Mysterious creatures 2024, September

The Secret Of The Midget Pedro - Alternative View

The Secret Of The Midget Pedro - Alternative View

Archaeologists sometimes find very strange ancient mummies, which are highly doubtful belonging to Homo sapiens; The main hypotheses explaining their origin are simple - are they aliens or freaks. October 1932

Anomalies Of Tatarstan - Alternative View

Anomalies Of Tatarstan - Alternative View

Shurale is an anthropomorphic mythical creature of Tatar fairy tales. Usually described as short, hunchbacked, with long slender fingers, long nipples, and a small horn on the forehead. Kills people by tickling

Flying People From Glowing Balls? - Alternative View

Flying People From Glowing Balls? - Alternative View

In the photo: A field over which a flying man was seen. A researcher with a device in his hands apparently makes some measurements. On Thursday, October 27, 2011, members of the Belarusian Ufological Committee received a message from

Who Kills Cats In England? - Alternative View

Who Kills Cats In England? - Alternative View

Recently, in some areas of the UK, creatures have begun to appear that are very similar to ordinary cats, but are too large in size

The British Have Their Own "Chupacabra" - Alternative View

The British Have Their Own "Chupacabra" - Alternative View

The Loch Ness monster is not enough for the inhabitants of the islands. According to unofficial data, up to 1,000 mysterious giant cats are seen in Britain every year. Most of these meetings take place in Scotland, where Nessie is supposedly found

The Problem Of Sea Monsters - Alternative View

The Problem Of Sea Monsters - Alternative View

Sea monsters are descendants of dinosaurs or other non-open animals? Hundreds of sea monsters described in ancient books may have actually existed, but they were not descendants of aquatic dinosaurs such as plesiosaurus or elasmosaurus

Direwolves Actually Existed - Alternative View

Direwolves Actually Existed - Alternative View

The prototypes of the Ghost-like Game of Thrones heroes were the real wolves that once roamed the American continent. Game of Thrones each has its own favorite characters to root for

Trans-Baikal Territory Attacked By Wolfdogs? - Alternative View

Trans-Baikal Territory Attacked By Wolfdogs? - Alternative View

Shepherd camps of the agin steppes were attacked by completely unprecedented predators attacking domestic animals in flocks. Wolfdogs are already a fairly well-known hybrid

10 Amazing Animals That, Unfortunately, Became Extinct - Alternative View

10 Amazing Animals That, Unfortunately, Became Extinct - Alternative View

Over the past ten thousand years, human impact on the environment has led to the extinction of many beautiful animals. In this article, you will discover facts about ten interesting creatures that have already disappeared

An Unidentified "furry" Fish Was Caught In The Ukrainian Desna River - Alternative View

An Unidentified "furry" Fish Was Caught In The Ukrainian Desna River - Alternative View

Recently in the social network "VKontakte" on the page "Chernigov jelly" there were photos of a creature frightening in its appearance

These Ghost Sharks And Deep Sea Demons Can Scare Anyone - Alternative View

These Ghost Sharks And Deep Sea Demons Can Scare Anyone - Alternative View

Sharks can be really scary. But while most of us are afraid of sharks (such as the great white), few know what might be lurking in deep waters

A Strange Find Of A Japanese Trawler: Plesiosaur Or Shark? - Alternative View

A Strange Find Of A Japanese Trawler: Plesiosaur Or Shark? - Alternative View

Cryptozoologists claim that the decomposed carcass, accidentally entangled in the nets of a Japanese trawler near New Zealand in 1977, - nothing more than a plesiosaur, a prehistoric sea monster

Mythical Creatures In The Culture Of Thailand - Alternative View

Mythical Creatures In The Culture Of Thailand - Alternative View

Thailand is a very religious country, and there are an abundance of mythological creatures, as well as statues depicting them. Figurines of different creatures can be seen everywhere, in particular, in iconic places, near temples

The Austrian Natives Painted Extinct Animals - Alternative View

The Austrian Natives Painted Extinct Animals - Alternative View

Australian scientists have found in a cave images of bats that are not found on this continent.In Australia, in one of the caves, scientists have found wall paintings depicting animals similar to bats hanging under a vine

Relic Reptiles Today - Alternative View

Relic Reptiles Today - Alternative View

Despite the fact that humanity is already exploring other planets, its own is still replete with many secrets

Scientists Are Wondering Who Owns The Huge Eye - Alternative View

Scientists Are Wondering Who Owns The Huge Eye - Alternative View

A giant eyeball the size of a grapefruit was thrown by the sea onto Pompano Beach in the north of the resort town of Fort Lauderdale in Florida, USA. He was found last Wednesday by a local named Gino Covacci

Great Poloz Or The Secret Of The Mansi Anaconda - Alternative View

Great Poloz Or The Secret Of The Mansi Anaconda - Alternative View

On the territory of the Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk regions, the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, legends about a relict animal have been preserved. The Mansi called him Yalpyn uy, the Russians called him the snake, and the Mari - her gut

Meetings With Huge Snakes - Alternative View

Meetings With Huge Snakes - Alternative View

In March 1947, a Brazilian expedition organized by the Indian Protection Service worked in a marshy area between the Manso and Cristalino rivers

A Monster With Dreadlocks Or A Christmas Tree: In Social Networks, They Are Guessing About A Strange Find In New Zealand - Alternative View

A Monster With Dreadlocks Or A Christmas Tree: In Social Networks, They Are Guessing About A Strange Find In New Zealand - Alternative View

Social media users are speculating around a photograph of a New Zealand woman. Melissa Doubleday, while walking along the coast, discovered a strange object with marine life on it

Verlioka - Alternative View

Verlioka - Alternative View

Verlioka - a terrible huge giant who knows neither mercy nor compassion. In him lives anger and hatred for all living things that only come across in his path. Verlioka himself lives in abandoned, remote forest huts and in rocky wild mountain gorges

Spirits And Demons - Alternative View

Spirits And Demons - Alternative View

Speaking about the creatures of the subtle worlds, in this case I mean just spirits and demons, about which so much is said in the Bible and which are the cause not only of the described anomalous phenomena, but also cause a lot of harm and inconvenience in people's lives

Sinister Water Demon Methuena - Alternative View

Sinister Water Demon Methuena - Alternative View

In October 1963, an ordinary American family living in Methuen, Massachusetts, began to be haunted by an incomprehensible and eerie supernatural phenomenon

Interesting Facts About Baba Yaga - Alternative View

Interesting Facts About Baba Yaga - Alternative View

Baba Yaga - a mysterious creature that is described in many Russian fairy tales. And to this day, scientists are worried about the still unsolved mysteries surrounding this mysterious creature. Who is Baba Yaga

"Demons" Of The Indian Reservation Of South Dakota - Alternative View

"Demons" Of The Indian Reservation Of South Dakota - Alternative View

South Dakota is, at first glance, an unremarkable American state, but its history was influenced by a very dark event

Who Are The Angels - Guardians? - Alternative View

Who Are The Angels - Guardians? - Alternative View

Hear your Angel - GuardianAngels and Retribution Guardian Angel - a spirit of high rank, which is a spiritual native being for a person, fulfilling his main goal: protecting a specific person and helping him throughout his life

The Girl Partially Photographed A Humanoid With Pink-red Skin - Alternative View

The Girl Partially Photographed A Humanoid With Pink-red Skin - Alternative View

Sarah Wynn, 21, was photographing the road outside her home in Sheffield when something humanoid and pink and red slipped past her, completely unnoticed by her

Angels Exist - Rescued By The Angels - Alternative View

Angels Exist - Rescued By The Angels - Alternative View

Angels come to the rescue Since time immemorial, people have seen Angels. Recently, more and more talk about the appearances of Angels. Are these people composing or hallucinating? Or did the Angels actually approach them

So Are There Guardian Angels Or Not? - Alternative View

So Are There Guardian Angels Or Not? - Alternative View

"It's time to find out what is in the universe, Wherever you turn, - a question, not an answer" - Afanasy Fet It is not easy to believe in everything that is described below

The Vatican Told How Angels Really Look Like - Alternative View

The Vatican Told How Angels Really Look Like - Alternative View

Official representatives of the Catholic Church confirmed the existence of angels, but assured that in fact they do not look at all the way people used to imagine them

The Video Filmed An Angel Walking On A Cloud - - Alternative View

The Video Filmed An Angel Walking On A Cloud - - Alternative View

Can a real angel be captured on video? The question is not an easy one, since the vast majority of people probably do not even know what angels look like

The Highest Angelic Ranks - Thrones, Seraphim And Cherubim - Alternative View

The Highest Angelic Ranks - Thrones, Seraphim And Cherubim - Alternative View

Thrones, Seraphim and Cherubim - the main angelic ranks. Their representatives occupy the leading places in the heavenly hierarchy. Find out what they are responsible for and what functions they perform

Deer Man In Virginia - Alternative View

Deer Man In Virginia - Alternative View

This story was told in the fresh audio podcast Fade to Black with Jimmy Church by an eyewitness named Paul from Orange, Virginia. "It happened to me in the fall of 2017

Croatian King With A Dog's Head And Other Psoglavtsy - Alternative View

Croatian King With A Dog's Head And Other Psoglavtsy - Alternative View

Croatian legend says that in ancient times there lived a strange king with a dog's head and a human body. So that no one could betray this secret of the king, every day he was shaved by another young man, whom the king then killed

Marine Animal Pyura Chilensis - Alternative View

Marine Animal Pyura Chilensis - Alternative View

Pyura (Pyura chilensis) - This edible marine animal is a species of the class ascidia (Latin ascidiacea), a distant relative of vertebrates

Strange Creatures That Were Accidentally Filmed On Camera - Alternative View

Strange Creatures That Were Accidentally Filmed On Camera - Alternative View

Hoaxes about monsters unknown to science have always existed. This is such a peculiar heritage of a primitive man for whom the night was dark and full of horrors

Invasion Of Strange Creatures In The Jungle Of Peru - Alternative View

Invasion Of Strange Creatures In The Jungle Of Peru - Alternative View

This story was told by an eyewitness who wished to remain anonymous. American researcher of mysterious creatures Lon Strickler published his story on his website

Passengers Of The Airliner Observed A Huge Insect - Alternative View

Passengers Of The Airliner Observed A Huge Insect - Alternative View

32 - year-old doctor Marco Gessati and several other passengers on the flight from Rome to Boston saw a huge insect with a wingspan of about four feet (122 cm)

Scientist At The British Museum Of Natural History Was Fired For Seeing Nessie - Alternative View

Scientist At The British Museum Of Natural History Was Fired For Seeing Nessie - Alternative View

On the day of the 81st anniversary of the emergence of "photographic evidence" of the existence of the Loch Ness Monster, The Mirror spoke about a scientist who paid with his career for sincere belief in the existence of a prehistoric reptile at the bottom of a Scottish lake

All About Brownies - Alternative View

All About Brownies - Alternative View

In the old days, many believed that in cities and especially in villages near a person live house spirits and spirits, almost invisible and difficult to detect. Perhaps, these beliefs conceal not only prejudices, but also knowledge that has passed from generation to generation

Farewell Brownie - Alternative View

Farewell Brownie - Alternative View

Margarita Khramtsova - candidate of biological sciences, employee of the All-Russian Research Institute of Plant Production, located in the Moscow region. According to her, she does not suffer from hysteria or, worse, hallucinatory psychosis. - I only believe in facts, - she reports