Mysterious creatures 2024, September

The Guy Filmed A Creepy Girl Near His House - Alternative View

The Guy Filmed A Creepy Girl Near His House - Alternative View

A Reddit user under the nickname "Quick_Disk" posted pictures of a strange human being. According to him, this "girl" has been coming under the windows of his house at night for several weeks and stands there for some time.At the same time, the guy calls her body and her facial features grotesque and highly distorted

What Kind Of House Keepers Are They? - Alternative View

What Kind Of House Keepers Are They? - Alternative View

Brownies, reels, keepers of the house. Who are they? Characters invented by folk art? Or real natural phenomena? Or maybe guests from the other world? People have been asking these questions for many centuries, maybe millennia

Is Nessie In The Mariana Trench? - Alternative View

Is Nessie In The Mariana Trench? - Alternative View

The founder of the Knights Templar and theologian Saint Bernard of Clairvonnius, who lived in the 12th century, stated in one of his writings that in all deep caves, including underwater ones, Satanic creatures must necessarily live - because, they say, the deeper

The Guy Is Sure That He Met In The Canadian Forests A Creature From The Myths Of The Indians - Alternative View

The Guy Is Sure That He Met In The Canadian Forests A Creature From The Myths Of The Indians - Alternative View

By Reddit user "orionstarseed" who lives in British Columbia, Canada.In 2010, when this happened, he was 16 years old (now he is 25) and according to him it was the only paranormal phenomenon that he saw in his life.- Salik.bizHe called the creature he saw "Inorganic creature" and in his later conviction he saw what the Indians from the Pacific coast in the north-west of the country call "Sisiutl" (Sisiutl)

The Mystery Of Black "sarcophagi" With Mysterious Bodies Inside - Alternative View

The Mystery Of Black "sarcophagi" With Mysterious Bodies Inside - Alternative View

In August 1985, Vladimir Gerbel - school teacher of drawing from the village of Shukonskoye, located on the banks of the Dvinskaya Bay, - instructed the students to make and bring figurines from tree bark

Monsters Of Antarctica - Kryons - Alternative View

Monsters Of Antarctica - Kryons - Alternative View

For some reason, we believe that biological life must necessarily exist in the Universe, very similar to ours

Monsters Of Antarctica - Plasmosaurs - Alternative View

Monsters Of Antarctica - Plasmosaurs - Alternative View

The event that took place in February 2012 is compared in importance to the first manned flight into space

Some Of The Monsters From Childhood Nightmares Do Exist - Alternative View

Some Of The Monsters From Childhood Nightmares Do Exist - Alternative View

Children often tell their parents about the monsters they see in the dark when they try to sleep. Parents are skeptical about such stories, believing that the child is simply afraid of the dark

Plasmoids Around Us - Alternative View

Plasmoids Around Us - Alternative View

They often appear in photos and videos. May look different. Like small luminous points, like very large balls, or like discs, drops, mushrooms and other incomprehensible objects. They can be black, red, yellow, or green

A Strange Case With A Mushroom Picker - Alternative View

A Strange Case With A Mushroom Picker - Alternative View

According to the researcher of anomalous phenomena M. Korotkov from St. Petersburg, this story took place in the mid-eighties. M. Korotkov wrote it down from the words of the hero of incredible events, whose name is Vladimir Ivanovich M

Jump Fireflies: Scum Or Plasma Life Form? - Alternative View

Jump Fireflies: Scum Or Plasma Life Form? - Alternative View

Those who have read the tales of Pavel Petrovich Bazhov may remember the mention in them of the "jumping fires". So, he wrote about similar creatures appearing from their fire, not only Bazhov

Orbs: Ghosts Nearby - Alternative View

Orbs: Ghosts Nearby - Alternative View

Sometimes in the photographs you can see some translucent round objects that are not visible to the naked eye. Their diameter is very different - from a few centimeters to a meter

Orbs - Inhabitants Of The Subtle World - Alternative View

Orbs - Inhabitants Of The Subtle World - Alternative View

Sometimes in the pictures, mysterious translucent balls appear, invisible to the naked eye. They range in diameter from a few centimeters to half a meter or more. Color - white, bluish, green, pink, yellow or gold

Cyclops Or Mutant? - Alternative View

Cyclops Or Mutant? - Alternative View

Paleontologists Victor Pacheco and Martin Fried decided to explore one of the many caves while vacationing in Big Bant Country (Texas, USA). There they found the remains of an incomprehensible creature, whose height was 2.5 m and weight - 300 kg

A Bald Dog With Big Black Eyes - Alternative View

A Bald Dog With Big Black Eyes - Alternative View

This story was told the other day in a fresh podcast of the paranormal site "Coast to Coast". It happened to a resident of Virginia (USA) named Jerry

Sinister Black Dogs Of Great Britain - Alternative View

Sinister Black Dogs Of Great Britain - Alternative View

It was not a good day for the parishioners from Bangui, Suffolk. First, on August 14, 1577, right during the divine service in the Church of St. Mary, a storm broke over the city and lightning hit the church. And then the real Cerberus burst into the building

The Tricks Of The Old Goblin. Is It Worth Believing In Slavic Mythology? - Alternative View

The Tricks Of The Old Goblin. Is It Worth Believing In Slavic Mythology? - Alternative View

The life of a modern person is subject to strict rules and regulations. Years fly by in the cycle of important matters and worries day after day, and life becomes like a well-oiled mechanism with a pre-thought out algorithm of actions and events

The Worst Monsters In Britain - Alternative View

The Worst Monsters In Britain - Alternative View

Every nation has legends about otherworldly creatures who come into contact with people from time to time. But some of them are really sinister! There are many such entities in British folklore.- Salik.bizBoggarts - evil house spiritsLike brownies, boggarts live in human dwellings

The Evil That Comes To People At Night, Which Cats Feel And Are Very Afraid Of - Alternative View

The Evil That Comes To People At Night, Which Cats Feel And Are Very Afraid Of - Alternative View

Several stories about the visits of creatures from the Other World at night, which are united by the presence of cats in the apartment at this time, who reacted very actively to the appearance of this evil

Alien Cat - Alternative View

Alien Cat - Alternative View

Animals found outside their habitat are called strangers. Paranormal researcher Alan Cleaver was fortunate enough to see a huge alien cat at his home in High Wycombe in 1986. Here is his story

The Hospital Cat Predicted Over 50 Deaths - Alternative View

The Hospital Cat Predicted Over 50 Deaths - Alternative View

The cat, who lives in an Irish hospital, has long predicted the deaths of sick patients unmistakably. The cat named Oscar is a real celebrity, and all because of his albeit sad, but unconditional predictions

Strange Black Cats In Sydney - Alternative View

Strange Black Cats In Sydney - Alternative View

A rare photograph of the "Australian lion". It is immediately clear that this is not a tiger or a simple cat. About 19 reports of strange cats have been collected in the counties of Australian Sydney this year alone

Cats - As A Base Of The Genome Of Aliens - Alternative View

Cats - As A Base Of The Genome Of Aliens - Alternative View

We can say with great confidence that cats are representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations. The more a person recognizes cats, the more he realizes that they are not at all stupider than the person himself

Chicago Mothman Has Appeared Now In Texas - Alternative View

Chicago Mothman Has Appeared Now In Texas - Alternative View

“It happened at about 4 am on October 2, 2017. I woke up from barking dogs ", - a resident of Ballinger, located in Texas, looked out of the window in bewilderment and saw his Pit Bull Terrier, who was frantically barking and torn from the chain

Goblin In The Bedroom - Alternative View

Goblin In The Bedroom - Alternative View

By Reddit user "The Cynical Old Man". “In 2010, I saw something scary in my house. That evening I was busy preparing for the session until late and it was already two o'clock in the morning when I decided to go to bed

Real Encounters With Monsters Under The Bed - Alternative View

Real Encounters With Monsters Under The Bed - Alternative View

Many childhood (and sometimes adult) fears revolve around something eerie lurking in the dark. These can be monsters in the closet, monsters under the bed, monsters behind the door, monsters in the basement, etc

Scary Tales Of Real Encounters With Monsters - Alternative View

Scary Tales Of Real Encounters With Monsters - Alternative View

When the sun disappears over the horizon and darkness reigns on the earth, many of us rush to reassure ourselves: "Monsters do not exist!" However, this statement is more like self-hypnosis

From Gnome To Giant - Alternative View

From Gnome To Giant - Alternative View

A strange creature is a man: he is fixated on his own uniqueness, but does not tolerate loneliness, therefore he looks for brothers in mind wherever possible

For The Sixth Time, A Mysterious Winged Humanoid Catches The Eye Of The Inhabitants Of Chicago - Alternative View

For The Sixth Time, A Mysterious Winged Humanoid Catches The Eye Of The Inhabitants Of Chicago - Alternative View

Two residents of Chicago on Friday, May 5, 2017 at about 8 p.m. in the area of Calumet Park, located in the southern part of the city, saw a creature that looked like a huge bat

Who Became Mermaids In Russia? - Alternative View

Who Became Mermaids In Russia? - Alternative View

It is difficult to find a person who has not heard of mermaids. But not everyone knows who and how could become a mermaid and how these creatures differed from other evil spirits

Probable Sightings Of Living Dinosaurs In Indonesia And Papua New Guinea - Alternative View

Probable Sightings Of Living Dinosaurs In Indonesia And Papua New Guinea - Alternative View

Most often, stories about mysterious, large and unknown to science animals, similar in descriptions to prehistoric dinosaurs, came from the jungles of Africa

On The Screen Of The Baby-monitor, The Father Saw An Incomprehensible Creature Peeking Into The Children's Room - - Alternative View

On The Screen Of The Baby-monitor, The Father Saw An Incomprehensible Creature Peeking Into The Children's Room - - Alternative View

In Ireland, a father tested the camera of a baby monitor (video monitor) installed in a baby's bedroom and a strange black silhouette flashed right in front of him in the doorway of the room (see video below)

Ghosts Or Aliens? Residents Of Georgia Claim To See Strange Creatures - Alternative View

Ghosts Or Aliens? Residents Of Georgia Claim To See Strange Creatures - Alternative View

Residents of several villages in eastern Georgia claim that they are visited by strange guests - creatures that from a distance resemble people, but are not people. The creatures, according to eyewitnesses, are not aggressive, but people are still afraid of them

Thomas Merrilin - The Time Traveler And His Collection Of - Alternative View

Thomas Merrilin - The Time Traveler And His Collection Of - Alternative View

Thomas Merrylin's name surfaced again in 2006. They say that he was a talented scientist, that he is a time traveler, and to this day no one knows for sure whether he was at all, whether all this was a hoax.- Salik.bizIt was decided to demolish one of the London buildings

Forest People: Thak-Tkhe, Mi-Gyo, Almas - Alternative View

Forest People: Thak-Tkhe, Mi-Gyo, Almas - Alternative View

Meetings with strange hairy undersized creatures are not uncommon in Asian countries. Many of the locals there are in constant fear. Rumors about the carnivorousness and aggressiveness of unknown monsters are supported by new facts. In Mongolia, the almasa is wielding, in Tibet - the terrible mi-gyo, and in Laos and Vietnam - the mysterious thak-te

The Visit Of The Flying Green Triangle - Alternative View

The Visit Of The Flying Green Triangle - Alternative View

This story was told by Galina Kamorskaya, a middle-aged woman from Alma-Ata. Her story is extremely interesting because Kamorskaya collided with an unidentified flying object within the walls of her own apartment

Aliens From The Depths Of The Sea In Ancient Rock Art - Alternative View

Aliens From The Depths Of The Sea In Ancient Rock Art - Alternative View

People have always been fascinated and terrified by the ocean. Stories of sea monsters can be found even in places that have been landlocked for a long time

A Mysterious Beast, Similar To A Cross Between A Yeti And A Wolf, Killed 40 Cows Over The Winter On The Farm - Alternative View

A Mysterious Beast, Similar To A Cross Between A Yeti And A Wolf, Killed 40 Cows Over The Winter On The Farm - Alternative View

An unspecified resident of Michigan (USA) reports. "When I was seven years old, I began to live on my uncle's farm. Now he is no longer alive and I want to tell a story that once happened there

Inkanyamba Is A Huge Snake From A Waterfall - Alternative View

Inkanyamba Is A Huge Snake From A Waterfall - Alternative View

Located in the South African town of Hawick, the waterfall is considered one of the main local attractions. Tourists flock here to see the majestic spectacle

Mystical Buryatia: On The Trail Of The Mysterious "Almas" - Alternative View

Mystical Buryatia: On The Trail Of The Mysterious "Almas" - Alternative View

Perhaps someone could have taken the legend with skepticism. However, our author found documentary evidence of mysterious people living in the Central Asian region. Memories from distant childhood