An alternative view of the world - the world of UFOs, ghosts, magic and anomalous phenomena

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In Chile, A Group Of UFOs Was Filmed, Conducting Reconnaissance Over Santiago. - Alternative View

In Chile, A Group Of UFOs Was Filmed, Conducting Reconnaissance Over Santiago. - Alternative View

Unknown and unexplained: In Chile, over the city of Santiago, local residents managed to film mysterious objects in the sky. There are suggestions on the web that this group of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) arrived on Earth for reconnaissance

Which Cat Should A Novice Witch Choose? - Alternative View

Which Cat Should A Novice Witch Choose? - Alternative View

Baba Yaga had a cat, the Little Witch - cat, at Charmed - cat. Black. In fairy tales and films, cats accompany witches and sorcerers. They are sources of astral power. But it turns out that not only an animal of black color is considered magical

Victims Of Their Own Inventions - Alternative View

Victims Of Their Own Inventions - Alternative View

Inventors spend years of their lives innovating; refine and improve them until they are confident that their brainchild is ready to see the world

And Yet, What Do They Want ?? - Alternative View

And Yet, What Do They Want ?? - Alternative View

Yesterday, several eyewitnesses from around the world reported a UFO sighting. Ufologists were amazed at the similarity of descriptions of an unidentified flying object in different parts of the world

Why Do People Love To Watch Horror Movies? - Alternative View

Why Do People Love To Watch Horror Movies? - Alternative View

Like any other genre of cinema, horror films have a huge following. Some people watch them as a variety, while others, literally, just "fan" from such heartbreaking stories

Devil's Coast With New Anomalous Zones Of St. Petersburg Can Help Or Harm People - Alternative View

Devil's Coast With New Anomalous Zones Of St. Petersburg Can Help Or Harm People - Alternative View

The locals are well aware of the most famous anomalies of St. Petersburg, but the experts managed to find new zones, which also includes the Devil's Coast. They can help or harm people, and ghostly phantoms of past centuries roam here

A Film Was Made In Romania About A Real Case Of A Deadly Exorcism - Alternative View

A Film Was Made In Romania About A Real Case Of A Deadly Exorcism - Alternative View

It will be about the recent psychological drama of the Romanian director Christian Munciu "Beyond the Hills" (rum. "Dupa dealuri", 2012)

AI Made Its First Movie And This Is A Horror Movie - Alternative View

AI Made Its First Movie And This Is A Horror Movie - Alternative View

Artificial intelligence, led by an engineer from Google, independently made the first motion picture. Not just put parts of other people's films with each other, or gave out the letters of the script, but created a full-fledged short film

Strange Stories Related To The Filming Of The Movie "Poltergeist" - Alternative View

Strange Stories Related To The Filming Of The Movie "Poltergeist" - Alternative View

Poltergeist (1982) is considered by many to be a cursed film, and all because of what happened during the filming and after the release of the tape with the actors. Indeed, this movie - much more than just a fictional horror movie

The Current Moscow, Was Built By Petersburg? - Alternative View

The Current Moscow, Was Built By Petersburg? - Alternative View

The further into the forest, the thicker the partisans. The popular saying, of course, is not about the study of historical anomalies, but about the unwillingness to fight, without special need and the order "Not a step back" signed by Stalin

Methods Of Promoting Perversion By Means Of Cinematography - Alternative View

Methods Of Promoting Perversion By Means Of Cinematography - Alternative View

To begin with, the propaganda of perversion is not something mythical or divorced from life. It is conducted both in the West and in Russia, primarily through the mass media, and, as practice shows, has high efficiency. In order to be convinced of this, it is enough to look at the Europe enlightened in this sphere

Damn Hollywood Movies - Alternative View

Damn Hollywood Movies - Alternative View

Superman has a long history of being a "bad" film. He only brought misfortune to actors. Kirk Elin, the first to star in the legendary role, did not become famous, but, on the contrary, ruined his career

The Program Code Of The Movie "Men In Black: International" - Alternative View

The Program Code Of The Movie "Men In Black: International" - Alternative View

When you watch Hollywood movies, you often get the feeling of déjà vu from everything that happens on the screen. As if there is a certain conventional black box, into which typical images of heroes, villains, men, women, police officers, criminals, agents, phrase templates, shooting angles, plot twists and so on are thrown. T

Sinister Domestic Films That Killed Famous Actors - Alternative View

Sinister Domestic Films That Killed Famous Actors - Alternative View

Superstitions - this is an integral part of our life, we can accept them or pretend that we are above all this mysticism, however, they exist independently of our will

Russian Cinema In The Grip Of A Feudal Monopoly - Alternative View

Russian Cinema In The Grip Of A Feudal Monopoly - Alternative View

In the year of the centenary of the expropriation of Russian film production by the Bolsheviks, our cinema is in a semi-faint.The Russian film industry does not meet the Day of Russian Cinema in the best condition. In the first half of 2019, 71 Russian films released on screens earned a total of 8,406,059,160 rubles, which is 27

Why: The Film "Idiocracy" - Alternative View

Why: The Film "Idiocracy" - Alternative View

So, as part of the ek (sk / per) experiment, I looked for information on the 2006 film, which was not recognized by critics and distribution, but then became a meme classic and now has a rating of 6.8 / 10

Scientists Have Found Out The Cause Of The Headache After Watching 3D Movies - Alternative View

Scientists Have Found Out The Cause Of The Headache After Watching 3D Movies - Alternative View

For eight years, a group of scientists from Moscow State University tried to find out the etiology of the appearance of discomfort and headaches in viewers after watching three-dimensional films

Thousands Of Years Ago, The Ancient Egyptians Visited Australia - Alternative View

Thousands Of Years Ago, The Ancient Egyptians Visited Australia - Alternative View

A rock with ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs is located in the New South Wales National Park, 100 km north of Sydney on the Pacific coast

The Horror Movie "The Curse Of The Nun" Is Probably Based On A Real Case - Alternative View

The Horror Movie "The Curse Of The Nun" Is Probably Based On A Real Case - Alternative View

Recently the world premiere of the new Hollywood horror film "The Nun" took place. A young nun commits suicide in a monastery in the wilderness of Romania

Princes And Gamayun. Part 1 - Alternative View

Princes And Gamayun. Part 1 - Alternative View

The topic of the princes' symbolism turned out to be very interesting and multifaceted. It directly touches the foundation of the ancient worldview - Rod. Therefore, I decided to continue my series of articles dedicated to the Princes. The first part - "Princes and Centaurs" - will receive its logical continuation next time, but for now I would like to concentrate on another, but closely related symbol from the same topic, which organically fits into the whole story