Wonder people 2024, September

The Four-year-old Muscovite Speaks Seven Languages and Dreams Of Learning Italian - Alternative View

The Four-year-old Muscovite Speaks Seven Languages and Dreams Of Learning Italian - Alternative View

Bellochka Devyatkina was only three and a half years old when the editors of the Amazing People project on Russia 1 tracked her down. She turned four by the time she was filming, but she still remains the youngest among the participants in the show

The IQ Of A 12-year-old Girl Was Higher Than That Of Einstein - Alternative View

The IQ Of A 12-year-old Girl Was Higher Than That Of Einstein - Alternative View

The IQ of 12-year-old Olivia Manning from Liverpool is 2 points higher than that of the outstanding scientists of our time - Einstein and Hawking. According to the test result, Olivia's IQ is 162 points

Indigo Messengers Of The Devil? - Alternative View

Indigo Messengers Of The Devil? - Alternative View

Now a lot is said and written about the so-called indigo children, who began to appear at the end of the twentieth century. So who are they, indigo children? The phrase "indigo children" appeared after the aura of these unusual children was examined

The One-year-old Prodigy Was Offered To Go To School - Alternative View

The One-year-old Prodigy Was Offered To Go To School - Alternative View

British educational institutions are fighting for the opportunity to take a unique student to study. British educational institutions are inviting a child with extraordinary abilities to study

The Chinese Girl Memorized 300 Digits Of The Number "pi" - Alternative View

The Chinese Girl Memorized 300 Digits Of The Number "pi" - Alternative View

A small resident of the city of Changchun, Jilin province, at the age of 2.5 years, could already name 300 digits of the number "pi" after the decimal point by heart

UK's Smart Kids - Alternative View

UK's Smart Kids - Alternative View

She is only 6 months old, but she already knows how to ask for a pot and even speak. As they write, Mozart was 3 years old when he learned to masterfully play the harpsichord. Steffi Graf 4 years old when she brilliantly hit the ball with a racket

Unrealized "bright Future": How Reporters Ruined The Life Of A Little Wunderkind - Alternative View

Unrealized "bright Future": How Reporters Ruined The Life Of A Little Wunderkind - Alternative View

At 1.5 years old he could read newspapers, by five - spoke several languages, and at the age of 11 became the youngest student at Harvard University

A Girl Whose IQ Is Higher Than Einstein's - Alternative View

A Girl Whose IQ Is Higher Than Einstein's - Alternative View

Among the greatest geniuses of our time, Microsoft founder Bill Gates and astrophysicist Stephen Hawking, and more recently, an 11-year-old girl from the UK

Snow Maiden From The City Of Togliatti - Alternative View

Snow Maiden From The City Of Togliatti - Alternative View

On the eve of Christmas and New Year's, it's time to talk about the fantastic phenomenon of the Russian city of Togliatti - about the Snow Maiden who lives here. This Snow Maiden is already well over fifty and her name is Galina Kutereva

Levitating Hume. Phenomenon Of The XIX Century, Still Unsolved - Alternative View

Levitating Hume. Phenomenon Of The XIX Century, Still Unsolved - Alternative View

Scientists of the 19th century studied the phenomenon of Daniel Dunglas Hume and never found any fraud in his abilities. The Scottish Spiritualist was considered by his contemporaries "the greatest physical medium of all time."

Flying Monk Joseph Kupertinsky - Alternative View

Flying Monk Joseph Kupertinsky - Alternative View

Many people refuse to believe in the reality of levitation, considering it just ordinary tricks, and scientists are trying to explain the nature of this phenomenon from the standpoint of logic

Yogini Who Lived Without Food And Water For Over 56 Years - Alternative View

Yogini Who Lived Without Food And Water For Over 56 Years - Alternative View

Daria KHAZANOVA Articles about Indian yoga who did not take food and water for 70 years reminded me of a similar story that I read in the book Autobiography of a Yogi, written by the monk Paramahansa Yogananda

A Yogi Who Does Not Drink Or Eat Believes That The Goddess Made Him So. - Alternative View

A Yogi Who Does Not Drink Or Eat Believes That The Goddess Made Him So. - Alternative View

Prahlad Jani, who recently turned 84, does not shy away from scientists. On the contrary, he willingly responds to their invitations. Tolerates tests, procedures, examinations. In 2003, he spent 10 days in the hospital

Indigo Children Know The Past Of The Earth - Alternative View

Indigo Children Know The Past Of The Earth - Alternative View

People with paranormal abilities: messengers of lost civilizations? Recently, more and more children with extraordinary abilities have been born on Earth. The world calls these babies differently

Who Are The Indigo Children? - Alternative View

Who Are The Indigo Children? - Alternative View

Many today have heard such a concept as Indigo children. But few people know what it really means

The Latest Information About The Indigo Children - Alternative View

The Latest Information About The Indigo Children - Alternative View

In the recent past, several similar cases occurred in the United States and Europe: children shot their classmates and teachers. They all claim to be - indigo. Wednesday did not accept them and they took revenge

Indigo Children. Gift Or Punishment? - Alternative View

Indigo Children. Gift Or Punishment? - Alternative View

In France, these children are called "Teflon", in the British Isles - "Children of the millennium", in Russia they are - "Children of light". But most often they are called "indigo children". What are they

Boy From The Planet Mars - Alternative View

Boy From The Planet Mars - Alternative View

A boy lives in Russia, he is 15 years old, his name is Boris Kipriyanovich. He claims to have lived on Mars in his past life

I - Indigo Child. My Slightly Mystical Story - Alternative View

I - Indigo Child. My Slightly Mystical Story - Alternative View

I - Alexander, I am eighteen years old, I - indigo child. It all started at the moment of my birth. According to my mother, I was very violent. The labor was difficult. When I was born, I immediately became different from other children

Is The Future Of Indigo Children? - Alternative View

Is The Future Of Indigo Children? - Alternative View

If you are not coping with raising a child, think about it, perhaps your son or daughter is - indigo. And the rules by which you were raised do not suit your child at all

7 Signs Of An Adult Indigo: Check If You Are One Of Them - Alternative View

7 Signs Of An Adult Indigo: Check If You Are One Of Them - Alternative View

In the late 70s, information appeared about the so-called indigo children. Due to the many misunderstandings and misconceptions in society, a false idea has developed about who these children are and what they are

About Indigo Children - Alternative View

About Indigo Children - Alternative View

Indigo children have long been of interest to scientists. How did they come about? Why do they have such knowledge? What is the purpose of their appearance? Scientists are trying to find answers to all these questions about indigo children

Indigo Named Danil - Alternative View

Indigo Named Danil - Alternative View

Sixteen-year-old Danil ANTONENKO from the 11th Lyceum has as many absences from lessons as not all the inveterate failing students have. And the teachers are proud of him. The fact is that he does not get to classes because of traveling to world Olympiads

The Secret Of Indigo Children - Alternative View

The Secret Of Indigo Children - Alternative View

Encyclopedists with a "girl's memory" In Russia, the topic of Indigo children has received resonance in the last 7-8 years. Indigo children are restless, mobile, inquisitive. They easily switch from one to the other, scattered

Indigo Children: Who Are They? - Alternative View

Indigo Children: Who Are They? - Alternative View

Who are people with an indigo aura? Is this the greatest gift, or is it a medical diagnosis? They live next to us, although we are not aware of it. And sometimes they themselves do not understand why they are not like everyone else

Indigo Children: Aliens From Space? - Alternative View

Indigo Children: Aliens From Space? - Alternative View

Several decades ago, scientists drew attention to the fact that more and more children with unusual abilities are being born in the world. They are easy to recognize - thanks to phenomenal talents and outstanding leadership qualities

The Story About A Boy Of Blue - Alternative View

The Story About A Boy Of Blue - Alternative View

I, of course, read about these children "X" - and in newspapers, and in all sorts of pseudo-scientific ufological magazines, and in pundits, and in Blavatsky's "Isis Unveiled", and even psychiatrists' notes about an incomprehensible other reality … Yes

Indigo Children And Astrology - Alternative View

Indigo Children And Astrology - Alternative View

Recently, more and more often they turn to me with the same question: "Is it possible to see from the natal chart of a person whether he is indigo?" And here, before answering the question, it is necessary to define the term "indigo"

The Indigo Phenomenon - Alternative View

The Indigo Phenomenon - Alternative View

They are hunted by special services, representatives of various religious denominations and show business dealers. Some scientists consider them to be victims of man-made mutations, while others - a new step in evolution Who are they really, children with an indigo aura

Indigo Children - Signs Of - Alternative View

Indigo Children - Signs Of - Alternative View

Some thirty years ago, no one heard of indigo children. The first information about them appeared after the clairvoyant N. Tapp stated that children with an unusual color aura began to be born

Indigo Children In Russia. The Mission Of The New Time - Alternative View

Indigo Children In Russia. The Mission Of The New Time - Alternative View

Reflecting on the qualities of Indigo children, mentally arguing with very enlightened opponents, I am amazed at a kind of "night blindness" of critics of the phenomenon

Indigo Children Are Able To Completely Change The World - Alternative View

Indigo Children Are Able To Completely Change The World - Alternative View

The term "indigo children" has recently become very popular and widespread - and not only in Russia, but all over the world

Indigo Children. Who Are They And Where Are They From? - Alternative View

Indigo Children. Who Are They And Where Are They From? - Alternative View

Unusual children with a high level of intelligence have always been born. According to legend, the baby Leonardo da Vinci painted a wooden shield so that his father sold his son's work in Florence for 100 ducats

Superpowers: The Secrets Of The "ice Man" - Alternative View

Superpowers: The Secrets Of The "ice Man" - Alternative View

39-year-old Lewis Gordon Pugh can safely swim a kilometer in water, the temperature of which does not exceed zero degrees. By studying Pugh's body, scientists have made sure that his reaction to cold is indeed anomalous

Superpowers: "the Eye Of Horus" In A Person - Alternative View

Superpowers: "the Eye Of Horus" In A Person - Alternative View

"Eye of Horus" - the ability to see everything … Recently, Japanese schoolchildren discovered the so-called "Eye of Horus" in space (gravitational lens). However, today we want to talk about the very "Eye of Horus" that a person has

Biolocator People - Alternative View

Biolocator People - Alternative View

Dowsing is perhaps the only human extrasensory ability that has found a fairly widespread practical application

Riddles Of People-phenomena - Alternative View

Riddles Of People-phenomena - Alternative View

In a huge collection of amazing people-phenomena, there are genetic anomalies completely incomprehensible to science … Chicken man

15 People Who Have Gained Amazing Abilities After A Brain Injury - Alternative View

15 People Who Have Gained Amazing Abilities After A Brain Injury - Alternative View

Savant's syndrome as a consequence of brain injury - incredibly rare phenomenon

The Phenomenon Of Glowing People - Alternative View

The Phenomenon Of Glowing People - Alternative View

“He glows with happiness,” we say about a positive, happy with himself and those around him, a person enjoying life. Psychics really see the "happy" glow of his aura