Ossetian Legends "The Legend Of The Narts" - A Chronicle Of Contacts With Unearthly Civilizations - Alternative View

Ossetian Legends "The Legend Of The Narts" - A Chronicle Of Contacts With Unearthly Civilizations - Alternative View
Ossetian Legends "The Legend Of The Narts" - A Chronicle Of Contacts With Unearthly Civilizations - Alternative View

Video: Ossetian Legends "The Legend Of The Narts" - A Chronicle Of Contacts With Unearthly Civilizations - Alternative View

Video: Ossetian Legends
Video: OSSETIAN LEGEND - folkmusic 2024, October

Today, much is said and written about unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and extraterrestrial civilizations. The restless human consciousness is turned now and into the past in search of facts of human communication with representatives of other worlds. The poetic epics of the peoples of the world, legends, tales are carefully studied, even the Bible did not stand aside.

However, at present, even the Vatican admits that the Lord God could create not only people, but also … aliens, and does not consider faith in them to be contrary to Christian dogma. This summer, this sensational statement was made by the chief astronomer of the papal state, Jesuit priest Hose Gabriel Funes, in the pages of the newspaper "Osservatore Romano", the organ of the Roman Catholic Church.

“You can believe in both God and aliens. It is possible to admit the existence of other worlds and other forms of life, even more developed than ours, - the priest believes, - this does not contradict our faith, because we cannot define the limits of the creative freedom of the Lord.

For South Ossetia, the concept of UFO is far from abstract. There are many facts of the appearance of unidentified flying objects in the sky of the republic. And these were not only Georgian drones. Particular activity manifested itself during periods of aggravation of the situation in the zone of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict. This pattern was first noticed by the Committee for the Study and Registration of Anomalous Phenomena in the RSO. (There was such an organization!)

This public association was created in September 1991 and was headed by Alymbeg Tskhovrebov (now deceased). A dozen of UFO sightings have been recorded. And in the following time, the passage of unidentified flying objects was not uncommon. In the bowels of the archive of the state TV there is a recording of the flight of three UFOs in the area of the village of Pris, made in the 90s. The same recording was later shown by one of the Danish TV companies. During this period, a Danish correspondent was in South Ossetia, to whom the video material was transmitted.

UFO sightings have survived in folk legends as well. Take, for example, the heroic epic The Legend of the Narts. Leaving aside the interpretation of the texts made by linguists, historians and ethnographers, let us look in the Tales for "traces" of contacts with representatives of other worlds. One of the most common traditional schemes: aliens are in constant close contact with people, transferring to them the skills of labor, construction, modern technologies.

One of the most widespread subjects of the Ossetian epic is the struggle of the Nart heroes with the giants, in which the Narts, of course, emerge victorious.


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Let us now turn to the epic. The first suspicion is daujyta. This is the collective name for the celestials. There is too little of the divine essence in them at times. All "daujits" easily communicate with sledges and come to them for festive feasts. Moreover, the sledges, if possible, do not consider it shameful to deceive them, and sometimes just beat them.

The celestials of "daujyt" are actively involved in the development of the economy of the Nart society, presenting them with tools, seeds, and various skills. Moreover, each of the celestials is responsible for a specific area of professional activity. So the main technical specialist is Kurdalagon - the patron saint of blacksmithing. This celestial metallurgist sometimes sets up experiments on sledges, turning (shackling) their bodies into damask steel. The image of Batradz's sled, dressed in a damask sphere, is very reminiscent of the fantastic heroes of Hollywood - half-people, half-machines.


These celestials (aliens) live not only in heaven. They also have a base at sea. It is here that the sledge Uyryzmag, carried away by an eagle (by an aircraft?), Falls. The room into which he finds himself "is a floor of blue glass, the walls are lined with mother-of-pearl and the morning star is burning in the ceiling." What is it, if not a hall, faced with artificial flooring and walls, with the same artificial lighting. A whole colony-settlement at the bottom of the sea is also discovered by the sledge Akhsartag, following the trail of the dove who stole the apple of the sleds.

Not all aliens in Nartiada are positive. Among them there are those who are always trying to harm the sledges. Their headquarters are located in the Khiz fortress. Ordinary sleds cannot fight them. Only the heroes Soslan and Batradz, transformed (chained) into bulat by Kurdalagon, were able to crush them. Unlike the rest of the celestials, the inhabitants of Khyz do not have flesh. Their leaders are also unusual. One of them, Chilakhsartag, had a copper shell of the skull and subsequently dies from overheating of his brains, set up by the sledges. Wasn't this Chilakhsartag an android, whose microcircuits melted as a result of a temperature jump ?!


Eyewitnesses who witness the appearance of aliens often note the associated strong glow. So in the epic, the mysterious birth of Shatana in the crypt is accompanied by a bright glow, and the sledge Uyryzmag, while hunting, meets in the forest a woman whose body glows and who does various "tricks" with it.

There are many technical miracles in the epic. The same Kurdalagon moves from heaven to earth "riding the crest of a fire storm." Isn't it a description of a jet-powered aircraft ?! One of the legends mentions the beautiful Akola, who lives in an iron tower and who every day "spreading her wings, makes three circles in the sky." Indeed, what other words would the ancient narrator have to describe the stationary rocket and regular patrol over the terrain on some kind of a folding-wing aircraft in which Akola flew.


But a particularly striking description is found in the legend "How Soslan married Koser." Here the sled Soslan strikes at a beauty named Coser, who lives in a flying tower (!). When Solan manages to cunningly lower the tower to the ground, and he brazenly breaks in to Koser, she warns him: "You cannot control my tower." Which was confirmed, almost leading to the death of the hero of the epic.

Here it is surprising not only the vivid description of flying objects, but also the fact that the storytellers have preserved over the centuries an illogical fact for them - a flying tower. Indeed, before the first launch of a Soviet rocket into space, the association of a tower with a rocket in the human mind could not arise in any way. And one more small observation - all these flying beauties were not from the number of sledges. Oh, these aliens!

There are many, many unusual legends about sledges. The same Balsag wheel, which belonged to one of the celestials and was sent as punishment to the sledges. Not only does it move with great speed, but it also possesses intelligence! What is this - a cyborg? And the mysterious stone of Oblivion of Grief, on which if you lie down, you will forget about your grief. Maybe it's a good mood generator or a device for removing negative emotions from memory? A kind of relaxation place. There is also a steel ball in the epic that illuminates the path in the night and an unusual metal (!) Musical instrument Udawdz, made of mysterious celestial metal.


It should be noted that we can understand all these features only from the standpoint of modern knowledge. The ancient storytellers had to adapt everything they saw to familiar images so that listeners could adequately perceive them.

It is also surprising that neither subsequent storytellers, who themselves did not see all the "miracles", nor the numerous ascetics who wrote down these legends, nor the editors of printed publications, edited all these testimonies. Although it is possible that in the texts of the legends, a lot was nevertheless changed by changing generations. Replaced by simple concepts, or even removed from the text as an incredible and unacceptable fact.

But even what has survived is of great interest. And it is possible that all the above facts are indeed evidence of the contacts of our ancestors with representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations, artistically interpreted by many generations of folk storytellers.

Robert Kulumbegov

Source - Newspaper Respublika
