Mysterious creatures 2024, September

Anatomy And Physiology Of Strangers - Alternative View

Anatomy And Physiology Of Strangers - Alternative View

Scanned copy of the original text that appeared many years ago in Russian UFO circles and was distributed first in FidoNet and then on the Internet. Author unknown. The numbering of sheets is conditional.- Salik.bizREVIEW ON THE TEXT "ANATOMY OF ALIENS"nA very curious document appeared on the Internet on several sites in the form of photocopies of 27 pages of typewritten text

Strange Creatures From Japanese Folklore - Alternative View

Strange Creatures From Japanese Folklore - Alternative View

Japanese folklore is a little scary for its strange monsters, which are noticeably distinguished by their unusual shapes and features. This may be due to both the insular nature of the nation that created them, and the special nature of the country

Mermaids From Japanese Folklore - Alternative View

Mermaids From Japanese Folklore - Alternative View

Ningyo are creatures in Japanese folklore that look like mermaids. Ningyo translates as "fish-man", there are the names of gyojin or hangyojing (half-man-half fish). Despite the resemblance to mermaids, there are many differences between them

Benandanti - Werewolves Of Jesus Christ - Alternative View

Benandanti - Werewolves Of Jesus Christ - Alternative View

The priests say that the Lord would never seek help from werewolves, - tells the Italian Jacopo Bassano, Grand Master of the Society of Christ's Werewolves. " - But first, we - not ordinary werewolves and we transform into animals only in the astral plane

Great Serpent Legend Or? - Alternative View

Great Serpent Legend Or? - Alternative View

In one of his novels, science fiction writer Arthur Clarke described the meeting of the heroes of the book with two sea snakes at the same time: "… Scientists clung to the windows and saw a majestic spectacle

In The English River, They Photographed Either A Strange Snake, Or An Incomprehensible Fish - Alternative View

In The English River, They Photographed Either A Strange Snake, Or An Incomprehensible Fish - Alternative View

In the English River Tyne, which flows into the North Sea, an incomprehensible creature was filmed not far from the coast, bending in shallow water (see the video below). Video filmed by local resident Kevin Barton

The Museum Curator From Komi Knocked Out A Tooth Of A Vampire - Alternative View

The Museum Curator From Komi Knocked Out A Tooth Of A Vampire - Alternative View

Vampires exist. A resident of the Komi District is sure of this, who says that he knocked out a tooth of one of the ghouls with his own fist. Now evidence of communication with another life form is kept in the museum as the most mysterious exhibit

Aspid - Alternative View

Aspid - Alternative View

Aspid - a monstrous, huge snake with a terrible bird's beak, terrible venomous teeth and giant webbed wings. Asp's leathery, clawed wings shimmer in different colors and burn brighter than the brightest rainbow

The Fairy Skeleton Could Be A Serious Proof Of - Alternative View

The Fairy Skeleton Could Be A Serious Proof Of - Alternative View

Many researchers have been talking about the real existence of fairies, elves, and gnomes for a long time in all seriousness, citing as an example not only legends and folk tales, but also numerous stories of contemporaries, as well as photographs and even video materials on which

A Forest Nymph Lured A Man Into A Thicket - Alternative View

A Forest Nymph Lured A Man Into A Thicket - Alternative View

In the Malaysian state of Sarawak, the search for 22-year-old Stanley Ho, who disappeared for a whole week on Mount Xingay in the vicinity of the city of Bau, has been successfully completed

The Decaying Corpse Of A Mermaid Was Thrown Onto A British Beach - Alternative View

The Decaying Corpse Of A Mermaid Was Thrown Onto A British Beach - Alternative View

On the beach in the English city of Great Yarmouth, the half-decomposed corpse of an amazing creature resembling a humanoid with a fish tail was thrown

Scum From The Bear Lakes Near Moscow - Alternative View

Scum From The Bear Lakes Near Moscow - Alternative View

The fact that some evil spirits are found in the Medvezhye Lakes near Moscow was said 30 years ago. Fyodor Kuzmich Karaukhov, a resident of the village of Maltsevo, recalls: “We sat with the men at sunset, we were catching a fish

In The Far Eastern Taiga Again Saw The "flying Man" - Alternative View

In The Far Eastern Taiga Again Saw The "flying Man" - Alternative View

A creature unknown to science, described by Arseniev, scared the Khabarovsk residents to death In the beginning of this autumn, Dmitry Nikonov, a Khabarovsk citizen, traveled with a friend along the Bikin River, which flows into the Ussuri

Leprechauns - Guardians Of Treasures - Alternative View

Leprechauns - Guardians Of Treasures - Alternative View

Leprechaun, being a character of Irish folklore, is traditionally depicted as a small stocky man dressed in a green suit, a leather apron and a hat

Tatzelwurm (snakecat) - European Gila Monster? - Alternative View

Tatzelwurm (snakecat) - European Gila Monster? - Alternative View

For those who are not familiar with the German language, the name of this creature should inspire thoughts of distant Central America, where cruel Aztec deities with difficult-to-pronounce names, Quetzalcoatl and Huitzilopochtli, performed deeds

Monster From The Romanian Lake - Alternative View

Monster From The Romanian Lake - Alternative View

The Loch Ness monster also has a Romanian "brother" that lives in Lake Tarnița, in the Western Carpathians

The Skeletons Of Mystical Animals Scared The Inhabitants Of Kasley - Alternative View

The Skeletons Of Mystical Animals Scared The Inhabitants Of Kasley - Alternative View

PEOPLE SUPPOSE THAT THE REMAINS BELONG TO THE CHUPACABRAMS Two animal skeletons were found in Kasli. Local residents could not determine the identity of the remains and, not finding a reasonable explanation, they remembered the old urban legend about the Chupacabra creature

Flying People: Materials About Meetings With Them In Belarus - Alternative View

Flying People: Materials About Meetings With Them In Belarus - Alternative View

One of the rather uncharacteristic, but still found in Belarus, plots is a meeting with a certain mysterious anthropomorphic stranger descending from the sky or flying through the air

The Monster Of The Caspian Sea - Alternative View

The Monster Of The Caspian Sea - Alternative View

Every year hundreds of people disappear without a trace in the waters of the Caspian Sea - bathers, scuba divers, poachers, fishermen. What happens to them - complete mystery. No witnesses

The History Of The Edge In The History Of Things: The Fin Of An Underwater Monster - Alternative View

The History Of The Edge In The History Of Things: The Fin Of An Underwater Monster - Alternative View

The legends of sea dragons are not in vain. It's hard to believe, but once upon a time in the territory of the Volgograd region lived one-headed leviathans - not fabulous, real

Russian Schoolchildren Filmed A Monster In The Forest - Alternative View

Russian Schoolchildren Filmed A Monster In The Forest - Alternative View

It is believed that a large number of creatures about which we know almost nothing can live in the pristine forests of our planet. Some of these animals can be large and pose a real threat to humans

16 Creepy Heroes Of Russian Fairy Tales - Alternative View

16 Creepy Heroes Of Russian Fairy Tales - Alternative View

In terms of bloodiness, horror and obscenity, the pearls of Russian folklore will easily surpass any zombie thriller. The kolobok and the hen had very, very bad friends. Did you know that the Russian folk tale - is it sheer lewdness and violence?

This Is The Fifth Time In The Past Month That The Inhabitants Of Chicago Have Met The Moth-man - Alternative View

This Is The Fifth Time In The Past Month That The Inhabitants Of Chicago Have Met The Moth-man - Alternative View

Two residents of Chicago, having gone on a fishing trip to the banks of the Calumet River on April 27, 2017, met with a black flying entity, which is often called the moth man or owl man

A Worm With Legs - Alternative View

A Worm With Legs - Alternative View

In northern Mexico, a strange reptile was found, similar to a worm and a lizard at the same time. The body of the animal found is pink and ringed. Moreover, the lizard has only front legs. Do you know who this is?

The Hunter From Bishopville Claims To Have Filmed The Lizard Man - Alternative View

The Hunter From Bishopville Claims To Have Filmed The Lizard Man - Alternative View

This week, the legendary monster from a small town in South Carolina came to life again in a strange video filmed by a local hunter. The video shows the silhouette (highly blurred) of an unknown creature making its way through the thicket of the forest

Lizards In Russia Were Exterminated By The Adherents Of Christianity - Alternative View

Lizards In Russia Were Exterminated By The Adherents Of Christianity - Alternative View

Lizard on the wall of St. George's Church of Staraya Ladoga, in the image of the famous fresco "The Miracle of St. George about the Dragon" (made around 1167)

Living Descendants Of Dinosaurs And Dragons - Alternative View

Living Descendants Of Dinosaurs And Dragons - Alternative View

Both dinosaurs and lizards are reptiles. But for some reason the lizards managed to survive in our harsh world, and the dinosaurs were not smart enough for this

10 Poisonous Creatures That Can Be Found In Russia - Alternative View

10 Poisonous Creatures That Can Be Found In Russia - Alternative View

If you live in Russia, for example, in Moscow, or like me in the Central Region, then all phrases like "poisonous creatures in Russia" are perceived with surprise. How? Do we have poisonous creatures? It turns out there is

A Strange Creature Hid In The Hollow Of A Tree - Alternative View

A Strange Creature Hid In The Hollow Of A Tree - Alternative View

The forester from the Republic of Azerbaijan, who wished to remain anonymous, claims that he recently encountered a mysterious creature in nature, which is hardly written about in biology textbooks. This is reported by local Russian-speaking cryptozoologists

Aliens In Taiwan: The Web Is Discussing A Strange Find - Alternative View

Aliens In Taiwan: The Web Is Discussing A Strange Find - Alternative View

A resident of Taiwan named Huang Meilan discovered a very strange creature, which is at least a species of insect unknown to science

The Humanoid Creature Washed Ashore In China - Alternative View

The Humanoid Creature Washed Ashore In China - Alternative View

Mysterious video filmed on July 9 in China fell into the hands of Western researchers of supernatural phenomena

Living Trees Of The Siberian Forest - Alternative View

Living Trees Of The Siberian Forest - Alternative View

It is alleged that the video below was obtained at an unidentified time by experts somewhere in a Siberian forest

The Legendary Creature Patasola Was Caught On Camera - Alternative View

The Legendary Creature Patasola Was Caught On Camera - Alternative View

The video below was captured a few days ago in a South American country. Alas, the exact location of the incident remains unknown to the Internet public

Computer Graphics, A Child In A Suit, Or A Real Monster? - Alternative View

Computer Graphics, A Child In A Suit, Or A Real Monster? - Alternative View

On June 7, US resident Vivian Gomez posted on her Facebook page a strange video (see below), filmed on a CCTV camera near her house.The video immediately caused a lively discussion, first on Facebook, and then in other places, including on the Reddit website (Paranormal News - paranormal-news

Mysterious Creature In The Forests Of Canada - Alternative View

Mysterious Creature In The Forests Of Canada - Alternative View

On July 29, 2018, a strange alien creature was filmed on the side of a road in Gaspesie, Quebec, Canada. Audr é e Tanguay Fr é chette, who filmed the mysterious creature says: “ I filmed a moose on the side of the road in Gaspe, Quebec, Canada

Communicating In Video Chat, The Woman Did Not Notice The Alien Standing Behind Her - Mdash; Alternative View

Communicating In Video Chat, The Woman Did Not Notice The Alien Standing Behind Her - Mdash; Alternative View

Chatting in video chat with her friend, the 47-year-old mother of four children did not notice that there was some strange creature behind her all this time. But her friend noticed him and asked if there was someone else in the house

A Tourist Photographed A White Humanoid Creature In A Cave Climbing A Wall - Alternative View

A Tourist Photographed A White Humanoid Creature In A Cave Climbing A Wall - Alternative View

A group of tourists, once in Austria, went on an excursion to the popular giant ice cave Dachstein in the Hallstatt community. One of the tourists began filming everything and commenting on what he sees

Loch Ness Monster Recorded In Albania - Alternative View

Loch Ness Monster Recorded In Albania - Alternative View

A mysterious creature, suspiciously similar to the legendary Loch Ness monster, was noticed the other day in the Albanian part of the European Lake Prespa near the village of Praetor

A Sydney Family Caught A River Monster On Video - Alternative View

A Sydney Family Caught A River Monster On Video - Alternative View

65-year-old Sydney resident Feti Ada and his family recently encountered something very strange while fishing. A mysterious incident took place on the Hawkesbury River in New South Wales

A Mysterious Beast Attacked A Man With A Dog Walking In The Woods - Alternative View

A Mysterious Beast Attacked A Man With A Dog Walking In The Woods - Alternative View

The video posted on the network captures the moment from which the hair stands on end. And everything happened during the day in the light of the sun. A man with his dog is walking along a small clearing at the edge of the forest