Conspiracy theories 2024, September

Microsoft Admitted To Wiretapping Users - Alternative View

Microsoft Admitted To Wiretapping Users - Alternative View

Microsoft has officially confirmed that it collected and decrypted the voice data of users of the Skype messenger (in particular, the Skype Translator service) and the Cortana assistant.The US tech company said in an official statement that Microsoft has made a decision to make changes to the privacy information and FAQ sections for Skype and Cortana

How Does The System Of Theft Of State Funds Work In The Caucasus - Alternative View

How Does The System Of Theft Of State Funds Work In The Caucasus - Alternative View

Another series of detentions of officials in Dagestan recalled that the fight against corruption in the North Caucasus is very far from over. A criminal group engaged in land fraud took control of assets worth (according to conservative estimates) 20 billion rubles

How To Get Rid Of Google Tracking: 5 Easy Steps - - Alternative View

How To Get Rid Of Google Tracking: 5 Easy Steps - - Alternative View

Earlier we wrote about how Google transfers the archives of user movements for 10 years to the police …“If you are using a proprietary product and do not pay for it, then most likely the product is you” - write these simple, but at the same time great words. In on

Slavery In India - Alternative View

Slavery In India - Alternative View

From school textbooks, many know that for almost all of ancient history, India was the center of the most important trade routes and had a rich history and culture

Modern Slavery - Alternative View

Modern Slavery - Alternative View

Slavery in its definition is such a relationship between people when a person is owned by another. Many of you will say that in the modern world this is not possible

The Theory Of Positive Thinking - The Ideology Of The Slave - Alternative View

The Theory Of Positive Thinking - The Ideology Of The Slave - Alternative View

One of the cornerstone ideas suggested to humanity through the so-called. channeling, is that we should think exclusively positively, look at the world through rose-colored glasses, see only Light and Good everywhere, and also love everyone, as they say, indiscriminately

The Illusion Of Freedom. Wage Or Wage Slavery - Alternative View

The Illusion Of Freedom. Wage Or Wage Slavery - Alternative View

Wage or wage slavery is a capitalist situation in which the worker theoretically (de jure) works of his own free will, but in practice (de facto) is forced to trade his own labor force, often submitting to the conditions of the employer in order to survive

Democracy As A Form Of The Slave System - Alternative View

Democracy As A Form Of The Slave System - Alternative View

Slavery is a system of society, where a person (slave) is the property of another person (master) or the state.In paragraph 4 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN expanded the concept of a slave to any person who cannot voluntarily give up work

The Death Of Russia - The Purpose Of The World Conspiracy - Alternative View

The Death Of Russia - The Purpose Of The World Conspiracy - Alternative View

America, along with other leading Western countries, puts geopolitics at the top of its political concept. It is she who plays a big role in the formation of relations between countries of global importance

On The Rules Of The Game Of The Matrix Of The World Of Parasites - Alternative View

On The Rules Of The Game Of The Matrix Of The World Of Parasites - Alternative View

Already many researchers of esoteric knowledge were able to guess that our world is occupied by a parasitic system, which is run not even by social parasites who created their own satanic pyramid of power, but by their infernal masters at the top of the global parasitic network

Elites Want To Change Earth's Orbit? - Alternative View

Elites Want To Change Earth's Orbit? - Alternative View Man-made climate change is an extremely pressing problem today, which means that the apocalypse of global warming is becoming more and more likely.However, the long-term outlook for the planet is even more dire, as the Sun will one day run out of fuel and expand, most likely vaporizing or severely destroying the Earth

Wall Street Spilled Oil For World War III - Alternative View

Wall Street Spilled Oil For World War III - Alternative View

In Paris, world leaders will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the end of hostilities in the First World War on November 11. Do politicians understand that today they are following the same path to the third world war?

The Drug Caused Attraction To The Same Sex - Alternative View

The Drug Caused Attraction To The Same Sex - Alternative View

French family man Didier Jembert won a lawsuit against the British concern GlaxoSmithKline, in which he accused the manufacturers of drugs Requip for the treatment of Parkinson's disease that drugs cause unhealthy cravings for same-sex love

Is There Any Evidence That We Live In The Matrix? - Alternative View

Is There Any Evidence That We Live In The Matrix? - Alternative View

Even the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, who lived almost two and a half millennia ago, put forward the assumption that our world is not real

Facebook Admitted That It Secretly Recorded And Transcribed User Conversations - - Alternative View

Facebook Admitted That It Secretly Recorded And Transcribed User Conversations - - Alternative View

The company secretly accumulated written transcriptions of its users' conversations, which it recorded through the microphones of smartphones.In the past few years, the social network Facebook has been targeted by the media and government agencies due to its policy of using user data

What Is Consumerism? - Alternative View

What Is Consumerism? - Alternative View

Consumerism (or Consumerism, Consumerism) is a type of activity of a modern man in the street, a resident of a capitalist country, aimed at the unrestrained consumption of non-essential goods. This is when the meaning of people's life lies in consumerism, in the acquisition of various goods and services, in bragging about their consumption among other people, etc

Is Our Story Falsified? - Alternative View

Is Our Story Falsified? - Alternative View

Many peoples mention in their mythology that they trace their origin from the "gods who came down from heaven" and it is to these gods that they owe their knowledge

10 Cases Of Governments Republishing Textbooks To Rewrite History - Alternative View

10 Cases Of Governments Republishing Textbooks To Rewrite History - Alternative View

History is not the same everywhere. How else can you explain the historical record of events that differ from nation to nation? Since the 20th century, several governments have realized that they can rewrite history in their favor. And they did it

Giulietto Chiesa: "This World Is Ruled By 9 People" - Alternative View

Giulietto Chiesa: "This World Is Ruled By 9 People" - Alternative View

The famous Italian journalist Giulietto Chiesa was arrested at the end of 2014 in Estonia. For what?And for articles similar to the one that we bring to the attention of our readers. Chiesa gave this interview three years ago. But his predictions are coming true, though not with regard to Ukraine, which is moving along the path of destruction and war

Who Needs A “Unified Database Of Personal Data On Citizens”? - Alternative View

Who Needs A “Unified Database Of Personal Data On Citizens”? - Alternative View

This conversation usually starts with data security first. Will the central base be the most vulnerable, with the risk of leaks, etc. Let's start with this, although this is definitely not the main thing:- Salik.biz1. Data security issuesIt is believed that a centralized database of all data on all citizens increases the risk of data leakage

The Almighty Of The World: 13 Families Who Rule The World - Alternative View

The Almighty Of The World: 13 Families Who Rule The World - Alternative View

Presidential elections, government formation, resignations, economic crises, armed conflicts … the list of what is happening in the world is far from complete. Sometimes it seems that they all develop according to some kind of program. There is no chaos here. W

Strange Rat Conspiracy Theory: Roswell And The Plague Bombs - Alternative View

Strange Rat Conspiracy Theory: Roswell And The Plague Bombs - Alternative View

What is common between the Japanese development of the "plague bomb" during World War II and the incident in the American Roswell in 1947 with the fall of an unknown object? It is possible that these are rats.American ufologist Lance Oliver, head of the Denton Area Paranormal Society, said that he once met with a man who, in July 1947, witnessed how American soldiers cleaned up the aftermath of an unidentified object crash in Roswell

On The Way To Antarctica, A Chilean Air Force Plane Disappeared. Magnetic Anomaly? Ice Wall? Aliens? - Alternative View

On The Way To Antarctica, A Chilean Air Force Plane Disappeared. Magnetic Anomaly? Ice Wall? Aliens? - Alternative View

As the BBC reports with reference to the Chilean Ministry of Defense, a military plane with 38 people on board disappeared without a trace on the way to Antarctica. Among the missing are 17 crew members and 21 passengers.The C-130 Hercules transport plane departed from Punta Arenas on December 9 at 16:55 local time (19:55 GMT) and the operators lost contact with it shortly after 18:00 (21:00)

Pension Reform: “There Is No Work At All, And After 50 - Only Poverty "- Alternative View

Pension Reform: “There Is No Work At All, And After 50 - Only Poverty "- Alternative View

Recently, the Minister of Labor of Russia Maxim Topilin visited the State Duma and told there how great we are doing with the promotion of projects related to the pension reform. Not only are old people indexed their benefits, their lives in general have been significantly improved

What Is Heating The Planet At 5 Hiroshima Per Second? - Alternative View

What Is Heating The Planet At 5 Hiroshima Per Second? - Alternative View

The world's oceans absorbed a record amount of heat in the past year, according to new research, which brought more bad news to the planet. How much is that in numbers?“If measured every second, then this is about 5 atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima. E

Physicist A. Zolotarev On "double Standards" In Official Science - Alternative View

Physicist A. Zolotarev On "double Standards" In Official Science - Alternative View

A characteristic example of the presence of falsification of knowledge in modern science is its attitude to the theory of ether, which betrays a clearly ordered character on the part of the forces that control science in order to prevent humanity from "forbidden knowledge"

"Lessons Of Tolerance" - A Real Threat Of Decomposition Of The Spiritual And Moral Image Of The Suvorovites - Alternative View

"Lessons Of Tolerance" - A Real Threat Of Decomposition Of The Spiritual And Moral Image Of The Suvorovites - Alternative View

“A soldier should be healthy, brave, firm, resolute, truthful, pious.Pray to God! from Him victory. The miracle of the heroes, God leads us, He is our general "- Salik.bizA.V.SuvorovOn May 16, the so-called psychological cafe "Tolerance" began its work at the legendary Suvorov School in Moscow. A

The Future Is In Our Hands - Alternative View

The Future Is In Our Hands - Alternative View

Modern science and technology shows us achievements in many areas: robotics, biotechnology, and the development of artificial intelligence. They may soon radically change our lives, the fourth scientific and technological revolution may occur

In Slavery To Modern Technology: Are We All Under Surveillance? - Alternative View

In Slavery To Modern Technology: Are We All Under Surveillance? - Alternative View

The concept of human rights was formed in the consciousness of society back in the 18th century. Today we regard our privacy as inviolable and feel relatively safe

Ancient Knowledge Was Deliberately Destroyed By The Elite Of Mankind For Fear Of A Change In Civilization - Alternative View

Ancient Knowledge Was Deliberately Destroyed By The Elite Of Mankind For Fear Of A Change In Civilization - Alternative View

Throughout the history of mankind, the elite deliberately destroyed the ancient knowledge written in the `` damned books '', claiming to be the saviors of the planet

The Monk Cursed The Believers In The  Coronavirus Pandemic - Alternative View

The Monk Cursed The Believers In The Coronavirus Pandemic - Alternative View

The monk of the Ural monastery cursed and offered to evict those who had invented a regime of self-isolation to Birobidzhan and the island of Spinalonga.He stated that the COVID-19 pandemic was created artificially to help the wise men of Zion bring the Antichrist into the world

KGB Documents Declassified: The Accident At The Chernobyl Station Was Not Accidental - Alternative View

KGB Documents Declassified: The Accident At The Chernobyl Station Was Not Accidental - Alternative View

On April 26, 1986, the world was shocked by the largest disaster in the history of nuclear energy, the fruits of which we are still reaping, - explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The official reason for the incident was the rupture of pipes in the cooling system

Review Of The Series "Chernobyl". Cranberries In Sugar And With A Taste Of Metal - Alternative View

Review Of The Series "Chernobyl". Cranberries In Sugar And With A Taste Of Metal - Alternative View

A statement by Svetlana Aleksievich, whose book formed the basis of the Chernobyl series, about the Russian people:***HBO series about Chernobyl. The Russian-speaking public, accustomed to receiving only selected "cranberries" from the Americans, could have been alarmed by this single phrase

Fake Photographs, Oddities Of Diaries, The End Of The History Of The Dyatlov Group - Alternative View

Fake Photographs, Oddities Of Diaries, The End Of The History Of The Dyatlov Group - Alternative View

This is the last photograph from the films of the Dyatlov group, allegedly taken by Krivonischenko on February 1, 1959 and later.A favorite among conspiracy theorists developing military, alien, missile-secret and other stories. A joke of a photographer - the author of the film, some kind of window through the glass of a lamp, shot without sharpness at a low exposure

How And Why Did The Titanic Sink? - Alternative View

How And Why Did The Titanic Sink? - Alternative View

Again, what new can you tell about the ship, whose history is sucked from all sides? Some people seem to remember the chronology of the tragedy better than their own yesterday

Who Steals Water From The Sea Off The Coast Of Chile? Who Paints The Sky Purple And Kills The Birds? - Alternative View

Who Steals Water From The Sea Off The Coast Of Chile? Who Paints The Sky Purple And Kills The Birds? - Alternative View

One of the many strange and inexplicable phenomena of recent times has become periodic changes in the color of the sky over a particular region. As a rule, the sky turned either purple or purple.Officials attribute this phenomenon to "light from greenhouses

When For &Ldquo; Flat Earth &Rdquo;, For &Ldquo; Chemtrails &Rdquo;, For &Ldquo; Ufo &Rdquo; And For The Rest Will Start To Plant? - Alternative View

When For &Ldquo; Flat Earth &Rdquo;, For &Ldquo; Chemtrails &Rdquo;, For &Ldquo; Ufo &Rdquo; And For The Rest Will Start To Plant? - Alternative View

For starters, a quote (separate respect to the comrade DarkAngels, who found this news and web-dialog

US Target - To Defeat Russia By "disarming The Enemy By A Sudden Nuclear Strike" - - Alternative View

US Target - To Defeat Russia By "disarming The Enemy By A Sudden Nuclear Strike" - - Alternative View

On March 1, 2017, the Bulletin of US Atomic Scientists published material beginning with the words: “The US nuclear modernization program is presented to the public as measures to ensure the reliability and safety of warheads in the American nuclear arsenal

Catcher In Lies, Or The Whole Truth About The Bretton Woods Model - Alternative View

Catcher In Lies, Or The Whole Truth About The Bretton Woods Model - Alternative View

Lately, I've heard so many times that the Bretton Woods monetary system was canceled on August 15, 1971, after the US defaulted by refusing to exchange dollars for gold, which became boring. But since everywhere and everywhere I speak specifically about the Bretton Woods financial model, the time has come to explain this situation in more or less detail

How Can One Respond To The Argument "so This Is True, It Is In Life" - Alternative View

How Can One Respond To The Argument "so This Is True, It Is In Life" - Alternative View

This article was written to help the Information Forces of Russia, such as Teach the Good and others who are fighting blackmail on the air. I will share my options for answering the common misconception of defenders of such chernukha, which they usually express in the following words: "Well, it's true, this is life, you need to show the truth, open people's eyes