Diseases and mutations 2024, September

A Strange Disease Has Distorted The Face Of The Filipino - Alternative View

A Strange Disease Has Distorted The Face Of The Filipino - Alternative View

A resident of Leyte Island, Philippines, spoke of a mysterious disease that tripled his face. His story was published by the Daily Mail tabloid. 56-year-old carpenter Romulo Pilapil fell ill about three years ago. The man went to the hospital with complaints of itchy eyes and a runny nose

A Rare Illness Forced The Girl To Hide From The Sun - Alternative View

A Rare Illness Forced The Girl To Hide From The Sun - Alternative View

In the English county of Norfolk, a girl was born without an iris and is forced to wear sunglasses every day. This is reported by the Daily Mail. Two-year-old Rhiannon Kay suffers from a rare congenital aniridia disease that is associated with photophobia

The Police Caught A Woman With Creepy Black Eyes - Alternative View

The Police Caught A Woman With Creepy Black Eyes - Alternative View

A young woman with eerie black eyes was arrested by police in the American District of Lancaster, South Carolina. It is not yet known what caused such an unusual and frightening appearance of the criminal

A One-eyed Albino Embryo Was Found In The Belly Of A Pregnant Shark - Alternative View

A One-eyed Albino Embryo Was Found In The Belly Of A Pregnant Shark - Alternative View

This embryo with one eye and white skin was found in the belly of a pregnant gray bovine shark in the Sea of Cortez (Gulf of California). Bull sharks are viviparous

Man-tree: Even 24 Operations Did Not Help The Man To Get Rid Of Unusual Growths On The Skin - Alternative View

Man-tree: Even 24 Operations Did Not Help The Man To Get Rid Of Unusual Growths On The Skin - Alternative View

A man named Abul Bazhandar, who lives in Bangladesh, is known throughout the world as the "tree man". The skin on his arms and legs was covered with numerous growths that looked like tree bark

The Indonesian "wooden Man" For 24 Years Lies Motionless, Like A Frozen - Alternative View

The Indonesian "wooden Man" For 24 Years Lies Motionless, Like A Frozen - Alternative View

The 55-year-old Indonesian, who is the father of four children, spent 24 years - half of his life, constrained in a supine position. His body literally froze in one position after his car was involved in an accident

The Fattest Boy In The World Is Rapidly Losing Weight After Surgery - Alternative View

The Fattest Boy In The World Is Rapidly Losing Weight After Surgery - Alternative View

11-year-old teenager Arya Permana from Indonesia used to weigh over 190 kg and was called the fattest child in the world

A Two-headed Child Was Born In Indonesia - Alternative View

A Two-headed Child Was Born In Indonesia - Alternative View

Siamese twins with one body and two heads were born in Indonesia on July 24. According to doctors, it was impossible to separate the babies: the boys have two hearts, but all other vital organs are common

Mysterious Mummy Humanoid Atacama - Alternative View

Mysterious Mummy Humanoid Atacama - Alternative View

Usually all these stories about mummies of aliens and unseen creatures end with one thing - falsification, manipulation and dummy. But here everything is different … In October 2003, a collector of artifacts from Indian history named Oscar Muñoz (Spanish

Tourette's Syndrome: What Is Life Like For Someone With This Disorder - Alternative View

Tourette's Syndrome: What Is Life Like For Someone With This Disorder - Alternative View

Tourette's syndrome - it is a mysterious medical pathology that has puzzled doctors over the past century

Fast Food Destroys Bacteria That Promote Rapid Metabolism - Alternative View

Fast Food Destroys Bacteria That Promote Rapid Metabolism - Alternative View

According to a study by Tim Spector, a British scientist and professor of genetic epidemiology at King's College London, eating fast food regularly can kill all the bacteria in the human intestine

A Zombie Named Filicia - Alternative View

A Zombie Named Filicia - Alternative View

In 1907, after a short illness, which according to local Haitian beliefs is similar to the transformation of a person into a zombie, a certain Felicia Felix-Mentor died

A Child Who Was Born With A Second Penis On His Back Was Successfully Operated In Azerbaijan - Alternative View

A Child Who Was Born With A Second Penis On His Back Was Successfully Operated In Azerbaijan - Alternative View

A baby with two penises was born in Azerbaijan. The first was where it was supposed to be, and the second was growing out of the back. About this site medicina

The Bloody Tears Of A Woman From Chile Discouraged Doctors - Alternative View

The Bloody Tears Of A Woman From Chile Discouraged Doctors - Alternative View

Yaritza Oliva, 20, from Purranque, Chile, surprised doctors. At the beginning of the month, she asked for help from doctors due to the fact that several times a day she was bleeding from her eyes. Bleeding is accompanied by acute pain

A Lamb With Five Legs Was Born In Great Britain - Alternative View

A Lamb With Five Legs Was Born In Great Britain - Alternative View

Lamb Jake Peg on his five legs perfectly runs and frolics along with his brothers and sisters. An extra leg of a lamb only interferes with humans. The lamb was born last week with two normal hind legs and three front legs

Scientists Have Calculated How Many Real Vampire People Live On Earth - Alternative View

Scientists Have Calculated How Many Real Vampire People Live On Earth - Alternative View

Scientists from the American University of Idaho have found that the number of real human vampires living on Earth tends to be several thousand. Research findings published in the New York Post

A Vietnamese Girl Was Carrying An Unborn Twin For Seven Years - - Alternative View

A Vietnamese Girl Was Carrying An Unborn Twin For Seven Years - - Alternative View

A unique operation of its kind was recently performed by doctors of a pediatric hospital in the southern Vietnamese province of Dong Nai. They removed the fetus of her unborn twin from the belly of a seven-year-old girl

The New Disease Is Similar To AIDS - Alternative View

The New Disease Is Similar To AIDS - Alternative View

In Asia and the United States, a new disease has been identified that causes symptoms very similar to AIDS, but has nothing to do with HIV. This disturbing news was reported by the New England Journal of Medicine

Sisters Of An Indian Woman With A Rare Genetic "werewolf Syndrome" - Alternative View

Sisters Of An Indian Woman With A Rare Genetic "werewolf Syndrome" - Alternative View

This rare genetic disorder affects only one person in a billion. But these girls inherited the disease from their father, who suffers from hypertrichosis universalis - increased hairiness

A Baby Was Born In Africa With Four Legs - Alternative View

A Baby Was Born In Africa With Four Legs - Alternative View

The anomaly became known only after his birth. A child with four legs was born in a hospital in western Mozambique

A Baby Was Born In The USA With A Very Rare Anomaly Of The Skull - Alternative View

A Baby Was Born In The USA With A Very Rare Anomaly Of The Skull - Alternative View

Charlotte Putt from Wisconsin was born with the extremely rare Sprintzen-Goldberg syndrome. There are only about 50 such patients worldwide

Horned Grandmother And Other Anomalies: Rare Century-old Photos From The Netherlands - Alternative View

Horned Grandmother And Other Anomalies: Rare Century-old Photos From The Netherlands - Alternative View

These pictures with "extreme" injuries, including an elderly woman with a horn on her head, were taken in the late 19th century in one of the oldest hospitals in the Netherlands - Utrecht University Hospital

An American Woman Discovered A Two-headed Bird In Her Garden - Alternative View

An American Woman Discovered A Two-headed Bird In Her Garden - Alternative View

April Britt from Northampton, Massachusetts heard a strange noise in her backyard and went out to see what it might be. What he saw led the woman into great amazement

The Fourth Horseman Of The Apocalypse: He Killed More Than All The Wars In The World - Alternative View

The Fourth Horseman Of The Apocalypse: He Killed More Than All The Wars In The World - Alternative View

How old is mankind, so much it is accompanied by epidemics and pandemics of fatal diseases (pandemic is a massive epidemic, when almost the entire population of a country or continent falls ill)

The Briton For 17 Years Ate Only Nuggets And Potatoes Because Of A Rare Disease - Alternative View

The Briton For 17 Years Ate Only Nuggets And Potatoes Because Of A Rare Disease - Alternative View

Briton Ryan Howarth refused to eat anything other than chicken nuggets and fries for almost 20 years and fell out with the whole family. According to Metro, a psychotherapist helped him taste other foods

The Boy Sheds His Skin Like A Snake: A Genetic Anomaly - Alternative View

The Boy Sheds His Skin Like A Snake: A Genetic Anomaly - Alternative View

A Florida teen suffers from a rare disease that causes him to constantly lose his skin like a reptile. Doctors predicted that the boy would not live to see his first birthday - but he is still fighting for his life.Elio Figueiredo, from Tampa, was born with a genetic disorder thought to be a form of ichthyosis

Arthritis Medicine - Hope For Millions Of People With The Angelina Jolie Gene - Alternative View

Arthritis Medicine - Hope For Millions Of People With The Angelina Jolie Gene - Alternative View

The medicine for rheumatoid arthritis can kill ovarian cancer cells in women with the BRCA1 gene mutation. Reported by scientists from Plymouth University

Diseases Scientists Don't Understand - Alternative View

Diseases Scientists Don't Understand - Alternative View

It is generally accepted that we live in an enlightened society. Food is made by science, epidemics are slowly receding, Mars is a stone's throw

14 Genetic Mutations Caused By The Negative Consequences Of Incest - Alternative View

14 Genetic Mutations Caused By The Negative Consequences Of Incest - Alternative View

In some peoples, sexual intercourse between close relatives is quite common, and the royal families tried not to tarnish their ancestry and entered into consanguineous marriages

A New Deadly Strain Of Anthrax Has Been Discovered - Alternative View

A New Deadly Strain Of Anthrax Has Been Discovered - Alternative View

An international group of scientists found out that the causative agent of anthrax - bacteria Bacillus anthracis - could lead to the extinction of chimpanzees in Tai - National Park Cote d ' Ivoire

The Man's Brain Was Pronounced Dead And His Body Was Disconnected From The Apparatus. And Then He Suddenly Came To His Senses - Alternative View

The Man's Brain Was Pronounced Dead And His Body Was Disconnected From The Apparatus. And Then He Suddenly Came To His Senses - Alternative View

61-year-old T. Scott Marr from Nebraska is now referred to as Wonder Man. A father of four was admitted to hospital with a stroke on December 12, 2018 after he was found unconscious in bed

Have You Found A Cure For Progeria? - Alternative View

Have You Found A Cure For Progeria? - Alternative View

It is difficult to imagine the suffering of parents, whose children are literally getting old before our eyes - 7-8 times faster than an ordinary person

The Number Of Victims Of The Ebola Fever In The DRC Has Exceeded 200 People - - Alternative View

The Number Of Victims Of The Ebola Fever In The DRC Has Exceeded 200 People - - Alternative View

The number of infections with the deadly Ebola haemorrhagic fever virus in the Democratic Republic of the Congo has reached 326, more than 200 people have died, the country's health ministry said on Saturday

Ebola Is Finally Defeated - Alternative View

Ebola Is Finally Defeated - Alternative View

Canadian scientists tested a new vaccine in African Guinea, and it showed 100% effectiveness in combating the disease, the epidemic of which broke out in Africa in 2014 - 2015

Found Antibodies That Protect Against The Ebola Virus - Alternative View

Found Antibodies That Protect Against The Ebola Virus - Alternative View

American scientists have found monoclonal antibodies in the blood of Ebola survivors of the Republic of the Congo, which helped cure monkeys after being infected with the deadly virus. Doctors are now ready to move on to human testing

The Ebola Virus Mutated And Became More Dangerous - Alternative View

The Ebola Virus Mutated And Became More Dangerous - Alternative View

Independently of each other, two teams of scientists discovered that even at the beginning of the current Ebola epidemic, the virus mutated and began to better infect human cells.A sharp outbreak of the Ebola epidemic that began in 2013

Ebola And Swine Flu Can Have One Creator - Alternative View

Ebola And Swine Flu Can Have One Creator - Alternative View

In Russia, the swine flu epidemic continues to grow, only in Moscow in recent days the number of infected has increased by 30%. Scientists have suggested that Ebola and swine flu may have one creator

Can The Ebola Virus Mutate And Be Transmitted Through The Air? - Alternative View

Can The Ebola Virus Mutate And Be Transmitted Through The Air? - Alternative View

The Ebola virus is not currently transmitted by airborne droplets. Ebola is spread by direct contact with body fluids such as blood, feces, and vomit

Where Did The Ebola Fever Go - Alternative View

Where Did The Ebola Fever Go - Alternative View

It is clear that everything flows and changes, but sometimes events burst into our life with lightning speed and also disappear with lightning speed. So it was with Ebola - the whole world was "in a fever" for some time and silence

A Two-year-old Boy Died In The USA, Who Was Born Without A Nose - Alternative View

A Two-year-old Boy Died In The USA, Who Was Born Without A Nose - Alternative View

The child's parents did not manage to raise money for an operation that would allow him to live a full life. Two-year-old Timothy Eli Thompson has died in the United States - boy born without nose