Diseases and mutations 2024, September

Scientists Have Reported Viruses That Can Destroy Humanity - Alternative View

Scientists Have Reported Viruses That Can Destroy Humanity - Alternative View

At the World Economic Forum in Davos, scientists asked for funds to develop vaccines against MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) and Nip viruses that can create an epidemic and destroy humanity

Marburg Virus And Ebola Fever - Alternative View

Marburg Virus And Ebola Fever - Alternative View

In the history of the German city of Marburg, one of the sad pages is 1967. It was then that some employees of a pharmaceutical company engaged in the production of many rare drugs were suddenly struck by an unknown disease

The Dangers Of Regular Flu Shots Have Been Identified - Alternative View

The Dangers Of Regular Flu Shots Have Been Identified - Alternative View

Swiss doctors have named a group of people who should be cautious about getting regular flu vaccinations, even to the point of refusing them. Reported by the European Society of Medical Oncology

The Woman Was Killed By A Bacteria Resistant To All Known Antibiotics - Alternative View

The Woman Was Killed By A Bacteria Resistant To All Known Antibiotics - Alternative View

The fight against antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria is ongoing, and more and more generations of antibacterial drugs are being invented

Mutant Microbes Are A Real Threat To Humanity - Alternative View

Mutant Microbes Are A Real Threat To Humanity - Alternative View

It seemed that with the discovery in 1928 of penicillin, man took a step towards immortality. Now the diseases that had previously brought millions of unfortunate people to the grave were amenable to treatment, the average life expectancy increased sharply

Due To The Drugs For Hyperactivity, The Woman Began To See Black Beetles, Including Under Her Skin - Alternative View

Due To The Drugs For Hyperactivity, The Woman Began To See Black Beetles, Including Under Her Skin - Alternative View

An unnamed Scottish woman known only as Mrs. T. nearly went crazy after taking her recently prescribed attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) medication

The Man Is Sure That Due To Taking Painkillers, He Changed His Sexual Orientation - Alternative View

The Man Is Sure That Due To Taking Painkillers, He Changed His Sexual Orientation - Alternative View

23-year-old Scott Pardee has been on the drug Pregabalin and claims it turned him gay. It is noteworthy that the man refuses to stop using it, as he feels happier. Writes about this Daily Mail

In America, Dentists Are Dying Mysteriously - Alternative View

In America, Dentists Are Dying Mysteriously - Alternative View

Representatives of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are trying to find out the cause of the mysterious deaths of American dentists and other dental workers

The Untold Secret Of Dentistry: Exploding Teeth - Alternative View

The Untold Secret Of Dentistry: Exploding Teeth - Alternative View

Torture with a toothache sometimes makes the sufferer literally climb a wall In the 19th century, there were cases when, after several months of excruciating toothache, patients found that their teeth exploded with a bang in their mouth

In India, A Seven-year-old Boy Had 80 Extra Teeth Removed - - Alternative View

In India, A Seven-year-old Boy Had 80 Extra Teeth Removed - - Alternative View

Reading such news, you involuntarily begin to think that in India there is a new wave of human mutations, this time not extra arms and legs, but extra teeth. A lot of extra teeth. As many as 80 teeth were removed from a seven-year-old Indian

A Tortoise Boy Had A Huge Tumor Removed On His Back - Alternative View

A Tortoise Boy Had A Huge Tumor Removed On His Back - Alternative View

Didier Montalvo, a six-year-old resident of a village in southern Colombia, had to undergo a series of complex operations in order to permanently get rid of a huge tumor - a congenital melocytic nevus

Baby Mermaid Was Born In India - Alternative View

Baby Mermaid Was Born In India - Alternative View

In the Indian district of Lakhimpur Kheri, Uttar Pradesh, a child was born with sirenomelia, or mermaid syndrome. He lived for less than an hour and passed away, according to The Times of India on Sunday 28 July. As the newspaper notes, the 22-year-old pregnant woman was taken to a local hospital on Saturday, July 27

Emilia, The World's Tiniest Surviving Infant - Alternative View

Emilia, The World's Tiniest Surviving Infant - Alternative View

When she was born, she weighed only 226 grams (or 229 grams according to some German websites), her height did not exceed 22 centimeters, and her foot was the size of a nail

In Britain, A Baby Was Released The Size Of A Syringe - Alternative View

In Britain, A Baby Was Released The Size Of A Syringe - Alternative View

A tiny miracle baby weighing just over 500 grams and no larger than a medical syringe, not only managed to survive, but also coped with deadly meningitis, intestinal problems and sepsis

New Mental Disorder - Cat Substitution Syndrome - Alternative View

New Mental Disorder - Cat Substitution Syndrome - Alternative View

Scientists from the United States have described the cat substitution syndrome. This is a very unusual disorder: it seems to a person that his pet has been changed, and the cat is also watching him. The results of a study by neuropathologists from the USA were published in the Neurocase edition

In Michigan, A Mosquito Killed A 64-year-old Man - Alternative View

In Michigan, A Mosquito Killed A 64-year-old Man - Alternative View

In the state of Michigan (USA) there have already been several deaths from mosquito bites. Fox News, in particular, reports that in just 9 days a local resident, 64-year-old Gregg McChesney, passed away.His brother, a farmer, said that Gregg helped him with minor repairs, was healthy and cheerful, and after being bitten by a mosquito he had a seizure

The Fattest Baby In The World At 10 Months Weighs As Much As A 9-year-old - Alternative View

The Fattest Baby In The World At 10 Months Weighs As Much As A 9-year-old - Alternative View

Luis Manuel Gonzalez from Mexico at birth weighed quite the usual 3.5 kilograms, but now at 10 months he weighs 28 kilograms, like the average 9-year-old child

A Chinese Woman Has A Tooth In Her Nose - Alternative View

A Chinese Woman Has A Tooth In Her Nose - Alternative View

When the 57-year-old woman from China once again had a sore nose, she thought it was just inflammation. But the scan showed that there was some unusual solid object in her nose, possibly a pebble

The Brothers Became Pariahs Because Of A Rare Anomaly That Turned Their Teeth Into Sharks - Alternative View

The Brothers Became Pariahs Because Of A Rare Anomaly That Turned Their Teeth Into Sharks - Alternative View

Brothers Ashfaq and Mushtak Khan have become outcasts in their village due to a rare genetic abnormality, tells the Daily Mail

The Irishman Loved Soda, And Then All His Teeth Just Rotted At The Root - Alternative View

The Irishman Loved Soda, And Then All His Teeth Just Rotted At The Root - Alternative View

32-year-old Irishman Michael Sheridan only recently was able to smile again without fear of shocking others with his toothless mouth filled with the decaying remains of his teeth

In India, 202 Teeth Were Removed For A Girl - Alternative View

In India, 202 Teeth Were Removed For A Girl - Alternative View

In India, the recent case of a teenager who had a swelling in his mouth with an abnormally large number of teeth was almost exactly the same. This time the little girl was so unique

Anomaly In Nature: Killed A Lion With Teeth Growing From The Ears - Alternative View

Anomaly In Nature: Killed A Lion With Teeth Growing From The Ears - Alternative View

In the state of Idaho, a mountain lion was shot, which differed from others in some peculiarity, previously such phenomena were not noticed

A Tooth Has Grown In The Nose Of A Young Arab - - Alternative View

A Tooth Has Grown In The Nose Of A Young Arab - - Alternative View

Systematic nosebleeds are not uncommon in children and adolescents, but in one young man they appear to have a very unusual cause

The Boy Suddenly Began To Grow A Second Row Of Teeth - Alternative View

The Boy Suddenly Began To Grow A Second Row Of Teeth - Alternative View

An eight-year-old British boy shocks family and friends with his smile. The thing is that in the boy's mouth the teeth grow in two rows - just like a shark, for which he was nicknamed "jaws"

An Indian Teenager Had 232 Teeth Removed - Alternative View

An Indian Teenager Had 232 Teeth Removed - Alternative View

A unique operation was carried out in the Indian city of Mumbai. Dentists removed 232 teeth from 17-year-old Ashik Hawaii, which grew in his mouth as a result of a rare disease

The Boy's Brain Has Grown A Tooth - Alternative View

The Boy's Brain Has Grown A Tooth - Alternative View

Surgeons from the American state of Maryland had to carry out one of the most difficult operations in their practice. Parents of a 4-month-old boy sounded the alarm and went to doctors after they noticed that their baby's head was growing too quickly

A Toothy Baby Was Born In Great Britain - Alternative View

A Toothy Baby Was Born In Great Britain - Alternative View

26-year-old British woman refused to breastfeed her newborn daughter. The reason for this decision was the fact that the girl was born with already erupted teeth

When Teeth Are Out Of Place - Alternative View

When Teeth Are Out Of Place - Alternative View

Sometimes teeth can appear where they shouldn't. Sometimes there are a lot of such teeth. Listed below are a number of cases of completely unnatural tooth alignment, some of which are truly frightening

The Human Brain Remembers Amputated Limbs Even After Tens Of Years - Alternative View

The Human Brain Remembers Amputated Limbs Even After Tens Of Years - Alternative View

Many people even very far from transplantation have heard of such a concept as phantom pain

Influenza: Myths And Reality - Alternative View

Influenza: Myths And Reality - Alternative View

If there were a hit-parade of diseases, then in the autumn-winter period the flu would undoubtedly occupy the top position. From year to year, the virus that causes this disease is visited by a huge number of people. Flu - the disease is not so mysterious

Half Man - Half Woman: The Sad Story Of Bobby Cork - Alternative View

Half Man - Half Woman: The Sad Story Of Bobby Cork - Alternative View

From the mid-19th century to the mid-20th century, the Freak Show was particularly popular in Europe and North America.In the USA, the circus of Phineas Barnum was best known, but in addition to it, there were dozens of smaller groups.- Salik

The New Fattest Child In The World Was Found In Pakistan - Alternative View

The New Fattest Child In The World Was Found In Pakistan - Alternative View

Three years ago, the world press excitedly talked about an Indian 10-year-old boy named Arya Permana, whose weight exceeded 200 kg.The boy could barely walk and easily absorbed portions of food that not every adult would have been able to handle

A 22 Year Old Indian Guy Wants To Remove Two Extra Legs Growing From His Back - Alternative View

A 22 Year Old Indian Guy Wants To Remove Two Extra Legs Growing From His Back - Alternative View

Arun Kumar, 22, from the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, was born with two extra legs that were attached to his lower back. Probably the remains of his twin brother

The Fattest Child In The World Has Lost Half Of His Weight - Alternative View

The Fattest Child In The World Has Lost Half Of His Weight - Alternative View

Three years ago, Indonesian Arya Permana weighed almost 200 kg and was then only 10 years old. When his pictures appeared in the press around the world, he was called "the fattest child in the world."Arya ate large amounts of food daily, including noodles, soda, and fried chicken

20-year-old Guy "stuck" In The Body Of An 8-year-old Child - Alternative View

20-year-old Guy "stuck" In The Body Of An 8-year-old Child - Alternative View

Roma Krivachev from the small Sverdlovsk village of Bulanash, at first glance, will not give even ten years. Baby chubby face, height a little more than a meter, weight - 20 kilograms

What Did Chopin Die Of? - Alternative View

What Did Chopin Die Of? - Alternative View

The great composer Frederic Chopin died in 1849 at the age of 39 in France. According to some reports, Chopin suffered from thanatophobia - fear of false death, he was afraid of being buried alive

"Glass" 3-year-old Girl From Volgograd Has Already Experienced 15 Fractures - Alternative View

"Glass" 3-year-old Girl From Volgograd Has Already Experienced 15 Fractures - Alternative View

Vara Machalina is only 3 years old. All this time, the girl has been living with a rare genetic disease that turned her childhood into a real hell. The baby can not only run, but also walk. Barbara was diagnosed with osteogenesis imperfecta at birth

The Boy With The Third Hand, Whom The Nepalese Consider To Be God - Alternative View

The Boy With The Third Hand, Whom The Nepalese Consider To Be God - Alternative View

This third hand of a boy from Nepal - a deformity that confronted his parents with a painful choice that can lead to paralysis of the baby

The Strange Affliction Of The Sister's Husband - Alternative View

The Strange Affliction Of The Sister's Husband - Alternative View

This story happened 20 years ago. One day my sister Valentina called me and complained that her husband Vasily had had a backache for a week. A general practitioner came to see the patient, but all her appointments were useless. Nothing helps Vasily

In Russia, Two Versions Of Coronavirus Infection Have Been Put Forward - - Alternative View

In Russia, Two Versions Of Coronavirus Infection Have Been Put Forward - - Alternative View

Russian experts have put forward two versions of contactless infection with coronavirus. This was reported by the Izvestia newspaper.According to the first version, patients with coronavirus who have never been to China and have not come into contact with sick people may appear in different countries due to latent infection