Scientists Said That A Fossil Bear Was Discovered On Mars - - Alternative View

Scientists Said That A Fossil Bear Was Discovered On Mars - - Alternative View
Scientists Said That A Fossil Bear Was Discovered On Mars - - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Said That A Fossil Bear Was Discovered On Mars - - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Said That A Fossil Bear Was Discovered On Mars - - Alternative View
Video: Scientist Finds Something On Mars, But No One Believes Him 2024, October

Scientists said that a fossil bear was found on Mars. Ufologists again examined photographs of the surface of the Red Planet published by the American space agency NASA, and came across an unusual object in one of the images.

UFO scientists again announced a sensation after they found a fossilized bear on the surface of Mars. The public perceived this information in different ways. Those who believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life, and, in particular, in the habitability of Mars, supported the enthusiasts, noting that their discovery once again proved one of the most popular hypotheses regarding the Red Planet.

Nevertheless, most of the people who learned about the discovery of ufologists said that enthusiasts had again found something similar to a living being, and passed off their discovery as a sensation. NASA scientists did not receive comments about the discovery, and other representatives of science were skeptical about it, since it is simply impossible to confirm that the picture shows a real live bear.

Ivan Golovin