Conspiracy theories 2024, September

America. Surrealism. New World Order - Alternative View

America. Surrealism. New World Order - Alternative View

Altered realityI see cute and funny pictures every morning, tearing my eyes and diving headlong into the abyss of the Internet.- Salik.bizSevere and brutal American cops thoroughly and with genuine enthusiasm wash the feet of blacks - I'm not lying, it was

The "origins" Of Western Democracy - Alternative View

The "origins" Of Western Democracy - Alternative View

Already many modern people are beginning to understand that the so-called "Western democracy", which the enemies and traitors of our people have tried and continue to try to impose on us, are far from "all right." And apparently, it is not by chance that in recent years and decades many degradation processes have begun to manifest themselves with increasing force in Western countries, which can lead to degradation and death of the peoples inhabiting them

What Does The Sign Of The Pyramid With An Eye Mean - Alternative View

What Does The Sign Of The Pyramid With An Eye Mean - Alternative View

The pyramid with the eye depicted on it is one of the most mysterious symbols. It can be found both in ancient Egyptian sources and in quite modern ones. Such a long existence of the sign indicates that it is not a simple invention of an ancient artist

Secret Laboratories: Why Does The US Need Russian Genetic Material - Alternative View

Secret Laboratories: Why Does The US Need Russian Genetic Material - Alternative View

American military biologists surround Russia with secret laboratories in order to gain control over the Russian human genome. What is it for? We continue the topic.I must say that such a subtle biological machine as a person is constantly influenced by various factors

When Will The People Be Shown The Chief President Of The World? - Alternative View

When Will The People Be Shown The Chief President Of The World? - Alternative View

At the end of April 2019, Business Insider, the New York Post, Politico and about five other no less serious publications reported that the US Navy was developing instructions that would define a formal process for pilots and military personnel for compiling notifications of UFO sightings

US Intelligence Officer: UFO - Is Anything But A Secret Government Program - Alternative View

US Intelligence Officer: UFO - Is Anything But A Secret Government Program - Alternative View

The former US Marine believes the cigar-shaped UFOs that have been spotted across the country in recent months may be something "outside of a secret military program."Mysterious objects that sometimes look like huge, thin, cigar-like cylinders, sometimes like typical UFOs, and in some cases how completely incomprehensible what is in the shape of a snake, have filled YouTube today

The Red Glow And Growl Over Texas Caused The Famous Astronomer To Flee - Alternative View

The Red Glow And Growl Over Texas Caused The Famous Astronomer To Flee - Alternative View On May 13, 2020, a couple of hours after sunset, Stephen Hummel - an astronomer at the famous University of Texas Observatory - noticed a flash of lightning from a distant thunderstorm.“I saw a large column of sprites jumping in the sky and rushed to set up the camera,” he says. Poi

The Military Showed Trump TR-3B And Soon Everyone Will See It? - Alternative View

The Military Showed Trump TR-3B And Soon Everyone Will See It? - Alternative View

On May 30, 2020, speaking at the Kennedy Space Center, Donald Trump hinted at some kind of super-weapon, which has never been in human history:- Salik.bizUsually, it is not typical for US presidents to glorify the American military-industrial complex, which does not need glorification

TR-3B Crashed In Nevada? - Alternative View

TR-3B Crashed In Nevada? - Alternative View

In an exclusive interview exclusively for Daily Star Online, Blake Cousins showed us photos of an unknown aircraft crash taken in the Nevada desert in 2016.A few days ago the photos were provided to Blake by his channel subscribers and some of this sensational material was used by Blake in his YouTube video.- S

The Pentagon Has Admitted The Existence Of A Secret Superplane RS-85 Aurora - Alternative View

The Pentagon Has Admitted The Existence Of A Secret Superplane RS-85 Aurora - Alternative View

A press release issued today by the Department of Defense states that the US Air Force operated a "manned strategic reconnaissance aircraft" RS-85 Aurora from 1993 to 2018 under the cloak of the strictest secrecy

The Secret Plane Of The Pentagon TR-3B, It Seems, Was Shown To The Public - Alternative View

The Secret Plane Of The Pentagon TR-3B, It Seems, Was Shown To The Public - Alternative View

Conspiracy theorists around the world are going crazy, as in late August a series of images of the "triangle plane" were taken over the Portland Air National Guard Base, the observation of which is confirmed by the testimony of numerous eyewitnesses:- Salik

In Las Vegas, The Crowd Was Shot By Drones? - Alternative View

In Las Vegas, The Crowd Was Shot By Drones? - Alternative View

After the mysterious shooting in Las Vegas, which happened on October 1, all newspapers and all TV channels broadcast about it without stopping. Since a certain Stephen Paddock was appointed by Oswald, the attention of all the newsmen was riveted only on him

Strange Inconsistencies In The Las Vegas Shooter Case - Alternative View

Strange Inconsistencies In The Las Vegas Shooter Case - Alternative View

The outrage that the United States is doing around the world with the help of the CIA and open military intervention in the affairs of sovereign states, as if in a mockery called "the establishment of democracy", has long worried mankind

Why Has This Only Happened With Boeings In Recent Years? - Alternative View

Why Has This Only Happened With Boeings In Recent Years? - Alternative View

In the case of the death of the Ukrainian Boeing, there are quite a few misunderstandings, although it seems like there is already a recognition of Iran's air defense that it was shot down "by mistake"? But have you ever thought about the fact that in all recent years something like this has happened with the airliners of the American Boeing company?

David Icke: Satanism Is Saturnism - Alternative View

David Icke: Satanism Is Saturnism - Alternative View

Satanic cults and the entire secret life of the world and Western "elite" is directly related to Saturn. It is the Saturnian cults that are the source of modern Satanism. All these cults were especially strong in Ancient Rome, and it is from the Roman Empire that the entire so-called

Pedophilia And Satanism In The Highest Echelons Of Power In Great Britain - Alternative View

Pedophilia And Satanism In The Highest Echelons Of Power In Great Britain - Alternative View

Fragment from the book by Timothy Silver "LIFTING THE CURTAIN". Translation from English.British aristocracy-pedophocracy-“Officers in London were investigating testimony given by a teenager about how members of the Cabinet of Ministers rented him and committed violence against him. T

Shadow Of Knowledge. Part 4. Trump As A Trump Symbol Of The Threat - Alternative View

Shadow Of Knowledge. Part 4. Trump As A Trump Symbol Of The Threat - Alternative View

Part 1. Forward to scientific conspiracy theories. Part 2. Or back to pure Machiavellianism? Part 3. From Clausewitz to Stirlitz

The Film "City Of Zero" Is An Encrypted Message To Modern Society - Alternative View

The Film "City Of Zero" Is An Encrypted Message To Modern Society - Alternative View

The film was released in 1988. It has a very strong cast: Leonid Filatov, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Evgeny Evstigneev, Oleg Basilashvili, Vladimir Menshov and others. The main shooting took place in the city of Kolomna.- Salik.bizPlot of the filmAlexey Varakin (Leonid Filatov) comes to a provincial town to agree on some technical issues as an engineer

Angelina Jolie Exposes Pop Stars Satanists - Alternative View

Angelina Jolie Exposes Pop Stars Satanists - Alternative View

On September 26, 2016, a video appeared on the network where 23-year-old Angelina Jolie shares her memories of participating in an occult ritual. The conversation is with two close friends about the secret initiation, which she went through in order to become a Hollywood star

Catholic Priests Expose The Practice Of &Ldquo; Satanism &Rdquo; In The Vatican - Alternative View

Catholic Priests Expose The Practice Of &Ldquo; Satanism &Rdquo; In The Vatican - Alternative View

The work of several scholars, from Plato to Manly P. Hall and beyond, suggests that this is, in fact, the use of rituals and techniques to invoke and control "spirits" or life forms that may exist in other dimensions or worlds

The CIA Participated In The 9/11 Attacks - Alternative View

The CIA Participated In The 9/11 Attacks - Alternative View

79-year-old retired CIA agent claims to have been involved in the "controlled demolition" of World Trade Center # 7, reports

Was There A Plane? What Are The Conspiracy Theories About The 9/11 Terrorist Attack - Alternative View

Was There A Plane? What Are The Conspiracy Theories About The 9/11 Terrorist Attack - Alternative View

A controlled explosion in the basement of the World Trade Center, a strange white plane spotted shortly after the crash of Flight 93, a 16th century astrologer's prophecy …After the terrorist attacks in the United States on September 11, 2001, conspiracy theories flooded

9/11 Terrorist Attack: Major Inconsistencies - Alternative View

9/11 Terrorist Attack: Major Inconsistencies - Alternative View

September 11, 2011 in the United States carried out a series of terrorist attacks that resulted in the death of 2,977 people

The Number 11 In Conspiracy Theories. What Is It? - Alternative View

The Number 11 In Conspiracy Theories. What Is It? - Alternative View

Have you ever thought that things don't happen by accident? For example, the date September 11th … what is it talking about?Here are examples of how the Illuminati celebrated some of the anniversaries of key events.- Salik.bizOn September 11 , 1941, the inauguration of the Pentagon building took place (from above, resembling a pentagram). I

YouTube Will Remove Videos About Flat Earth And Reptilians From The List Of Recommendations - Alternative View

YouTube Will Remove Videos About Flat Earth And Reptilians From The List Of Recommendations - Alternative View

Almost every service has a machine learning recommendation system. She helps people read articles, listen to music and watch videos that interest them most

The German Writer Revealed How The United States Has Benefited From The Artificial Anthrax Epidemic - Alternative View

The German Writer Revealed How The United States Has Benefited From The Artificial Anthrax Epidemic - Alternative View

The photograph, which captures former US Secretary of State Colin Powell, at the moment when he demonstrates a test tube, allegedly containing anthrax spores, during a UN meeting, became widely known throughout the world. This situation occurred in 2002, that is, shortly after the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001

Who Enriched Themselves On The Tragedy Of September 11 In The United States - Alternative View

Who Enriched Themselves On The Tragedy Of September 11 In The United States - Alternative View

Everyone read conspiracy theories about the terrorist attack in the United States on September 11, when the twin towers were destroyed, but these facts (and these are facts, do not hesitate) read for the first time. Reading this, it's hard to imagine that all this happened "by accident"

Secrets Of The 9/11 Terrorist Attack: More Than 4 Thousand Victims Fell Ill With Cancer En Masse - And This Is Not A Coincidence - Alternative View

Secrets Of The 9/11 Terrorist Attack: More Than 4 Thousand Victims Fell Ill With Cancer En Masse - And This Is Not A Coincidence - Alternative View

The reasons and perpetrators of the most terrible terrorist attack in the history of mankind, referred to as "9/11", are still debated. After 18 years of secrets, the monstrous tragedy has only increased.By the anniversary of the terrorist attack, news began to spread that the victims had massively contracted cancer

Third Truth About 9/11 - Alternative View

Third Truth About 9/11 - Alternative View

A former Soviet nuclear intelligence officer tells what really happened on September 11, 2001 in New York. The destruction of 3 WTC buildings was not a terrorist attack. It was demolition in the only available way - nuclear explosions

Skyscraper Attack - Alternative View

Skyscraper Attack - Alternative View

I welcome you categorically! The world is actively moving forward - villages are turning into agro-towns, cities are expanding at an enviable speed and some of the "non-rubber" ones are turning into megacities. Although they still lack bike lanes, qualified urbanists, parks with free admission, the main distinguishing feature is the aspiration of buildings upward

Anglo-Saxons, Or One Of The Variants Of Fascism - Alternative View

Anglo-Saxons, Or One Of The Variants Of Fascism - Alternative View

Modern Anglo-Saxons are accustomed to the fact that they are spoken about only in a lisping tone: they are glorified, admired, their language is considered to be international … Even those who hate and fear them speak of them, mentally bowing before them

Indians Also Joined The Destruction Of Monuments In The United States - Alternative View

Indians Also Joined The Destruction Of Monuments In The United States - Alternative View Chief of the Cheyenne River, South Dakota Sioux tribe calls for the removal of the Mount Rushmore National Memorial, claiming it was carved into an area considered sacred to native people."Nothing can serve as a greater reminder to the Great Sioux Nation of a country that cannot fulfill the promise of a treaty than the faces carved into our sacred land, on the rocks that the United States calls Mount Rushmore

Strange Ad Campaign For Denver International Airport - Alternative View

Strange Ad Campaign For Denver International Airport - Alternative View

Denver International Airport has showcased a new ad campaign that revolves around its new construction program while simultaneously touting conspiracy theories that have long believed the airport and its unusual design

Conspiracy Theories And Global Warming Denial - Alternative View

Conspiracy Theories And Global Warming Denial - Alternative View

Research that proves climate change deniers also tend to believe in conspiracy theories sparks new conspiracy allegations in blogs

Which Is At The End Of The Flat Earth. Cellular Earth Theory - Alternative View

Which Is At The End Of The Flat Earth. Cellular Earth Theory - Alternative View

There are more and more followers of the flat earth theory. But most of its opponents often have an obvious question: what is still beyond the boundaries of flat earth?

A Russian Conspiracy Theory That Will Never Die - Alternative View

A Russian Conspiracy Theory That Will Never Die - Alternative View

The author of the publication believes that the case of the tragedy at the Dyatlov pass will never be closed. The mystery surrounding the death of nine tourists has given rise to many theories, each of which, in his opinion, is more absurd than the other

Conspiracy Theories And Conspiratorial Mentality - Alternative View

Conspiracy Theories And Conspiratorial Mentality - Alternative View

A conspiracy is the illegal act of a small, secretly working group of people who intend to turn a historical turn, such as overthrowing a government. Conspiracy theory is an attempt to explain an event, or series of events, as the result of a conspiracy

Secret Weapons Of Special Services - Slippers - Alternative View

Secret Weapons Of Special Services - Slippers - Alternative View

What do you know about slippers? In the secret laboratories of the special services, from the middle of the twentieth century, they began to study the effect of hypnosis on a person

The CIA Has Clearly Announced The Use Of Chemtrails - Alternative View

The CIA Has Clearly Announced The Use Of Chemtrails - Alternative View

The report of the head of department on this topic has been published on the official website of the CIA, writes The CIA has published an amazing report on its website that confirms the existence of the US weather modification program

Are The Illuminati Ruling The World Aliens? - Alternative View

Are The Illuminati Ruling The World Aliens? - Alternative View

Not so long ago, a book by conspiracy theorist David Icke appeared on store shelves in the USA