Mysterious creatures 2024, September

In Dresden, On The Elbe River, A Huge Fish Or An Unknown Creature Was Filmed In The Water - Alternative View

In Dresden, On The Elbe River, A Huge Fish Or An Unknown Creature Was Filmed In The Water - Alternative View

A resident of Dresden (Germany) filmed an unusual creature swimming in the water on the Elbe River. He posted this picture on his Twitter and later wrote about it on the German website, which called the creature in the photo "Dresden Nessie"

Brownie In German And Russian Cultures - Alternative View

Brownie In German And Russian Cultures - Alternative View

In this article, we aimed to trace the development of the concept of "brownie" in various cultural traditions of the Russian and German people, to trace the similarities and differences of its expression in the collective consciousness

Dinosaurs Today - Alternative View

Dinosaurs Today - Alternative View

The giant lizards that once lived on Earth still haunt the imagination of people. Quite a few dreamers went in search of the "lost world", hoping to see living monsters with their own eyes. Few of the travelers have returned without disappearing into the African jungle or relict forests of Australia

The Police Warn Of The Mysterious Wolf - Alternative View

The Police Warn Of The Mysterious Wolf - Alternative View

New York State Rockland County police issued an unusual statement. Law enforcement officers warned their fellow countrymen that a so-called coywolf had started up here - hybrid of a coyote and a wolf

Long-legged Mutant Wolf Spotted In Brazil - Alternative View

Long-legged Mutant Wolf Spotted In Brazil - Alternative View

In the savannas and steppes of central South America, graceful predators live, which the locals call "guara" or "aguara guazu", which means "big fox". But in reality it is a wolf. Maned wolf (lat

Wolves Turned Out To Be Smarter Than Dogs - Alternative View

Wolves Turned Out To Be Smarter Than Dogs - Alternative View

Ethologists from the Center for the Study of Wolves at the Vienna Veterinary Institute of the Max Planck Society have shown that wolves understand the connection between cause and effect, and dogs - and mdash; not

In England, Upright Wolves Appeared - Alternative View

In England, Upright Wolves Appeared - Alternative View

Werewolf stories are most often about the distant past, when people were too superstitious and perceived the world from a mystical point of view … However, the events, which will be described below, unfold today

Mythological Creatures That Actually Existed - Alternative View

Mythological Creatures That Actually Existed - Alternative View

There are a lot of monsters in the mythology of the ancient Greeks. Oddly enough, many of these monsters actually existed. This post will talk about such creatures. Cyclops In Greek mythology, the Cyclops were giant creatures with one eye

Biologists Have Uncovered The Mystery Of The Disappearance Of The Marsupial Wolf - Alternative View

Biologists Have Uncovered The Mystery Of The Disappearance Of The Marsupial Wolf - Alternative View

Scientists have found that the marsupial or Tasmanian wolf disappeared from Australia due to extreme weather conditions and drought. Wild dogs and aboriginal hunting did not affect the wolf population

10 Animals That Have Become Extinct In The Last 10 Years - Alternative View

10 Animals That Have Become Extinct In The Last 10 Years - Alternative View

Often people, hearing the phrase "extinct animals", imagine dinosaurs, mammoths and other ancient inhabitants of the planet. However, extinction is an ongoing process

An American Woman Who Went In Search Of A Mythical Monster Died Under Mysterious Circumstances - Alternative View

An American Woman Who Went In Search Of A Mythical Monster Died Under Mysterious Circumstances - Alternative View

Rockwell Bain, a thirty-four-year-old resident of the United States, has been searching for various monsters from American folklore, urban legends, black traditions and even children's horror stories for a long time

"Eating Elephants" Bird Roc - Alternative View

"Eating Elephants" Bird Roc - Alternative View

The first mention of the Rukh bird we find in the Arabian tales "A Thousand and One Nights", which also says that the Rukh has been known for over a thousand years

Traces Of Orangpendek - Alternative View

Traces Of Orangpendek - Alternative View

Europeans learned about this small upright creature, which is now actively sought by cryptozoologists from the first Dutch colonists who settled in Sumatra

The Most Terrible Creatures In The World, About Which It Is Better Not To Know At All? - Alternative View

The Most Terrible Creatures In The World, About Which It Is Better Not To Know At All? - Alternative View

The main motive in mythology is the struggle between good and evil. Each side is supported by a host of creatures. Some of those who "play" for the evil side are capable of intimidating today. Dibbuk "Dibbuk" is translated from Hebrew as "stuck"

Dinosaur Remains Thrown Onto Georgia Beach? - Alternative View

Dinosaur Remains Thrown Onto Georgia Beach? - Alternative View

The remains of a very strange creature, similar to an ancient sea lizard, were found on the beach of St. Simons Island, Georgia

At A Cemetery In Croatia, They Found The "alien Head" - Alternative View

At A Cemetery In Croatia, They Found The "alien Head" - Alternative View

An alien's head was found in a cemetery in Croatia. The local mayor asked the researchers to carefully study such an unusual find

On The Existence Of Subtle Entities - Alternative View

On The Existence Of Subtle Entities - Alternative View

15 years ago in Italy conducted such an experiment

A Resident Of Wisconsin Said That He Saw Two Flying Pterodactyls - Alternative View

A Resident Of Wisconsin Said That He Saw Two Flying Pterodactyls - Alternative View

A Wisconsin resident named Kevin revealed his story in an audio podcast on the paranormal site Ground Zero Radio. "On October 4, 2011, I was returning home from guests. I live in northern Wisconsin. It was late at that time, about 2

In Indiana, Saw A Flying Pterosaur - Alternative View

In Indiana, Saw A Flying Pterosaur - Alternative View

The site of the American researcher of mysterious monsters Lon Strickler recently received a letter from an eyewitness from the city of Gary, Indiana. The woman reported seeing "a large gray prehistoric bird"

Observation Of A Pterodactyl In The Area Of the UFO Crash In Roswell - Alternative View

Observation Of A Pterodactyl In The Area Of the UFO Crash In Roswell - Alternative View

American ufologist Nick Redfern reports. "In 2005, I was preparing footage of the Roswell Incident for a TV show. Yes, about that very event in 1947, when an alien ship fell into the New Mexico desert and the bodies of aliens were found next to it

Texas Pterosaur - Alternative View

Texas Pterosaur - Alternative View

In the first two months of 1976, something strange and terrible happened to visit the Rio Grande Valley

The Mystery Of The Huge Bird Rio Grande - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Huge Bird Rio Grande - Alternative View

Stretching over 4,872 square miles, the Rio Grande River in southern Texas runs through the valley of the same name. It is one of the fastest growing regions in the United States and is home to vast expanses of untouched wilderness

African Pterosaur Or The Story Of The Congamato - Alternative View

African Pterosaur Or The Story Of The Congamato - Alternative View

In 1923, a book by the famous writer and naturalist, ethnographer and anthropologist Frank Melland "In Enchanted Africa" was published in London. Its author - member of the Royal Anthropological, Geographical and Zoological Societies of London

The Mystery Of The Existence Of A Giant Sea Serpent - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Existence Of A Giant Sea Serpent - Alternative View

At the beginning of the 19th century, the legend of the mysterious sea monster - sea snake - was experiencing her finest hour

A Strange Story About A Huge Pterosaur From Toomstone - Alternative View

A Strange Story About A Huge Pterosaur From Toomstone - Alternative View

Toomstone, located in southeastern Arizona, has been a living open-air museum since 1931, illustrating all the legends of the Wild West with cowboys, bandits, saloons and gunfights.However, before that it was quite an ordinary city (with the same saloons, cowboys, etc

Observations Of The Strange "Batsquach" - A Bipedal Monkey With Wings Like A Bat - - Alternative View

Observations Of The Strange "Batsquach" - A Bipedal Monkey With Wings Like A Bat - - Alternative View

In the archives of cryptozoologists, sometimes there are cases of observation of completely bizarre creatures that are difficult to classify

The Carcass Of A Marine Mammal Washed Up On The Shore Not Far Away - Alternative View

The Carcass Of A Marine Mammal Washed Up On The Shore Not Far Away - Alternative View

The carcass of a marine mammal was thrown ashore near the village of Ilyinskoye A strange shaggy animal of large size and with a beak-like nose was thrown onto the coast near the village of Ilyinskoye on Sakhalin

In The Jungle Of South America Found The Remains Of A Dinosaur? - Alternative View

In The Jungle Of South America Found The Remains Of A Dinosaur? - Alternative View

This is no longer a fictional, but a real plot of "Jurassic Park", only not in the movies, but in reality. A group of local residents stumbled upon the fresh remains of a creature that looks like a real dinosaur

The Canadian Filmed A Mysterious Silhouette On The Clouds - Alternative View

The Canadian Filmed A Mysterious Silhouette On The Clouds - Alternative View

Not long ago, a resident of the Canadian community of Sanford in Manitoba was gathering hay in a field and suddenly noticed something strange above the horizon. According to the man, the clouds in the distance rushed sharply towards a mysterious dark object in the sky

Strange Night Visitors - Alternative View

Strange Night Visitors - Alternative View

Sometimes we hear stories from people about how at night they are visited by some mysterious entity in human form. Maybe they are dreaming about all this or just imagining it due to an unbalanced psyche

Night Strangers - Alternative View

Night Strangers - Alternative View

Sometimes we hear stories from people about how at night they are visited by some mysterious entity in human form. Maybe they are dreaming all this or are they just imagining it due to an unbalanced psyche?

Who Are Demons - Alternative View

Who Are Demons - Alternative View

Imp - the real essence of the Divine contains (unlike people) only a psychic shadow (it is hostile to all living things) - reasonable, to varying degrees conscious shadow - will, own strategy of behavior, motives and a single, general plan (action

Demon Mara - Evil Spirit Or Goddess? - Alternative View

Demon Mara - Evil Spirit Or Goddess? - Alternative View

Do demons exist? The question has remained open for centuries. The ancestors of modern man were sure that there was a certain infernal entity that was able to come to people in dreams and make love with them

"At Night, A White Giant With Glowing Eyes Came To My Bed" - Alternative View

"At Night, A White Giant With Glowing Eyes Came To My Bed" - Alternative View

According to Valentina Eliseeva, a resident of Rostov, a certain white creature came to her house twice at night. - It happened in August 1989, - she recalls

Pregnant Women From Incubus - Alternative View

Pregnant Women From Incubus - Alternative View

An incubus in the Middle Ages is a demon, or fallen angel, who is attracted to sleeping women. The word itself comes from the Latin "incubare" - "to lie on top"

Demons - Alternative View

Demons - Alternative View

Demons, according to Christian tradition, are called fallen angels. The legend says that one of the angels named Lucifer wanted to take the place of God and persuaded a third of all angels to rebel

Who Are Demons? Definition Of The Concepts Of Demon And Obsession - Alternative View

Who Are Demons? Definition Of The Concepts Of Demon And Obsession - Alternative View

Very often demons and demons are considered one and the same. But, this is far from the case. In a previous post, I wrote that demonic forces have a clear hierarchy. Demons are at the lowest level

Meetings With Stickmen - Creatures, As If Created From Sticks - Alternative View

Meetings With Stickmen - Creatures, As If Created From Sticks - Alternative View

In the world of the paranormal, something completely new rarely appears, which is fundamentally different from the yeti, ghosts or aliens. But over the past couple of decades, the phenomenon of the so-called Stickmen is increasingly common

Meetings With Horned Creatures - Alternative View

Meetings With Horned Creatures - Alternative View

Among the huge number of strange humanoid creatures that are present in the mythologies of various peoples of the world, one of the most common is the description of some humanoid creatures with horns on their heads.The options may vary. In some versions, these creatures may be like reptiles, in others they may be a kind of Bigfoot