Mysterious creatures 2024, September

Black Fire-breathing Phantoms - Alternative View

Black Fire-breathing Phantoms - Alternative View

In Tajikistan, on the banks of the Vakht River, there is a mysterious kurgan made of rounded stones. Mysterious because scientists never agreed on its origin

The Body Of A Mysterious Monster Was Thrown Onto The Shore Of A Lake In Australia - Alternative View

The Body Of A Mysterious Monster Was Thrown Onto The Shore Of A Lake In Australia - Alternative View

A strange deep-sea animal that looks like a cross between a crocodile and a dolphin, washed up on the shores of the Australian Macquarie lake (Macquarie)

Volkodlak - An Ancient Warrior Of The Balts - Alternative View

Volkodlak - An Ancient Warrior Of The Balts - Alternative View

Since ancient times, many peoples have associated the image of a wolf with the cult of the deity of war. The ancient Greeks in Arcadia worshiped Lycea Apollo, Lycea Zeus in the form of a wolf. The ancient Roman god of war Mars was served by warrior priests

Ladies In Green - Alternative View

Ladies In Green - Alternative View

The unknown that exists in our world, and with which humanity regularly encounters, for millennia excites inquisitive minds

Mythical Dwarfs Of The North - Alternative View

Mythical Dwarfs Of The North - Alternative View

Alfars of the Norwegians, Elves of the Danes and Swedes, gnomes and elves of the Anglo-Saxons, Albs of the Germanic tribes How many of them, sages and sorcerers, the greatest masters in the processing of metals and the creation of unique magical artifacts, whose names have passed through the dust in

Divya People And Chud - Alternative View

Divya People And Chud - Alternative View

According to legend, divi people have long inhabited remote, inaccessible and "fabulous" areas of the world

The Mythical Bird Roc - Alternative View

The Mythical Bird Roc - Alternative View

Eastern folklore tells of a giant bird capable of carrying elephants. They call this huge, island-sized bird rokh (Arabic: رُخّ ‎, rukh) or elephant bird

The Prototypes Of The Bird Rukh - Alternative View

The Prototypes Of The Bird Rukh - Alternative View

Ancient legends tell about feathered predators who turned the surroundings of the ancient Greek city of Stymphala almost into a desert. They were harpies. They attacked people and animals and tore them apart with their copper claws and beaks

Mysterious Inhabitants Of The Ural Caves. Chud White-eyed, Chud Ural - Alternative View

Mysterious Inhabitants Of The Ural Caves. Chud White-eyed, Chud Ural - Alternative View

Although today there are more than enough people skeptical about the existence of parallel dimensions, generations of people who inhabited the Earth thousands of years before our birth were convinced that there are several heavens, and they lie one above the other

The British Newspaper Recalled The Baikal Monster - Alternative View

The British Newspaper Recalled The Baikal Monster - Alternative View

The Guardian recently included Lake Baikal in the list of must-see places for tourists. In total, the list compiled by a well-known publication includes 10 Russian destinations

Roman Temple Of All Gods - Alternative View

Roman Temple Of All Gods - Alternative View

This remarkable building of the ancient era on the Piazza della Rotonda in Rome is known to any educated person. It was once considered the main Roman temple, where the statues of Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Neptune, Pluto and Saturn stood

An Unknown Animal Was Caught In Läänemaa: Estonian Chupacabra - Who Is It? - Alternative View

An Unknown Animal Was Caught In Läänemaa: Estonian Chupacabra - Who Is It? - Alternative View

In Läänemaa, hunters caught and killed an unknown animal. According to eyewitnesses, they have not seen such an animal yet, its origin causes a lot of controversy

Long-armed Gray Monster From Mount Ben Macduy In Scotland - Alternative View

Long-armed Gray Monster From Mount Ben Macduy In Scotland - Alternative View

Since ancient times, Scotland has been famous for various mysteries, including the world famous Loch Ness monster, but in the first place is the "gray ghost" Ben Macdhui, which has been frightening mountain lovers for several centuries

In China, They Filmed A Huge River Monster - Alternative View

In China, They Filmed A Huge River Monster - Alternative View

An amazing entry has appeared on the World Wide Web recently in the People's Republic of China. This unique video reportedly shows an unidentified large creature rising to the surface from the depths of a local river

Higher Intelligence - Alternative View

Higher Intelligence - Alternative View

Recent research by biologists has led to a sensational conclusion: dolphins are the most intelligent creatures on the planet. Dolphin is an intelligent animal

About Trolls - Alternative View

About Trolls - Alternative View

Stories about trolls first appeared in the Scandinavian countries, and each had its own: Norwegian, Swedish and Danish, and later they appeared even in the distant Faroe Islands. And the biggest trolls come from Iceland

Prehistoric Monsters From Parallel Worlds - Alternative View

Prehistoric Monsters From Parallel Worlds - Alternative View

In order to see the lake, which is home to a prehistoric monster, you don't have to spend money on a ticket to Scotland to see the famous Loch Ness. It turns out that in Russia there are reservoirs in which relic animals are found

Whistling Creatures From Indonesia - Alternative View

Whistling Creatures From Indonesia - Alternative View

Forests still hold many secrets. So it was from the very beginning of mankind and continues to this day, when, it would seem, everything is already explored and known.The forest is the source of countless myths, a place containing magic and monsters

The Gray Humanoid Instantly "disappears" From The Roof Of A Chicago Skyscraper - Alternative View

The Gray Humanoid Instantly "disappears" From The Roof Of A Chicago Skyscraper - Alternative View

A group of researchers led by Lon Strickler, seriously studying the phenomenon of flying humanoids or huge creatures similar to bats, called the "Chicago Phantom" or "Chicago Motman", recently received an unusual

Huge Animals From Antiquity Are Still Alive Today! - Alternative View

Huge Animals From Antiquity Are Still Alive Today! - Alternative View

It happens in childhood that you hear stories about giant animals that lived on Earth in prehistoric times. These stories are exciting and interesting. I just want to imagine the world before people appeared in it

The Mystery Of The Babylonian "dragon" - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Babylonian "dragon" - Alternative View

After the fall of Assyria, a new powerful state of the Ancient World - Babylonia - was created by Nebuchadnezzar II (he ruled 605-562 BC)

“How The Little Mermaid Turned Out To Be Snow Baba - An Attempt At A Cryptobiological Investigation "- Alternative View

“How The Little Mermaid Turned Out To Be Snow Baba - An Attempt At A Cryptobiological Investigation "- Alternative View

There are miracles: there the goblin wanders, the Mermaid sits on the branches A.S

Scientists Have Found Settlements Of Mysterious Mythical Creatures In The Borjomi Gorge - Alternative View

Scientists Have Found Settlements Of Mysterious Mythical Creatures In The Borjomi Gorge - Alternative View

Archaeologists made a sensational find. In the mountains of the Borjomi Gorge, they discovered the remains of mysterious creatures, about which the local residents have been making legends for centuries. As it turned out, tales of huge giants are in fact, reality

A Strange Story About Genies Dancing By The Fires - Alternative View

A Strange Story About Genies Dancing By The Fires - Alternative View

A long history came to life after getting acquainted with the memoirs of Kadyr Natkho, which had just been published in Maikop, Viktor Kotlyarov, a local historian and publisher from Nalchik, explained his story

The Legend Of The Mountain Devil - Alternative View

The Legend Of The Mountain Devil - Alternative View

Centuries ago, the first settlers who arrived from the European part of Russia to Siberia faced frightening stories, legends and traditions of the indigenous peoples about mysterious and mysterious creatures endowed with unusual, almost supernatural

The Rarest Pink Dolphin Hit The Camera Lens - Alternative View

The Rarest Pink Dolphin Hit The Camera Lens - Alternative View

Albinos, that is, animals completely without color (white) are found among many species of animals and birds, but among dolphins you can see not only white, but also pink specimens

The Remains Of An Unidentified Hairy Creature Washed Up On The Coast Of Sakhalin - Alternative View

The Remains Of An Unidentified Hairy Creature Washed Up On The Coast Of Sakhalin - Alternative View

The remains of an unknown marine animal with hair on its tail washed up on the shore near the airport in Shakhtersk. Locals saw in him a resemblance to an ancient dinosaur, according to the correspondent. IA SakhalinMedia

Giant Earthworms - Alternative View

Giant Earthworms - Alternative View

It turns out, for example, in Australia (in the region of Gippsland, Victoria) there are the world's largest small-bristled worms, their length can exceed several meters. Australian giant earthworm (lat

A Large Piranha Was Caught In The Southwest Of Great Britain. - Alternative View

A Large Piranha Was Caught In The Southwest Of Great Britain. - Alternative View

The world's most ferocious freshwater fish was found in the Devon River in southwest England

Nightmares In Reality: "What Bothered Me Was Sitting In My Closet" - Alternative View

Nightmares In Reality: "What Bothered Me Was Sitting In My Closet" - Alternative View

Bart Connor was lying on his bunk in a house rented by his group of college students and he found it difficult to breathe. He had the feeling that an asthma attack had begun. He reached for his inhaler and took two deep breaths, but the medicine didn't work

Mermaids Of The Caspian Sea Have Become Active - Alternative View

Mermaids Of The Caspian Sea Have Become Active - Alternative View

In the Caspian Sea, mermaids have become more and more often seen. Local scientist Adil Korzabaev believes that this is due to the deterioration of the ecological situation - the sea is becoming more and more polluted, especially due to oil production

Speleotourists Have Captured A "humanoid Creature" Unknown To Science In The Cave - Alternative View

Speleotourists Have Captured A "humanoid Creature" Unknown To Science In The Cave - Alternative View

Speleotourists who recently went to the so-called Ancient Cave, located on the territory of the Austrian community of Hallstatt, told the Internet community about a mysterious observation that took place there

A Huge Mysterious Creature Roams The Australian Outback - Alternative View

A Huge Mysterious Creature Roams The Australian Outback - Alternative View

Himalayan Yeti, North American Sasquatch, Yaui, or just Bigfoot was filmed in New South Wales, Australia

The Mermaid Photo Has Raised New Questions - Alternative View

The Mermaid Photo Has Raised New Questions - Alternative View

Many are convinced that at the old American "freak show" they once demonstrated the mummy of a real mermaid, and not a single skeptic or materialist has been able to refute its authenticity until now

Vampires - Mythology And Reality - Alternative View

Vampires - Mythology And Reality - Alternative View

Vampires are one of the most popular monsters invented by man. Let us try to understand what role in the creation of their image was played by the diseases from which our ancestors suffered. In the old days, diseases were something terrifying for people

Snakeworms From Russia, The Answer To The Chupokabra From America - Alternative View

Snakeworms From Russia, The Answer To The Chupokabra From America - Alternative View

Many Russians noticed that the domestic media is full of information about mysterious creatures that now and then come across on the territory of our country

Australian Bunyip: Aboriginal Fantasies Or Real And Not Yet Discovered Beast - Alternative View

Australian Bunyip: Aboriginal Fantasies Or Real And Not Yet Discovered Beast - Alternative View

According to researchers of Australian Aboriginal folklore, Bunyip is only a character in folk myths, that is, not a real creature. In aboriginal legends, Bunyip lives in swamps, streams, riverbeds and other bodies of water, even small

About Vampires - Truth And Myths - Alternative View

About Vampires - Truth And Myths - Alternative View

2006 - in Venice, on the island of Lazzaretto Nuovo, archaeologists from Italy excavated a huge grave, which contained more than 1,500 remains of townspeople who died from the bubonic plague epidemic in 1576

Jaboid: A Hoax Or A Real Threat From The Swamps - Alternative View

Jaboid: A Hoax Or A Real Threat From The Swamps - Alternative View

Around the world, there is increasing evidence of encounters with a strange amphibian man, otherwise known as the "jaboid." Perhaps the most famous and mysterious precedent involving such an amphibious man - this is Loveland's Jaboid

The Murder Of The "Dark Walker" Of The Pennsylvania Woods - Alternative View

The Murder Of The "Dark Walker" Of The Pennsylvania Woods - Alternative View

This story was sent to the American explorer of mysterious creatures Lon Strickler. Its author is an elderly man named John who lives in the north of Nevada.“When I was a child, my mother, I, and my grandfather lived in a private home in the wooded area of southwest Pennsylvania. My gr