Mysterious creatures 2024, September

Something Creepy Behind A Small Door - Alternative View

Something Creepy Behind A Small Door - Alternative View

Reddit user "ToddieCat" shared a story of his traumatic childhood memories. He assures that everything described is true. "I grew up in a low income family and my mother was a single mother with three children

In The Photo, A Strange Creature Got In An English Park - Alternative View

In The Photo, A Strange Creature Got In An English Park - Alternative View

Roundhay Park in Leeds, West Yorkshire (England) covers 700 acres of land with gardens, forest, lake, playgrounds and cafes. This is one of the most popular British public parks.Some time ago, a local resident Stephanie Smith walked in this park with her parents and daughter and along the way took pictures of local beauties

A Scotsman Photographed An Astronaut-like Humanoid In The Forest - Alternative View

A Scotsman Photographed An Astronaut-like Humanoid In The Forest - Alternative View

A man living in the west of the Lowlands claims to have photographed an unknown entity during a recent trek into the forest. According to an anonymous author, he went out into nature that day with his nephew

The Massive Appearance Of Aliens In The Form Of "Michelin People" Was Observed All Over The World - Alternative View

The Massive Appearance Of Aliens In The Form Of "Michelin People" Was Observed All Over The World - Alternative View

Little green or gray men with huge black eyes - are not such associations occurring when the word "aliens" is mentioned?

The Camera Captured A Dwarf Humanoid In Chile - Alternative View

The Camera Captured A Dwarf Humanoid In Chile - Alternative View

A Chilean photographer named Pereira took a unique photo while walking through one of the parks in the Chilean capital, Santiago. The photographer managed to capture a miniature humanoid with a confident step crossing the park

Three Terrible Australian Monsters Have Attracted The Attention Of Scientists - Alternative View

Three Terrible Australian Monsters Have Attracted The Attention Of Scientists - Alternative View

Despite the remoteness of the continent from the Himalayas, the aborigines have preserved many stories about three terrible monsters. They attracted the attention of Australian scientists after numerous eyewitness accounts and continue to scare people

In The Footsteps Of The Novgorod Crocodile - Alternative View

In The Footsteps Of The Novgorod Crocodile - Alternative View

When scientists are asked about what real animals became the basis for the fabulous dragons, they usually call large reptiles - for example, crocodile or monitor lizard

Richard Byrd's Diaries Have Kept Records Of Meetings With The Underground Inhabitants Of The Planet - Alternative View

Richard Byrd's Diaries Have Kept Records Of Meetings With The Underground Inhabitants Of The Planet - Alternative View

American Expedition “ High Jump ” became a sensation in the late 40s, because there first appeared information about UFOs that attacked Earth's transport

Monsters Of The Aral Sea - Alternative View

Monsters Of The Aral Sea - Alternative View

On one of the sites I came across a polemic between two natives of one of the settlements on the coast of the Aral Sea (it seems - Aralsk). What is the controversy about - it will be clear from the posts below. I will designate the participants in this controversy as A. and B. A

Angel And Horse - Alternative View

Angel And Horse - Alternative View

The stories that you will read about later happened quite recently - about 15 years ago. They also caused a lot of noise, but today they are firmly forgotten

A Fish With Human Teeth Was Caught Near Chelyabinsk - Alternative View

A Fish With Human Teeth Was Caught Near Chelyabinsk - Alternative View

Rybak Valery (he refused to give his last name) was sitting with a fishing rod on the lake 40 km from Chelyabinsk. - And then in the thickets of reeds I noticed a submerged net. Out of curiosity, he dragged him ashore. Among the dead fish there was one live - from the middle crucian

Werewolf - Alternative View

Werewolf - Alternative View

Since ancient times, there have been myths and legends about people capable of transforming themselves or transforming others into various animals (less often objects). Werewolf beliefs play a prominent role in folk tales and are common across the globe

Giant Snakes - Green Hell - Alternative View

Giant Snakes - Green Hell - Alternative View

The riddle of giant snakes Eerie creatures inhabit the dense forests of South America and Africa. Researchers, soldiers and missionaries have seen giant snakes 20, 30 and even 40 meters long

Almost All Menhirs In The Northern Elbrus Region Have Been Destroyed - Alternative View

Almost All Menhirs In The Northern Elbrus Region Have Been Destroyed - Alternative View

A group of three menhirs was knocked down next to the Kislovodsk-Dzhily-su road. Almost all menhirs in the Northern Elbrus region have been destroyed, said Viktor Kotlyarov, head of the Russian Geographical Society's branch in Kabardino-Balkaria

Mummies "fairies" From A Buddhist Temple - Alternative View

Mummies "fairies" From A Buddhist Temple - Alternative View

Fairies are quite popular characters from Western folklore (mainly English, Scottish and Irish). Usually they are described as tiny, pretty humanoid creatures with transparent wings, but this is already a late Victorian tradition

The Story With A Huge Moth At A Norwegian Lighthouse - Alternative View

The Story With A Huge Moth At A Norwegian Lighthouse - Alternative View

This story was published in the American tabloid Weekly World News in May 1992. Since this newspaper regularly published rather yellow stories about the paranormal, this article is also automatically considered fiction

Golem From Prague - Alternative View

Golem From Prague - Alternative View

Many stories are known about clay figures animated by magic means, but the most famous of them is the legend of the Prague golem

Ancient Giants. Part One - Alternative View

Ancient Giants. Part One - Alternative View

Previous part: Ancient mines To carry out particularly laborious work and the construction of gigantic structures, the Anunnaki, using genetic engineering, created several varieties of giants with a height of 2.5 to 15 meters, endowing them with a significant extension

Rakshasas - Giant Multi-armed And Multi-headed Demons From Indian Legends - Alternative View

Rakshasas - Giant Multi-armed And Multi-headed Demons From Indian Legends - Alternative View

In different legends, the appearance of Rakshasas is presented in different ways. In the Rig Veda, they are portrayed as werewolves, leading a predominantly nocturnal lifestyle, and turning into ominous animals and birds. In the Atharva Veda, Rakshasas acquire the monstrous appearance of humanoid beings with one or more eyes, several heads and horns on their heads and arms

The Ancient Legend Of The "Hellhound" From North Carolina - Alternative View

The Ancient Legend Of The "Hellhound" From North Carolina - Alternative View

In the Western world, the legend of the so-called "hell hound" is widespread.Most often, hellhounds are described as large dogs, no less than a mastiff, and sometimes reaching the size of a horse or bull, with black matted hair and huge eyes that glow with frightening fire, green, yellow or red

In Sweden, They Found The King Of All Herrings - Alternative View

In Sweden, They Found The King Of All Herrings - Alternative View

The king of all herrings was found off the coast of Sweden. The last time one of these fish was discovered in Sweden was only in 1879. These species are believed to inspire stories of mythical sea creatures like the Loch Ness Monster

A Brain Creature Found In Canada - Alternative View

A Brain Creature Found In Canada - Alternative View

Many representatives of the fauna, living in the neighborhood of man, remain unnoticed by them. But global warming is making its own adjustments, and the situation is changing. One example is bryozoan, first found in a Vancouver park

Denmark Has Allocated 428 Thousand Dollars To Study Trolls - Alternative View

Denmark Has Allocated 428 Thousand Dollars To Study Trolls - Alternative View

For a dissertation on trolls from the island of Bornholm, the Council for Independent Research of Denmark allocated 2.5 million kroons (about 428 thousand dollars)

Our Ancestors Did Not Invent Fables - Alternative View

Our Ancestors Did Not Invent Fables - Alternative View

There are many dark spots in the history of mankind that science cannot illuminate. Modern research methods are not distinguished by elegance and variety

Rat And Evil Spirits (story-reality) - Alternative View

Rat And Evil Spirits (story-reality) - Alternative View

This story is told by Lev Leonidovich Melnikov from the village of Zhdanovo, Volokolamsk region. "What was the impetus for THIS, when IT began, whether during the day or at night, what were the forms of HIS primary expression - I don't know

A Strange Creature Was Photographed - Alternative View

A Strange Creature Was Photographed - Alternative View

The above photo was taken late last year by a user of the popular social news site Reddit

Black Sea "dragon" - Alternative View

Black Sea "dragon" - Alternative View

In 1921, the Black Sea fishermen unexpectedly rebelled: they refused to go to sea, because "the dragon dragged several people under the water." The message was taken seriously - the authorities sent a company of Red Army soldiers to fight the sea serpent

Two Meetings With Vampires In Russia - Alternative View

Two Meetings With Vampires In Russia - Alternative View

Victor N. was returning from Moscow to Samara. In the same compartment with him was a mysterious citizen, who in all seriousness called himself a vampire. Victor did not attach much importance to this

Meetings With Werewolves In Russia - Alternative View

Meetings With Werewolves In Russia - Alternative View

There is hardly a person today who has no idea who a werewolf is. Fanta static novels, hundreds of horror films and computer games - OS new sources of information

The Creature From The Lake - Alternative View

The Creature From The Lake - Alternative View

This is a real story that is scary to remember. We went fishing with friends. Since with a fishing rod to sit - no reason, we decided to fish with a net. We put the tackle in the lake and left two people to look after them

Moth Man Without Hollywood Inventions - Alternative View

Moth Man Without Hollywood Inventions - Alternative View

In the 60s of the last century in the area of Point Pleasant (West Virginia, USA), a strange flying creature with a wingspan of 3.5 meters appeared. They called him the moth man

The Mystery Of The Jenglo Doll From Indonesia. The Hypothesis Of A Magical Creature - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Jenglo Doll From Indonesia. The Hypothesis Of A Magical Creature - Alternative View

Our world is full of secrets and mysteries, and sometimes so strange creatures are found that it is difficult to attribute them to any known species

Werewolves - Alternative View

Werewolves - Alternative View

A werewolf is a person capable of assuming the form of an animal. In Slavic mythology, this animal is a wolf, in Lithuanian legends a fox, a leopard, a wild dog, a wolf or a bear among the Scandinavians

Stone "Law Of God" - Alternative View

Stone "Law Of God" - Alternative View

As you know, the 10 commandments in Christianity and Judaism are the fundamental law. The source of their appearance is the Pentateuch, the Old Testament. Archaeologists are quite calm about artifacts with inscribed commandments found in the Middle East

Shark Or Monster? - Alternative View

Shark Or Monster? - Alternative View

The mysterious monster was filmed near the coast of one of the resorts in Great Britain. The monster, according to some Internet users, may be a relative of Nessie

The First Among The Giants - Alternative View

The First Among The Giants - Alternative View

In the East, this giant bird is called rukh (or strefil-rukh, fear-rakh, legs, nagai). Some even met her, for example, the hero of Arab fairy tales Sinbad the sailor. Once he found himself on a desert island

Horror Stories From Baikal: Lake Of The Northern Dragon - Alternative View

Horror Stories From Baikal: Lake Of The Northern Dragon - Alternative View

The story about the fiery dragon of Lake Baikal, about his brothers in the south and why one should be afraid of him. Dragon Kings Most of the peoples of East Asia revere the dragon as one of the most powerful creatures inhabiting the earth

Did Dragons Live In Russia Or Is Russia The Birthplace Of Crocodiles? - Alternative View

Did Dragons Live In Russia Or Is Russia The Birthplace Of Crocodiles? - Alternative View

We were told tales that lizards or dragons are mythical creatures. However, the chronicles say that these were real animals that were found in medieval Russia

Zeroids - Live UFOs - Alternative View

Zeroids - Live UFOs - Alternative View

Most people believe that all UFOs are - these are objects of artificial origin

Myths And Truths About Mermaids - Alternative View

Myths And Truths About Mermaids - Alternative View

What happens if you cook a mermaid: meat broth or ear? But seriously, where did people get the idea to unite two such dissimilar creatures into a single whole? Did mermaids and mermaids really exist? Or is it pure fantasy?