Space War Predictions - Alternative View

Space War Predictions - Alternative View
Space War Predictions - Alternative View

Video: Space War Predictions - Alternative View

Video: Space War Predictions - Alternative View
Video: Future Prophecy: President Kamala Harris, Trump To Loose Elections, UFO Alien Landing, WW 3, Tsunami 2024, October

Cosmic bodies that enter the Earth's atmosphere do not always reach its surface, because they are destroyed by heating up against air molecules. But still, at least several times in a hundred years, large asteroids and meteorites fall on the planet's surface. Modern science is confused. Often, celestial bodies that cross the boundaries of the Earth's atmosphere in the literal sense of the word come from nowhere. This is very difficult for modern minds to understand. Even taking into account the fact that the meteorite could leave the black hole and proceed to the surface of the planet, it still remains a mystery why the trajectory of the motion of many cosmic bodies changes sharply directly in the vicinity of the Earth.

Perhaps there is a cosmic phenomenon that is not studied by people, which makes space bodies change their flight trajectory, or maybe a person does not want to notice the presence of another mind near our planet, possibly a whole race. All this is quite difficult to understand and accept for ordinary people. But scientists from many countries have long been conducting military research in order to arm their countries so that not a single alien body could move freely in the atmosphere of our planet.

There is an opinion that the notorious arms race, which has affected large states in the last century, is nothing more than a massive preparation of people to meet with alien beings. The arms race along the time lines corresponds to the first launch of a space rocket into space. Perhaps scientists, fearing the consequences of this launch for earthlings, decided to play it safe and protect the inhabitants of the planet from possible troubles. Of course, it is better if the people in the universe were alone, but if they are not? Then it would be worthwhile for a person to accept this fact for a long time and just wait for a meeting with alien guests, without fear for their lives.

Military scientists insist that alien beings cannot be friendly, since they allow themselves at any time to land on the surface of our planet and make their experiments here, come into contact with people. The fear that alien guests will decide to stay on Earth forever has been present among scientists for many decades. Of course, in this case, the person will interfere with the aliens. Why should they share the planet with someone else, even if people have lived on its surface for thousands of years.

Defense scientists continue to develop strategic weapons that would be capable of striking targets far beyond the Earth's atmosphere. Now it seems like a fantastic invention, but many heads of state promise military and space breakthroughs by the twentieth year of our century. There are only some five years left before mankind masters long journeys in space between galaxies, scientists are convincing us of this.

But why should an ordinary, average person know about space travel to distant galaxies, because they have no effect on his life? At first glance, this is exactly the case, but what if the scientists are right and we should expect an attack from space that will destroy humanity? What if people urgently have to leave their homes, their planet and go in search of another habitat? All this is very similar to the plot of a science fiction movie, but in fact, there is a large grain of truth in these words.

Increasingly, strange phenomena are observed on the surface of the Earth, which are associated with the appearance of alien guests in this place. We are talking about cataclysms and disasters, both man-made and natural. Alien guests are watching us, but what is their purpose? Modern science is perplexed about the first manned flight to the moon. Everything happened very strangely, from preparation for it and ending with the landing of the space team. Raising classified NASA data regarding this flight, modern science boils down to the opinion that it was not for nothing that the program of travel to the moon was closed. Of course, America's excuse that there was not enough funding to study this satellite of the Earth did not convince the scientific community. Why, then, was the Mars exploration program urgently launched?

In addition to these oddities in space exploration, the military notes an increase in the number of unsuccessful launches of space rockets and shuttles, and the presence of unidentified flying objects during them. Perhaps alien guests are closing space from humans because they see it as a danger? Danger to your planets? It is fear that breeds wars, the fear of being captured first. And where is the guarantee that aliens do not fear us earthlings?

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Today, scientists say that with the appropriate technologies, it is quite possible to launch a specially directed rocket from the surface of the Moon, which will reach the Earth in a matter of days, and possibly even seconds, hitting the chosen target. Thus, scientists confirm the possibility of a space attack on Earth from unknown inhabitants of the galaxy.

So far, scientists are not stirring up panic among the civilian population. It is believed that people should be the last to learn about such things. All the same, ordinary people will not be able to do anything with an alien attack, they can only hope that by this time Earth scientists will be able to invent a weapon to withstand such an attack. It is not yet known how much more time will pass before the full conquest of space by man and whether it should be done at all? Perhaps the Earth's resources will be enough for humanity for a carefree life on its territory for another millennium?

Many scientists are confused, because it turns out that the military is striving for space, preparing entire space missions, and today our planet is simply dying quietly. And humanity is to blame for this. It is we who pollute it, change its climate, lead to natural cataclysms with our vital activity. Perhaps humanity should take care of its own planet and not try to enslave others? After all, so far, a person has not seen in the universe, the planets are better for themselves than the Earth. So it is not worth spending so much effort and finances for space exploration, it is worth improving life on Earth and then, perhaps, the alien guests will leave the earthlings alone.