About Interaction With The Higher Power - Alternative View

About Interaction With The Higher Power - Alternative View
About Interaction With The Higher Power - Alternative View

Video: About Interaction With The Higher Power - Alternative View

Video: About Interaction With The Higher Power - Alternative View
Video: There Is A Higher Power 2024, October

Probably, any person with intuition sooner or later begins to realize the fact that many events in our world are the result of the influence of some Higher Power, which can be called in different ways: God, Great Spirit, Reasonable Universe, etc. In fact, it is not what you call it that matters, but how you interact with this force. She is interested in your true evolution, and therefore creates life situations that prevent the degradation of the soul.

At the same time, everything starts from the beginning with “hints” to a person that he has stepped on the wrong path. This is followed by more and more weighty "cuffs" and "slaps in the face", and if a person continues to persist, then everything can end in death for his physical body. And in order to avoid this, you need to learn to unravel the "signs" and "clues" that she gives us. And even if it has already come to unpleasant situations and illnesses, you need to turn to this Power with a request to help us realize what exactly we are doing wrong and what is the "lesson" of life that has been taught to us.

Here is what V. Bukharin, a researcher of esoteric knowledge, writes about this in his book “Lyarvology. How to resist infernal parasites :

Therefore, we must not forget to turn to this Higher Power for a hint that can explain to us the reason for the misfortunes and difficulties that have fallen down. The answer can come in the form of a phrase heard, or a text in a book, or even a plot in a film, in the form of a vivid dream or a picture from an advertising poster … At the same time, a person clearly understands that this "sign" refers specifically to him. And if he learns a lesson and begins to work with the cause of the disasters that befell him (for example, instead of chasing money and a career, he begins to pay attention to internal development and his loved ones), then the situation around him changes for the better. If a person falls into the "stream" of this Higher Power, then life becomes completely different, more harmonious and devoid of strong shocks and troubles. But whether to follow the advice and personal experience of V. Bukharin - you decide for yourself. Personally, I also had a similar experience, which is why I support everything that Valery wrote about this in his book.

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