Conspiracy theories 2024, September

10 Martian Conspiracy Theories - Alternative View

10 Martian Conspiracy Theories - Alternative View

People have been fascinated by the planet Mars since ancient times. Someone was sure that there was definitely life, someone regarded Mars as a strategic base for aliens, and someone promised that "apple trees will bloom on Mars as well." But one way or another, a lot of different stories and even conspiracy theories are associated with this planet, which will be discussed in our review

Big Brother Comes To School - Alternative View

Big Brother Comes To School - Alternative View

A system for monitoring students' emotions through online cameras is ready to launch in PermAt the end of June, the Perm media reported on the development by local IT-craftsmen of a psychodiagnostic system based on a video stream, capable of analyzing the mood of schoolchildren for a long time

President Obama's Small Victorious Cyber War - Alternative View

President Obama's Small Victorious Cyber War - Alternative View

Cyber wars are already raging across the planet, and the United States government is to blame for them

The Global Financial System Is On The Way To Transform - Alternative View

The Global Financial System Is On The Way To Transform - Alternative View

Over the past few days, from various regions of the world - like a dam burst - there have been shoals of news that the existing global financial system no longer meets the interests of specific countries.- The ruling party of Italy "League of the North" has proposed to issue national mini-bills (Buoni Ordinari del Tesoro): Italy is thinking about creating its own currency, and with its help Rome wants to reduce the national debt

Total Control Over People - What Is It? - Alternative View

Total Control Over People - What Is It? - Alternative View

It is forbidden to spread panic at the legislative level. And this is correct, since panic is the most senseless, useless and even very harmful condition. Panic moods at the moment include "horror stories" about universal chipization, about the dangers of vaccinations and statements that the covid epidemic is a cover for the world government, which wants to take control and then reduce the population of the Earth

Are There Climate Weapons? - Alternative View

Are There Climate Weapons? - Alternative View

A huge installation on the territory of the closed military complex Chernobyl-2, nine kilometers near the city of Pripyat in the area of the destruction of a nuclear power plant, with the help of powerful antennas, could control the airspace of the whole world

Climatic Weapons Already Exist! - Alternative View

Climatic Weapons Already Exist! - Alternative View

The Russians remembered the cold summer of 2017 for a long time. While Russia was wrapped in the wind and hiding from the rains, Europe literally languished from the heat. Then climatologists reported that the cold weather broke all temperature records

Why Was The Land Taken From People? - Alternative View

Why Was The Land Taken From People? - Alternative View

Many people do not yet understand that something of their most valuable was once taken away from them, and that is why their life today is so hard. And this "something" is the earth! Your own personal piece of the Motherland.After all, in a subsistence economy, money has very limited power

The Illuminati Have Launched A Tool To Destroy Humanity - "Black Death"? - Alternative View

The Illuminati Have Launched A Tool To Destroy Humanity - "Black Death"? - Alternative View

As we already wrote, the plague flared up in Madagascar again, but this time the "black death", with individual diseases which were previously dealt with easily and quickly, does not lend itself to localization and quickly spreads, breaking out of the island

The First Ever Press Conference With A Representative Of The Forefathers Of Mankind Will Not Take Place - Alternative View

The First Ever Press Conference With A Representative Of The Forefathers Of Mankind Will Not Take Place - Alternative View

Humanity will never be allowed to know the truth The press conference announced in February with the representative of the ancestors of humanity will not take place. Humanity was deprived of the last chance to learn its real, true, and not invented History

Stuffing About The Ban Of Old Cars - Classic Provocation - Alternative View

Stuffing About The Ban Of Old Cars - Classic Provocation - Alternative View

The news about the ban of old cars is a classic provocationThe misanthropic initiatives of the State Duma during the pre-election period are a clear attempt to reduce the authority of the government.- Salik.bizThe big news hit the top lines of news aggregators on Wednesday August 14th

About The Millennial Plan Of The West To Destroy Russia-Russia - Alternative View

About The Millennial Plan Of The West To Destroy Russia-Russia - Alternative View

The one who thinks about that. that the West has behaved aggressively towards us only in the last 100 years is very much mistaken. For more than a thousand years, at least, the parasitic satanic masters of Western civilization have been implementing a plan to destroy first Russia and then Russia

British Time Traveler Talks Amazing Things About 2030 - Alternative View

British Time Traveler Talks Amazing Things About 2030 - Alternative View

From the Editor: At the end of the article, there will be a comment on why and why the network is now filled with such "time travelers"

The Disappearances Of The Astronaut Collins And The Lunar Artifacts Confirm NASA's Reluctance To Reveal The Truth To People - - Alternative View

The Disappearances Of The Astronaut Collins And The Lunar Artifacts Confirm NASA's Reluctance To Reveal The Truth To People - - Alternative View

Recently, researchers again accused NASA of hiding important information regarding extraterrestrial contacts and artifacts found on the Moon and Mars, but it chose to remain silent

Dakila Pesquisas Scientists Present A Film With Evidence That The Earth Is Not Round - Alternative View

Dakila Pesquisas Scientists Present A Film With Evidence That The Earth Is Not Round - Alternative View

The documentary will be published at the end of March on the website in three versions - Portuguese, English and Spanish. The question of the shape of our planet has arisen more than once in the history of mankind

Scientific Conspiracy, Cosmic Cataclysm And Secrets Of Archeology - Alternative View

Scientific Conspiracy, Cosmic Cataclysm And Secrets Of Archeology - Alternative View

In an interview with RT, British writer and journalist Graham Hancock outlined an alternative theory of the appearance of the first inhabitants of America and explained why he considers scientific research in this area to be wrong. In addition, the researcher expressed his version of the reasons for the death of an ancient highly developed civilization

Why Did The Filmmakers From NASA Not Let Israel Into The &Ldquo; Space Club &Rdquo;? - Alternative View

Why Did The Filmmakers From NASA Not Let Israel Into The &Ldquo; Space Club &Rdquo;? - Alternative View

On February 22, 2019, the American Falcon 9 launch vehicle, launched from the US Air Force base at Cape Canaveral (Florida), launched with great fanfare the Israeli lunar module "Bereshit", which was to land on April 11 at about 22:00 A sea of clarity

About The Unenviable Fate Of The Freemasons - Alternative View

About The Unenviable Fate Of The Freemasons - Alternative View

Despite the active propaganda campaign, designed to inspire the inhabitants pseudo-skepticism towards the existence of various secret orders and organizations various occult persuasion, themselves & nbs

NATO Continues Hitler's Cause, But By Other Means - Alternative View

NATO Continues Hitler's Cause, But By Other Means - Alternative View

Soviet soldiers pulled 15 American, 5 British, 8 Dutch and 33 Belgian generals out of concentration camps, as well as the former Prime Minister of France and the commander of the Norwegian army, captain I rank Valery Novikov reminds readers of the IA "Realist"

New Versions Of The Sinking Of The Titanic. The Conspiracy Of Billionaires And The Curse Of The Mummy - Alternative View

New Versions Of The Sinking Of The Titanic. The Conspiracy Of Billionaires And The Curse Of The Mummy - Alternative View

On the night of April 14-15, 1912, the Titanic crashed on its maiden voyage. The sinking of the ship, which was considered unsinkable, became the most famous disaster at sea in the history of mankind. Although it was believed from the start that the ship sank as a result of a collision with an iceberg, not everyone agreed with this

Show "Ural Dumplings" - Destructive Power Of Humor - Alternative View

Show "Ural Dumplings" - Destructive Power Of Humor - Alternative View

Any information that enters the mind must be able to assess sensibly. This will allow you not to be deceived and misled. It is a mistake to believe that entertainment content does not have to be subjected to rigorous analysis, because its main task is to distract a person from everyday worries and problems, to have fun, to give positive emotions

From The Point Of View Of A Bee, She Just Lives Her Life And Considers Herself Free - Alternative View

From The Point Of View Of A Bee, She Just Lives Her Life And Considers Herself Free - Alternative View

And only the beekeeper knows that she is actually collecting honey for him. But the bee will never understand this, because the beekeeper goes beyond its scope of thinking. The beekeeper is not comprehensible from the level of development of the bee and is equated by it with the phenomena of irresistible force …Now look at this photo … After all, these are honeycombs … And there are hundreds of thousands of such apiaries in the world. And m

"Joker", "Maleficent", "Birds Of Prey" - Against Humanity Is Going Into Battle Heavy Cinema - Alternative View

"Joker", "Maleficent", "Birds Of Prey" - Against Humanity Is Going Into Battle Heavy Cinema - Alternative View

After the screening of this film at the Venice Film Festival, the audience clapped for eight minutes and shouted "bravo." Over the past weekend, this picture topped both Russian and foreign distribution. Disputes and scandals are raging around her, someone comes to the film several times, and someone is afraid to come at all

How School Kills Creativity In Children - Alternative View

How School Kills Creativity In Children - Alternative View

I am very interested in education, as I believe we are all. This topic is so close to us, partly because education should be the door for us to a future that we cannot imagine.- Salik.bizIf you think about it, children who entered school this year will retire in 2065

IPhone And IPad Keep Track Of Their Owners - Alternative View

IPhone And IPad Keep Track Of Their Owners - Alternative View

Experts have identified an undocumented function of regular recording of information about the device's geographic location in a hidden file by an iPhone and an iPad 3G tablet, according to the study authors on the O ' Reilly Radar website

“Do Not Multiply - Save The Planet "- Alternative View

“Do Not Multiply - Save The Planet "- Alternative View

Western eco-activists and the media have become carriers of the dangerous doctrine of degenerationThe environmental principles of a not quite healthy eco-activist girl from Sweden named Greta Thunberg, promoted by globalists all over the planet, as expected, turned out to be only the first stage of reformatting people's consciousness

Greta Thunberg Was Found In An 1898 Photo - Alternative View

Greta Thunberg Was Found In An 1898 Photo - Alternative View

Greta Thunberg is a 16-year-old Swedish climate change activist who is now world renowned for her internationally recognized campaign. But now there is a photograph, taken about 105 years before the birth of Ms. Thunberg, of a girl who is strikingly similar to a fighter for the climate

Who Is Behind The Eco-activist Greta Thunberg - Alternative View

Who Is Behind The Eco-activist Greta Thunberg - Alternative View

An absolute hit of the last week everywhere was the performance of 16-year-old Swedish schoolgirl Greta Thunberg, who shamed world politicians for not paying attention to the environment. Before that, her name was known only to a narrow circle of eco-activists, but now everything has changed

Greta Thunberg Being Promoted To The US Presidency? - Alternative View

Greta Thunberg Being Promoted To The US Presidency? - Alternative View

The latest bizarre prediction of The Simpsons was discovered by the show's fan community when people discovered how accurately the show's directors predicted Greta Thunberg's climate change campaign:- Salik.bizTwitter says the environmental activist reminds them too much of Lisa Simpson, and the fact that this is really obvious is too much of a coincidence

Greta Thunberg - Reincarnation Of Hitler? - Alternative View

Greta Thunberg - Reincarnation Of Hitler? - Alternative View

In May 2019 and earlier in December 2018, the entire world press devoted small notes to how a certain Greta Thunberg, a Swedish schoolgirl, who decided to fight for the environment, for world peace, and so on, met with UN Secretary General Antonio Gutterres

Japan On The Verge Of Extinction: Sex Dolls Lead To The Extinction Of The Japanese As A Species - Alternative View

Japan On The Verge Of Extinction: Sex Dolls Lead To The Extinction Of The Japanese As A Species - Alternative View

As the birth rate in Japan plummets amid the generational fertility crisis, experts are calling the explosion in the sex doll industry a new threat to the country's already dire demographic problem. some even say that about

"Black Friday" In Russian, Or How They Are Deceiving Us - Alternative View

"Black Friday" In Russian, Or How They Are Deceiving Us - Alternative View

"Black Friday" in Russian - the holiday is dubious, and our sales are fraught with pitfalls

Big Business: How Pharmaceutical Companies Create Diseases For Their Drugs - Alternative View

Big Business: How Pharmaceutical Companies Create Diseases For Their Drugs - Alternative View

When creating a new drug, pharmaceutical companies are always looking for profitable ways to sell

On February 6, Elon Musk Will Again Breed Suckers - Alternative View

On February 6, Elon Musk Will Again Breed Suckers - Alternative View

On January 28, Elon Musk, the head of SpaceX, reported in Twitter that on February 6, 2018, his company will launch the next version of its rocket - so called Falcon Heavy

The Main Reason For All Wars On Earth Is - Alternative View

The Main Reason For All Wars On Earth Is - Alternative View

They are diligently trying to convince us that it is precisely because of the aggressive nature of the people themselves that bloody wars have not stopped on our planet for thousands of years. Many have become so accustomed to this opinion imposed on us that they do not even think: is this really the case?

A Supporter Of The "flat Earth" Theory Will Launch Himself Into Space On Saturday - Alternative View

A Supporter Of The "flat Earth" Theory Will Launch Himself Into Space On Saturday - Alternative View

Michael Hughes, a renowned flat-earth proponent and professional stuntman, has announced his intention to prove this anti-scientific theory during his "space flight" on a steam rocket, reports "I don't believe in science, but I believe my eyes

How Do The Supporters Of The Flat Earth Theory Explain The Equinox? - Alternative View

How Do The Supporters Of The Flat Earth Theory Explain The Equinox? - Alternative View

The autumnal equinox has arrived, marking the beginning of the northern hemisphere season. On Sunday, September 23rd, the Sun shone directly at the Earth's equator, and the length of day and night was the same across the globe

The Flat Earth Society For The First Time Organized A Conference - Alternative View

The Flat Earth Society For The First Time Organized A Conference - Alternative View

The Flat Earth Society - this is a real American organization

Flat Earth: Where Does Myth End And Reality Begin? - Alternative View

Flat Earth: Where Does Myth End And Reality Begin? - Alternative View

The incomprehensible secrets of the universe are hardly possible to reveal to the end. And even what at first glance seems to be an immutable truth, in some cases it can be very controversial. The distortion of historical facts for the sake of political, economic and moral-ethical interests no longer causes such surprise, because the concept of alternative history has more and more adherents every day

Scientists Have Made A Film With Evidence That The Earth Is Not Round - Alternative View

Scientists Have Made A Film With Evidence That The Earth Is Not Round - Alternative View

The question of the shape of our planet has arisen more than once in the history of mankind. Relying on a number of natural phenomena that contradict the accepted academic theory, Brazilian scientists from Dakila Pesquisas decided to study these inconsistencies