Mysterious Karnak Stones - Alternative View

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Mysterious Karnak Stones - Alternative View
Mysterious Karnak Stones - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Karnak Stones - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Karnak Stones - Alternative View
Video: Mystery of the Great Megaliths: Baalbek without Aliens 2024, October

For some reason, they say and write much less about the Karnak stones than about the "publicized" Stonehenge, although they are the world's largest megalithic complex, fraught with many mysteries …

These mysterious ancient stones are located near the French village of Carnac (whose name comes from the Breton word "carn" - stone), located in Brittany.

Merlin's stones

The Karnak Megalithic Complex is an amazing archaeological site that includes many mounds, giant dolmens (stone structures) and menhirs (single stone pillars). About three thousand Karnak menhirs are located in whole alleys-rows, which stretch for about three kilometers.

A great difficulty in studying Karnak is the fact that for millennia and people destroyed the ancient complex. This area has always been a rather lively place that occupies an important place in the history of Europe.

The Celts and ancient Romans left their traces in Karnak - there are images of Roman gods and Celtic symbols on the stones. Violent battles unfolded here: there is even a legend that the stones are the enemies of King Arthur, bewitched by the wizard Merlin.

The raids of wild nomadic tribes, wars, natural disasters - all this significantly changed Karnak. For centuries, some of the stones were dragged away by the peasants - they say, everything will be useful on the farm, some went to the construction of roads and other needs.

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Therefore, it is rather difficult to imagine now what the Karnak complex was several thousand years ago. Judging by the old images, several centuries ago there were much more stones in Karnak and they were much thicker.

Karnak stones were created in the Neolithic era - archaeologists believe that the stones were carved from local rocks about four and a half thousand years BC. However, it is not clear how these stones were delivered to the site and erected - some of the stones weigh several tons.

Scientists cannot say for sure what these stones were used for - the purpose of the Karnak complex is controversial in the scientific community.

Most archaeologists are inclined to believe that the Karnak stones are a place of worship for pagan gods.

Yes, the ancient Gauls and Celts used stones for their religious cults, but nevertheless they were created long before the appearance of the tribes known to us in these places!

As the French explorer Jean Marcal wrote in his book Karnak and the Mystery of Atlantis:

“Megalithic monuments are considered“Druidic”or traces of Celtic or Gallic culture. But the megaliths were erected at least two thousand years before the arrival of the Celts, whether they like it or not, who still believe that dolmens were "sacrificial altars" on which the druids cut the throats of their victims."

Jean Marcale himself was sure that Karnak was created by the inhabitants of Atlantis, which had disappeared from the face of the earth.

Observatory of the Ancients

It is not known whether this is so or not, but it is quite clear that the builders of Karnak had serious scientific knowledge, and in the 20th century it turned out that they even understood things that we are just beginning to discover. Here is what a scientist from France Jan Brekilien writes about this:

“It is absolutely shocking that ancient scientists could accurately determine the configuration of telluric streams and horizons of groundwater, the existence of which, according to sound rationalistic logic, they should not even have suspected. And yet they did it. A separate menhir, as a rule, is located above the place where the underground stream branches into two or three branches.

Dolmens are also erected above the points of divergence of underground horizons: the covered alley of Flat Stones exactly follows the stream of the stream, which flows invisibly underground."

Jan Brekiljen asks questions to which he would very much like to know the answer: "How could people who lived six thousand years ago not only know about the existence of groundwater, but accurately determine their course and even the course of telluric streams?"

A number of modern researchers indicate that the Karnak stones are the observatories of the ancients. Even in the 19th century, similar assumptions were made, but no one took these statements seriously.

In 1970-74, a scientist from Scotland, Alexander Tom and his son Archie, published articles in which they argued that the Karnak stones and their location unambiguously prove the fact that ancient people were not only familiar with astronomy, but also had a very wide knowledge of this science.

I must say that after this article, the scientific community began to persecute and ridicule Scottish scientists. However, as researcher Joseph Farrell put it: "If we recognize that Alexander Tom is right, then the whole history of mankind will have to be rewritten."

Egyptian triangle

Supporters of the theory of paleocontacts agree with the last statement. However, they put forward their own versions of the explanation of the mysteries of Karnak.

Michael Cremo, author of Forbidden Archeology, is convinced that the stones were placed for a reason, but with meaning. They are arranged in the form of triangles that can only be distinguished from a height - taking into account the already missing stones.

Erich von Daniken, the guru of the theory of paleocontacts, agrees with him. According to him, the study of Karnak using photographs taken from a helicopter helped to prove that the surviving stones are laid in the figures that make up the famous Pythagoras triangle - a rectangle with sides that correspond as 3: 4: 5.

By the way, an interesting point - in Ancient Greece such a rectangle was called Egyptian. During their travels, the Greeks observed how the Egyptians used this triangle to build their famous architectural structures.

Pythagoras proved his famous theorem just after visiting Egypt, where he tried to understand the principles of the construction of the Egyptian pyramids. However, judging by the stones of Karnak, people knew this theorem many centuries before Pythagoras …

But why did the ancient people laid out geometric shapes with huge stones?

An interesting nuance - Karnak is one of the few terrestrial structures that can be seen from space. It is possible that these drawings are signs for those who flew through the sky several millennia BC.

Supporters of the theory of paleocontact are sure of this and argue that the stones of Karnak are located as a reference point for the gods who flew to our planet from the depths of space …