The Riddle Of The Vepsky Swamps - Alternative View

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The Riddle Of The Vepsky Swamps - Alternative View
The Riddle Of The Vepsky Swamps - Alternative View

Video: The Riddle Of The Vepsky Swamps - Alternative View

Video: The Riddle Of The Vepsky Swamps - Alternative View
Video: Sing Street "Riddle of the Model" clip 2024, October

The Tikhvin district of the Leningrad region is notorious for its Vepsky swamps, where dozens of people die every year. Most of the bodies found are almost completely naked.

The circumstances of the death of the unfortunate are invariably mysterious, since when examining the corpses, criminologists do not find even a hint of a violent death. Lumps of dirt are usually found in the mouth of victims; dead faces are distorted with horror …

It is not surprising that local residents consider the Vepsky bogs a place of perdition, damned. They believe that this area is home to a terrible flying reptile that looks very different from an ordinary snake. According to eyewitnesses, the swamp lizard is "decorated" with a bright red ridge, which stretches to the middle of the body. In an attempt to escape from the flying monster, its victims tear off their clothes on the run in order to distract the monster's attention. This explains the fact that bodies are found naked.

A sacred secret that swamps keep

The indigenous inhabitants of the Karelian forests are called Vepsians, in the old days they were called "chudyu". In the ancient Slavic language, the word "chud" means a foreign people. Modern Vepsians are a rather small (about 5 thousand inhabitants) variety of the Finno-Ugric peoples. Ancient chronicles say that the Chud was engaged in witchcraft, while she was incredibly rich. There is even a legend that surrounded by impenetrable, swampy Vepsky bogs, there is a city where the descendants of the Chuds still keep the sacred secret of the power of natural energy. All the entrances leading to this city are camouflaged and well guarded. It is possible that a lizard with a red rooster's comb is standing guard over them, and therefore anyone who covets the riches of the ancient Chud (and at the same time just curious ones) will inevitably die.

In ancient legends it is stated: in order to penetrate the pagan underground temples, the road there must be paved with human sacrifices. It is believed that the construction of the grandiose Belomorkanal was not accidentally started by the occult subdivision of the NKVD in parallel with the old still existing Nikolaev Canal. As you know, the Belomorkanal was manually built by prisoners of the GULAG, while about 200 thousand people died. It seems that the leadership of the USSR made a plentiful sacrifice to the Chudi, but what riches did the Soviet bosses want to get?

However, all this, as you understand, is only speculation. The fact remains the frightening constancy with which the deadly swamps of the Tikhvin District of the Leningrad Region collect their monstrous tribute.

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