An alternative view of the world - the world of UFOs, ghosts, magic and anomalous phenomena

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Carl Sagan On Climate Change: Thirty Years Later - Alternative View

Carl Sagan On Climate Change: Thirty Years Later - Alternative View

Carl Sagan's book Cosmos has been republished in the United States. Readers are amazed at how much the famous astronomer and popularizer of science was concerned about climate change in 1980. It seems that he wrote this chapter yesterday

Predictions Of Climate Experts: Already In This Century, Tangerines Will Grow In The Volga Region - Alternative View

Predictions Of Climate Experts: Already In This Century, Tangerines Will Grow In The Volga Region - Alternative View

We will see global warming not only on thermometers, but also on our table. Scientists from the British MetOffice (an analogue of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia) have compiled a map of climate change - with a forecast until the end of the XXI century. The map is not quite ordinary

What's Going On With The Earth's Climate - Alternative View

What's Going On With The Earth's Climate - Alternative View

In the coming years, there will be neither frosty winter nor hot summer in the central part of Russia, in the coming decades the climate will continue to warm on the planet, and in thousands of years another ice age will come

How To Help A Child Understand Who He Really Is - Alternative View

How To Help A Child Understand Who He Really Is - Alternative View

Gillian was only seven years old, but her future was already in jeopardy. Her school performance was simply disgusting. Gillian was late on assignments, her handwriting was terrible and her test results were dismal.In addition, the girl distracted the whole class from classes: she fidgeted noisily in place, then looked out the window, forcing the teacher to interrupt the lesson in order to attract her attention again, then interfered with the children sitting around her with h

In 35 Years, The Average World Temperature Will Exceed Historical Limits - - Alternative View

In 35 Years, The Average World Temperature Will Exceed Historical Limits - - Alternative View

Recent evidence suggests that some tropical species, which are accustomed to only small variations in climate, are particularly sensitive to rapid changes - - unlike species that have learned to survive in a variety of conditions

Olearius, How Could You? - Alternative View

Olearius, How Could You? - Alternative View

So were there ovens in Russia? And the beds? And the axes and scythes? AND? Who is right? Westerners who claim that everything in Russia has been imported since ancient times, nothing of their own, or those who say that everything, they say, came from us, from the Slavs?

Hail The Size Of A Hen's Egg Fell In Maikop - Alternative View

Hail The Size Of A Hen's Egg Fell In Maikop - Alternative View

As a result of heavy rain and hail, which took place the day before in Maikop, cars and roofs of private households suffered the most. According to the information of the Adyghe hydrometeorological center, in the republican capital on May 30, 16 mm fell in one hour. precipitation

In The UK, Several Large Chunks Of Ice Fell From The Sky And Damaged A Private Home - Alternative View

In The UK, Several Large Chunks Of Ice Fell From The Sky And Damaged A Private Home - Alternative View

Retired couple Glennis and Jeff Dalby recently returned from their trip to France to find a large hole in the roof of their house in Tonbridge, Kent, and a piece of ice in the attic

A Very Large Hail Was Falling Over The Chinese City For 20 Minutes - Alternative View

A Very Large Hail Was Falling Over The Chinese City For 20 Minutes - Alternative View

Heavy rainfall with very large hailstones passed over a city in northwestern China on May 15, severely damaging vehicles and crops growing in the fields

Hafnium Miracle Bomb And Harsh Reality - Alternative View

Hafnium Miracle Bomb And Harsh Reality - Alternative View

In 1921, the German physicist O. Gann discovered a hitherto unknown isotope of uranium, which he immediately named uranium-Z. In terms of atomic mass and chemical properties, it did not differ from those already known. Science was interested in its half-life - it was slightly longer than that of other uranium isotopes

Mysterious Rain Fell On A Tiny Part Of The Road In Italy - Alternative View

Mysterious Rain Fell On A Tiny Part Of The Road In Italy - Alternative View

The video below seems to have hit the Internet just a few days ago, although a mysterious incident took place in the Italian city of Palermo back in 2016

When The Sky Cries Blood - Alternative View

When The Sky Cries Blood - Alternative View

A terrible phenomenon, in which it is just right to see the sign of higher powers - bloody drops pouring from heaven in a stream. This natural anomaly has been recorded more than once by historians trying to find a scientific solution for a long time

In India, They Are Going To Artificially Induce Rain To Purify The Air - Alternative View

In India, They Are Going To Artificially Induce Rain To Purify The Air - Alternative View

The authorities of the Indian capital New Delhi intend to solve the problem of air pollution with artificial rain. The technology consists in dispersing special substances in the clouds that cause precipitation, and has not been used before

The Rain Charmers - Alternative View

The Rain Charmers - Alternative View

The gift of weather control - one of the most coveted. It is also logical - after all, this is how you can save the crop from drought, or, on the contrary, interrupt the prolonged rainy season, or even put aside a formidable typhoon

The South Of The United States Was Attacked By Deadly Hurricanes And Fantastic Hail, As From The Movie "The Day After Tomorrow" - Alternative View

The South Of The United States Was Attacked By Deadly Hurricanes And Fantastic Hail, As From The Movie "The Day After Tomorrow" - Alternative View

At least two people died and many were injured during the terrible weather that hit the South of the United States on the weekend

"Isomer Bomb" - A Weapon That Could Become One Of The Most Destructive In The History Of Mankind - Alternative View

"Isomer Bomb" - A Weapon That Could Become One Of The Most Destructive In The History Of Mankind - Alternative View

In 1921, the German physicist Otto Hahn was quite surprised by his studies of the beta decay of uranium-X1 (as thorium-234 was then called). He received a new radioactive substance, which he gave the name uranium-Z. The atomic weight and chemical properties of the new substance coincided with the previously discovered uranium-X2 (the now familiar name of protactinium-234)

The Inhabitants Of Moscow Could Test The Climatic Weapon - Alternative View

The Inhabitants Of Moscow Could Test The Climatic Weapon - Alternative View

It seems that there will be no thunderstorm in Moscow. The regions adjacent to Moscow were abundantly watered with rains, trees were uprooted by powerful gusts of wind. But the capital was carried away. Was it an accident or the use of climate weapons that Russian scientists managed to fight off?

Blood Rain In India: Sand, Lichens Or Extraterrestrial Organisms? - Alternative View

Blood Rain In India: Sand, Lichens Or Extraterrestrial Organisms? - Alternative View

The first rain of scarlet color was in India over Kerala in 2001 in the summer. The inhabitants of the country, like local scientists, were extremely surprised by such an unusual and previously unseen natural phenomenon. And immediately the research began

Scientists Have Found That Coronavirus Recedes When Treated With High Fever - Alternative View

Scientists Have Found That Coronavirus Recedes When Treated With High Fever - Alternative View

Russian specialists are ready to offer a unique technology for inhaling a mixture of helium and oxygen.The technology of a mixture of helium and oxygen heated to high temperatures may soon be used in infectious diseases clinics to rescue patients with coronavirus infection

The Temperature Of The World Ocean Has Reached Record Values - Alternative View

The Temperature Of The World Ocean Has Reached Record Values - Alternative View

The previous year was a record for the temperature of the World Ocean. It doesn't bode well if it continues to rise