Traces Of An Ancient Civilization In The Urals - Alternative View

Traces Of An Ancient Civilization In The Urals - Alternative View
Traces Of An Ancient Civilization In The Urals - Alternative View

Video: Traces Of An Ancient Civilization In The Urals - Alternative View

Video: Traces Of An Ancient Civilization In The Urals - Alternative View
Video: Traces of Ancient Civilizations On Earth | Unveiled 2024, October

The Ural was the cradle and bastion of a great civilization, the traces of which are much older than the Egyptian pyramids.

“In the mountains, we found stone blocks that are tens, and perhaps hundreds of thousands of years old,” says Radik Garipov, director of the Perm Geographical Club. “They were part of structures of grand scale.

Garipov is sure that the found artifacts are not a play of nature - the stones have the correct edges, they converge at an angle of ninety degrees. In some places the surface is sanded so smoothly that even moss does not grow on it. And most importantly, some blocks have traces of machining, cuts, internal grooves. As if on the details of the constructor.


- But what giants can manipulate cubes weighing tens of tons? - breaks out of my tongue.

- Representatives of a highly developed civilization that existed on Earth long before us, - Radik Raufisovich confidently answers. - I can't say for sure the weight of the blocks, but the places where I found them are completely deaf, modern technology cannot be fitted there, except for a helicopter. During the Soviet era, no stone or other minerals were mined there.

- And what if it's still an accident, during the Ice Age, the stones were so smoothly polished with water?

- I cannot argue with representatives of official science regarding the territory covered by the glacier, there are many versions on this score. However, the reference to glacier activity is highly questionable. Firstly, nature does not like the right angles - they tend to round off time and climate, weather them. But the artifacts have a lot of sharpened right angles. Secondly, chips and erosion can form outer right angles, but not inner ones. I saw cubes of almost perfect shape, with a smooth surface, albeit with traces of erosion. Moreover, they are enough to exclude the random nature of their formation. Some blocks are badly destroyed and scattered. Probably from a violent explosion. There are many craters in that area, and in the rock. Of course, it is impossible to exclude the natural character of their formation, but knowing the conditions for the formation of karst sinkholes,It's hard for me to imagine such a thing on a mountain spur, in the middle of kurums.

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Kurums, as geologists call stone terraced placers, are not uncommon in the Urals. Geologists explain their appearance by the daily temperature difference. During the day the sun is hot, water gets into the cracks, and at night the frost turns it into ice, and it, like wedges, splits the monolith.

- The stones you found are a play of nature! - this is what opponents-geologists say to Garipov.

- Let's say one correct cube in a stone placer is a play of nature. But next to him are two more. There are no such accidents!

It was with those three cubes found on Mount Tulym that Radik Garipov made the discovery, which formed the basis of his hypothesis about the mega-civilization that existed in the Urals.

“In 1994, I worked as the chief forester of the Vishersky Reserve in the north of the Perm Territory,” Radik Raufisovich recalls. - There I came across a cube with a two-meter edge. Climbed on it - and was surprised. Two more lay nearby! I thought: there was some kind of Soviet army facility, but military engineers prefer to build from reinforced concrete. And here - sericite slate, in terms of hardness it is comparable to granite. To cut it into blocks, you need serious power and special equipment. However, the natives did not see anything like this here.


Garipov had to return to that mysterious place almost twenty years later. His soul was torn to the mountains, but trouble happened - due to an injury, he lost his leg, he had to learn to walk on a prosthesis.


And to spite everything, Garipov in 2012 brought the expedition of Perm State University to his cherished place.

- Andrey Bolotov and Andrey Grishchenko found there the remains of stone structures with traces of instrumental processing, - says the traveler. - And also an elongated pyramid with stepped edges. I immediately remembered the legends about the ancient state of Barma, about prehistoric nuclear wars.

Subsequent expeditions brought new discoveries to Garipov and his associates. Artifacts were found throughout the Urals.


The artifacts found in the Urals are very similar to the stone blocks of Puma-Punku, an ancient structure in South America, whose age scientists attribute to the Mesolithic era.

These blocks are scattered as if they were blown apart by an explosion. They are processed very carefully; curly cuts are made in them. The grooves are clearly designed for the blocks to fit into each other, like building blocks.


And the explosion that scattered the Puma-Punku blocks is very similar to the consequences of an air strike: in the center of the ancient complex there is a giant funnel that has become a lake.

- Round reservoirs in the mountains in the Urals are also very similar to the traces of explosions, - Garipov shares his observations. - In one of these lakes, I saw an islet with a solid foundation. This is obtained with an overhead explosion of a high-power charge.

In the Indian epic Mahabharata, there is a legend that many thousands of years ago there was a war on Earth between the great powers and the gods. It describes the use of weapons very similar to nuclear weapons. It is quite possible that the ruins found in the Andes and the Urals are the remains of bastions destroyed during those battles.