The Most Real Stories About Contact With Aliens - Alternative View

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The Most Real Stories About Contact With Aliens - Alternative View
The Most Real Stories About Contact With Aliens - Alternative View

Video: The Most Real Stories About Contact With Aliens - Alternative View

Video: The Most Real Stories About Contact With Aliens - Alternative View
Video: This Alien Channeler Says He Speaks to Extraterrestrials 2024, October

UFOs are unidentified flying objects, everyone knows this abbreviation, and many themselves have witnessed the appearance of not only UFOs, but also the aliens themselves. We present to your attention the most interesting and documented cases of such meetings.

"Little Men" from Socorro. USA, 1964

On April 24, police officer Lonnie Zamora of Socorro, New Mexico, spotted an overspeeding vehicle. He was already catching up with the intruder when a roar was heard from above. He looked up at the sky. I saw "bluish and orange flames, narrower above than below." Lonnie couldn't see where the flames were coming from - the setting sun was in the way.

The policeman stopped chasing and turned onto the road that led to the top of the hill. The road turned out to be bad, and the ascent was so steep that only on the third attempt he reached the top. During this time, the roar managed to stop.

In a nearby ravine stood a shiny egg-shaped object made of a whitish metal, similar to aluminum. Zamora could see two pillars and a red sign on board that resembled the letter "A" with two additional lines. Then the policeman noticed that he was not alone:

“I saw next to the subject two small figures in white, wearing what looked like work overalls. They stood and seemed to be examining the body. One of the creatures turned its head, apparently hearing or seeing a car. It noticed me, because when it turned and looked in my direction, it seemed to jump up in surprise."

Lonnie Zamora (far left) and Air Force officials at the UFO landing site

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While Zamora got out of the car, the "little men" disappeared. He went to the "egg", but then a loud roar was heard, which began at low frequencies, then from just loud it became unbearably loud. A flame flared up under the object, and it began to rise up.

Zamora was afraid that the object might explode, and started to run, and then lay down and covered his head with his hands. When the roar stopped, the policeman looked up again. The UFO silently moved a few meters above the ground, then rose and disappeared into the distance.

Zamora approached the car and called the police station. He asked Nep Lopec to look out the window. When Lopec asked what he should see, Zamora explained, "It looks like a balloon." But Lopez could not see the object: the window of his room faced north.

At the landing site, there were traces of four supports, burnt bushes and traces of the aliens themselves. The roar, as it turned out later, was heard on the southern outskirts of Socorro. Three people - not residents of the city - said they saw an egg-shaped UFO, "which almost blew the roof of their car."

FBI agent Arthur Bernes, who took part in the investigation, confirmed that he personally knows Zamora at work. His official report says that the eyewitness “can be characterized as a sober, hardworking, conscientious person and not prone to fantasies. Zamora was absolutely sober, but very excited about what happened to him."

Later, an Air Force investigator asked Lonnie to change his testimony. This, they say, should "help to calculate crooks and psychos who will say that they saw such an object." After the conversation, Zamora began to draw another sign - a hemisphere with an arrow inside.

The symbol on board the UFO seen by Zamora: real (left) and distorted at the request of the military (right)


In declassified documents of the US Air Force and the FBI, the incident with Lonnie Zamora is still considered unidentified.

UFO interception over Tehran. Iran, 1976

Late in the evening of September 18, Tehran residents saw a strange object. Several townspeople called Mehrabad Airport. The dispatcher Hussein Peruzi came out to see what was the matter.

“I saw a rectangular object that looked 7-8 meters long and about two meters wide,” he said. - Looking at it more closely, I can say that it was probably cylindrical. A whitish-blue light pulsed at the ends, and a red light ran in a circle around the middle part of the cylinder.

At 12.30 on the night of September 19, Perusi called the Air Force officer on duty. He notified the authorities. General Nadir Yousefi went to the balcony and also saw a UFO, which by that time had begun to emit a bright white light.

UFO over Tehran. Eyewitness sketch


Further events were described in a report sent by the US Embassy's military attaché Lt. Col. Olin Moe to the White House and other departments:

“At 01.30 on September 19, an F-4 fighter was taken off … Since the object was emitting bright light, it was clearly visible from a distance of 70 miles. When the fighter approached at a distance of 25 miles, all devices and communications systems were out of order. Then the pilot stopped intercepting and turned back. When the F-4 turned away from the object and, obviously, did not pose a threat to it, the devices and communication systems worked again.

10 minutes later, when the UFO changed its glow pattern again, the military decided to make a second interception attempt. This time the squadron commander Lieutenant Pervez Jafari sat at the helm of the fighter.

Iranian newspapers in Farsi and English reported UFOs on the front pages


“The size of the object was difficult to determine due to its intense glow,” says Moe's report. “The light was emitted in flashing rectangular pulses with alternating colors of blue, green, red and orange … The signals alternated so quickly that all colors could be seen simultaneously. The object and the F-4 chasing it were flying south when another brightly lit object separated from the object … He headed for F-4, moving at great speed. The pilot tried to fire a rocket at him, but at that moment the fire control panel and communication systems failed … Then the pilot made a U-turn and went into a dive to evade. After the turn, the object began to pursue him at a distance of 3-4 miles. While the fighter continued to move away from the first object, the second object crossed the turn path and then returned to the first object,reuniting with him."

In 2007, Jafari, already a retired general, confirmed:

“I approached an object that was flashing bright lights - red, green, orange and blue. They were so bright that I could not see his body. The flashes followed each other very often, like in a disco. We spotted him with radar - he was 25 miles away. The size of the mark on the screen was comparable to the mark from the Boeing 707 tanker. During the observation, four smaller UFOs of various shapes were separated from the main object. When they were close, weapons were out of order, and radio communications were jammed. One of them flew in my direction. I thought it was a rocket. I wanted to release a heat-guided rocket towards him, but the launch control panel was out of order. Another UFO chased me as I returned. Another landed in an open area, emitting such a bright light that the entire area was visible."

Olin Moe's report confirms that a small UFO landed softly and illuminated an area with a radius of about 2-3 kilometers very brightly. All this was seen not only by military pilots, but also by civil aviation pilots who were in the airspace over Tehran.

Page from the report of Lieutenant Colonel Olin Moe


The Iranian government turned for help not only to the United States, but also to the Soviet Union. In the telegram addressed to the Chairman of the Council of Ministers Alexei Kosygin there was a curious passage that was not reflected in Moe's report: two giant creatures speaking in an incomprehensible language emerged from the landing UFO. Then they boarded the ship and flew away.

The flying horror of Texas. USA, 1980

On December 29, the owner of the restaurant, Betty Cash, drove near the town of Huffman. 51-year-old Betty was not alone: in the car sat Vicky Landrum, who worked as a waitress, and her 7-year-old grandson Colby.

Colby was the first to see the bright light above the treetops. Soon, everyone realized that the object was flying directly towards them. Betty picked up speed, but the UFO was faster. It hovered over the road in front of the car, spewing flames from the underside.

The hovering object in the form of two cones connected by the tops or a large dome with a cone underneath was larger than a car. From time to time he "shot" down sheaves of fire with a hissing sound and rose higher, and when the fire did not erupt, it seemed to settle. The hull was silver, with small blue lights going around the widest part.

All three got out of the car to get a better look at the UFO, and felt a strong heat. Colby roared, begging him to get back into the car and hide from the object. Vicki yielded to her grandson's requests and called Betty. But she looked, not looking up and not paying attention to the heat scorching her skin.

Finally, the UFO flew up and to the side. Betty, waking up, went to the car and … could not open it: the handle was too hot. I had to wrap my palm in a jacket.

UFO that burned three people (reconstruction)


At that moment, many helicopters appeared over the forest. They flew from all directions, as if trying to surround the UFO. Among them were heavy trucks and small single-rotor vehicles. There were at least 20 of them. Most circled around a slowly flying UFO, others followed them in clear formation.

Betty gave Vicki and Colby a lift to their house and drove to her room, feeling worse and worse. Her skin turned purple, as if from severe sunburn, her neck was swollen, blisters began to appear on her face, head and eyelids. Severe vomiting began. By morning, Betty was almost comatose. Vicki and Colby experienced the same, but in a lighter form: they were less outside the car.

On January 3, 1981, Betty ended up in the hospital. Burns and blisters so changed her appearance that friends who came to visit the patient could not recognize her. Her hair began to fall out and her eyelids were swollen so that she remained blind for a week. Vicki also lost 40% of her hair, and Colby only lost one strand, which soon grew back.

Since then, Betty has not left the hospital. In 1981, she was in the hospital five times, two of them in intensive care. She could not leave the house in the sunlight, the heat sources caused her severe pain. She lived for 18 years, periodically getting into intensive care, and only the skill of doctors extended her life. On December 29, 1998, another anniversary of the "contact", Betty passed away.

Vicki was also unable to work after the fateful day. Scars, blisters and falling hair are not compatible with the profession of a waitress, but this was not the main thing: she began to go blind after changing three pairs of glasses. The operation helped to stop the process, but her remaining vision was useless. She died on September 12, 2007.

Colby also had vision problems, but changed only one pair of glasses - he was the least staring at UFOs.

The injured women decided to go to court. They filed a lawsuit against the US authorities in the amount of $ 20 million. The process lasted until 1986, when the claim was dismissed. Judge Ross Sterling said: "No government department has ever had an aircraft that matched the description." And if the UFO was not American, the case is closed. The question of who owned the helicopters and why they flew next to the UFO was not raised at the trial.

"Close contact" with alfalfa. France, 1981

In the afternoon of January 8, a UFO landed near a country house two kilometers from the village of Trans-en-Provence. An investigation into this incident was conducted by a government organization - the Group for the Study of Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena (GEPAN) at the French National Space Center.

The only witness was 55-year-old Renato Nicolai, interviewed by the police at the scene:

“My attention was attracted by a faint sound, like a whistle. I turned and saw the object. The apparatus looked like two plates stacked together with the bottoms out. He was about 1.5 meters tall and leaden in color. Then under him, as he flew away, I saw round protrusions - probably landing gear or supports, and two circles, similar to the outlines of the hatches.

UFO in Trans-en-Provence (eyewitness drawing)


During landing, he began to emit another whistle, constant and monotonous. Then he climbed up and very quickly flew to the northeast. He raised some dust as he lifted off the ground. I was about 30 meters away. Then I came up and saw a round track about two meters in diameter."

The entire observation lasted 30-40 seconds.

Forty days later, a ring-shaped planting track with an inner diameter of 2.25 m and an outer diameter of 2.5 m was still visible. According to calculations, the UFO weighed from 4 to 5 tons, and the earth was heated to 300-600 ° C. Scientists have come to the conclusion that the traces fully confirm the testimony of an eyewitness.

The National Institute of Agronomic Research found that the plants underwent biochemical changes - the more, the closer they were to the center of the track. At the same time, 30-50 percent of chlorophyll was destroyed in alfalfa leaves. Biochemist Michel Bunias said that alfalfa is as if artificially aged, and this phenomenon "does not resemble anything known on our planet."

UFO in Trans-en-Provence (reconstruction)


“This is the first UFO case that can be scientifically recognized,” confirms Professor Jean-Pierre Petit. "We need to take seriously the hypothesis that this is a spaceship that cannot be of terrestrial origin."

A giant "nut" over Alaska. USA, 1986

On November 17, a Boeing 747 of the Japanese airline JAL, performing a flight from Reykjavik to Tokyo, flew over Alaska. At about 5 am local time, pilot Kenyu Terauchi noticed "two columns of light" at a distance of 1.8 km. The pilot asked the dispatcher in Anchorage to check for another aircraft nearby. From the ground they answered that there was no one nearby.

Suddenly the UFOs approached almost point-blank. Terauchi saw "two black cylinders with rows of rotating amber lights" that cast no shadow. Soon, a mark appeared on the plane's radar screen, which flew nearby. Kenyu asked the controller for permission to make maneuvers to break away from pursuers. The permission was given because the UFOs were seen on the radar screens of the control center in Anchorage and the air force base in Elmendorf. The plane descended, made several turns, but the lights followed closely.

Sketch by K. Terauchi. Japanese lettering: 1 - the size of an aircraft carrier; 2 - the silhouette of a UFO, which I saw thanks to the lights of Fairbanks; 3 - pale white lights; 4 - 1.5-2 times more; 5 is our plane.


Then Terauchi noticed that there was some kind of huge mass in the air. It was a walnut-shaped UFO "the size of two aircraft carriers." The co-pilot and flight engineer did not see the large UFO - it did not glow and was visible only against the background of city lights. Nevertheless, the crew was amazed at the speed of small objects and their ability to quickly change direction. When they were out of sight, Board 1628 landed safely at Anchorage.

Representatives of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) interviewed the crew and stated that all pilots behaved "professionally, rationally and were not under the influence of alcohol or drugs." When the story was leaked to the press, Air Force officials admitted that their radar spotted the object at the same time as the Boeing's onboard radar. The FAA recorded that the UFO was near the Boeing 747 for 32 minutes.

Kenyu Terauchi shows how he tried to pull away from the object.