Miracles - Incomprehensible Phenomena - Alternative View

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Miracles - Incomprehensible Phenomena - Alternative View
Miracles - Incomprehensible Phenomena - Alternative View

Video: Miracles - Incomprehensible Phenomena - Alternative View

Video: Miracles - Incomprehensible Phenomena - Alternative View
Video: Genesis - book study - Miracles - Explanation of Phenomena Reputed to be Supernatural 2024, October

Territory of incomprehensible wonders

What is a miracle? It is customary to call an incomprehensible phenomenon a miracle, which not only does not agree with our personal and human experience in general, but also contradicts physical laws.

Probably, there is no person who does not believe in the possibility of a miracle. You can even say that a miracle is the fact that our world full of colors, the Universe, exists. But the concept of a natural miracle in a person does not evoke the usual emotions, and something that goes beyond our understanding of the world around us will shock us. And the first thing that the mind based on analogy says - this cannot be!

Visions of Angels

1985 - the unexpected happened at the Salyut-7 space station. What went down in the history of unofficial Soviet cosmonautics.

… It was the 155th day of the flight. 6 crew members - three "old-timers" (L. Kizim, O. Atkov, V. Soloviev) and "guests" (S. Savitskaya, I. Volk, V. Dzhanibekov). A large orange cloud of unknown origin suddenly appeared on the path of the Salyut station. While the cosmonauts wondered what it might be, and the Mission Control Center analyzed the message received from the station, Salyut-7 entered the cloud. For a moment, it seemed to the astronauts that a mysterious substance had penetrated into the orbital complex. An orange glow enveloped each astronaut, blinding and preventing them from seeing what was happening. Fortunately, the vision returned to normal almost immediately. People who rushed to the window saw seven giant figures on the other side of the heavy-duty glass in an orange cloud of gas.

They were called Creatures of Light. They looked like people, but they were different. And it wasn't about the huge wings or the dazzling halos around their heads. The main difference was in facial expressions. As if feeling the gaze on themselves, the angels, in turn, looked at the people. “They were smiling,” the cosmonauts said later. - It was not a smile of greeting, but a smile of delight and joy. We don't smile like that."

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The clock ticked off dispassionately for 10 minutes. After that, the celestial creatures accompanying the station disappeared. The orange cloud also disappeared. When the flight directors got acquainted with the report on the incident, this document was immediately classified as "secret", and a team of doctors became interested in the cosmonauts. But they all turned out to be completely healthy.

In our time, when many facts have become public, it turned out that American astronauts have repeatedly met angels in space. They were even photographed using the Hubble orbiting telescope. The appearance of winged creatures was also noted by the equipment of research satellites.

Four-handed Mother of God

As you know, gods and goddesses in India are depicted with four arms, but as it turned out, such a tradition was in Ukraine as well. In one of the villages of the Alexandria region of the Kirovograd region. even before the 1960s, an amazing church stood. The church building itself was founded, perhaps, not by Christians, as the locals themselves said, but much earlier. Nobody even knew who and when built it.

The people were in awe of this church. There was something in her that even the most insensitive atheists did not dare to blaspheme this temple, talk loudly, swear when they approached it. And even in those days, when a wave of destruction of shrines swept across the country, they were afraid to touch this church. What was so unusual about the temple itself?

In the entire wall inside the temple there was an image of the four-armed Mother of God Protector. Local residents even had a saying: “I don’t have four hands like the Mother of God”. It was said that she had a special look, very lively and warning. Wherever a person was in the temple, it seemed to him that the Mother of God was looking at him all the time. It was said that her gaze reminded even unbelievers of God.

The unusual ministers of this temple also caused surprise. They had a special book. In this book there were predictions that have already come true and which only had to come true. It described our current civilization and the one that will come with time. Described computers and mechanisms that act like humans. The conquest of the air and outer space was predicted, as well as what had not yet happened: the meeting of people with other intelligent beings, of whom the Lord has a great multitude; domination of demons and deliverance from the demonic invasion by the Lord, who will come to free completely devoted souls.

A monk, a minister of this church, talked about the Holy Spirit, about his all-pervading nature, his infinite Love. “To blaspheme the Holy Spirit,” he said, “is to destroy oneself, since the source of the Holy Spirit is the highest Truth, hidden from everyone, and only by the grace of the Holy Spirit revealed to a few”.

He said that both the Son of God and even the Heavenly Father had themselves emanated through the Holy Spirit from this hidden abode. That is why the scriptures say that even blasphemy against God the Father is forgiven, but the Holy Spirit is never forgiven.

It is also curious that everyone who listened to these instructions lived to a ripe old age, some of them celebrated their 125th birthday. It seemed that along with the instructions, an extraordinary strength of spirit poured into the people. All of them survived war and famine, disasters and misfortunes, and in extreme old age they retained clarity of consciousness and strength of spirit. They all believed and went to this unusual church for services.

Why was the temple not ravaged and destroyed immediately after the war? This invulnerability can be considered another miracle associated with the amazing temple.

When the Nazis occupied the village, they decided to stay for the night in a church. This sacrilege greatly upset the local residents: after all, the temple was the focus of their life. And in the middle of the night, a glow spread over the temple. People thought that the Germans had set fire to the temple and ran to defend their shrine. However, what they saw plunged everyone into awe - the temple did not burn, but glowed with a strange light, as if from the inside. The Germans ran out of it in horror, shouting something about the Mother, who suddenly came to life. They ran out of the temple, threw down their weapons and rolled on the ground, bursting with tears, raised their hands to the sky. The soldiers and officers seemed to have gone mad. They said something about the retribution that would befall them, since they disturbed the peace of the holy place.

All this made an indelible impression on the common people, and some of them ran to the temple. They became eyewitnesses that the Germans were telling the truth. Bloody tears streamed down the cheeks of the Mother of God. Her whole body was emitting light, blinding, almost white. No one was able to withstand such a spectacle, everyone began to cry, feeling terrible grief.

And in the morning all the Nazis left the village and never stopped there again, and the temple itself cracked. When the Soviet troops entered, they also did not touch this church. But later, in the 1950s, the abbot of the church was taken away and, probably, shot. From that time on, the temple began to deteriorate rapidly. Very few remained to live in this place. In the 1970s, only old people lived in this settlement, deserted and forgotten by everyone. There was not even electricity there. And by the 80s, little remained on the site of the temple. But stories about this glorious place are passed on by popular rumor, and the memory of it does not fade away.

Without food and water …

A person who has reached spiritual maturity can do without gross food, because his spirit completely controls the needs of the body.

The inhabitant of the Hindustan peninsula baffled the doctors. This man has not eaten or drunk anything for 68 years, and at the same time looks great. Prahlada Jani is 76 years old. At the age of eight, Prahlada had a "vision of a Goddess surrounded by angels" who blessed the boy. Since that time, he has lived in a cave, constantly being in a state which in Hinduism is called samadhi.

Of course, the newly-minted saint has many adherents who make pilgrimages to his cave. Along with the believers, there were also critics who are sure that a person cannot live without food and water.

To dispel all doubts from critics, the yogi agreed to a medical examination and round-the-clock surveillance of television cameras at Sterley Hospital in Ahmedabad. During the experiment, the yogi did not take a shower, so that he would not be accused of drinking water. The only liquid that was brought to him was 100 ml of water, which he used to rinse his mouth. The fakir rinsed out his mouth and then spat out the water into a special bowl with weights, which marked the amount of water spat out.

Doctors conducted a thorough analysis of the medical condition of the yogi and came to the conclusion that his body is functioning absolutely normally. The experiment lasted quite a long time, but no changes in the state of health of the subject were noticed. Prahlad Jani was not found to have any diseases or disorders of the activity of internal organs. Despite her advanced age, Jani is in excellent physical shape. True, he does not produce feces at all. According to doctors, literally a few drops of urine regularly appear in the patient's body, which accumulate in the bladder and are then absorbed by the walls. During the entire period of his examination, the saint never once used the toilet. As you can see, this way of life is actually familiar to Jani. The mental state of the sage was also recognized by doctors as absolutely normal. He thought sensibly, did not get nervous, did not get irritated and was always complacent.

Haira Ratan Manek, a 65-year-old Indian, says that since 1995 he has not eaten solid food and is powered by solar energy. Khaira Ratan Manek gazes at the sun every day at sunrise or sunset, standing barefoot on the ground.

“After a few days of training, you will feel the sun's energy entering your body through your eyes,” he says. "Hunger simply disappears, awakening the endless forces dormant in the human body."

On my feet all the time

India is a wonderland. Almost everywhere there are people who have become famous for something unusual. They did this due to spiritual aspiration and faith in divine manifestations.

The 45-year-old monk Ram Dayal Sanihar Muni, who lives in the Indian temple of Devi Chamunda, gained unprecedented popularity in the country due to the fact that he spent two years on his feet, never sitting down during this time. He even slept while standing. His dream took place in this position: the monk slowly swayed on a swing, which he made with his own hands.

It all began with the fact that the sadhu (saint) made a vow not to sit down or lie down for 41 days - to mortify the flesh in order to speed up his enlightenment. But after the expiration of the term, he felt the need to continue what he had begun. “I don't know what happened to me. I felt that God gave me extra energy and strengthened my desire to continue to stay on my feet, - he said. “I don’t know how long it will last. I have been holding on for two years now and I am sure that this is possible only by the will of God."

According to one of the priests of the temple where Ram Dayal resides, at first the sadhus had many problems. His legs were swollen and very painful, so he was practically unable to walk. But over time he got used to it.

Numerous admirers of the ascetic monk flocked to the temple in order to ask for his blessings and bring gifts. The funds raised were used to build another temple.

The mystic yogi trial

This happened in India in the 19th century. As a high-ranking government official and also a district judge who would later become a famous theologian and reformer of the Vaishnavism direction, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura received a strange and very disturbing news. He was informed that one mystic yogi, a certain Bhalgu Bhagavan, who lives deep in the jungle, using mystical abilities and hypnosis, lures young girls to himself under the pretext that he is God, and calls "souls surrendered to him."

It should be noted that, being in the harsh conditions of mountains or forests, a yogi greatly increases his mystical power. But someone gets spiritual strengthening and growth, while others, like this Bhalgu, degrade and take the path of crime.

As it turned out, the yogi put women into a hypnotic trance and took advantage of their helplessness. Bhaktivinoda identified the criminal activities of this yogi and personally went to meet with the rogue and criminal.

In fact, the people in the village believed that Bhagavan (God) himself lived in the jungle nearby. Frightened villagers brought him dakshina (donations) and brought him girls for "blessing." After finding out from the inhabitants where to meet the yogi, Bhaktivinoda went to the jungle.

The description of the area is in many ways similar to the description of anomalous zones: strange vegetation, a psychologically depressed state, and other signs similar to the descriptions of modern stalkers and anomalists.

At the meeting, Bhaktivinoda Thakura, being an educated person, without compromise entered into an argument with the yogi regarding his divine origin. Judge Bhaktivinoda officially warned him about the criminal liability, which relies on fraud, in response, the mystic yogi threatened to destroy (damage) his entire family. The mystic's evil face and his incantations made Bhaktivinoda a little uneasy. Arriving home, he found out that his wife was ill, and other family members also began to feel very bad - the mystic did not deceive!

The civil servant, who was also a district judge, simply had to bring the investigation, which he himself had begun, to the end. But how to do that? Knowledge from the ancient Vedas came to the rescue, where it was said that yogi-mystics, not devoted to God, in reality are able to "work miracles", but their strength increases only in some "special" places where they perform their austerities-restrictions. The judge decided once and for all to put an end to the criminal and ordered the bailiffs to bring the mystic to court, that is, to deprive the ascetic of his place of power! However, this was not quite enough. Then he gave the order to cut the yogi, after which he finally lost his psychic energy.

The offender was justly punished.

G. Zheleznyak, A. Kozka