Wonder people 2024, September

A Student From Canada Can "leave" Her Body Whenever She Wants - Alternative View

A Student From Canada Can "leave" Her Body Whenever She Wants - Alternative View

At the same time, she has a strange brain activity A student of the Faculty of Psychology from Canada claims that she can "leave" the body at will before falling asleep

Mozart: Life And Death - Alternative View

Mozart: Life And Death - Alternative View

Probably, there is no person in the modern world who has never heard the name of Mozart. And few people have never come across references to his mysterious death. The mystics traditionally associate it with the name Salieri

The Secret Of Happiness Was Found In The Short Notes Of Albert Einstein, Discovered 95 Years Later - Alternative View

The Secret Of Happiness Was Found In The Short Notes Of Albert Einstein, Discovered 95 Years Later - Alternative View

Albert Einstein's short notes on the secret of a happy life surfaced 95 years later. One of the most famous scientists in history, whose name has become synonymous with the word "genius", passionately interested not only in science, but, in fact, in life

Eliza Müller's Martian Language - Alternative View

Eliza Müller's Martian Language - Alternative View

Xenoglossia, or the ability to speak other languages, which came from nowhere, has always been a challenge for scientists. Let's tell you a story about Eliza Müller speaking the "Martian language"

Amazing People - From Eccentric To Crazy - Alternative View

Amazing People - From Eccentric To Crazy - Alternative View

The quirks of people - freaks or crazy

"His Skull Is Like A Pie From Which A Quarter Has Been Cut Off" - Alternative View

"His Skull Is Like A Pie From Which A Quarter Has Been Cut Off" - Alternative View

43-year-old painter, whose brain was damaged so badly that he lost the ability to speak, the court awarded compensation in the amount of $ 58 million

The Tallest Policeman In The World Lives In India - Alternative View

The Tallest Policeman In The World Lives In India - Alternative View

Jagdep Singh is the Indian version of Uncle Styopa, his height is 2 meters 28.6 centimeters. The police officer has been with the local Punjab State Police for 20 years. The law has long not only arms, but also legs

An Immortal Man Was Discovered In India - Alternative View

An Immortal Man Was Discovered In India - Alternative View

The oldest inhabitant of the Earth was discovered in India - a man named Mahashta Murasi turned 180 this year. There is no official confirmation of this data, but the long-liver himself claims that he is immortal, according to foreign media

Psychic Engineer And Clairvoyant Announcer - Alternative View

Psychic Engineer And Clairvoyant Announcer - Alternative View

Civil engineer Vladimir Safonov was, perhaps, better known as a researcher of the problems of parapsychology, telepathic, clairvoyant, psychic experimenter, writer and screenwriter He was also a soldier, survived his own death and remained in the memory of bl

In China, A Three-year-old Baby Weighs 5 Times More Than A Normal Baby - Alternative View

In China, A Three-year-old Baby Weighs 5 Times More Than A Normal Baby - Alternative View

Because of problems with height and weight, three-year-old Zhao Xiao is reluctant to take him to kindergarten, because both parents and educators are afraid that Zhao Xiao's weight will prevent him from communicating with his peers

A Man With 24 Personalities - Alternative View

A Man With 24 Personalities - Alternative View

It's good when a person gets into textbooks. It's bad when in textbooks on psychiatry, and even as a patient. Billy Milligan was destined for just such a fate. Not of his own free will, he ended up there, but thanks to a unique diagnosis made by doctors

The Mystery Of Glowing People - Alternative View

The Mystery Of Glowing People - Alternative View

Victims of a strange disease emit light that is not inferior in strength to electric. In December 2006, Trinity customs officers, while filling out the documents for the car, discovered that the passenger - and ndash; a resident of Kazakhstan - glows in the dark

Having Survived A Flood, Tornadoes, A Locust Infestation And A Train Wreck On A Tour, The Couple Decided To Get Married - - Alternative View

Having Survived A Flood, Tornadoes, A Locust Infestation And A Train Wreck On A Tour, The Couple Decided To Get Married - - Alternative View

Two close friends from Great Britain Eddie Lawler and Nancy Wilson decided to get married after they miraculously escaped floods, locust infestations, survived a tornado and survived a terrible train crash on a tourist trip to the United States

Understanding The Language Of Animals - Alternative View

Understanding The Language Of Animals - Alternative View

Do you think people are only able to understand the language of animals in fairy tales? 39-year-old Briton Mandy Carr, whose specialty is - grooming cats and dogs, claims to be able to read the minds of her four-legged clients

Ted Serios - Man Of The Century - Alternative View

Ted Serios - Man Of The Century - Alternative View

Amazing things were done in the harsh 1970s in our Soviet fatherland (who would have thought?)

"Rain People" - Alternative View

"Rain People" - Alternative View

The main mystery of autism: It interferes with a person's ability to socialize, but at the same time, his mental potential often improves

The Tallest Schoolgirl In The World Lives In Brazil - Alternative View

The Tallest Schoolgirl In The World Lives In Brazil - Alternative View

Elisani Silva, a 14-year-old Brazilian woman, was forced to stop attending school because her oversized height makes her too tall to fit on a bus that takes children to school

Twin To Himself - Alternative View

Twin To Himself - Alternative View

A woman lives in the United States who, having given birth to three children, found out that she was not their biological mother. Based on DNA analysis, the real mother was Lydia Fairchild's twin sister

Boy - Magnet From Kazakhstan - Alternative View

Boy - Magnet From Kazakhstan - Alternative View

Inexplicable but the fact. A small resident of Shymkent was nicknamed Magnet for the fact that cutlery literally sticks to him. But 5-year-old Dinmukhammed Talgat is not going to stop there

The Stranger With One Movement Of His Hand Disfigured All The Electronic "stuffing" Of The Machine - Alternative View

The Stranger With One Movement Of His Hand Disfigured All The Electronic "stuffing" Of The Machine - Alternative View

The stranger scared to death a girl who had come to stay with her grandmother, breaking her car with one gesture. Heidi Clinton told what happened to her four years ago. "I came to visit my grandmother in Washington

Carlos Castaneda - Magician Or Hoaxer? - Alternative View

Carlos Castaneda - Magician Or Hoaxer? - Alternative View

The "progressive" youth of the second half of the last century were read by Carlos Castaneda's books about don Juan. Meanwhile, the writer himself is a legendary and even mysterious person

The Man Who Stopped The Tram - Alternative View

The Man Who Stopped The Tram - Alternative View

Anyone who has read, as they would say now, the cult book by Yuri Olesha "Three Fat Men", probably remembers the feeling of magic that comes from each of its pages. A wonderful cross between reality and nebyli takes prisoner, bewitches, acts magically

The Devil And His Violin - Alternative View

The Devil And His Violin - Alternative View

On the street Black Cat in the old quarter of the Italian city of Genoa, there is a house at number 38

Indian Cures Obesity And Cancer With A Voice - Alternative View

Indian Cures Obesity And Cancer With A Voice - Alternative View

Many people want to lose weight, for which they go on diets and start exercising. However, all this becomes unnecessary if you take a course of procedures from Jigar Shah from the city of Ahmedabad

The Posthumous Odyssey Of Niccolo Paganini - Alternative View

The Posthumous Odyssey Of Niccolo Paganini - Alternative View

Niccolo Paganini, born on October 27, 1782, was not a child prodigy treated kindly by his parents and society, and his musical talent was revealed at a relatively late age

13-year-old Briton Bypassed Einstein's IQ - Alternative View

13-year-old Briton Bypassed Einstein's IQ - Alternative View

A schoolgirl from the UK, who did not have a great desire to study at school, but has an IQ higher than that of Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking, was invited to study at Oxford. Writes about this edition of The Daily Mail

The Most Mysterious People Of The XX Century - Alternative View

The Most Mysterious People Of The XX Century - Alternative View

These people made scientific discoveries, performed magical rituals, expanded the boundaries of human capabilities, were declared saints and prophets. They are very different, but they all left behind more questions than answers

An Indian Chef Is Not Afraid Of Boiling Oil - Alternative View

An Indian Chef Is Not Afraid Of Boiling Oil - Alternative View

The 65-year-old chef has become a celebrity in the back streets of Old Delhi thanks to his unique ability - - he can dip his hands in boiling vegetable oil

Pole Change Confirmation Found - Alternative View

Pole Change Confirmation Found - Alternative View

The Earth's magnetic poles can change their position at an extremely high speed - up to one degree per week, according to a group of scientists whose article was accepted for publication in the journal Geophysical Research Letters

In The Nizhny Novgorod Region Lives A Man-magnet - Alternative View

In The Nizhny Novgorod Region Lives A Man-magnet - Alternative View

The village of Bolshoe Boldino can now become famous not only for the name of the great poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, but also for the appearance of a man-magnet in these places

The "miracle Child" In Dagestan Has Caused A Controversial Reaction Among The Muslims Of Russia. - Alternative View

The "miracle Child" In Dagestan Has Caused A Controversial Reaction Among The Muslims Of Russia. - Alternative View

People from all over the republic go to Dagestan Kizlyar to see the “miracle child”. This is the name of the nine-month-old boy Ali. Birthmarks in the form of Arabic script began to appear on his body from birth

Suras From The Koran Appear On The Body Of A Little Boy From Dagestan - Alternative View

Suras From The Koran Appear On The Body Of A Little Boy From Dagestan - Alternative View

In Dagestan, doctors, imams and ordinary people are trying to understand the phenomenon that caused a real shock - first in the village of Krasno-Oktyabrskoye, and then in Makhachkala. A baby was born there, on whose body the verses - fragments from the Quran

Salamander People - Inexplicable Secrets Of The World - Alternative View

Salamander People - Inexplicable Secrets Of The World - Alternative View

There is still a lot of unknown in our world, for example, until now scientists cannot give an unambiguous answer to the question: why some people do not burn in a fire and are not afraid of boiling water. This is something incredible

In Japan, The Oldest Man On The Planet Died - Alternative View

In Japan, The Oldest Man On The Planet Died - Alternative View

In Japan, at the age of 112, the oldest inhabitant of the planet, Yasutaro Koide, died on Tuesday. This was reported by representatives of the hospital in the city of Nagoya, where he received treatment. The cause of death was chronic heart failure

The Earthquake In Italy Was Predicted By Clairvoyants - Alternative View

The Earthquake In Italy Was Predicted By Clairvoyants - Alternative View

On the night of April 6, an earthquake occurred in Italy, the power of which is estimated at 6.3 points on the Richter scale

Hagendra's Competitor Tapa Magara - Alternative View

Hagendra's Competitor Tapa Magara - Alternative View

A resident of the island of Mindanao in the south of the Philippines, 17-year-old Junrey Balawing, whose height is only 55 centimeters, will soon receive the official title of the smallest man in the world, writes the British newspaper Sun

The CIA Is Looking For "unique People" Who Make Accurate Predictions - Alternative View

The CIA Is Looking For "unique People" Who Make Accurate Predictions - Alternative View

Experts in the field of psychology and national security are trying to find among ordinary Americans "super predictors" - that is, people who are able to foresee world events better than intelligence specialists do

America's Luckiest Fool - Alternative View

America's Luckiest Fool - Alternative View

Many of you have probably seen the movie "Forrest Gump" about a mentally retarded but lucky guy who managed to become a successful businessman. It turns out that he had a real prototype - Timothy Dexter

Lightning, Coffins, Counterfeit Money: The Sorcerer - Not Boring Profession - Alternative View

Lightning, Coffins, Counterfeit Money: The Sorcerer - Not Boring Profession - Alternative View

A lot of trouble for law enforcement agencies from self-taught magicians: either the whole street will be blown up, then the gullible citizens will be cheated, then they will lie in a coffin “for the sake of Pussy Riot” The inhabitants of the capital of Zimbabwe are scared

Levitation In The History Of Mankind - Alternative View

Levitation In The History Of Mankind - Alternative View

Many gods of the Indian pantheon were able to fly. However, this art was available to mere mortals: for example, yogis, hermit saints, as well as brahmanas and magicians owned it