Mysterious creatures 2024, September

Sonar "caught" Nessie? - Alternative View

Sonar "caught" Nessie? - Alternative View

After another scan of the Scottish Loch Ness by sonar, something strange was found in its depths, which, according to experts, cannot be a big fish, or a school of fish, or a log or other garbage

In Australia, A Monster Similar To Nessie Was Filmed - Alternative View

In Australia, A Monster Similar To Nessie Was Filmed - Alternative View

Journalists around the world have turned their attention to the city of Townsville, located in the northeastern part of the Australian state of Queensland, due to reports of the appearance of a strange object

The Loch Ness Monster Can Be Found Not Only In Scotland - Alternative View

The Loch Ness Monster Can Be Found Not Only In Scotland - Alternative View

The German professor of zoology Lorenz Hagenbeck once wrote in one of his works that he is sure: "There are still many unknown species of animals hidden on Earth - giants and monsters."

Ladoga Brother Nessie - Alternative View

Ladoga Brother Nessie - Alternative View

A huge monster with a long neck and a large head, the fishermen assure, started up in Lake Ladoga. By 1973, a resident of the village of Mantsinsaari, Pitkyaranta district, A.S

In Search Of Arctic Nessie - Alternative View

In Search Of Arctic Nessie - Alternative View

There is an amazing lake Elgygytgyn in Chukotka with crystal clear, unusually clear water. Translated from the Chukchi Elgygytgyn means "non-freezing lake"

Residents Of Rettikhovka Claim That They Have Never Seen Any Monsters In Their Lake. - Alternative View

Residents Of Rettikhovka Claim That They Have Never Seen Any Monsters In Their Lake. - Alternative View

For several weeks, the information space of the Primorsky Territory was filled with reports that a mysterious creature allegedly lives in one of the deep-water lakes, which were previously used as a coal-mining quarry, and subsequently flooded

The Swedish "Nessie" Was Filmed - Alternative View

The Swedish "Nessie" Was Filmed - Alternative View

The Swedish version of the Loch Ness Monster was filmed for the first time In the middle of summer, enthusiasts installed six cameras near the lake in the hope of filming a monster known to locals for several centuries

Nessie Doesn't Exist? - Alternative View

Nessie Doesn't Exist? - Alternative View

In 2001, the most famous expert on the Loch Ness Monster - Robert Rines of the Academy of Applied Sciences of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology - announced the death, or rather, the extinction of the object of research

Mythical Monsters: Scandals, Intrigues, Investigations - Alternative View

Mythical Monsters: Scandals, Intrigues, Investigations - Alternative View

An emergency meeting was held at which the Loch Ness monster, Bigfoot and the demigods from the planet Nibiru discussed the loss of interest in them, even among dumb Russian housewives. This joke about the TV-3 channel has been around the Internet for a long time

The Seven Most Interesting Cryptids - Alternative View

The Seven Most Interesting Cryptids - Alternative View

On November 12, 1933, Hugh Gray took the first known photograph of a monster allegedly living in Loch Ness in Scotland

Sea Serpent - Alternative View

Sea Serpent - Alternative View

Meetings with the sea serpent are there sea monsters

Sea Serpent In Britain - Alternative View

Sea Serpent In Britain - Alternative View

It all began in September 1975, when two ladies from Falmouth, Mrs. Scott and Mrs. Riley, spotted a long-necked, hunchbacked (creature with short horns and stubble on the back, which was trying to calm down a large sea

Black Sea Sea Serpent - Alternative View

Black Sea Sea Serpent - Alternative View

Crimean Alexander Georgievich Paraskevidi has a tooth at home (alas, it was not possible to find his photo) of some sea monster

Ten Monsters Who Scared The World - Alternative View

Ten Monsters Who Scared The World - Alternative View

It's no secret that the fauna of our planet has not been fully studied - from time to time there are reports of the discovery of a new species. There are even creatures on Earth that cannot be classified. The reason is simple: no one has ever been able to catch them

Legends Of Sea Monsters - Where Is Truth And Where Is Fiction? - Alternative View

Legends Of Sea Monsters - Where Is Truth And Where Is Fiction? - Alternative View

Human activities are mainly associated with land. That is why everything related to water raises many questions and assumptions. Water is a completely different world, sometimes incomprehensible and very often inaccessible. The creatures that live in the depths of the seas and oceans are so unlike those who live on land that they can cause not only surprise, but very often fear

The Barking Of The Dogs Annoyed The Water Monster - Alternative View

The Barking Of The Dogs Annoyed The Water Monster - Alternative View

English journalist Fredrik William Holiday in the 1930s became interested in cryptozoology and later devoted his whole life to this business. The 60s and 70s were especially productive for him.Due to the fact that Holiday was especially fond of fishing, he was most interested in water monsters like the Scottish Nessie or the Canadian Ogopogo

The Story Of A Strange "goblin" With A Huge Head From Massachusetts - Alternative View

The Story Of A Strange "goblin" With A Huge Head From Massachusetts - Alternative View

This unusual creature, similar to a goblin with a huge head, was observed in Dover, Massachusetts, in April 1977 and after a couple of days it disappeared without a trace. However, stories and legends still circulate about it and it bears the nickname "Demon from Dover" ("Dover Demon")

The Man Called 911 And Said That He Saw A Winged Monster - Alternative View

The Man Called 911 And Said That He Saw A Winged Monster - Alternative View

It happened in Woodstock, Illinois. At 2:46 a.m. on February 28, 2019, a local resident called 911 at 911.Excitedly, he said that he had just seen "a mysterious creature, 7-8 feet (2-2.5 meters) tall and completely black." The creature reached the Jewel Osco supermarket when it noticed a person and began to scream heart-rendingly, but then retreated

The Canadian Fisherman Spoke In Detail About How He Saw The Sea Monster 42 Years Ago - Alternative View

The Canadian Fisherman Spoke In Detail About How He Saw The Sea Monster 42 Years Ago - Alternative View

In 1976, at sea off the coast of Nova Scotia, Canada, while fishing, young Rodney Ross and his father saw a huge sea monster. Then the news became a sensation, about which all local newspapers wrote

The Most Talked About Photos Of Mysterious Animals - Alternative View

The Most Talked About Photos Of Mysterious Animals - Alternative View

In the world of cryptozoology, which is engaged in the search and study of animals unknown to science, photographs are one of the main evidence. Unfortunately, all these materials are very difficult to verify for authenticity and it is extremely rare for such photographs to reach specialists with negatives

Canada Made The Best Shot Of The Ogopogo Monster Living In Okanagan Lake - Alternative View

Canada Made The Best Shot Of The Ogopogo Monster Living In Okanagan Lake - Alternative View

Canadian lake monster Ogopogo from Lake Okanagan is not as lucky as his "relative" Nessie from Scottish Loch Ness. Basically, all reports about the observation of Ogopogo are oral, and there are very few videos or photos

Mysterious Places: Lakes With Monsters - Alternative View

Mysterious Places: Lakes With Monsters - Alternative View

Of course, almost everyone has heard about the mysterious monster living in Loch Ness, this legendary monster is exploited by the Scots as best they can to attract crowds of curious tourists, but the calm waters conceal many unsolved mysteries, and m

Mysterious Creatures Of Cyprus - Alternative View

Mysterious Creatures Of Cyprus - Alternative View

Cyprus is considered an island for romantics, beautiful sunsets are replaced by magical sunrises, the Mediterranean Sea splashes, delighting the eye, but this island has many strange and mysterious places

In The Smolensk Region, In The Dnieper River, An Incomprehensible Fish Or Animal Was Filmed - Alternative View

In The Smolensk Region, In The Dnieper River, An Incomprehensible Fish Or Animal Was Filmed - Alternative View

In the Dnieper River in the Smolensk region (Russia), something large and clearly alive was filmed. This was reported by the VK "Important in Smolensk" group. It is not specified when the video was taken, but judging by the snow in winter or early spring

Mongolian Death Worm - Alternative View

Mongolian Death Worm - Alternative View

Inhabitants of the southern territories of the Mongolian Gobi Desert are afraid of a mysterious worm-like creature, which is called the Mongolian worm of death

"They Ate My Girlfriend." How The Legends Of Sea Monsters Turned Out To Be True - Alternative View

"They Ate My Girlfriend." How The Legends Of Sea Monsters Turned Out To Be True - Alternative View

Only in the XXI century did it become clear - ancient monsters exist, and the legends about the kraken, of course, are exaggerations, but not complete fiction

Cryptides You've Probably Never Heard Of - Alternative View

Cryptides You've Probably Never Heard Of - Alternative View

Cryptids are called unusual creatures, about meetings with which eyewitnesses tell, but their existence has not been confirmed by science

Monsters From A Parallel Universe - Alternative View

Monsters From A Parallel Universe - Alternative View

As a child, I often had very realistic dreams. Rather, now I already understand that these were not dreams, but a different reality that somehow penetrated and intersected with our world

Reptilian Creature Scared Bikers In The Sonoran Desert - Alternative View

Reptilian Creature Scared Bikers In The Sonoran Desert - Alternative View

A group of three mountain bikers reported meeting with a reptilian humanoid last week in the middle of a road located in the Sonoran Desert, writes

In Crimea, They Again Saw The Karadag Monster - Alternative View

In Crimea, They Again Saw The Karadag Monster - Alternative View

The famous Dnepropetrovsk traveler Sergei Gordienko is now in the Crimea. According to his assistant, on November 9, the traveler saw strange phenomena on the water. At this time, Gordienko was at a safe distance on a rock

Claws Of The Night Beast - Alternative View

Claws Of The Night Beast - Alternative View

This story happened twenty years ago. I was then courting my future wife, and decided to arrange a romantic evening by candlelight at my parents' dacha

A Strange Humanoid Creature Runs Across A Busy Track - Alternative View

A Strange Humanoid Creature Runs Across A Busy Track - Alternative View

UK highway surveillance cameras have captured what appears to be a strange humanoid, a creature sprinting across four lanes of road

An Unknown Huge Beast Lives In The Barguzin Taiga - Alternative View

An Unknown Huge Beast Lives In The Barguzin Taiga - Alternative View

Secrets live in our area. Probably such places. Transbaikal. They say that Baikal is 25 million years old. But who counted them? This is also a mystery. The biggest. Little secrets live around her

Meetings With Monsters: Based On Materials From The Primorskaya Newspaper - Alternative View

Meetings With Monsters: Based On Materials From The Primorskaya Newspaper - Alternative View

In Vladivostok, the monthly newspaper "Nature and Anomalous Phenomena" was once published for several years - alas, in a tiny edition. Now it is no longer published - alas and alas twice

"Hippopotamus Eater" From Congo - Alternative View

"Hippopotamus Eater" From Congo - Alternative View

Hans Schomburgk came from a wealthy and noble family, but a tent in the African wilds attracted him much more than peace and a career in his homeland

Mysterious Multi-meter Earthworms, Which Have Been Observed In Japan For Many Years - Alternative View

Mysterious Multi-meter Earthworms, Which Have Been Observed In Japan For Many Years - Alternative View

Over the past at least three hundred years, stories have been circulating in various parts of Japan about worms of unprecedented length digging into the ground. They tell about the observation of 2-meter, 5-meter and much larger worms, similar to earthworms

In Lake Champlain, The Monster Was Again Seen - Alternative View

In Lake Champlain, The Monster Was Again Seen - Alternative View

Five people saw the monster in Lake Champlain last week. It was getting dark when the Jones family noticed a strange creature on the surface of the water, it had a small head on a thin neck and what looked like a horn, another man was fishing nearby

The Seven Most Curious Bodies Found In The Last 100 Years - Alternative View

The Seven Most Curious Bodies Found In The Last 100 Years - Alternative View

Our planet - the place is very mysterious. For example, according to studies, people know only about 15% of the species of living organisms that live on our planet, and we do not even suspect as much as 85%

Who Did The Hindu Gods Ride? - Alternative View

Who Did The Hindu Gods Ride? - Alternative View

This post contains photographs of sculptures, bas-reliefs and wall paintings of horsemen from Indian and Indo-Chinese temples. At first glance, nothing special. But look closely at the "horses"

Traces Of Aliens Were Found In A Village In India - Alternative View

Traces Of Aliens Were Found In A Village In India - Alternative View

In India, the inhabitants of the village of Anturu are confident that alien creatures live on the territory of their village. The residents consider the fact that suspicious footprints have been found in the village several times as proof of this judgment