Mysterious creatures 2024, September

Skyfish ("Celestial Fish") Are All The Same Insects ?? - Alternative View

Skyfish ("Celestial Fish") Are All The Same Insects ?? - Alternative View

The widespread use of video surveillance systems throughout the world and in our country could not pass without leaving a trace - reports of unexpected phenomena began to appear more and more often in print

Who Are Orisnitsy? - Alternative View

Who Are Orisnitsy? - Alternative View

Orisnitsa, also known as female partners and women in labor, came to us from ancient pagan times. Faith in them was most widespread among the southern Slavs, Czechs and Slovaks.On the third night after the birth of the child, three entities come to his cradle, determining his future fate

Beastmen - Did They Exist? - Alternative View

Beastmen - Did They Exist? - Alternative View

It is generally accepted that shamans and sorcerers in ritual vestments are depicted on ancient rock paintings of hybrids of humans and animals. However, archaeological finds and cases of the birth of people with characteristic physical abnormalities raise doubts about the indisputability of such an interpretation

Who Are Lobasts? - Alternative View

Who Are Lobasts? - Alternative View

It will be about a rare mythological creature of Slavic folklore, called `` lobasta '' (sometimes - `` blade ''). The word itself is most likely a distorted `` albasty '', borrowed from the beliefs of the Turkic peoples. The fact that this creature, like the word, is introduced into Slavic culture, is indirectly indicated by the geography of the spread of legends about this demonic entity

Flying Rods - Inexplicable Near Us - Alternative View

Flying Rods - Inexplicable Near Us - Alternative View

When Fox News cameraman Brandon Mowry filmed a weather report in Albany, nothing boded

Who Are Mavki? - Alternative View

Who Are Mavki? - Alternative View

Mavki (or navki, also niki) are quite rare characters of Slavic folklore. The most widespread belief in them was received on the territory of modern Ukraine, as well as in Serbia. The closest and much more famous image is the mermaid, while there are some differences between them

Kinocephaly - Who Are They? - Alternative View

Kinocephaly - Who Are They? - Alternative View

People with dog heads - kinocephals - are heroes of myths and ancient legends, you say. But no. Judging by the numerous and, in general, authoritative sources, many educated people met in different parts of the world from the fourth century BC and up to the 18th century

Who Are The Swamps? - Alternative View

Who Are The Swamps? - Alternative View

People have long been familiar with the fear of mysterious deep bogs covered with sedge and reeds of pools. This fear is fully justified, because at the bottom of the swamp the ruler of the bogs, the ruthless Swamp, is guarding the unwary traveler

Who Are The Beregini? - Alternative View

Who Are The Beregini? - Alternative View

One of the most controversial and unexplored characters in Slavic mythology. Specialists studying the culture and beliefs of our pagan ancestors have not yet come to a consensus on the origin and functions of these creatures. The Christian Church should be grateful for this, with a tenacity worthy of a better application, rooting out any evidence of that time and declaring any action other than its dogma heresy

Who Are The Waterworms? - Alternative View

Who Are The Waterworms? - Alternative View

As is clear from the word itself, watercreepers are inhabitants of reservoirs, rivers and streams. They can also be found near mill dams and, less often, in wells. In a word, near the water you can meet a waterworm. Their other names are vodyavi, vodynihi, vodyavitsy

Monsters Of The Slavs - Alternative View

Monsters Of The Slavs - Alternative View

Modern children are afraid of some kind of zombies and vampires, although there are much more interesting characters in our mythology. You have all heard about mermaids, gobies, kikimor and the Serpent Gorynych, but today we will not talk about them

The Moth Man Is Not A Fiction Of Filmmakers - Alternative View

The Moth Man Is Not A Fiction Of Filmmakers - Alternative View

In January 2002, the American mystical thriller with elements of the detective director Mark Pellington's "Moth Man" was released. The story told in it is not pure fiction at all. The picture is based on real events that continue to this day …-

Mysterious White Creatures From The Forests Of West Virginia - Alternative View

Mysterious White Creatures From The Forests Of West Virginia - Alternative View

Since the time of the Indians, the inhabitants of West Virginia (USA) from time to time met strange creatures in the local forests that did not even have a special name. They were called either simply White creatures, or White wolves, and later White dogs

9 Unreal Creatures With A Real Story - Alternative View

9 Unreal Creatures With A Real Story - Alternative View

There is an opinion that they do not exist in nature. But some of us met with them. Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, Jersey Devil - they are all called cryptids. Semi-mythical monsters capable of killing. 1

Found A Skeleton Of A Monster On The White River? - Alternative View

Found A Skeleton Of A Monster On The White River? - Alternative View

Speleologists named the outlandish lizard Alien. Paleontologists from Irkutsk are now studying the skeleton of a strange creature, which cavers from the Arabica club brought them to them. The researchers found the mummy in a cave near the Belaya river

Cosmoproject Has Solved The Mystery Of The Brosno Monster? - Alternative View

Cosmoproject Has Solved The Mystery Of The Brosno Monster? - Alternative View

In November 2007, the 4th Brosninskaya expedition "Cosmopoisk" (expedition No. 461-a) to the legendary lake in the Andreapolsky district in the west of the Tver region, where, allegedly, a large predatory animal has allegedly been living for centuries, ended

The Mutant Pike Attacked The Children. - Alternative View

The Mutant Pike Attacked The Children. - Alternative View

An extraordinary episode took place in the recreation area of the Dutch town of Emmen. Two sisters were attacked by a giant pike living in a local pond, Dutch newspaper Telegraaf writes

Belarusian Police In Search Of A Mysterious Shaggy Creature - Alternative View

Belarusian Police In Search Of A Mysterious Shaggy Creature - Alternative View

A strange two-legged creature has appeared in the Lida district of the Grodno region. It is about one and a half meters in height, covered with black hair and looks like a monkey, BelTA informs, citing eyewitnesses

Do Parasites Control Insects Or Humans? - Alternative View

Do Parasites Control Insects Or Humans? - Alternative View

The newborn wasp larva forces the caterpillar from whose body it has just "hatched" to guard itself. No, this is not a horror movie. And not a voodoo cult. And not even banal hypnosis

The Kursk Divers Are Attacked By An Electric Mutant Stingray - Alternative View

The Kursk Divers Are Attacked By An Electric Mutant Stingray - Alternative View

In Kursk, on a warm canal, more than one bathing person becomes a victim of an electric mutant stingray

Mutant Ants? - Alternative View

Mutant Ants? - Alternative View

Texas attacked by crazy fur-covered ants State residents call what is happening "a low-budget horror movie." Hordes of "crazy ants" have taken over the American state of Texas

Modern Teenagers Still Believe In Brownie - Alternative View

Modern Teenagers Still Believe In Brownie - Alternative View

This conclusion was made on the basis of a study carried out among eighth-graders of the Novovarshavskaya gymnasium, carried out within the framework of the All-Russian competition. IN AND. Vernadsky

News Digest - Alternative View

News Digest - Alternative View

Mystery of Lake Elgygytgan Lake of non-melting ice or, in Chukchi, Elgygytgan - one of the most mysterious places on Earth. In scientific circles, there is still debate about its origin

Absheron Cyclops - Legend Or Reality? - Alternative View

Absheron Cyclops - Legend Or Reality? - Alternative View

Azerbaijan, Baku, April 28 / corr. TrendLife Murshud Ismayilzade / While browsing the "Encyclopedia of Miracles, Riddles and Secrets" by Maxim Golubev, I came across an article called "Absheron Cyclops"

A Creepy Gnome Keeps An Entire City In Argentina In Fear (+ Video) - Alternative View

A Creepy Gnome Keeps An Entire City In Argentina In Fear (+ Video) - Alternative View

The phenomenon of the creature was filmed on a mobile phone camera by local teenagers who met the "gnome" during a night promenade in a deserted area

The Ominous Secret Of The Zoo, Or Who Killed The Panda? - Alternative View

The Ominous Secret Of The Zoo, Or Who Killed The Panda? - Alternative View

A mystical murder in the style of classic detective novels took place the other day at the Nuremberg Zoo. The solution given by local detectives still leaves many questions unanswered

Encounters With Living Dinosaurs In The "four Corners Zone" &Lrm; USA - Alternative View

Encounters With Living Dinosaurs In The "four Corners Zone" &Lrm; USA - Alternative View

Reports of sightings of animals similar to ancient dinosaurs come mainly from tropical regions like Africa or South America. But sometimes these creatures are seen in completely inappropriate areas, for example, in the north of Canada.This article will consider the observation of living dinosaurs in the so-called "zone of four corners"

The Legend Of The Giant And The Painting By Roerich - Alternative View

The Legend Of The Giant And The Painting By Roerich - Alternative View

In 1932, the famous artist and traveler Nicholas Roerich painted the painting "Issa and the Giant's Head". In the East, Jesus Christ was called Issa. In Kashmir and Ladakh, the artist often heard legends about Issa's eastern journey in his youth

A Finger Of A Giant Was Found In Egypt - Alternative View

A Finger Of A Giant Was Found In Egypt - Alternative View

The sensational news is published by the German edition BILD. Allegedly, in Egypt, the remains of a mummified finger of a creature similar to a person, but much larger in size, were discovered. It seems that it is still a long way off until April 1, so it doesn't look like a rally

An Evil Gnome Settled In One Of The Houses Of Trinidad - Alternative View

An Evil Gnome Settled In One Of The Houses Of Trinidad - Alternative View

The family living in Gasparillo, Trinidad, claims they have been suffering attacks from a supernatural creature for more than six months. The head of the family, 60-year-old Krishna Mathura, describes the unknown creature as a "baka", a dwarf-like creature from local folklore

Meetings With Gnomes: Eyewitness Stories - Alternative View

Meetings With Gnomes: Eyewitness Stories - Alternative View

In the world of paranormal researchers, few things seem as strange as the stories of encounters with real gnomes.But sometimes people say that they saw gnomes in their classic form - small, in pointed hats, straight from a fairy tale. All this sounds ridiculous enough, given that such gnomes are still considered mythological creatures

My Family And The Gnomes - Alternative View

My Family And The Gnomes - Alternative View

By Reddit user "Omarion07". "I grew up in Southern California and my grandmother was Mexican. As a child, I often listened to her stories about the Devil (El Diablo) and Phantasms (ghosts)

Red Gnome - Harbinger Of Trouble - Alternative View

Red Gnome - Harbinger Of Trouble - Alternative View

The relationship of humanity with "evil spirits" has always been ambiguous and did not develop in favor of people. Detroit, Michigan, June 1763

Brotherhood Of Little Men - Alternative View

Brotherhood Of Little Men - Alternative View

About gnomes, these amazing creatures, we first learn in early childhood - whether reading the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, or enjoying a Disney cartoon, or taking a book by J.R.R. Tolkien off the shelf

Little Underground Men From The Legends Of The Cherokee Indians - Alternative View

Little Underground Men From The Legends Of The Cherokee Indians - Alternative View

In the numerous myths and legends of the Cherokee Indian people, there is a series of stories about the race of little men. This people lived in the territory of the modern states of North Carolina, Tennessee and Georgia.The Cherokee called them the word "Nunne'hi", which has two versions of the translation "People who live everywhere" and "People who live forever" ("Immortal people")

Scum Of The Village Of Tuloma - Alternative View

Scum Of The Village Of Tuloma - Alternative View

Andrey Efremov (Yakutsk) reports: “For many years I have been collecting and analyzing eyewitness testimonies who encountered the unknown in the Siberian taiga. Sometimes, such people come to me and share their innermost memories

Mysterious Undersized Inhabitants Of The Hills - Alternative View

Mysterious Undersized Inhabitants Of The Hills - Alternative View

Tell me, what does not a single more or less popular fairy tale or fantasy novel currently do without? That's right, without the presence of representatives of the so-called "little people", that is, elves, fairies, gnomes

Little People At A Ravine In The Suburbs - Alternative View

Little People At A Ravine In The Suburbs - Alternative View

This story was told about twenty years ago by a certain N.I. from Moscow. The man wanted to share the event that frightened him, but did not dare to reveal his name. - In 1972, in mid-September, I was returning from the city of Dolgoprudny. The time was late

Dwarfs - Myth Or Reality? - Alternative View

Dwarfs - Myth Or Reality? - Alternative View

Previous part: Giants of antiquity. Part two Legends of different cultures tell about ugly creatures of small stature - from 12 to 90 centimeters, appearing on the surface of the earth after sunset

Meetings With Dwarf Creatures In Belarus - Alternative View

Meetings With Dwarf Creatures In Belarus - Alternative View

In European folklore, we can observe an abundance of various mythological characters, distinguished by their small stature - gnomes, elves, dwarves, miniatures, humans, etc