Alternative history 2024, September

Did Dinosaurs Live At The Same Time As Humans? - Alternative View

Did Dinosaurs Live At The Same Time As Humans? - Alternative View

People love to show pictures of the places they've been. For example, a person who has traveled to Africa might bring home photographs of lions. What for? For many, this is an opportunity to show others what they have seen. The photographs also confirm the stories we tell

The Dinosaurs Were Domesticated. Maybe! - Alternative View

The Dinosaurs Were Domesticated. Maybe! - Alternative View

If you believe the data of official science, modern humans appeared 30-40 thousand years ago, and our most primitive ancestor - about 2 million years ago. Dinosaurs are known to have died out 65 million years ago. Thus, it turns out that humans and dinosaurs could not coexist at the same time on our planet

The Gigantism Of Living Organisms Of The Past. Attraction - Alternative View

The Gigantism Of Living Organisms Of The Past. Attraction - Alternative View

Read the beginning here.Living organisms of the past of the Earth could have gigantic sizes due to the low value of gravity. So, let's look at everything in order …- Salik.bizCentrifugal Force of the EarthnDue to the diurnal rotation, the centrifugal force of the Earth arises. T

The Gigantism Of Living Organisms Of The Past - Alternative View

The Gigantism Of Living Organisms Of The Past - Alternative View

There are theoretical works and some practices (like holotropic breathing), from which it can be concluded that with an increase in the concentration of CO2 in the blood, the absorption of oxygen also increases. Metabolism increases. And from here, the processes responsible for the growth of organisms can be enhanced

Ancient Giant Quarries Of Cambodia - Alternative View

Ancient Giant Quarries Of Cambodia - Alternative View

At the mention of Cambodia, the majority pops up the name of the Angkor Wat temple complex. In fact, there are several cultural monuments of the past in this area: Angkor Thom, Bayon, Ta Prohm, Phnom Bakheng, etc. Angkor Wat is the most famous temple complex visited by tourists

New Evidence In Favor Of Ancient Bridge Construction Technologies In Sri Lanka - Alternative View

New Evidence In Favor Of Ancient Bridge Construction Technologies In Sri Lanka - Alternative View

Most recently, I wrote a post "Who built the arch bridge in Sri Lanka" in which, one might say, on a tip from the famous Russian researcher of the secrets of the real past, the author of the ASPIK channel, Oleg Pavlyuchenko, considered all the oddities of the official version of the construction of a nine-arch bridge between Ella and Demodara railway stations , made not only in the antique architectural style, but also clearly according to ancient technologies, without the use

Three-faced And Four-faced New Evidence For The Existence Of The Four Aspects? - Alternative View

Three-faced And Four-faced New Evidence For The Existence Of The Four Aspects? - Alternative View

I return to the search for new evidence of the existence of the Four Aspects of Man, the knowledge of which was lost by people for many centuries. You ask, why am I doing this, because the topic has already been repeatedly raised on the pages of this site?

The Book Of Light Was Written In Ancient Times In Runic Script - Alternative View

The Book Of Light Was Written In Ancient Times In Runic Script - Alternative View

Once, or rather, when there was no time, there were no Worlds and Realities, we were perceived by people, there was, without incarnation, only RA-M-HA (the Primordial Unit, the Unknowable Essence, radiating the Life-giving Light of Joy and the Primary Fire M

How Did Tartary Die? Part 12. The Final - Alternative View

How Did Tartary Die? Part 12. The Final - Alternative View

Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 -When I started writing the first part of the article, I assumed that I would manage everything in two weeks. But as soon as I pulled the thread, a huge amount of facts fell on me, the existence of which I had no idea about before starting this work

Who And Why Distorts The History Of Ancient Russia? - Alternative View

Who And Why Distorts The History Of Ancient Russia? - Alternative View

We all know from the school history course that the Mongol-Tatar yoke ruled in Russia for 300 years. But modern studies of the DNA of living Russians refute this fact - there are no traces of the Mongol-Tatars in the studied genetic material

Free Electricity Or Lost Energy Secrets Of The Russian Empire - Alternative View

Free Electricity Or Lost Energy Secrets Of The Russian Empire - Alternative View

In this material, we will continue with you to study the unusual artifacts of the Russian Empire, which, unfortunately, have been preserved exclusively in archival photographs.- Salik.bizAbove is a photograph of the first Tobolsk Museum

Elongated Skull Shape. Imitation Of The Gods? - Alternative View

Elongated Skull Shape. Imitation Of The Gods? - Alternative View

I came across an interesting book by the American writer of the 19th century Ignatius Loyola Donnelly, which is called "Atlantis: Antediluvian World", 1882. The book is all very interesting, but I decided to devote this article to one of its sections - elongated skulls

About University Science And Vedic Knowledge - Alternative View

About University Science And Vedic Knowledge - Alternative View

Surprisingly, all the pseudo-historical myths about "backward and bastard Russia", which always needed the "civilizers" of the West, is based on the fact that university science first appeared on the territory of Western Europe and only then came to the territory of our country during the Romanovs

An Ancient Prophecy: Three Times Fallen Russia Will Rise Up! - Alternative View

An Ancient Prophecy: Three Times Fallen Russia Will Rise Up! - Alternative View

One of those who at the beginning of the 19th century opposed the falsification of Russian history was the Russian poet G. Derzhavin, who, having published two ancient Russian runic written sources belonging to the pre-Cyrillic period, perfectly refuted the assertion of the falsifiers of history that the ancient Rus allegedly did not have their own writing before Cyril and Methodius

An Alternative History Of The Origin Of The Alphabet - Glagolitic - Alternative View

An Alternative History Of The Origin Of The Alphabet - Glagolitic - Alternative View

An open letter to the Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Russian Language Department of the Samara State University, a leading specialist in the field of Slavic comparative linguistics of the Samara State Academy, history teachers

Awl In A Sack: Glagolitic Is Based On The Runic Script - Alternative View

Awl In A Sack: Glagolitic Is Based On The Runic Script - Alternative View

A number of facts indicate that the Glagolitic alphabet is an earlier alphabet than the Cyrillic alphabet. The oldest handwritten monuments (including the "Kiev Leaves" dating back to the 10th century) are written in Glagolitic, and are written in a more archaic language

Is Glagolitic Based On Runic - Alternative View

Is Glagolitic Based On Runic - Alternative View

Awl in a sack: Glagolitic is based on a runic script Sunday, May 24, 2009 08:28 “A number of facts indicate that Glagolitic is an earlier alphabet than Cyrillic

Zero World War. Part 3. Onslaught To The East - Alternative View

Zero World War. Part 3. Onslaught To The East - Alternative View

Continuation, read the beginning: Zero World War (part 1). The interests of the five empires. / Zero World War (part 2). Circular defense

Zero World War. Part 4. Victory Or Defeat? - Alternative View

Zero World War. Part 4. Victory Or Defeat? - Alternative View

Continuation, read the beginning: Zero World War (part 1). The interests of the five empires. / Zero World War (part 2). All-round defense. / Zero World War (part 3). Onslaught to the East

Zero World War. Part 2. All-round Defense - Alternative View

Zero World War. Part 2. All-round Defense - Alternative View

Continued, read the beginning: Zero World War. Part 1. Interests of the five empires. They made up a huge amount of plans … Britain, as often happened at that time, was an active supporter of the seizure of foreign territories

Who Are The Erbins Or Where Is The Real "Mordor" Located? - Alternative View

Who Are The Erbins Or Where Is The Real "Mordor" Located? - Alternative View

Russophobia of the Western "elites" is based on a very distant history, the duration of which is not even calculated in decades and centuries, since it began thousands of years ago. Although the so-called. "Western civilization" in the form we know has existed for no more than a thousand years, but it is the legal successor of the Roman Empire, which ascribed to itself all the merits and inventions of the Etruscan Slavic civilization

Why Has The Vatican Always Been Against Russia? - Alternative View

Why Has The Vatican Always Been Against Russia? - Alternative View

Now many independent researchers and scholars come to the conclusion not only that the official version of history is largely falsified, but are beginning to guess that the main center for the total falsification of history is in the Vatican

Tartary [Chronicle Of The Slavs. From The Past To The Future] - Alternative View

Tartary [Chronicle Of The Slavs. From The Past To The Future] - Alternative View

Now about the existence of the once country of Tartaria, they talk and write more and more. Maps of the 16-18 centuries, archaeological finds, historical "discrepancies" - all this directly or indirectly indicates that Great Tartary was once a cultural, technological, world center of the development of our civilization

Layered Stones Of Lake Belyo. Khakassia - Alternative View

Layered Stones Of Lake Belyo. Khakassia - Alternative View

Upper Lake - mineral. It connects with a fresher (lower) lake. This is the largest mineral reservoir in Khakassia. Located 8 km north of the resort lake Shira and 16 km from the village of Pearl

The Astrakhan Region Is The Ancestral Home Of The Ancient Egyptians. There Are Real Facts! - Alternative View

The Astrakhan Region Is The Ancestral Home Of The Ancient Egyptians. There Are Real Facts! - Alternative View

Astrakhan region. Fertile steppes border on lifeless deserts. The Volga, the largest river in Europe, is home to thousands of different living beings. The development of these lands began tens of thousands of years ago, when the Sarmatians migrated from the Urals to the Astrakhan steppes

Who Buried Australia? - Alternative View

Who Buried Australia? - Alternative View

In the 1920s, workers in the city of Melbourne began to lay the foundations for the future Capitol Theater and found a fence buried 1 meter in clay. The fence boards stood quite firmly, vertically, and at the base of the fence there was a wooden sidewalk

About The Luminous Essence Of The Ancient Russian Vedic Tradition - Alternative View

About The Luminous Essence Of The Ancient Russian Vedic Tradition - Alternative View

Among those who blindly did not believe the "fairy tales" of the Normanists and Christian chroniclers about the "savagery" and "barbarism" of the ancient Vedic Rus was a remarkable Russian scientist, candidate of historical sciences, ethnologist and art critic S

The Ancient Roman City Of Timgad In Africa. Traces And Causes Of Destruction, Which Are Not Mentioned In The History Of - Alternative View

The Ancient Roman City Of Timgad In Africa. Traces And Causes Of Destruction, Which Are Not Mentioned In The History Of - Alternative View

In the north of Africa, on the territory of modern Algeria (35 km east of Batna, there are the ruins of the ancient Roman city of Timgad.- Salik.bizThe official history of the origin of this city says that the emperor Trajan in about 100 AD founded this city for the veterans of the Parthian campaign (the war between Rome and Parthia)

Amazahs - Light-skinned People Of Africa - Alternative View

Amazahs - Light-skinned People Of Africa - Alternative View

The main inhabitants of Morocco are not Arabs - the Amazahs (Greek Berbers). Where the tribes of these light-skinned, thin tall men and graceful beautiful women once appeared in Africa is still not known. But this happened many hundreds of years before these lands were conquered by the Arabs and even before the arrival of the Phoenicians

If They Build Stars, Then - Alternative View

If They Build Stars, Then - Alternative View

Star forts, or as they are also called "star" fortresses - one of the most exciting mysteries of contemporaries - continues to pose more and more new questions, answers to which have never been there

Mongolian Crusade. The Price Of Betrayal - Alternative View

Mongolian Crusade. The Price Of Betrayal - Alternative View

Read the beginning of the story in the articles: Mongol Crusaders? / Mongolian crusade. The ghost of decay. / Mongolian Crusade. "Christian Jihad"

The Origins Of The Biblical Myth Of The Flood - Alternative View

The Origins Of The Biblical Myth Of The Flood - Alternative View

The Jewish Torah or Old Testament of Christians is a collection of religious and historical myths of the Jewish people and tells us about the Jewish God and the appearance of the Jewish people on Earth. However, the secret of its creation has a connection with the mythology of a much more ancient people - the Sumerians, from whom the Jews drew part of their own mythology

Floods - How Many Were There? The Death Of Pracivilization - Alternative View

Floods - How Many Were There? The Death Of Pracivilization - Alternative View

The real history of the Earth, of course, is radically different from the history that is written in textbooks. Any alternative versions of the course of historical events are considered fiction, and at best, as mythology.- Salik.bizMythology is the legacy of ancestors who transmitted the events of the past to us in fairy talesWe must pay tribute - they study mythology, but as a cultural heritage, to preserve the human traditions of various countries, in the time periods of

11 Facts Historians Ignore About The Flood - Alternative View

11 Facts Historians Ignore About The Flood - Alternative View

Was there really only a biblical flood? In one of the articles I gave some of the facts about the flood, let's take it all out to the end.- Salik.biz1. Destroyed buildingsBuildings built in the same "antique" style, Greece, Italy, Egypt, France, Russia, America, Africa, Australia, Asia … The remains of which, there are now, and were in large numbers in the recent past, they were excavated and dug up by archaeologists.n

On The Causes Of The Flood - Alternative View

On The Causes Of The Flood - Alternative View

Now, more and more modern independent researchers are beginning to express opinions that run counter to the opinion of official science regarding the past of our civilization, and especially regarding the causes of a global catastrophe on our planet, which is known to us from the legends and myths of various peoples and the biblical story of the Great Flood

Slovenia, Russians And Flood - Alternative View

Slovenia, Russians And Flood - Alternative View

One of the most difficult questions in the study of history continues to be the abundance of names of tribes and peoples, names of countries, cities, localities of rivers and mountain ranges. And this will not come as a surprise if you always remember that such concepts as "nation", "country", "state" and "empire" in their current understanding came into use only recently

Global Flood. What If Again? - Alternative View

Global Flood. What If Again? - Alternative View

Today only the lazy does not talk about the flood. And the lazy say. And although it seems that everything that can be said has already been told, I also have a story to tell.The flood topic is being aggressively pushed in the media. Astrologers and charlatans of all stripes sleep and see how the world is flooded

Mysteries Of The Indigenous Siberian People Yukagirs - Alternative View

Mysteries Of The Indigenous Siberian People Yukagirs - Alternative View

Omoki is one of the Yukaghir tribes that once lived in the lower reaches of the Kolyma and mysteriously disappeared about 150 years ago. Like the Yukaghirs themselves, this primordially Siberian tribe in ancient times consisted of people of the white race and only much later began to mix with other peoples who came after them to this land, belonging to the Mongoloid race

Why Did The Flood Happen - Alternative View

Why Did The Flood Happen - Alternative View

The myths and legends of many peoples of the Earth keep the memory of the grandiose cataclysms that occurred in ancient times and brought catastrophic consequences to mankind. The "Flood" really happened on our planet …- Salik.bizIt is clear that he had nothing to do with Biblical fantasies, but was a consequence of the First World War on Earth and the ensuing nightmare planetary catastrophe caused by the falling fragments of the destroyed moon of Fatta just over 13,000 ye

Ancient Siberian Ghost Towns - Before The Arrival Of Ermak - Alternative View

Ancient Siberian Ghost Towns - Before The Arrival Of Ermak - Alternative View

Curious information about the ancient settlements that existed in Siberia and Altai even before the massive arrival of Russian people here, for some reason, is deprived of the attention of historians, archaeologists and other specialists. Is Siberia an unhistorical land?