Diseases and mutations 2024, September

The Inevitability Of A Global Epidemic Of Viruses - Alternative View

The Inevitability Of A Global Epidemic Of Viruses - Alternative View

An international group of scientists found that border closure is an ineffective measure in the fight against global epidemics

Who Is To Blame For The Spread Of The Disease That Kills Millions? Alternative View

Who Is To Blame For The Spread Of The Disease That Kills Millions? Alternative View

Who was “patient zero” that started the AIDS epidemic? For a long time one person was considered to be the culprit of the infection, which covered all the inhabited continents of the planet - homosexual with many promiscuous relationships

The Governor Of California Has Declared An Emergency Mode Due To The Hepatitis A Epidemic - Alternative View

The Governor Of California Has Declared An Emergency Mode Due To The Hepatitis A Epidemic - Alternative View

California Governor Declares State of State of Emergency Due to Hepatitis A Virus Outbreak, State Government Document Reveals

Bill Gates: The World Is Vulnerable To The Flu Epidemic - Alternative View

Bill Gates: The World Is Vulnerable To The Flu Epidemic - Alternative View

American billionaire and philanthropist Bill Gates in an interview with BBC warned that in the next decade, humanity may face a deadly epidemic of the influenza virus

An Epidemic Worse Than Ebola Is Approaching - Alternative View

An Epidemic Worse Than Ebola Is Approaching - Alternative View

Microbiologist Peter Piot said that an epidemic is coming, which is much more terrible than Ebola. According to him, the world is not yet ready for this, which means that an outbreak of the disease should be analyzed earlier and appropriate conclusions should be drawn

Mysterious Epidemics, The Causes Of Which Doctors Cannot Understand - Alternative View

Mysterious Epidemics, The Causes Of Which Doctors Cannot Understand - Alternative View

At all times, mankind faced an invisible and terrible enemy: epidemics claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people and it was almost impossible to predict a new outbreak of the disease

An Epidemic Of A Dangerous Mysterious Disease Has Begun In The United States - Alternative View

An Epidemic Of A Dangerous Mysterious Disease Has Begun In The United States - Alternative View

US doctors have warned of an increase in the incidence of acute flaccid myelitis - a rare disease that affects the nervous system in children and resembles polio. In 2018, 127 cases were registered, including already confirmed diagnoses

Fatal Insomnia: A Rare Mutation Causes A Dangerous Disease - Alternative View

Fatal Insomnia: A Rare Mutation Causes A Dangerous Disease - Alternative View

Each of us is familiar with insomnia - a painful condition when, despite a strong desire to fall asleep, it is impossible to fall asleep

The Fetid Stone Has Been Growing In The Girl's Nose For Years - Alternative View

The Fetid Stone Has Been Growing In The Girl's Nose For Years - Alternative View

Doctors from the United Arab Emirates removed a foreign object from a patient's nose that had been growing in her airway for about 10 years. This is reported by the Daily Mail.A 15-year-old girl was admitted to the hospital with complaints of discharge from the nostrils and frequent nosebleeds

This Chinese Woman Is The Living Personification Of The Words "Never Give Up" - Alternative View

This Chinese Woman Is The Living Personification Of The Words "Never Give Up" - Alternative View

We often hear the phrase "Never give up" on the screens of cinemas, read on the pages of books. Chinese woman Qian Hongyan is the living personification of these

Cause Of Death From Vaping And E-cigarettes Found In The USA - Alternative View

Cause Of Death From Vaping And E-cigarettes Found In The USA - Alternative View

Doctors have finally found the cause of a lung disease that was potentially caused by smoking e-cigarettes and vaping with marijuana oil.In early August this year, it became known that 94 cases of lung disease were recorded in 14 US states, which are believed to be associated with smoking electronic cigarettes and vaping

For 19 Years, A Resident Of Nigeria Lived In A Plastic Basin - Alternative View

For 19 Years, A Resident Of Nigeria Lived In A Plastic Basin - Alternative View

Rama Haruna (Rahma Haruna) from the Nigerian city of Cana suffered from a strange pathology: her body practically did not grow. Her height matched the body of a six-month-old baby, and her undeveloped limbs were unable to function

A Boy With Two Faces Needs A Complex Operation - Alternative View

A Boy With Two Faces Needs A Complex Operation - Alternative View

Eight-year-old Kang Kang from China - rare developmental defect. Due to the fact that he was born with a transverse facial cleft, he is also called a child with two faces. There is a feeling that a mask is on the child's face - one more face

A Boy With A Deformed Head Went To The United States For An Operation After Anonymous Financial Aid - Alternative View

A Boy With A Deformed Head Went To The United States For An Operation After Anonymous Financial Aid - Alternative View

A boy with a large deformed head went to the United States for surgery after anonymous financial aid A two-year-old Pakistani boy Ibtisam Faisal was born with a deformed head due to craniosynostosis (imbalance in the shape of the head), and then he also received

The Boy With Two Faces, Who Was Predicted To Die, Turned 13 Years Old - Alternative View

The Boy With Two Faces, Who Was Predicted To Die, Turned 13 Years Old - Alternative View

Young American Tres Johnson, who was born with a rare disease of the skull, is 13 years old. From the very birth, doctors predicted a quick death for the boy "with two faces", but contrary to all forecasts, Johnson is on the mend

The Girl Suffers From A Rare Sidrome, Which Caused Swelling Of The Veins In Her Leg - Alternative View

The Girl Suffers From A Rare Sidrome, Which Caused Swelling Of The Veins In Her Leg - Alternative View

23-year-old Boston student Arianna Faro suffers from the rare Knippel-Trenone syndrome (Knippel-Trenone disease)

The Briton, Constantly Talking On His Mobile, Died Of Brain Cancer - Alternative View

The Briton, Constantly Talking On His Mobile, Died Of Brain Cancer - Alternative View

We are used to hearing that frequent and prolonged conversations on a mobile phone can be fraught with brain diseases, but few of us seriously think about how destructive the effect of this gadget is on our health

A Healthy Lifestyle Has Caused Allergies - Alternative View

A Healthy Lifestyle Has Caused Allergies - Alternative View

Proper nutrition and physical activity are the foundations of health. But in the case of Stephen Treton, such a regime played a cruel joke. According to The Daily Mail, a man is allergic to a healthy lifestyle

What Does Radiation Do To The Body? - Alternative View

What Does Radiation Do To The Body? - Alternative View

Let's say some crazy world leader decides to push the big red button. Or terrorists will take control of the nuclear reactor. You survived the first explosion. The world is poisoned by radiation. How does it feel?

Due To A Rare Disorder, The Man's Head Was Covered With A Wrinkled Mesh - Alternative View

Due To A Rare Disorder, The Man's Head Was Covered With A Wrinkled Mesh - Alternative View

An unnamed 37-year-old resident of Italy came to the hospital due to the fact that his head looked like a patchwork quilt due to excessive skin folds.In addition, the patient suffered from a rare disorder called acromegaly, which means he had enlarged arms, legs, and a strongly protruding lower jaw

Why Can't Doctors Defeat Cancer - Alternative View

Why Can't Doctors Defeat Cancer - Alternative View

Today, hundreds of scientific institutions are working to create a cure for cancer, to oppose at least something to one of the most dangerous and widespread diseases of our century

The Inexplicable Story Of A 22-year-old Indian - Alternative View

The Inexplicable Story Of A 22-year-old Indian - Alternative View

An Indian named Manpreet Singh is 22 years old, but he looks like a six-month-old baby. Fellow villagers consider him the reincarnation of a Hindu god, but doctors say that the matter is in the endocrine system disorder

She Gave Birth To A Sheep In The Night - Alternative View

She Gave Birth To A Sheep In The Night - Alternative View

In Nigeria, in the Sokoto region, on January 22, a cesarean section was performed at a veterinary clinic of a sheep giving birth. The sheep was brought to the clinic by its owner, as due to a very large fetus, the sheep could not give birth

A Two-legged Sheep Lives In China - Alternative View

A Two-legged Sheep Lives In China - Alternative View

Seeing the thirst for life in a two-legged lamb who was accidentally born, the Chinese woman did not let her die and took care of her

The Autistic Boy Helps To Recover The Game Minecraft - Alternative View

The Autistic Boy Helps To Recover The Game Minecraft - Alternative View

Seeing children recklessly cracking down on virtual monsters, most parents rush to drive their offspring away from the computer. But the mother of a 9-year-old boy is an exception to the rule: the woman in every possible way encourages her son's hobby for the game "Minecraft"

Phenomenon: A Person For Whom Time Has Stopped - Alternative View

Phenomenon: A Person For Whom Time Has Stopped - Alternative View

Time can play such a joke with each of us: at one fine moment it suddenly stops, and you see how everything around you froze or moves fragmentarily, like in slow motion … It all started with an ordinary headache, but then

A Girl With A Rare Syndrome Wants To Grow Up As Soon As Possible - Alternative View

A Girl With A Rare Syndrome Wants To Grow Up As Soon As Possible - Alternative View

Nine-year-old Clara - an absolutely adequate developmental child for his age - suffering from Treacher-Collins syndrome

The Largest Albino Family - Alternative View

The Largest Albino Family - Alternative View

In addition, the eldest daughter of the head of the family, Renu, married another albino Roshih, and they had an albino son, Dharamraj. Thus, there are now 10 albinos in the Pullan clan

Unknown Disease Of The 21st Century - Alternative View

Unknown Disease Of The 21st Century - Alternative View

Experts identify a number of causes of chronic fatigue: Chronic diseases - disruption of the immune system causes chronic diseases that take away vitality and lead to chronic fatigue

The Woman Turned Into A Zombie Because Of The Skin Cream - Alternative View

The Woman Turned Into A Zombie Because Of The Skin Cream - Alternative View

A resident of the UK spoke about the side effect of using hormonal creams. Her words are quoted by the Daily Mail. Laura Barnett from London came to the clinic in 2010 with complaints of dry skin around the eyes

In The Saratov Reservoir, A Huge Number Of Mutant Fish Were Found - Alternative View

In The Saratov Reservoir, A Huge Number Of Mutant Fish Were Found - Alternative View

About 31% of fry living in the Saratov Reservoir have genetic mutations. while, according to the standards, the number of freak fish should not exceed 5%. In the Saratov reservoir, every third fish fry has mutations

A Two-headed Fox Was Born In Russia - Alternative View

A Two-headed Fox Was Born In Russia - Alternative View

Employees of the zoological museum at the Yakutsk State University named after Maxim Ammosov on Wednesday exhibited an unusual exhibit - a fox with two muzzles and four eyes, born 10 days ago at the Pokrovskaya fur farm, RIA Novosti reported

Krasnoyarsk Doctors Collected The Jaw For A Girl With A Rare Disease - Piece By Piece - Alternative View

Krasnoyarsk Doctors Collected The Jaw For A Girl With A Rare Disease - Piece By Piece - Alternative View

For many years she could not eat or speak properly. Now - another matter! - Thanks to the doctors for changing my fate! - Alla, 18, is unable to hold back tears of joy. These words - for the first time in many years - she can pronounce clearly and distinctly

AIDS: History Of Occurrence, Distribution, Symptoms. Help - Alternative View

AIDS: History Of Occurrence, Distribution, Symptoms. Help - Alternative View

More than 20 years ago, an epidemic of the most terrible and incomprehensible viral disease of our time began in the world - AIDS. Its infectiousness, rapid spread and incurability have earned the disease the glory of the "plague of the 20th century."

Sudden Death Syndrome - Alternative View

Sudden Death Syndrome - Alternative View

In a hot Israeli summer in the Rambam hospital in Haifa, a drama broke out, as if from the popular TV series Ambulance. Young man brought in with acute appendicitis

Monsters And Mutants Spawned By Humanity - Alternative View

Monsters And Mutants Spawned By Humanity - Alternative View

If we continue to pollute our beloved planet at the same rate as now, then our descendants will live surrounded by one giant garbage dump. Moreover, a landfill filled with toxic and radioactive waste

The Mystery Of Medicine. The Woman Weighs 25 Kg - Alternative View

The Mystery Of Medicine. The Woman Weighs 25 Kg - Alternative View

A 26-year-old woman from Kalmykia weighs just over 25 kilograms. Doctors cannot yet name the reasons for the catastrophic weight loss of a young woman. The patient puzzled doctors back in 2014, when she became pregnant and was able to bear a child

The Man's Legs Were Swollen At Times After Being Bitten By A Mosquito - Alternative View

The Man's Legs Were Swollen At Times After Being Bitten By A Mosquito - Alternative View

The Pakistani lost the ability to get out of bed five years after being bitten by a mosquito. According to the Daily Mail, man developed severe elephantiasis (elephantiasis)

Wonder Woman Julia Pastrana. - Alternative View

Wonder Woman Julia Pastrana. - Alternative View

With the light hand of the American circus entrepreneur Taylor Barnum, in the second half of the 19th century, the fashion spread to demonstrate to the public various kinds of di-shy; novelties and phenomena

An Indian Was Bitten In The Leg By A Mosquito, After Which The Leg Swelled Four Times - - Alternative View

An Indian Was Bitten In The Leg By A Mosquito, After Which The Leg Swelled Four Times - - Alternative View

Chetan Pitadia, 53, from India, suffers from elephantiasis, otherwise known as elephantiasis or Lymphatic filariasis