Mysterious creatures 2024, September

Fairies From The Magic Land - Alternative View

Fairies From The Magic Land - Alternative View

In the folklore of the Germanic and Celtic peoples, the fairies - the general name for supernatural beings. They can be divided into several genera. There are fairies, good and evil, heroic, wandering, tamed and lonely

Meet Pixie, The Mischievous Little Spirits Of The Forest From Great Britain - Alternative View

Meet Pixie, The Mischievous Little Spirits Of The Forest From Great Britain - Alternative View

If, being in Cornwall or Devon, a traveler meets a tiny man in green clothes on his way, he should not be surprised - - in front of him is just a pixie, a mischievous creature, eager for jokes and practical jokes

The Snapshot Of The "fish With Legs" Scared People - Alternative View

The Snapshot Of The "fish With Legs" Scared People - Alternative View

On the shores of a lake in the American state of Colorado, the corpse of a creepy fish-like creature with paws was discovered. Internet users are racking their brains over what kind of creature it could be

"Something Was Moving Under My Pillow" - Alternative View

"Something Was Moving Under My Pillow" - Alternative View

You are told that there are no monsters under the bed. And they are not in the closet either. All these are children's inventions, horror stories from cartoons. But what if it's not fiction? "Someone else's hand under my pillow" Story from an unnamed US author

Demon Mummy - Ancient Artifact - Alternative View

Demon Mummy - Ancient Artifact - Alternative View

In the city of Mexico City (the capital of Mexico), under the ruins of an old church, an ancient artifact was discovered, - a mummy that is not human. There are objective reasons to believe that these are the remains of a demon

In Canada, An Unknown Beast Was Pulled Out Of The Lake - Alternative View

In Canada, An Unknown Beast Was Pulled Out Of The Lake - Alternative View

In a small Canadian settlement called Kitchenameikushib, a dead animal was found, whose belonging to any biological species is not determined

Genies: Children Of The Flame - Alternative View

Genies: Children Of The Flame - Alternative View

We are accustomed to seeing genies as characters from a Thousand and One Nights. Meanwhile, these mysterious and powerful creatures played an important role in ancient Arab mythology

In China, Strange Creatures Are Increasingly Seen - Alternative View

In China, Strange Creatures Are Increasingly Seen - Alternative View

In China, more and more people are filming and seeing strange creatures in rivers, lakes or forests

The Tiny Elf Was Caught On The Video Camera Of The Children - Alternative View

The Tiny Elf Was Caught On The Video Camera Of The Children - Alternative View

The Bigfoot, Chupacabra and the Loch Ness Monster are very popular, but far from the only legendary creatures that any of us would be happy to capture in a photo or video

The Fish-man Civilization At The Bottom Of The Ocean - Alternative View

The Fish-man Civilization At The Bottom Of The Ocean - Alternative View

There is a fish-man civilization under water, and people sometimes come across them. Anthropologists believe that in the Quaternary period, when the cold snap began, the ancestors of today's people led a semi-aquatic lifestyle off the coast of the Indian Ocean

Watch Out: Creepy Humanoids Roam The Forests! - Alternative View

Watch Out: Creepy Humanoids Roam The Forests! - Alternative View

Who among us has not heard the scary stories about the disappearance of people in the forest, and not in some dense and endless taiga or the jungle of the Amazon

7 Frightening Snapshots Of Creatures Unknown To Science - Alternative View

7 Frightening Snapshots Of Creatures Unknown To Science - Alternative View

Serious scientists (NASA, for example) so often give out the latest news about space and possible extraterrestrial civilizations, as if they are trying to prepare people for the news: we are not alone in the universe

Divine Cuckolds - Alternative View

Divine Cuckolds - Alternative View

Little is known about satyrs these days. Many of us are familiar with these horned creatures with goat hooves as unchanging characters of the Rococo era canvases, and even as heroes of ancient Greek myths read in childhood

An Extinct Prehistoric Fish Washed Up On The Australian Coast? - Alternative View

An Extinct Prehistoric Fish Washed Up On The Australian Coast? - Alternative View

The remains of a huge and mysterious "monster fish", washed up at the end of last week in the state of Queensland (Australia), excited the public and asked a mystery to scientists

Reptilians Exist: They Have Been Living Near Los Angeles For 5,000 Years - Alternative View

Reptilians Exist: They Have Been Living Near Los Angeles For 5,000 Years - Alternative View

There are opinions that reptilians inhabit the Earth, that they are nearby, just live underground. They do not give themselves away. They can often be seen - these are the leaders of states and religious communities

Descendants Of Leviathan - Alternative View

Descendants Of Leviathan - Alternative View

The mythical monstrous serpent Leviathan (translated as "wriggling beast") came to us from Babylon and Canaan as the personification of all the forces of evil

Huge Taimen Of Lake Kanas - Alternative View

Huge Taimen Of Lake Kanas - Alternative View

Lake Kanas is located in the Altai Mountains, in the north of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China. It feeds mainly on the largest glaciers in Altai, located in the Tavan-Bogdo-Ula massif

An Eyewitness From Nashville Saw In The Sky An Incomprehensible Picture Of - Alternative View

An Eyewitness From Nashville Saw In The Sky An Incomprehensible Picture Of - Alternative View

Now aliens don't need ships to fly - they got their own wings. Tennessee flying saucer hunter Dan goes on a photo hunt every day to spot at least one humanoid ship

A Geese-killing Creature Has Appeared In The London Thames. - Alternative View

A Geese-killing Creature Has Appeared In The London Thames. - Alternative View

Wildlife experts are investigating rumors of an unknown predator lurking in the river near the Olympic Stadium in East London. Rumors began to spread after an eyewitness report

Meeting With "Men In Black" And A Strange Dream - Alternative View

Meeting With "Men In Black" And A Strange Dream - Alternative View

The man, who remained anonymous, spoke about what he considered the most vivid and strange dream in his life. He dreamed about him when he was living with his parents in Tampa, Florida

Faceless Visitors - Alternative View

Faceless Visitors - Alternative View

Both of these strange cases were sent to the researcher of anomalous phenomena Alexei Priyma and published in his book in 1998

Another Mystery Of Nature - Mermaids - Alternative View

Another Mystery Of Nature - Mermaids - Alternative View

Mermaids - lovely girls with long fish tails. The first descriptions of mermaids are found in the annals of the ancient world, for example, in the writings of the ancient Romans, who were reputed to be noble sailors. Many peoples honored Neptune, Poseidon - God of the sea

Scientists Have Begun The Hunt For Marsupial Wolves, Which Are Considered Extinct - Alternative View

Scientists Have Begun The Hunt For Marsupial Wolves, Which Are Considered Extinct - Alternative View

Researchers from James Cook University have set up camera traps in the Australian Cape York Peninsula with the hope of finding marsupial wolves, the last of which died 80 years ago. Reported by Live Science

Cyclops - Alternative View

Cyclops - Alternative View

I did not find any prerequisites that this is a photo montage. Again, I did not find the name of this fish. What is this mutation? Okay, one side of the eye would be damaged and overgrown, but here it is clearly visible that one eye was originally supposed

During The Demolition Of The Old Shelter, Incredible Things Were Found! - Alternative View

During The Demolition Of The Old Shelter, Incredible Things Were Found! - Alternative View

The incredible surrounds us all the time! In London, during a major renovation of an orphanage, workers discovered an entrance to a dungeon

An Unidentified Creature From The Kostanay Hinterland Is Being Investigated By Biologists - Alternative View

An Unidentified Creature From The Kostanay Hinterland Is Being Investigated By Biologists - Alternative View

An unidentified creature from the Kostanay hinterland was taken to the regional center, and now the local luminaries of science will establish its origin. An organism unlike anything else found a rural stoker in a pile of coal, and since then it has been stirring up the entire region

The Lernaean Hydra Really Existed - Alternative View

The Lernaean Hydra Really Existed - Alternative View

Or maybe it was a dinosaur after all?

In Pennsylvania Photographed The Jersey Devil - Alternative View

In Pennsylvania Photographed The Jersey Devil - Alternative View

The Jersey Devil is a mythical American monster that allegedly lives in the woodland of Pine Barrens in southern New Jersey. Numerous eyewitnesses describe the cryptid as an upright creature with a height of one to two meters

In The Woods Near Manchester, A Huge Footprint Of Bare Feet Was Discovered - - Alternative View

In The Woods Near Manchester, A Huge Footprint Of Bare Feet Was Discovered - - Alternative View

The mysterious trail was discovered on February 3, 2017 near the English city of Manchester, which, quite possibly, could belong to the legendary Bigfoot

An Alien Was Caught In The Waters Of The Caribbean - - Alternative View

An Alien Was Caught In The Waters Of The Caribbean - - Alternative View

A sea creature with legs caught in the Caribbean is called by the locals an alien and also a monster from a horror movie. A mysterious creature was caught by fishermen, who were immediately horrified when they saw that they had caught in the net

Who Attacked The Pilots? - Alternative View

Who Attacked The Pilots? - Alternative View

“Our world is very weakly protected from the strange and sudden danger threatening it. There is also a jungle in the upper layers of the atmosphere, and they are inhabited by creatures worse than tigers. "

Magical Creatures - Alternative View

Magical Creatures - Alternative View

Do you believe in the existence of magical creatures? Most of us are very emphatic in their no. The thought of them is so absurd that we even use the expression "fairy tales" when talking about something that we consider to be a clear lie

Night Hairy Strangler - Alternative View

Night Hairy Strangler - Alternative View

This story began in 1967. At that time, my father often went on business trips, and my mother and I were left alone. When her father was not there, her friend, Aunt Sveta, came to visit her mother

A Strange Fox-coyote Roams Texas - Alternative View

A Strange Fox-coyote Roams Texas - Alternative View

This obscure animal, resembling a fox, a maned wolf and a coyote at the same time, was observed in the East Texas region. Some argue that it is a cross between a dog, others that it is the legendary Chupacabra

A Faceless Fish, Considered Extinct, Was Caught Near Australia - Alternative View

A Faceless Fish, Considered Extinct, Was Caught Near Australia - Alternative View

Australian biologists have fished off the coast of the continent what was considered to be an extinct fish without eyes, whose mouth is located in the lower part of the body

The Most Popular Anomalous Myths - Alternative View

The Most Popular Anomalous Myths - Alternative View

Since time immemorial, people have believed in mermaids, goblin, brownies, werewolves and ghouls. But where do such beliefs come from in our enlightened age? Here are some popular myths that have arisen relatively recently

The Guilty "father" - Alternative View

The Guilty "father" - Alternative View

Ovinnik (bean, ovinnik, barn, barn, king-barn) - in traditional beliefs, a spirit living in a barn, a fenced-in area for storing and threshing grain

Frightening Smiling Man On The Plane - Alternative View

Frightening Smiling Man On The Plane - Alternative View

We talked about the "Smiling Man" phenomenon in detail in early articles here and here. Below is a very recent case of a meeting with this creature that occurred in 2015. This story was told by a user with the nickname "sprontos"

The Monster Was A Messenger Of Trouble - Alternative View

The Monster Was A Messenger Of Trouble - Alternative View

“Several years ago I went with a friend to hunt in remote places of the Novgorod region. We were lucky enough to go to the capercaillie current. A friend had a video camera, but the battery was almost empty