Mysterious creatures 2024, September

A Man With Angel Wings - Alternative View

A Man With Angel Wings - Alternative View

When the mysterious object crossed the sky over Mount Vernoy, Illinois on the evening of April 14, 1897, more than a hundred of its residents, including the mayor of the U.S. Wells, watched him, and subsequently testified

"Ghost Hunter" Met The "baby" Moth Man - Alternative View

"Ghost Hunter" Met The "baby" Moth Man - Alternative View

A moth-man is called an eerie-looking black and bipedal creature with wings and red eyes. Many people saw him in 1967 in the city of Point Pleasant (West Virginia) after which the Silver Bridge collapsed there and 46 local residents died.In recent years, there have been dozens of reports of sightings in various locations in the United States of a red-eyed flying humanoid resembling the description of the Moth Man

The Riddle Of Stonehenge: Two Large Stones From The Complex Were Already Standing When The First People Came There - Alternative View

The Riddle Of Stonehenge: Two Large Stones From The Complex Were Already Standing When The First People Came There - Alternative View

There are many mysteries associated with the British stone complex Stonehenge. It is not clear exactly who it was built and why. With installation times too discrepancies. According to one of the latest versions, Stonehenge already existed in the third millennium BC

Hybrids From Crossing Humans With Monkeys And Yeti - Alternative View

Hybrids From Crossing Humans With Monkeys And Yeti - Alternative View

According to the eminent Belgian scientist, President of the International Society of Cryptozoologists Bernard Eivelmans, experiments on artificial insemination of Altai women with the sperm of male gorillas specially obtained in the Siberian Gulag camps were conducted

Hurricane "Harvey" Threw An Eel-like, Eyeless And Toothy Creature Onto The Beach In Texas City - Alternative View

Hurricane "Harvey" Threw An Eel-like, Eyeless And Toothy Creature Onto The Beach In Texas City - Alternative View

Toothy unidentified sea creature washed up on Texas City beach after Hurricane Harvey

Plasmosaurs - Fire Birds - Alternative View

Plasmosaurs - Fire Birds - Alternative View

Myths and legends of different peoples often tell about unusual creatures. But sometimes something like this can be encountered in real life. In July 2018, one of the webcams installed in the American National Park Grand Teton recorded the flight of a huge fire bird, different from the species of birds known to science

Giant Birds Of America - Alternative View

Giant Birds Of America - Alternative View

Since late September 2002, dozens of residents of the villages of Tojyak, Manokotak and Dillingham in Alaska, as well as a number of local pilots, have seen "a huge bird with dark plumage." According to some eyewitnesses, its wingspan exceeded four meters

Chicken Queen: Scarecrow From Donbass - Alternative View

Chicken Queen: Scarecrow From Donbass - Alternative View

This story seems to have happened in a small Donbass village … It began when the newlyweds Galina and Anatoly Zverev decided to live with their own house. But they still did not have funds for their own housing, and the couple rented a room in a house from a lonely mistress

Drumstick Is A Four-legged Chicken From Australia - Alternative View

Drumstick Is A Four-legged Chicken From Australia - Alternative View

The unusual chicken was born in the Australian Northern Territory. A distinctive feature of a newborn is four legs

Unknown Worlds: Mysterious Inhabitants Of Energy Elements - Alternative View

Unknown Worlds: Mysterious Inhabitants Of Energy Elements - Alternative View

Salamander - Flame Caster There are living organisms whose unusual abilities have given rise to many strange, mysterious stories and fantastic legends at all times

A Real Monster Was Found In The Arctic - Alternative View

A Real Monster Was Found In The Arctic - Alternative View

Biologists have found in the ice in the Arctic "little monster" - a strange looking animal that resembles an alien from space. When we say "monster", we subconsciously mean a huge, terrifying monster

Alpine Monster Tatzelwurm - Alternative View

Alpine Monster Tatzelwurm - Alternative View

There is no beast stronger than him. It is a snake with a cat's face, 1 to 4 m long, 6 to 80 cm thick, two legs with sharp claws. Seeing a person, immediately rushes at him

The Collision Of Warships With A Sea Monster During The First World War - Alternative View

The Collision Of Warships With A Sea Monster During The First World War - Alternative View

It happened in 1915 on the sea off the Atlantic coast of France, while the Germans were looking for ways to break through the blockade that threatened to cut off their country from the rest of the world

Batman - This Is Reality - Alternative View

Batman - This Is Reality - Alternative View

In the late evening, a 53-year-old Indian named Vohali, a resident of La Crosse, and his 25-year-old son were driving a truck along a dark country road

Iranian Simurg And Slavic Simargl - Alternative View

Iranian Simurg And Slavic Simargl - Alternative View

A gigantic prophetic bird of ancient Iranian myths, the Turkic peoples of Central Asia and the Bashkirs, the king of birds, Simurg was depicted as a fantastic winged creature with the head and paws of a dog, covered with fish scales, which showed his power on earth, in the air and in

Encounters With Creepy Sea Creatures - Alternative View

Encounters With Creepy Sea Creatures - Alternative View

Terrible sea creatures The author of the book "The Bermuda Triangle" Charles Berlitz, considered it very probable existence, especially in the countless underwater caves and canyons of the ocean floor in the Bermuda Triangle, "still undiscovered deep

Sexual Contacts With An Unknown - Alternative View

Sexual Contacts With An Unknown - Alternative View

For a long time, there have been reports in the media about sexual contacts of earthlings with representatives of the other world - aliens, aliens, other creatures of unearthly origin

Creatures From Children's Nightmares - Alternative View

Creatures From Children's Nightmares - Alternative View

Children are often afraid of fictional creatures - when they go to bed, they are capricious, claiming that monsters are hiding in a dark room. As a rule, parents do not pay attention to this or, at best, gently convince the child that there are no monsters

True Or Fiction? - Alternative View

True Or Fiction? - Alternative View

Dinosaurs, mammoths, saber-toothed tigers - animals that people only know from pictures. They all died out thousands of years ago. But there are mysterious creatures on earth that refute such claims of scientists

Who Is A Bannik? An Evil Slavic Spirit! - Alternative View

Who Is A Bannik? An Evil Slavic Spirit! - Alternative View

The pantheon of gods of a particular people - it is a reflection of his religious traditions and relationships with the outside world. The Slavs considered themselves to be long-term descendants of their gods, respectively, they followed their laws throughout their lives

Who Is Found In The Russian Bath? - Alternative View

Who Is Found In The Russian Bath? - Alternative View

The bathhouse has played a significant role in the life of our ancestors from time immemorial. It was considered a place not only for washing, but also for love dates, and even childbirth … From those distant times, legends about the spirits living in the bathhouse - banniki and bannitsa have come down to us

The Mysterious Valley Of Jugs In Laos - Alternative View

The Mysterious Valley Of Jugs In Laos - Alternative View

Maybe it's not such a mystery. Surely we will now read a completely reasonable version of all this, such as about Balls of Champa Island or about balls of the gods

Goat Man: Legends Of A Bloodthirsty Monster From Maryland - Alternative View

Goat Man: Legends Of A Bloodthirsty Monster From Maryland - Alternative View

Prince Georges - a county in the US state of Maryland, which is five hundred square miles of green fields and suburbs

Unusual Skulls As Evidence Of Strange Creatures - Alternative View

Unusual Skulls As Evidence Of Strange Creatures - Alternative View

Until the end of the 20th century, it never occurred to anyone that the mythical Cyclops actually existed. However, the sensational find in Texas (USA) shocked scientists around the world

In Search Of The Prague Golem - Alternative View

In Search Of The Prague Golem - Alternative View

Old Prague, mystical and mysterious, gave birth to many legends. The hero of one of them, which arose in the Jewish quarter, eventually became the unofficial symbol of the entire city

Golem - Rabbi Ben Bezalel's Robot - Alternative View

Golem - Rabbi Ben Bezalel's Robot - Alternative View

Those who read the cult book of the Strugatsky brothers "Monday starts on Saturday" remember that the NIICHAVO institute kept seven items that once belonged to the great magician Ben Bezalel

Sphinx - Can You Get Inside The Statue? - Alternative View

Sphinx - Can You Get Inside The Statue? - Alternative View

We all know about the unique Egyptian pyramids and the Sphinx sculpture. But very few people realize that perhaps once upon a time the Sphinx looked somewhat different. On his head, which now has a slightly flattened shape, once stood a "hat"

The Mystery Of Ancient Dolmens - Alternative View

The Mystery Of Ancient Dolmens - Alternative View

Dolmens are one of the most amazing mysteries of the planet. Huge stone structures of impeccable geometric shape, built thousands of years ago, who created them and why?

Captured By Mysterious Intelligent Creatures That Look Like Dogs - Alternative View

Captured By Mysterious Intelligent Creatures That Look Like Dogs - Alternative View

Nadya was barely 12 years old when, walking through the forest and picking mushrooms, she got lost in a dense forest. In vain the girl tried to find the road leading to her native village, to her house

In A Polish Village, The Girl Met A Mysterious "chimera" - Alternative View

In A Polish Village, The Girl Met A Mysterious "chimera" - Alternative View

Damian Trela is a Polish researcher of anomalous phenomena. In addition to the UFO theme, he pays special attention to the so-called "high level of weirdness" cases, which have a place in folklore recordings rather than in the realities of our day. But nonetheless

Archaeologists Have Found The "afterlife" Under The Pyramid Of The Moon In Mexico - Alternative View

Archaeologists Have Found The "afterlife" Under The Pyramid Of The Moon In Mexico - Alternative View

The tunnel, discovered at a depth of 10 m under the pyramid of the moon, which is located in the ancient city of Teotihuacan, may have been dug to simulate the afterlife

A Strange Creature Caught On Camera In The Desert - Alternative View

A Strange Creature Caught On Camera In The Desert - Alternative View

In a video filmed in Portugal, a strange humanoid creature can be seen for a few seconds, which moves through the desert on two legs before disappearing behind a bush (see video below)

Coral Castle. USA - Alternative View

Coral Castle. USA - Alternative View

Coral Castle - a complex of huge statues and megaliths with a total weight of 1,100 tons, built by hand, without the use of machines, in California

Slavic Scum: Anchutka And Shishiga - Alternative View

Slavic Scum: Anchutka And Shishiga - Alternative View

In the mythology of any people, there are invariably both creatures kind and disposed to a person, capable of helping him in a difficult situation, and those who wish to harm him and evil, hunt a person, prefer his flesh as food.Slavic mythology, like any other folklore, is full of various evil spirits and demons, one of which is anchutka

A Guy From Missouri Wants To Find An African Dinosaur - Alternative View

A Guy From Missouri Wants To Find An African Dinosaur - Alternative View

A young man from the American state of Missouri became famous for his search for investors to fund an expedition into the deep African jungle "to document unknown flora and fauna."

Peri Are Beautiful Elf-like Lover Spirits In The Legends Of The Peoples Of Central Asia - Alternative View

Peri Are Beautiful Elf-like Lover Spirits In The Legends Of The Peoples Of Central Asia - Alternative View

The peoples of Central Asia had legends about the lover spirits peri (pari), who often turned out to be the patron spirits of shamans and shamans. According to A. E

Harpies In New Guinea - Alternative View

Harpies In New Guinea - Alternative View

This happened when I was working as a hired geologist for an American mining company. I was sent (for a substantial fee) to the mountains of New Guinea, to explore the richest deposits of copper ores

Lake Monsters Of Tatarstan - Alternative View

Lake Monsters Of Tatarstan - Alternative View

Of all the mythical lake monsters, the legendary inhabitant of Loch Ness is perhaps the most famous on a global scale

Winged Beings From Another Dimension - Alternative View

Winged Beings From Another Dimension - Alternative View

Then the magnificently flying "creature" landed, like an airplane, and went, leaving traces in the deep snow. It was at least eight feet tall. The creature walked past the tree Lamb was hiding behind and disappeared

10 Most Creepy Creatures Found, And Who They Really Turned Out To Be - Alternative View

10 Most Creepy Creatures Found, And Who They Really Turned Out To Be - Alternative View

These photos of strange and sometimes creepy creatures made many people shudder and wonder, "What the hell is this?"