Director Of US National Intelligence: Genetic Engineering Is A Weapon Of Mass Destruction - Alternative View

Director Of US National Intelligence: Genetic Engineering Is A Weapon Of Mass Destruction - Alternative View
Director Of US National Intelligence: Genetic Engineering Is A Weapon Of Mass Destruction - Alternative View

Video: Director Of US National Intelligence: Genetic Engineering Is A Weapon Of Mass Destruction - Alternative View

Video: Director Of US National Intelligence: Genetic Engineering Is A Weapon Of Mass Destruction - Alternative View
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Developing genetic technologies such as genome editing with CRISPR technology can be compared in their possible danger to weapons of mass destruction. This opinion was expressed by the Director of US National Intelligence James Klapper in his annual report on the assessment of threats to the world community.

CRISPR gene editing technologies, replacing the genome insertion method by which all GMOs are produced, are similar to weapons of mass destruction in their possible danger if misused. This was stated in his annual report by the head of US National Intelligence, James Clapper.

Unlike the widely used technology of introducing a foreign genome into an existing organism, CRISPR and Cas-9 technologies with the help of special proteins make it possible to make changes at the DNA level in the cells of the organism. They can detect a given strand of DNA in the human body, remove it and replace it with a new strand developed by genetic engineers, according to the scientific journal Nature.

Scientists believe that with the help of CRISPR it will be possible to avoid further transmission and spread of degenerative diseases transmitted at the gene level.

However, US National Intelligence believes that these technologies can be used not only for medical purposes.

"Given the widespread use, low cost and accelerated pace of development of this dual-use technology, its deliberate or accidental misuse can have serious consequences for the economic and national security of the United States," - said the Clapper report, published on the official website of his department …

According to the report, this conclusion was made based on information and predictions provided by the CIA, NSA and other US intelligence agencies. The basic ingredients needed to get a working CRISPR tool can be purchased online for no more than $ 60, the report notes.

Clapper concludes in his report that an insufficiently high level of ethical standards and professionalism of regulatory authorities outside Western countries can lead to the emergence of potentially dangerous bacteriological organisms or drugs.

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