Conspiracy theories 2024, September

A Supporter Of The Flat Earth Theory Was Able To Take Off On A Homemade Rocket - Alternative View

A Supporter Of The Flat Earth Theory Was Able To Take Off On A Homemade Rocket - Alternative View

Hughes claims that in the garage he assembled a "steam-powered" aircraft. At 320 kilometers from Los Angeles, he managed to climb 520 meters. He landed by parachute about 450 meters from the launch site

10 "proofs" That The Earth Is Actually Flat, Not Round - - Alternative View

10 "proofs" That The Earth Is Actually Flat, Not Round - - Alternative View

Many people believe that the fact that we have all flown airplanes puts an end to the flat earth theory. However, the idea is that our planet is not a sphere, but kind of just a pancake

Flat Earth: A History Of Debate, Evidence And Facts - Alternative View

Flat Earth: A History Of Debate, Evidence And Facts - Alternative View

If an ordinary person who is accustomed to living in the modern news paradigm, someone seriously says that space does not exist, the planet Earth - flat, and the sun is actually much smaller than we used to think, most likely, this citizen will twist

Flat Earth: Theory With Evidence And Facts - Alternative View

Flat Earth: Theory With Evidence And Facts - Alternative View

Hello, friends! What if you find out that there is no space, the earth is flat, there are several suns? NASA is funded by a secret world government led by Freemasons to mislead everyone on the planet

Scandal In The Arab Scientific World: Study Published On Flat Earth - Alternative View

Scandal In The Arab Scientific World: Study Published On Flat Earth - Alternative View

In early April, a scandal erupted in academia in Tunisia and the UAE

Space Trolling: Who Still Believes In The Theory Of A Flat Earth - Alternative View

Space Trolling: Who Still Believes In The Theory Of A Flat Earth - Alternative View

Despite the fact that people have been flying into space for more than half a century, and satellites photograph the Earth from all sides, there are those who still doubt the sphericity of the planet

The Antichrist Is The Nimses Company - Alternative View

The Antichrist Is The Nimses Company - Alternative View

Everything will start, most likely, next year.The Antichrist is, in my understanding, the Nimses company. In general, any large network company is suitable for this project, but Nimses is the best fit. Any adult from anywhere in the world can become a member of the company

Who Is Behind The Russophobic And Anti-Russian Hysteria Of The West? - Alternative View

Who Is Behind The Russophobic And Anti-Russian Hysteria Of The West? - Alternative View

It is not a secret for anyone that the West is waging a real information war against our country, using false fakes and outright provocations, the purpose of which is to present our country and our people as “aggressors” and “barbarians” threatening the entire “democratic world”. At the same

Great Interview With Flat Earther - Alternative View

Great Interview With Flat Earther - Alternative View

Article 28 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: Everyone is guaranteed freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, including the right to profess, individually or jointly with others, any religion or not to profess any religion, to freely choose, have and disseminate religious

Is The Earth Flat, Round And Hollow At The Same Time? - Alternative View

Is The Earth Flat, Round And Hollow At The Same Time? - Alternative View

There are many theories about what our home is like

Sergey Ryazansky And A Nail In The Head - Alternative View

Sergey Ryazansky And A Nail In The Head - Alternative View

More than once, Sergei Ryazansky, was the hero of my videos, posts and articles. And then he again came into my field of vision.This time it will be about his new book: "Is it possible to hammer a nail in space"- Salik.bizThe book is devoted to answers to the most frequent questions asked by astronauts

Fractal World - Alternative View

Fractal World - Alternative View

Surprisingly, I respect the flat earth theory. By this theory, I mean a complex of alternative knowledge about our world order, refuting many dubious facts that have been pouring into our ears since childhood. I do not know what form our Earth is, since I personally was not outside of it

Flat-earth Advocates Showed Its Edge - Alternative View

Flat-earth Advocates Showed Its Edge - Alternative View

Conspiracy theorists, united in the Flat Earth Society, are convinced that the South Pole does not exist, and Antarctica is a high ice wall encircling the entire earth's disk

Earth. View From Space - Alternative View

Earth. View From Space - Alternative View

This year, all of humanity will celebrate a great date - the fiftieth anniversary of man's landing on the moon.Did this event take place? Opinions are divided for many reasons. I will not now give arguments in favor of one side or the other, especially since all of you have known them for a long time

Being Is The Text As It Is, Without Fanatical Interpretation - Alternative View

Being Is The Text As It Is, Without Fanatical Interpretation - Alternative View

In this analysis of the text, I will use a free style of writing, because the story will go about how I see the text of the book of Genesis. This is my theory, and it is based on my understanding of the Bible text as I see it

Flat Earth - Alternative View

Flat Earth - Alternative View

The population of the planet (or rather the most inquisitive part of it) in recent years has been divided into two camps: supporters of the spherical Earth and adherents of its flat version

The Wonders Of Photoshop On The ISS - Alternative View

The Wonders Of Photoshop On The ISS - Alternative View

December 31, 2018, cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko, congratulated the residents of Turkmenistan on New Year's holidays

And Who Said That The Moon Is A Satellite Of The Earth !? - Alternative View

And Who Said That The Moon Is A Satellite Of The Earth !? - Alternative View

If you believe the pseudoscientists and official data on celestial bodies and astrophysics in general, the Moon is a natural satellite of the Earth, which glows by reflecting light from the Sun

Christmas Tree, Space And Flat Earth. What Common? - Alternative View

Christmas Tree, Space And Flat Earth. What Common? - Alternative View

Christmas tree, space and flat earth. It would seem, what could they have in common? For the last 15 years I have been convinced that the New Year tree and everything connected with it for the New Year is the lot of pagans and people far from Christianity

Where Are We Going .. - Alternative View

Where Are We Going .. - Alternative View

Our home Earth is a small ball, a ball that rotates around its axis and flies rapidly around the Sun, the Sun flies around the Milky Way galaxy, and it, in turn, as recently "proved" by pseudoscientists (hereinafter we will call them pr

Turks Are Deeply Concerned About The Possibility Of A Flat Earth - Alternative View

Turks Are Deeply Concerned About The Possibility Of A Flat Earth - Alternative View

Regular readers are well aware that we, from time to time, one way or another touch on the topic of Flat Earth, not being its convinced fanatical sides

The Real Thickness Of The Atmosphere - Alternative View

The Real Thickness Of The Atmosphere - Alternative View

Let's look at the next picture. The bottom circle is the surface of the Earth. The upper circle is the upper limit of the atmosphere. The red dot is some kind of observer on the surface of the Earth

Horizon And Refraction - Alternative View

Horizon And Refraction - Alternative View

The most common argument in favor of a spherical earth is - it is, of course, hiding objects over the horizon. And seemingly really powerful proof of the correctness of the official position

What If The Earth Is Actually Flat - Alternative View

What If The Earth Is Actually Flat - Alternative View

We are accustomed to trusting everything that "official science" tells us, the mouthpiece of which is trusted sources. Scientific sites on the Internet, television channels - some refute, others confirm established and proven truths over the years

When Will The Majority Of The World Believe In The Plane Of The Earth, Will The "gods" Appear In The World? - Alternative View

When Will The Majority Of The World Believe In The Plane Of The Earth, Will The "gods" Appear In The World? - Alternative View

The debate about whether the Earth is flat or round has been going on for many years, but a recent poll by YouGov suggests that over the next decades, the bulk of people will consider the Earth flat

Is The Earth Round Or Flat? - Alternative View

Is The Earth Round Or Flat? - Alternative View

What is the actual shape of the earth? Is the earth a flat circle or a ball? Does the South Pole exist? For many years, such questions have been asked not only by ordinary people, but also by famous scientists and people

American Flat Earth Society Trolls Donald Trump's Space Forces - Alternative View

American Flat Earth Society Trolls Donald Trump's Space Forces - Alternative View

We all know today that President Donald Trump wants the Space Force he established to expand U.S. military power beyond Earth, carrying it far into outer space

There Was No Sun Before The 16th Century? - Alternative View

There Was No Sun Before The 16th Century? - Alternative View

In my recent article "The Copernican Religion, the Hellish Sun, and the God Called the Fed," I showed that the Sun - this is not at all an ancient object in our sky, but, on the contrary, the youngest

NASA - Factory Of "space" Forgeries - Alternative View

NASA - Factory Of "space" Forgeries - Alternative View

Once again, we repeat: before Copernicus, the Earth seemed flat, after him - spherical. Today, extensive material has been accumulated, which shows that the shape of the Earth is not spherical, and, most likely, our "planet" is still flat

Physics Of Climate: Glaciations And Periods - Alternative View

Physics Of Climate: Glaciations And Periods - Alternative View

We continue the topic of climate (see the beginning in the article "Climate: Why is there a war for Antarctica?"). In this article, let's start looking at the physics of climate

Metaphysics Of Climate. How Does Flat Earth Turn? - Alternative View

Metaphysics Of Climate. How Does Flat Earth Turn? - Alternative View

Behavior of the Earth in "space" Once again, we repeat: before Copernicus, the Earth seemed flat, after him - spherical

Metaphysics Of Climate. Every 259 Years, The Position Of The Earth Changes - Alternative View

Metaphysics Of Climate. Every 259 Years, The Position Of The Earth Changes - Alternative View

There are closed technologies that ordinary citizens will never know about. When faced with the manifestations of such technologies, people will always believe that they have seen a UFO, or they have been overtaken by a hallucination

Climate: Styles In Art As A Reflection Of Cataclysms And A Short History Of The Earth - Alternative View

Climate: Styles In Art As A Reflection Of Cataclysms And A Short History Of The Earth - Alternative View

The climate model of the Earth, on the creation of which I have been working recently, is practically formulated. She turned out to be very interesting in her physical form

Is The Whole Planet Invented? - Alternative View

Is The Whole Planet Invented? - Alternative View

Earth - has been studied for a long time, everything is already known and we will not discover anything new. Such a thought is firmly rooted in the minds of millions of people around the globe

Lies Of The Astronauts. Are Stars Visible From Space? - Alternative View

Lies Of The Astronauts. Are Stars Visible From Space? - Alternative View

An absolutely enchanting feil of propaganda of the "space program", in which different astronauts directly contradict each other, answering the same question

The Number Of People Who Believe In A Flat Earth Is Growing - Alternative View

The Number Of People Who Believe In A Flat Earth Is Growing - Alternative View

The assertion that our Earth is not round, but flat will seem absurd to many of us, but do not rush to laugh at the supporters of such a theory

Neither Prove Nor Disprove: What Is Behind The Revival Of The Flat Earth Theory - Alternative View

Neither Prove Nor Disprove: What Is Behind The Revival Of The Flat Earth Theory - Alternative View

The famous basketball player Shaquille O'Neal has stated that he is a supporter of the flat earth theory. Despite the comic tone of the statement, this message immediately hit the headlines and caused a heated discussion among conspiracy theorists

The World Map Is Not Real - Facts With Evidence - Alternative View

The World Map Is Not Real - Facts With Evidence - Alternative View

Hello dear Reader! With this article we will continue the topic of flat earth and present one more fact proving the correctness of this theory

How The Flooded Mir Station Transmitted Signals From The Other World - Alternative View

How The Flooded Mir Station Transmitted Signals From The Other World - Alternative View

Probably everyone remembers the pride of the Russian cosmonautics of the 90s - the orbital station "Mir", which for some reason had to be hastily flooded in 2001, exactly 16 years ago, in the bottomless depths of the Pacific Ocean

But What If? The Real Purpose Of Pokemon Go Has Been Revealed! - Alternative View

But What If? The Real Purpose Of Pokemon Go Has Been Revealed! - Alternative View

Suppose I am an evil and harmful, bad person, I sit in a dark bunker and cook the world byaka. I spread the game all over the world, carriers, PHYSICAL, which are millions of people all over the ball. Previously, I just watched the world from their computers