Diseases and mutations 2024, September

The Dark History Of Rabies - Alternative View

The Dark History Of Rabies - Alternative View

Rabies - an insidious, deadly disease caused by the Rabies virus. Even today, people die from the rabies virus, despite the existence of vaccines and qualified medical care

If Nothing Is Done, Our Children Will Become Mutants - Alternative View

If Nothing Is Done, Our Children Will Become Mutants - Alternative View

Scientists are sounding the alarm, ordinary citizens know little, companies are in no hurry to change anything, and politicians are not able to do something: the fight against dangerous substances that have spread everywhere for half a century is hardly moving forward

The British Teenager Miraculously Survived, Piercing His Skull Through And Through With A Harpoon - Alternative View

The British Teenager Miraculously Survived, Piercing His Skull Through And Through With A Harpoon - Alternative View

14-year-old Briton Devon White, while on vacation in Italy with his family, went fishing on a boat with a loaded harpoon

Due To A Congenital Anomaly, A Michigan Resident Can Twist His Legs In An Incredible Way - - Alternative View

Due To A Congenital Anomaly, A Michigan Resident Can Twist His Legs In An Incredible Way - - Alternative View

57-year-old Moses Lanham can rotate his leg joints 180 degrees and still walk in this state

The Two-headed Child Was Born In Palestine - Alternative View

The Two-headed Child Was Born In Palestine - Alternative View

Siamese twins of a rare type were born in Gaza (Palestine), in fact they are a two-headed baby. A female child has one body for two, but in the upper part of it, the chest is bifurcated

In The USA, Due To A Mysterious Bacterial Infection, The Baby's Arms And Legs Were Amputated - Alternative View

In The USA, Due To A Mysterious Bacterial Infection, The Baby's Arms And Legs Were Amputated - Alternative View

2-year-old Jeremiah Cox from Indiana felt unwell on September 29, 2018. After he had a fever and began to vomit, his parents urgently brought their son to the Indianapolis hospital

Rosselkhoznadzor Reported On The Possible Threat Of Bird Flu In The Russian Federation - Alternative View

Rosselkhoznadzor Reported On The Possible Threat Of Bird Flu In The Russian Federation - Alternative View

The Rosselkhoznadzor declares about the threat of penetration of various strains of avian influenza into the territory of the Russian Federation, which may be introduced by wild migratory birds during the period of seasonal migration

The Guests Of The Playboy Mansion Were Struck By An Unknown Disease - Alternative View

The Guests Of The Playboy Mansion Were Struck By An Unknown Disease - Alternative View

Quite mysterious events take place around the estate of the founder of Playboy magazine, Hugh Heffner. The estate is rented for corporate and media events

Disappearing Bone Syndrome Is A Very Rare, Strange And Poorly Understood Disease - Alternative View

Disappearing Bone Syndrome Is A Very Rare, Strange And Poorly Understood Disease - Alternative View

Vanishing bone syndrome or Gorham's disease or osteo-vascular dysplasia is a very rare bone anomaly. The syndrome is so rare and poorly understood that its causes and conditions of occurrence are still not known exactly

Ebola Nightmare - Alternative View

Ebola Nightmare - Alternative View

In February 2014, the Ebola virus broke free again. If earlier he destroyed people in Central Africa, now he first struck the western part of the Black Continent

Scientists Have Figured Out How To Save Children "vampires" From The Light Of The Sun - Alternative View

Scientists Have Figured Out How To Save Children "vampires" From The Light Of The Sun - Alternative View

Scientists accidentally discovered that acetohexamide, an experimental diabetes drug, could save the lives of "vampire" children with a very rare genetic disease that makes ultraviolet radiation from the sun deadly to them, says the article

A Cat With 26 Fingers Collects Money For A Shelter - Alternative View

A Cat With 26 Fingers Collects Money For A Shelter - Alternative View

After learning of a double rent increase since 2012, the Milwaukee Animal Rescue Center launched a fundraising campaign. "Trump" of the campaign - 26 toes of the center's mascot, a cat named Daniel

Scientists Have Discovered How Cancer Treatments Affect Sex - Alternative View

Scientists Have Discovered How Cancer Treatments Affect Sex - Alternative View

Researchers have learned how cancer therapy in childhood affects sexual aspects of life later in life. Malignant tumors, as well as the fight against them, have a strong effect on the human body as a whole

Scientists Have Revealed The Secret Of A Dangerous Form Of Cancer - Alternative View

Scientists Have Revealed The Secret Of A Dangerous Form Of Cancer - Alternative View

Researchers have uncovered one of the secrets of Burkitt's lymphoma, which is an extremely dangerous form of cancer. Experts have found out how strong the Epstein virus is - Barr influences the development of this disease

Potential Link Between Giftedness And Autism Has Been Claimed - - Alternative View

Potential Link Between Giftedness And Autism Has Been Claimed - - Alternative View

Scientists believe that the link between giftedness and autism may have a genetic origin. American psychologist Joan Rufsat and her daughter, journalist and sociologist Kimberly Stevens intend to prove the link between giftedness and autism in children

How To Raise Children With Mental Disabilities - Alternative View

How To Raise Children With Mental Disabilities - Alternative View

Alexander grew up as a motionless and silent child. Until six months, my father hoped that everything would be okay, just some kind of accidental delay in development. He used to lie on the floor and make grimaces at the boy, trying to stir him up

Banned Chemicals Cause Autism Even After Decades - Alternative View

Banned Chemicals Cause Autism Even After Decades - Alternative View

Many of the chemicals in pesticides, refrigerants and insulation materials were banned in the 1970s

Mysterious Autism - Alternative View

Mysterious Autism - Alternative View

Autistic people are strange people, they are often mistaken for morons and even sent to special schools for mentally retarded children. But it turns out there: the child has a number of intellectual capabilities that are not characteristic of "ordinary" people

Scientists May Have Found The Root Cause Of Autism - Alternative View

Scientists May Have Found The Root Cause Of Autism - Alternative View

Scientists believe they may have found the cause of autism, and this is not a vaccine, as many have probably decided. Autism may be caused by too many connections in the brain called synapses, according to new research

The Girl Stopped Eating Due To A Rare Disease - Alternative View

The Girl Stopped Eating Due To A Rare Disease - Alternative View

A resident of Great Britain spoke about her rare chronic disease - eosinophilic esophagitis. Her words are quoted by The Liverpool Echo. Aimee-lea Smith from the English county of Merseyside suffered from weak immunity since childhood. “I am prone to allergic reactions from birth. I

12-year-old Twin Brothers Can't Stop Eating - Alternative View

12-year-old Twin Brothers Can't Stop Eating - Alternative View

12-year-old twins Steve and Eddie Aerna from Connecticut suffer from a rare hereditary disease - Prader-Willi syndrome, which makes them hungry all the time

American Surgeons Removed A Two-kilogram Tumor From The Mouth Of A Haitian Woman - Alternative View

American Surgeons Removed A Two-kilogram Tumor From The Mouth Of A Haitian Woman - Alternative View

In the photo: A model of the lower jaw of a hyaitian woman with a tumor. American surgeons removed a giant tumor of the lower jaw, which in 11 years has grown to a mass of 1.9 kilograms

The Woman Lost Her Hair After Giving Up Meat - Alternative View

The Woman Lost Her Hair After Giving Up Meat - Alternative View

A resident of the UK spoke about hair loss after refusing food of animal origin. This is reported by the Daily Mail. Musician Jessica Dru from London claims she decided to go vegan last April

This 7-year-old "girl Of Steel" Never Feels Hunger, Fatigue And Pain - Alternative View

This 7-year-old "girl Of Steel" Never Feels Hunger, Fatigue And Pain - Alternative View

Olivia Farnsworth from Great Britain suffers from a rare genetic disorder. Doctors call the girl a "bionic" child, and her mother says that her daughter is "made of steel"

Pain Numbness Or Numbness Pain - Alternative View

Pain Numbness Or Numbness Pain - Alternative View

American Stephen Peet and his brother were born with a rare disease - congenital insensitivity to pain. They, according to scientists, suffer only a few hundred people around the world

A Boy With Cat Eyes - Alternative View

A Boy With Cat Eyes - Alternative View

An unusual boy lives in China, the color, shape and glow in the dark of his eyes amaze specialists

A 20-year-old Brazilian Woman Cries With White Crystals - Alternative View

A 20-year-old Brazilian Woman Cries With White Crystals - Alternative View

A kindergarten teacher from Lins (Brazil) Laura Pons suffers from a mysterious ailment that manifests itself in crystal tears

Mutants Of Semipalatinsk. - Alternative View

Mutants Of Semipalatinsk. - Alternative View

Gene mutations in Semipalatinsk residents are inherited. Mutations caused by radiation from nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site are inherited

The Story Of Mike's Headless Rooster - Alternative View

The Story Of Mike's Headless Rooster - Alternative View

On September 0, 1945, an American farmer with culinary needs chopped off the head of a rooster named "Mike". Surprisingly, the rooster did not die and the inquisitive farmer decided to keep him alive

Rospotrebnadzor: In Sochi Successfully Fighting Mosquitoes - Potential Carriers Of Zika - Alternative View

Rospotrebnadzor: In Sochi Successfully Fighting Mosquitoes - Potential Carriers Of Zika - Alternative View

The head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova said that in Sochi, local authorities are successfully fighting the spread of mosquitoes, which can potentially carry the Zika virus, Interfax reports

There Is A New Species Of Mosquito-carriers Of The Zika Virus - Alternative View

There Is A New Species Of Mosquito-carriers Of The Zika Virus - Alternative View

Brazilian scientists, through laboratory tests, have identified another type of mosquito that can carry the Zika virus. This discovery was announced last Friday

The Zika Virus Can Rob Children Of Their Brains And Even Their Lives - Alternative View

The Zika Virus Can Rob Children Of Their Brains And Even Their Lives - Alternative View

Zika virus can cause brain tissue loss and stillbirths. This is the conclusion reached by researchers from Yale University

For Half A Century, A Resident Of Chile Walked With A Mummified Fetus In Her Belly - Alternative View

For Half A Century, A Resident Of Chile Walked With A Mummified Fetus In Her Belly - Alternative View

Doctors discovered a 50-year-old fetus in the body of an elderly Chilean woman. According to doctors, the fetus weighing two kilograms did not cause any inconvenience to the mother. The photo shows a similar pathology: A fossilized (calcified) fetus in the window of a medical museum

In The Stomach Of A 40-year-old Pensioner Lay The Corpse Of Her Child - Alternative View

In The Stomach Of A 40-year-old Pensioner Lay The Corpse Of Her Child - Alternative View

Doctors from the capital of Colombia - the city of Bogota - were shocked when faced with a rare case in their practice: an 82-year-old patient for 40 years was carrying a fetus

At 19, The Brazilian Has Already Grown 220 Cm And He Continues To Grow - Alternative View

At 19, The Brazilian Has Already Grown 220 Cm And He Continues To Grow - Alternative View

Rodrigo Santos Motta, a 19-year-old resident of the Brazilian city of Ipiau, has already grown to 2 meters 20 cm and, according to doctors, he continues to grow. Being too tall brings Rodrigo only trouble

In India, Found A Girl "Mowgli", Who Lived In A Flock Of Monkeys - Alternative View

In India, Found A Girl "Mowgli", Who Lived In A Flock Of Monkeys - Alternative View

In the Indian reserve Katarniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary in the north of the country near the border with Nepal, among a flock of monkeys, people saw a wild girl. Reported by the Times of India

Mystery Of Molly Fancher's Fortune - Alternative View

Mystery Of Molly Fancher's Fortune - Alternative View

What exactly happened to Molly Fancher, nicknamed the "Brooklyn Enigma", was never understood, although this omission cannot be attributed to a lack of observation and survey, - there were plenty of both

Coming Out Of The Coma, The English Pensioner Spoke In Welsh - Alternative View

Coming Out Of The Coma, The English Pensioner Spoke In Welsh - Alternative View

81-year-old Alan Morgan from the town of Batwick, in the English county of Somerset, threw another riddle to the doctors and again proved that modern medicine is still extremely poorly versed in the secrets of the human brain

A Day In A Coma Erased The Whole Life - Alternative View

A Day In A Coma Erased The Whole Life - Alternative View

Gillian Ferguson looked in the mirror and could not understand what kind of woman was looking at her. After spending only a day unconscious, Gillian forgot her whole past life and even herself

Coma? No - Reboot! - Alternative View

Coma? No - Reboot! - Alternative View

Strange things sometimes happen to people who have been to the next world and returned back. After waking up from a coma, they suddenly realize that something has changed in them. And it's not just a feeling of extraordinary happiness from the fact that you survived