Wonder people 2024, September

The Star Of Soviet Parapsychology: Telekinetic Ninel Kulagina - Alternative View

The Star Of Soviet Parapsychology: Telekinetic Ninel Kulagina - Alternative View

Soviet ideology did not recognize mysticism and metaphysics, but allowed belief in the paranormal abilities of individuals. Phenomenon from Leningrad Belief in paranormal (or psychic) abilities originated in the 19th century

People With "Jedi Abilities" - Alternative View

People With "Jedi Abilities" - Alternative View

All of us at least once wanted to have superpower, but the reality is that nature was greedy for superpowers for its children. Supermen are supermen, to please us with their appearance on the screen, but not in life

Wounds That "gave" Unusual Abilities - Alternative View

Wounds That "gave" Unusual Abilities - Alternative View

Side by side with the familiar and familiar, the unconscious shadow of something intangible and unknown invariably adjoins

The Paranormal Abilities Of Rosa Kuleshova - Alternative View

The Paranormal Abilities Of Rosa Kuleshova - Alternative View

They started talking about the phenomenon of Rosa Kuleshova in the 70s

Lords Of The Natural Elements - Alternative View

Lords Of The Natural Elements - Alternative View

People who have a mysterious ability to attract various natural elements have met at all times. In some cases, this strange property was explained by the use of magic, in others - the phenomenon looked completely inexplicable

3 Shaolin Monks Whose Abilities Amaze The World - Alternative View

3 Shaolin Monks Whose Abilities Amaze The World - Alternative View

The legendary Shaolin Monastery does not like to discard its secrets. Most of the warrior monks never leave China, it is almost impossible to see their true skill, and not farce tricks

Superpowers Of Mirin Dajo - Mystery Of History - Alternative View

Superpowers Of Mirin Dajo - Mystery Of History - Alternative View

On August 6, 1912, a very unusual person was born in Rotterdam. And although the first thirty years, Arnold Gerrit Henske did not consider himself unusual - inexplicable events often happened to him. For example, once he drew his relative

Scientists Gave A Standing Ovation To The X-ray Girl From Saransk - Alternative View

Scientists Gave A Standing Ovation To The X-ray Girl From Saransk - Alternative View

The abilities of Natalia Demkina from Saransk were discovered in 1997. Natalia was 10 years old. “I was at home with my mother when I began to see more than usual. I looked at my mother's body as if through and through, and told her about the organs that I saw

Unique - Alternative View

Unique - Alternative View

In all centuries, people with inexplicable and sometimes incredible abilities aroused special interest of society. Moreover, it is not yet possible to predict or design the birth of a child with a special gift

Master Chi Puts Animals To Sleep At A Distance - Alternative View

Master Chi Puts Animals To Sleep At A Distance - Alternative View

A Japanese resident known locally as Master Chi claims that his mind is so powerful that he can control several animals at the same time and put them to sleep

Human Locator - Alternative View

Human Locator - Alternative View

History knows many people-phenomena, but even among them the unique gift of the Frenchman Etienne Bottino, who in the 18th century managed to predict the arrival of ships long before they appeared on the horizon, looks very impressive

A Boy With A Real "sixth Sense" Lives In Florida - Alternative View

A Boy With A Real "sixth Sense" Lives In Florida - Alternative View

Parents of four-year-old Elijah Howell believe that their child has the same mystical "sixth sense" as the character from the film of the same name with Bruce Willis and Haley Joel Osment

Crimean Miracle Grandmother Attracts Irons, Spoons And Tames Ghosts - Alternative View

Crimean Miracle Grandmother Attracts Irons, Spoons And Tames Ghosts - Alternative View

Nadezhda Poselskaya, an 82-year-old pensioner from Simferopol (in two weeks - she is 83!), Announced her paranormal abilities at an advanced age, although she noticed unusual abilities in herself since childhood, but did not attach any importance to this

Aleister Crowley - Biography Of The Legendary Occultist - Alternative View

Aleister Crowley - Biography Of The Legendary Occultist - Alternative View

Many lovers of esotericism are familiar with the Tarot cards of Thoth by Aleister Crowley. But not everyone knows what kind of person their creator was. Fans call him a talented magician, a genius who has created many occult works

Juna: And There Is One Warrior In The Biofield - Alternative View

Juna: And There Is One Warrior In The Biofield - Alternative View

It was hard to stand with her nearby - great strength emanated from the short woman. The look riveted attention. Movement - fascinated. Evgenia Davitashvili was the most mysterious woman in the Soviet Union

Nikola Tesla. The Voice Of Heaven - Alternative View

Nikola Tesla. The Voice Of Heaven - Alternative View

"The art of transferring electrical energy using the natural environment, possibly, will lead to the fact that humans will make unprecedented changes on our planet, which, apparently, are taking place on the neighboring planet inhabited by intelligent beings." H

Porfiry Ivanov - A Philosopher Or A Madman? - Alternative View

Porfiry Ivanov - A Philosopher Or A Madman? - Alternative View

His identity is still controversial. Who was he: a philosopher to whom the wisdom of the world was revealed, or a madman? In any case, he was an unusual and very strong man

The Phenomenal Porfiry Ivanov - Alternative View

The Phenomenal Porfiry Ivanov - Alternative View

An ordinary villager from the Luhansk region with four classes of a parish school, who loved to drink and fight, came up with a unique system of health improvement. He called his 12 commandments "Baby"

Alien Gift - Alternative View

Alien Gift - Alternative View

In Suzemka, where Lena lives, she is called an "alien". A 23-year-old girl, thanks to her phenomenal abilities, heals people

Secrets Of Longevity Of The Mokshan Healer - Alternative View

Secrets Of Longevity Of The Mokshan Healer - Alternative View

That's a record so a record! People's healer of the village Skachki, Mokshan region - 91 years old! For almost a century, Maria Vasilievna Redkina had to endure many trials of fate. It would seem that, having reached a venerable age, you can live for yourself

The Healer Francis Schlatter - Alternative View

The Healer Francis Schlatter - Alternative View

Healing has been in demand at all times. Especially when it came to healing a large number of people. The 19th century healer Francis Schlatter, according to the most conservative estimates, healed 100 thousand people in three years

Healers, Psychics - Who Are They? - Alternative View

Healers, Psychics - Who Are They? - Alternative View

This question has been haunting the minds of mankind for thousands of years. The gift of clairvoyance - is it a gift of fate, or a punishment? It is worth understanding this. Clairvoyants in ancient times were considered servants of the great Gods. They identified with them

Allan Chumak. Life Story - Alternative View

Allan Chumak. Life Story - Alternative View

Allan Chumak died. For people of the older and middle generation on the territory of the former Soviet Union, it is not at all necessary to explain who he is

Healer Abbasov: "Man Creates All Diseases For Himself" - Alternative View

Healer Abbasov: "Man Creates All Diseases For Himself" - Alternative View

Pasha Pashaevich Abbasov is a folk healer of Russia, has an officially approved certificate and work permit. He lives in a small town in the Saratov region, conducts an appointment at home, while still working for an ambulance

Soaring Above The Ground - Alternative View

Soaring Above The Ground - Alternative View

About levitation - so was the name of the free hovering of man above the ground - speak, write and argue for a long time. However, to this day, the attitude towards this phenomenon is very contradictory

The Fraudster Hypnotized The Sellers Of The Jewelry Salon - Alternative View

The Fraudster Hypnotized The Sellers Of The Jewelry Salon - Alternative View

The mall's video cameras captured the face of a woman who tricked the staff of a jewelry store. Police seized video from surveillance cameras and are looking for a criminal who hypnotized a jewelry saleswoman

The One Who Has Exfoliated Flesh: The Indian Who Lived 138 Years - Alternative View

The One Who Has Exfoliated Flesh: The Indian Who Lived 138 Years - Alternative View

The February 1922 issue of the Minneapolis Morning Tribune featured an obituary about a man with the most common name John Smith

The Man Hears The Interlocutor Before He Speaks - Alternative View

The Man Hears The Interlocutor Before He Speaks - Alternative View

“I told my daughter that the TV in her living room had problems with syncing the picture and sound. And then I noticed that the TV in the kitchen also had bad dubbing. And suddenly I realized that her own voice sounds out of sync with articulation

Psychics Really Help Find Criminals. - Alternative View

Psychics Really Help Find Criminals. - Alternative View

Several years ago, several people gathered in an inconspicuous house in one of the alleys of Moscow. They were a police colonel, two of his colleagues and three invited civilians - a man and two women

A Man "attracts" Objects With His Head - Alternative View

A Man "attracts" Objects With His Head - Alternative View

American Jamie Keaton was nicknamed "the real X-Man" - he can attract objects to his head. True, this is not a superpower, but a rare skin condition, says the Daily Mail

People Magnets - Alternative View

People Magnets - Alternative View

Surely, many of you are familiar with the X-Men quadralogy antihero - Magneto. With just the power of thought, he could do anything with metal. In his hands, he became sometimes malleable plasticine, then a molten drop, then a deadly weapon

Human Magnetism - Alternative View

Human Magnetism - Alternative View

We have all heard and read about "people-magnets" who can attract various objects made of metal, glass and plastic. The 81-year-old Odessa pensioner accidentally discovered his abilities

Forks, Telephones And Hammers Stick To The Kostanay Grandmother And Her Grandson - Alternative View

Forks, Telephones And Hammers Stick To The Kostanay Grandmother And Her Grandson - Alternative View

Kostanay (Kazakhstan) is vigorously discussing the anomaly: a pensioner was found in the city with forks, spoons, and remote controls sticking to her body. The most amazing thing is that all these utensils stick to her grandson. Relatives cannot explain their abilities

Objects Are Glued To The American - Alternative View

Objects Are Glued To The American - Alternative View

A resident of the United States Jamie Keaton is able to glue glass and plastic bottles, beer cans, mobile phones, lighters and any other objects to his head

A Magnetic Indian Can Hold Ten-kilogram Irons On His Body - Alternative View

A Magnetic Indian Can Hold Ten-kilogram Irons On His Body - Alternative View

The man-magnet from India is becoming more popular and more interesting every day. Earlier this year, Arun Raikar discovered that he can use "special waves" to attract spoons and nails to his skin

After Being Electrocuted, The Boy Attracts Spoons And Coins - Alternative View

After Being Electrocuted, The Boy Attracts Spoons And Coins - Alternative View

The seven-year-old Kolya discovered the superhero's abilities in himself by accident. After being electrocuted, the second-grader does not need to hold a fork and spoon in his hands: metal objects themselves stick to the "Magneto" from the Isilkul district (Omsk region)

Spoons And Irons Stick To The Body Of A Magnet Girl From Donbass - Alternative View

Spoons And Irons Stick To The Body Of A Magnet Girl From Donbass - Alternative View

Donetsk resident Yulia Chubar discovered amazing abilities in herself more than 20 years ago: various metal objects are attracted to her body, like to a powerful magnet - and ndash; from cutlery to heavy irons

Edgar Cayce: Prophecies In A Dream - Alternative View

Edgar Cayce: Prophecies In A Dream - Alternative View

He became known as the sleeping prophet - his revelations came in a deep trance. Casey predicted two world wars, healed thousands of people, but was never able to learn the secret of his gift. The Sleeping Prophet Cayce used his gift for the first time

The Man-Magnet Assures That He Is Not A Charlatan - Alternative View

The Man-Magnet Assures That He Is Not A Charlatan - Alternative View

German man claims to use supernatural powers to manipulate metal, just like the X-Men supervillain

A Bosnian Is Attracted To Almost Any Object! - Alternative View

A Bosnian Is Attracted To Almost Any Object! - Alternative View

56-year-old resident from Bosnia and Herzegovina Muhibija Buljubasic claims to be able to attract and hold everything from a spoon to a cell phone