Secrets of history 2024, October

The Riddle Of Alexander Pushkin - Alternative View

The Riddle Of Alexander Pushkin - Alternative View

Pushkin is one of the key figures in Russian culture. In fact, it was he who created the modern Russian language and literature

What Was Count Cagliostro Really Doing In Russia? - Alternative View

What Was Count Cagliostro Really Doing In Russia? - Alternative View

One of the main characters in Mark Zakharov's painting "The Formula of Love" based on the story of Alexei Tolstoy is the mysterious Count Cagliostro, who was considered by some to be a magician and sorcerer, while others were a clever adventurer and charlatan

Ancient Diseases - Alternative View

Ancient Diseases - Alternative View

"… To one share of crushed cardamom root add a share of licorice, half a share of zest and two shares of oilseed pomace. Mix thoroughly and boil in grape smoothie

Daniel Defoe: Why The Renowned Writer Was Chained To A Pillory - Alternative View

Daniel Defoe: Why The Renowned Writer Was Chained To A Pillory - Alternative View

Daniel Defoe is considered a classic of world literature. He is best known for his work "Robinson Crusoe"

"The Telephone Cable Went Straight From Us To The German Trenches " - Alternative View

"The Telephone Cable Went Straight From Us To The German Trenches " - Alternative View

Lev Nikolaevich Punin, head of advanced training courses for command personnel at the School of Military Communications. M.V. Frunze. 1934 year

Discovered The Descendants Of Ancient Greek Myths - Alternative View

Discovered The Descendants Of Ancient Greek Myths - Alternative View

Geneticists found that the heroes of ancient Greek mythology, as well as other representatives of the Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations, were related to the ancient inhabitants of Iran and Turkey, as well as to the inhabitants of the steppes of the Russian Caspian region

Faberge's Bag - Alternative View

Faberge's Bag - Alternative View

175 years ago, Faberge was founded in St. Petersburg by Gustav Faberge. It all started with a small workshop, but in a few years the company acquired branches in Moscow, Odessa, Kiev and London. It was an unprecedented success

Who Was Nadezhda Krupskaya By Origin - Alternative View

Who Was Nadezhda Krupskaya By Origin - Alternative View

Recovering bit by bit the pedigree of Nadezhda Krupskaya, historians have studied the genetic branch of her family, starting with her great-grandfathers

Chaldean Sages - Alternative View

Chaldean Sages - Alternative View

Since ancient times, historians have established that the term Chaldeans has two meanings: it defines the nationality and the caste of priests

The Years From 618 To 907 In The History Of Many Civilizations Are Absent - Alternative View

The Years From 618 To 907 In The History Of Many Civilizations Are Absent - Alternative View

Surely everyone at least once in his life asked himself where did the time go. Perhaps it flew by unnoticed while talking with a friend or at work. Sometimes an hour can seem like a minute, a week - - during the day, and the year - month

Slavic Calendar - Alternative View

Slavic Calendar - Alternative View

In ancient times, the Slavs had several calendar forms of numbering, but only a few have survived to this day … Now we have Summer 7515 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple … but this does not mean at all that our World was created 7515 years ago

Hitler Against Hitler - Alternative View

Hitler Against Hitler - Alternative View

In the fall of 1941, when the Maritime army with great difficulty held back the pressure of German and Romanian troops rushing to Odessa, its commander, General Sofronov, together with a member of the Military Council, signed another award list with approximately the following content: “Boo

The Feat Of The Boys From The Village Steblevo - Alternative View

The Feat Of The Boys From The Village Steblevo - Alternative View

At the very beginning of the war, namely on December 15, 1941, one of the detachments of Colonel Chanchibadze, who was part of the 30th Army, liberated the village of Steblevo in a short fire battle

What Pedigree Did Hitler Have - Alternative View

What Pedigree Did Hitler Have - Alternative View

The Fuhrer's family tree today no longer causes almost any controversy. Although at one time there were many versions regarding its origin. One of them attributed to Hitler Jewish origin

Ancient Lenses: Who Made Them? - Alternative View

Ancient Lenses: Who Made Them? - Alternative View

Archaeologists have not noticed them for more than a century. We are talking about optical lenses - thin instruments made of different materials, which prove the existence of advanced optics already in ancient times

Starving States Of America - Alternative View

Starving States Of America - Alternative View

Thanks to the efforts of some modern historians, everyone knows about the Holodomor in the USSR. Meanwhile, no one has heard of starving Oklahoma or Kansas

Siberian Khanate - A Little History - Alternative View

Siberian Khanate - A Little History - Alternative View

Together with the history of Yermak's campaign, the history of the Siberian Khanate was also heavily mythologized. In practice, we can say that we do not know anything about the history of this khanate, and we do not want to know

The Cold Summer Of 1816: How Changing Weather Affected World History - Alternative View

The Cold Summer Of 1816: How Changing Weather Affected World History - Alternative View

Every year, the negative impact of man on the climate becomes more and more evident. The catastrophic melting of glaciers, floods, forest fires and many other negative phenomena are the payback for the consumer attitude towards our planet. And she is capable of cruel revenge and 1816 can become an excellent illustrative example

Secrets Of "Petrovsky Dock" - Alternative View

Secrets Of "Petrovsky Dock" - Alternative View

The history of Russia keeps a great many secrets, but unfortunately, the most interesting of the preserved mysterious structures are not available for visiting and tourists are not taken there

Secrets Of The "Titanic" - Alternative View

Secrets Of The "Titanic" - Alternative View

On April 15, 99 years have passed since the biggest catastrophe of the 20th century. Much of this tragedy is still a mystery. Many books and films were written about the sinking of the Titanic, and even more legends were generated

Lines Of The Aral Sea - Alternative View

Lines Of The Aral Sea - Alternative View

In 1990, at the bottom of the Aral Sea, Kazakh scientist Boris Smerdov discovered mysterious geometric shapes. Are these traces of aliens or of an ancient civilization? The bottom of the Aral Sea is dotted with strange lines and bizarre figures

Mysterious Echoes Of War - Alternative View

Mysterious Echoes Of War - Alternative View

Two weeks ago, we celebrated a date that cannot be erased from memory. June, 22. Day of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Since then, 68 years have passed, and during this time many mystical stories have appeared associated with those years

The Riddle Of The "Screaming Mummy" Has Been Solved - Alternative View

The Riddle Of The "Screaming Mummy" Has Been Solved - Alternative View

A mystery that is almost 3,000 years old has recently been unraveled. Most of the Egyptian mummies look serene, but one of the mummies has an expression of horror on its face that has been haunted by scientists all this time

The Great Volga Wall - Alternative View

The Great Volga Wall - Alternative View

Scientists of various specialties have put forward many hypotheses explaining the origin of the legends of the Samarskaya Luka Peninsula on the Middle Volga

Greek Fire: Byzantine Know-how? - Alternative View

Greek Fire: Byzantine Know-how? - Alternative View

In various books on a historical theme, you can find references to the mysterious "Greek fire" (not to be confused with the fire of the Olympic Games!)

Anatoly Fedorovich Koni About Nicholas II - Alternative View

Anatoly Fedorovich Koni About Nicholas II - Alternative View

A well-known Russian lawyer, official, senator and even an academician by position often communicated with Nikolai II and his wife. Unfortunately, like many others, the august couple left not the most pleasant impressions on this clever man

Who Was The Last Of The Romanovs On The Throne - Alternative View

Who Was The Last Of The Romanovs On The Throne - Alternative View

As you know, the Romanov family was interrupted by the family of Nicholas II. However, some historians believe that the last ruler of the Romanov dynasty was Peter III. The young infantile emperor did not develop a relationship with his wife at all

"Crystal Soul" - Alternative View

"Crystal Soul" - Alternative View

The eldest of the sisters Olga Nikolaevna Romanova was born on November 15, 1895

The Usurpation Of Power By The Romanovs - Alternative View

The Usurpation Of Power By The Romanovs - Alternative View

The history of Russia before the beginning of the 17th century, i.e. before the new dynasty of the Yuryev-Zakharyin boyars came to power in 1613, who took the surname `` Romanovs '', began to be written only in the second half of the 18th century

Why Did The USSR Decide To Keep Lenin's Body? - Alternative View

Why Did The USSR Decide To Keep Lenin's Body? - Alternative View

As you know, the leader of the Bolsheviks Vladimir Lenin died on January 21, 1924. And on January 25, the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee (CEC) of the USSR decided: not to betray Lenin's body to the ground, but to embalm and place it “for preservation in a crypt” near the Kremlin wall (the word “mausoleum” was not yet used then). This me

Tsarist Wars. Nebuchadnezzar II Punished Judea For Breaking The Oath - Alternative View

Tsarist Wars. Nebuchadnezzar II Punished Judea For Breaking The Oath - Alternative View

The ancient Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II is remembered by everyone who read the Bible. It was under him that the Jews were enslaved and taken into Babylonian slavery, and the shrine of the Jews - the Temple of Solomon - was subjected to desecration and destruction

Battle On The Ice. Battle On Lake Peipsi - Alternative View

Battle On The Ice. Battle On Lake Peipsi - Alternative View

The Battle on the Ice or the Battle of Lake Peipsi - the battle of the Novgorod-Pskov army of Prince Alexander Nevsky with the troops of the Livonian knights, which took place on April 5, 1242 on the ice of Lake Peipsi

Biography Of Alexander Nevsky - Alternative View

Biography Of Alexander Nevsky - Alternative View

Origin Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky (born May 13, 1221 - death November 14, 1263) - the second son of Grand Duke Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, great-grandson of Vladimir Monomakh. Prince of Novgorod (1252), Grand Duke of Vladimir (1252 - 1263)

Party Theft - Alternative View

Party Theft - Alternative View

What tricks museum thieves are not allowed to use in order to take possession of a masterpiece: they climb onto roofs, make tunnels, turn off ultra-modern alarms, neutralize security

Milady From The Three Musketeers - Alternative View

Milady From The Three Musketeers - Alternative View

This story seems to be fictional - so much intrigue and deceit

The Mysterious Death Of Emperor Peter III - Alternative View

The Mysterious Death Of Emperor Peter III - Alternative View

There are such historical riddles that, while seemingly unreliable, raise more questions than answers. These, with confidence, include the sudden death of the most controversial Russian emperor - Peter III

The Years Of The Battle Of Poltava - Alternative View

The Years Of The Battle Of Poltava - Alternative View

The Battle of Poltava is one of the greatest battles of the Russian people. More than fifty thousand people took part in it. The battle, which began in 1709, has become one of the most memorable. The Swedes and Russians took part in the battle

How Would The Fate Of Russia Have Been If It Had Not Been For Peter I - Alternative View

How Would The Fate Of Russia Have Been If It Had Not Been For Peter I - Alternative View

It is difficult to imagine the history of Russia not only in the 18th century, but also in subsequent centuries without Peter I. Nevertheless, if, due to insuperable circumstances, he could not rule the country, which path would Russia take?

Why Don't People Like Japanese In Asia? Dark Memory Of War Crimes - Alternative View

Why Don't People Like Japanese In Asia? Dark Memory Of War Crimes - Alternative View

If states were people, Japan would become a real superstar of the world stage - bright, tireless, infinitely creative, slightly crazy, but no less attractive. Which is not surprising: the Japanese - a nation, in fact, deeply notorious and stifled to a slight suffocation by the norms of decency and everyday ritualism - have invested a lot of effort and money in creating their own charming image

What Is Left Of Peter I In St. Petersburg - Alternative View

What Is Left Of Peter I In St. Petersburg - Alternative View

Today, researchers believe that the history of Russia began to be systematically studied and described in detail only during the time of Catherine II. There are notes made by the empress herself, in which she wrote her own script of Russian history