Mysterious creatures 2024, September

Shadow People. Who Are They And When Do They Come - Alternative View

Shadow People. Who Are They And When Do They Come - Alternative View

Shadow people - characters of American urban legends, but who these entities are is difficult to say

Shadow People: Genies Or Aliens? - Alternative View

Shadow People: Genies Or Aliens? - Alternative View

Dan Jay, a resident of Barstow (San Bernardino County, California, USA), in the summer of 2011 encountered two sinister entities known to paranormal researchers as "shadow people."But who are they really? The Shadow People Archives website for this phenomenon describes these mysterious entities as follows:- Salik

Found Videos Of Missing Students Filming A Film About People-shadows - Alternative View

Found Videos Of Missing Students Filming A Film About People-shadows - Alternative View

Three American students mysteriously disappeared in June last year and have not been found until now

Shadow People - Where Do They Come From And Why? - Alternative View

Shadow People - Where Do They Come From And Why? - Alternative View

Belief in an afterlife is typical for representatives of almost all peoples of the world. The mention of contact with ethereal ghosts can be found in ancient manuscripts and even in the Bible

Secrets And Myths Of The Loch Ness Monster - Alternative View

Secrets And Myths Of The Loch Ness Monster - Alternative View

Since childhood, almost every child, from the stories of adults, learns about an unknown animal that lives in Loch Ness in Scotland. However, what kind of creature it is, no one can say to this day

Creatures Climbing Out Of Trees - Alternative View

Creatures Climbing Out Of Trees - Alternative View

Two eyewitness accounts, united by the children's observation of unidentified creatures that were somehow associated with trees. White figure hiding in an oak tree Narrated by Harold from Albuquerque, New Mexico (USA)

Demon (fallen Angel), Definition Of The Concept. Who Are Demons? - Alternative View

Demon (fallen Angel), Definition Of The Concept. Who Are Demons? - Alternative View

Demon, Brief Definition Legend has it that a long time ago, before there was Earth, there was a revolution in the sky. One of the angels named Lucifer decided to move away from God, or rather - take his place

Nessie As A Way To Refute The Theory Of Darwin - Alternative View

Nessie As A Way To Refute The Theory Of Darwin - Alternative View

In the American town of Westlake (about five thousand inhabitants) there is a so-called Eternity Christian Academy. As you might guess, the audience is imposed a "divine" view of things

The Mystery Of The Scottish Water Horses Killing People - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Scottish Water Horses Killing People - Alternative View

In the legends of Scotland, many centuries ago, mentions of water horses and kelpies, very dangerous for people, were often found. In general, these are similar creatures, only kelpies prefer rivers, swamps and small lakes, and water horses live in deep lakes

How Does The Only Immortal Creature On Earth Live - Alternative View

How Does The Only Immortal Creature On Earth Live - Alternative View

Medieval bestiaries offer us a theoretical explanation of the essence of every living being. Wild animals symbolize different aspects of human nature: fox - cunning and deceitful, dove - a symbol of peace, and a wolf means war

Winged Maidens From The Darkness Of The Ages - Alternative View

Winged Maidens From The Darkness Of The Ages - Alternative View

All peoples of the world have legends about virgins - birds. At first, these creatures were not at all harmless, but over time their image changed for the better

A Mysterious Animal In India Killed 40 Ducks At A Time, Ripping Out The Guts, But Not Touching The Meat - Alternative View

A Mysterious Animal In India Killed 40 Ducks At A Time, Ripping Out The Guts, But Not Touching The Meat - Alternative View

In India, attacks by a mysterious predator continue. Since the end of 2017, an unknown predator has been killing livestock by pulling out internal organs from animals and not touching the meat

In India, 12 People Were Attacked By A Mysterious Beast That No One Could Identify - Alternative View

In India, 12 People Were Attacked By A Mysterious Beast That No One Could Identify - Alternative View

What is the difference between monsters and animals? We can say that animals are real, and monsters are fictional and live only in our imagination

Monsters In The Wilds Of The Amazon - Alternative View

Monsters In The Wilds Of The Amazon - Alternative View

Brazil is the largest state in South America, home to the world's largest jungle and the deepest river - the Amazon

Martian Ants Have Been Found In The Forests Of The Amazon - - Alternative View

Martian Ants Have Been Found In The Forests Of The Amazon - - Alternative View

The oldest insect species previously unknown to scientists lives only in dead trees and underground

What Do We Know About Vampires? - Alternative View

What Do We Know About Vampires? - Alternative View

Today, there is no person who has not heard about vampires. These creatures have become familiar characters in films

More Stories About The Strange Shimmering Man - Alternative View

More Stories About The Strange Shimmering Man - Alternative View

In December, we published a story about an unusual new phenomenon that can be called "Transparent Man" or "Shimmering Man"

Grandma And Her Grandson Were Werewolves: A Strange Story From Ludwigslust - Alternative View

Grandma And Her Grandson Were Werewolves: A Strange Story From Ludwigslust - Alternative View

The city of Ludwigslust is located in Germany, in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. It is a relatively young and small town, founded at the end of the 18th century on the site of the Klenow farm

British Ufologist And Cryptozoologist Told A Fascinating Story About A Werewolf - Alternative View

British Ufologist And Cryptozoologist Told A Fascinating Story About A Werewolf - Alternative View

Renowned British ufologist and cryptozoologist Nicholas Redfern shared a gripping story told to him 14 years ago by a resident of Orange. “Again and again this story comes to mind. It's so strange and so hard to understand

Who Killed The People On Lake Chany? - Alternative View

Who Killed The People On Lake Chany? - Alternative View

In the largest lake in Western Siberia, an unknown creature was discovered - the locals claim that it looks like a Loch Ness monster. The creature is probably responsible for the deaths of many local residents

Ghouls And Ghouls From Slavic Legends - Alternative View

Ghouls And Ghouls From Slavic Legends - Alternative View

Despite the fact that the twenty-first century is already in the yard, people still continue to tell various myths and legends that originated in ancient times

Sinister Ghouls. When The Living Dead Began To Drink Blood - Alternative View

Sinister Ghouls. When The Living Dead Began To Drink Blood - Alternative View

The first mentions of the living dead appeared in the culture of the Southeast Slavs in the early Middle Ages. By the 18th century, they had become so widespread that, for example, in Poland, belief in vampires was equated with heresy

How To Deal With Ghouls - Alternative View

How To Deal With Ghouls - Alternative View

Recently, Russian people began to often complain about ghouls. But not always those whom we call this word belong to this rare type. What kind of ghouls really are? Who is a ghoul?

There Is A Control For The Ghoul! - Alternative View

There Is A Control For The Ghoul! - Alternative View

The living dead or ghoul is the closest relative of a vampire. In Ukraine, it was believed that ghouls possessed two souls, one of which remained with him after death. Moreover, ghouls could be both living people and the dead, emerging from their coffins at night

Ghoul - Alternative View

Ghoul - Alternative View

In popular beliefs, ghouls are considered demonic creatures, evil and harmful spirits that, like vampires, suck blood from people and animals

Real Ghouls: The Main Evidence For The Existence Of Vampires - Alternative View

Real Ghouls: The Main Evidence For The Existence Of Vampires - Alternative View

Belief in the existence of an afterlife is inherent in the vast majority of people around the world. Almost every religion directly promises the worthy eternal joy in the heavenly booths - if a person believes in this, then a priori admits the possibility of immortality

"A Strange Skinny Black Dog Walked Like A Man" - Alternative View

"A Strange Skinny Black Dog Walked Like A Man" - Alternative View

A user with the nickname "johnamorTK" told this story a few weeks ago on Reddit. According to him, he may have met the so-called skinwalker - a werewolf from Indian legends

Quincana: What Australians Are Afraid To Talk About - Alternative View

Quincana: What Australians Are Afraid To Talk About - Alternative View

This is a story about an unusual crocodile from Australia, which made even warlike aborigines tremble with fear Quincana - a land crocodile from Australia from the family of real crocodiles and the subfamily Mekosuchinae

An Old Bracelet With A Ghoul Was Found In Ukraine - Alternative View

An Old Bracelet With A Ghoul Was Found In Ukraine - Alternative View

When there was no Chupacabra yet, ghouls walked in Ukrainian villages. One of the confirmation of this could serve as a decoration, which at one time was found during excavations of an ancient Russian settlement in the Derazhnyansky district in Khmelnytsky region

On The Dark Side Of Passion - Alternative View

On The Dark Side Of Passion - Alternative View

In the folklore of the peoples of many countries there is a theme dedicated to vampires. In traditional Slavic mythology, these creatures are usually called "ghouls" or "ghouls". Homeland of legends about monsters drinking human blood in the Balkans, or rather - Romania

Vampires Have Been Known To Man Since Time Immemorial - Alternative View

Vampires Have Been Known To Man Since Time Immemorial - Alternative View

Vampire legends are now attracting more and more attention from people around the world. Mysticism and genuine evil accompany them. What is mysticism

Goblins Raged In Zimbabwe Again - Alternative View

Goblins Raged In Zimbabwe Again - Alternative View

From Zimbabwe, located in southern Africa, there are regular reports of attacks on people by supernatural forces. Here they are called in one word - goblins, regardless of whether it is a poltergeist, an imposed curse or an obsession

Zimbabwean Women In Panic Over Rapist Goblins - Alternative View

Zimbabwean Women In Panic Over Rapist Goblins - Alternative View

Strange news often comes from Zimbabwe about local folklore characters who can be described as goblins or trolls. Many cases of poltergeist or witchcraft are attributed to goblins, including possession

In A Serbian Village, The Vampire Sava Savanovic Woke Up - Alternative View

In A Serbian Village, The Vampire Sava Savanovic Woke Up - Alternative View

In western Serbia, people are sweeping garlic off the shelves: local authorities have reported a ghoul that has awakened, and a minor event triggered an alarm: a long-abandoned mill collapsed on the Rogachitsa River near

Famous Serbian Vampires - Alternative View

Famous Serbian Vampires - Alternative View

Two of the most famous vampire hysteria have plagued villages in what is now Serbia. Then this region was under the rule of the Ottoman Turks, and later, at the end of the 17th century, became part of the Austrian Empire

Vampires Of The Peoples Of The World - Alternative View

Vampires Of The Peoples Of The World - Alternative View

A vampire in European mythology was considered a dead man who rises from the grave and, in the guise of a bat, sucks blood from sleeping people. And what kind of vampires did other peoples represent?

Could Frankenstein's Monster Really Exist? - Alternative View

Could Frankenstein's Monster Really Exist? - Alternative View

People admire monstrous creatures, and popular culture and folklore are full of strange monsters, from corpses and huge hairy humanoids restored to life with the help of electricity, to blood-drinking vampires and people in love

Collisions Of Soldiers In The Wars Of The 20th Century With Supernatural Demonic Creatures - Alternative View

Collisions Of Soldiers In The Wars Of The 20th Century With Supernatural Demonic Creatures - Alternative View

War brings with it violence, strife, terror and madness. But in the midst of the chaos of bloodshed that fell in the twentieth century, there was something else strange behind the murders of each other

In Malawi, Hysteria Due To Fear Of Vampires: Six People Killed - Alternative View

In Malawi, Hysteria Due To Fear Of Vampires: Six People Killed - Alternative View

In the Republic of Malawi, East Africa, an angry mob has killed at least six people. The bloody showdown began in mid-September, when it was rumored that some vampires were killing people and sucking blood out of them