"Skyhook" For CIA Operatives - Alternative View

"Skyhook" For CIA Operatives - Alternative View

The CIA Museum has a rather interesting exhibit - instructions for officers on how to be picked up from the ground by a flying aircraft equipped with the Skyhook system, which was developed and tested in the interests of American military intelligence

Werewolves Who Really Existed - Alternative View

Werewolves Who Really Existed - Alternative View

During the witch hunts in Europe and North America in the 16th and 17th centuries, many women were tried and executed for being allegedly witches. But the same fate befell many men - they were suspected of being werewolves

Funny Lady - Alternative View

Funny Lady - Alternative View

Khurrem Sultan - "Ridiculous Lady", as they called Roxalana in the harem. Her sweet smiling face, gentle voice and ineradicable thirst for life were her main weapon, her strongest trump card all her life

How Prince Golitsyn Lost His Wife At Cards - Alternative View

How Prince Golitsyn Lost His Wife At Cards - Alternative View

It is difficult to say for sure how long ago people began to gather at the card table with cards in their hands. Some just filled their leisure time in this way, others hoped to earn money by playing. But both those and others risked over time to fall into excitement that could lead a player who was losing control of himself far

Lu Dongbin - Alternative View

Lu Dongbin - Alternative View

Lu Dongbin (呂洞賓) is the most important character from the pantheon of eight Taoist immortal patriarchs, to whom the largest number of practices are attributed, which he built according to sacred schemes and spiritualized scriptures on the instructions of his teacher Zhongli Quan (鐘離 權 / 鐘离 權). Very often he is

Professor Of Dark Affairs - Alternative View

Professor Of Dark Affairs - Alternative View

Real criminals and their atrocities are capable of giving a powerful impetus to the writer's creative imagination. It is in such cases that characters are born, like the main enemy of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson - Professor Moriarty

Habsburg Dynasty. The Whole History Of The Board - Alternative View

Habsburg Dynasty. The Whole History Of The Board - Alternative View

Habsburgs - dynasty that held the Spanish throne in 1516 - 1700

Liberation From Oil - Alternative View

Liberation From Oil - Alternative View

The strategic bombing operation "Tidal Wave" took place on August 1, 1943

Admiral Nakhimov. Biography - Alternative View

Admiral Nakhimov. Biography - Alternative View

Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov (born June 23 (July 5) 1802 - death June 30 (July 12) 1855) - Russian admiral, hero of the defense of Sevastopol 1854 - 1855

The Secret That Was Revealed After 70 Years: The Heirs Got The Apartment, Locked With A Key Since 1939 - Alternative View

The Secret That Was Revealed After 70 Years: The Heirs Got The Apartment, Locked With A Key Since 1939 - Alternative View

In 1939, when it became known that the Germans would inevitably occupy Paris, a young lady hastened to move to the south of the country, where it was quieter. The woman locked her apartment in the capital with a key, hoping to return there when everything calms down

Disappearing Aral - Alternative View

Disappearing Aral - Alternative View

In 1713, the envoy of the Mangyshlak Turkmen, Khoja Nefes, reached the "White Tsar" in St. Petersburg and presented him with a tempting offer: in a distant country, about which Russia knows nothing, the mighty Amu Darya river flows through the desert

Where Did The Custom Of Installing A Christmas Tree Come From For Christmas - Alternative View

Where Did The Custom Of Installing A Christmas Tree Come From For Christmas - Alternative View

We are accustomed to the fact that the Christmas tree needs to be decorated for the New Year, but in general this custom has to do not with the change of the calendar year, but with the Christian holiday of Christmas

And From The Royal Window - Alternative View

And From The Royal Window - Alternative View

In 1851, a lithograph by Wilhelm Timm was published in the "Russian Art Leaflet" under the title "View from the Window in the Derbent Fortress, which was cut down by Peter the Great himself."