Do Not Offend The Witch - Alternative View

Do Not Offend The Witch - Alternative View
Do Not Offend The Witch - Alternative View

This story was told by my husband Vladimir, who was born and raised on a distant farm in the Rostov region - 30 huts covered with thatch. There was no school, no hospital, no medical center. But there was a healer - Baba Nadia. They said about her that she was also a witch.

Baba Nadya lived on the edge of the farm in a small hut. She treated local residents with herbs and infusions, spoke of hernia and toothache. But people did not come to her unnecessarily and even tried to appear less often in her eyes - after all, a sorceress!

Baba Nadya's household was small: two dozen chickens, several geese, a goat Zorka and two cats: one gray, nicknamed Smoke, and the other black, Ugolyok. These cats followed Nadya's grandmother, like dogs. She talked to them, and the cats understood her. And what is surprising, the cats drove home chickens and geese in the evening!

In summer, children played outside from morning till night. My husband, then still a boy Vovka, tried to water the garden quickly in the morning, then bring water into a barrel for irrigation - and run away to his friends.

If adults tried to bypass the healer, then the children, on the contrary, were interested in what she was doing. The boys often spun around her house, watching the cats - how they graze the bird and drive home. Once Vovkin's friend Sevka caught Dymko and tied two cans to his tail.

The cat was terribly frightened. He ran around, the banks rattled. He returned home all tattered and buried.

In the evening, Baba Nadya came to Sevka's mother's house and began to swear at the boy:

- Why did you offend my cattle? What did the cat do to you? Stunned you kind!

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Sevkin's mother shouted at the old woman:

- How do you know that it was my son who offended your cat?

And put the healer out the door.

And the next day, Sevka rolled head over heels from a stack of hay, got scratched all over, it's good that he didn't break anything and remained intact. But after that, he began to ring in one ear. We thought it would pass, but it didn't. The guy was taken to the regional hospital, but the doctors did not find anything.

And the ringing continued in my ear.

Seva's mother had to bow to Baba Nadya, apologize and ask for help for her son. The witch doctor moved her hands over the boy and whispered a conspiracy. Grandmother was a little deaf, so she spoke loudly, and Sevka overheard the conspiracy, there were the following words: "The sun is to the west, the day is coming to an end, and this ringing will leave me." By evening, the ringing in his ear had passed.

The next day the boys ran around the farm and loudly shouted these words, which Sevka told them. They had fun and laughed at the healer.

Baba Nadya was very offended when she heard them shouting. She went out into the garden, raised her hands to the sky, and began to say something.

The sky suddenly darkened, covered with black clouds. Lightning flashed, thunder rumbled. A downpour began, and the wind blew with such force that half of the roof of Sevkina's hut was blown away, because it was made of straw. This is how Baba Nadya punished the ungrateful boy.

Tatiana YASTREBOVA, Moscow