Conspiracy theories 2024, September

Russian Youth Are Destroyed First - Alternative View

Russian Youth Are Destroyed First - Alternative View

Almost all the "reforms" of the 1990s-2000s turned out to be sabotage and were aimed at the mental and physical destruction of the younger generation - the basis of Russia's revival. It is necessary to take urgent measures to save the nation …Social parasites and their loyal servants, who have been at the helm of the planet for several hundred years, systematically carry out their plan for the final seizure of power and achieve the so desired “world domination”. One o

Our People Are Not Animals: EU Stops 5G Adoption Due To Threat To Human Health - Alternative View

Our People Are Not Animals: EU Stops 5G Adoption Due To Threat To Human Health - Alternative View

Amid the hysteria of fighters for digital slavery, which erupted after the military refused to transfer frequencies to cellular companies under the 5G standard, the authorities of the EU countries that care about their population are abandoning 5G

World War Is Already Here. Europe's Choice Is To Surrender At Once Or Create Chaos - Alternative View

World War Is Already Here. Europe's Choice Is To Surrender At Once Or Create Chaos - Alternative View

The US Congress has voted in favor of a new sanctions law, most of which is devoted to the growth of Russia's gas influence in Europe

Tolerance, Overton Window And Homosexuality - Alternative View

Tolerance, Overton Window And Homosexuality - Alternative View

The imposition of alien and destructive standards on our society does not stop. Instead of tolerance and respect traditional for the Russian world, there is tolerance. Instead of refusal and rejection of what is called a sin and leads to the degeneration of the people, there is legislative support for perversions

What Will Our Children Be Called For In 2021 - Alternative View

What Will Our Children Be Called For In 2021 - Alternative View

In June 2021 all over the world, including Russia, the International Classification of Diseases of the Eleventh Revision (ICD-11) will come into force, in which ALL sexual perversions, including pedophilia, will be recognized as the norm and will become types of "sexual health"

A Scientist From The United States Spoke About The Results Of LGBT Propaganda Among Schoolchildren - Alternative View

A Scientist From The United States Spoke About The Results Of LGBT Propaganda Among Schoolchildren - Alternative View

The propaganda of perversion in the United States has doubled over the past decade the number of homosexuals among high school students, said Paul Cameron, Ph.D. and Social Psychology, Director of the Institute for Family Research (USA) on November 22 during a roundtable "Legal protection of traditional values" held at the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation (OP RF)

New Weapons Of Parasites Against The People - Alternative View

New Weapons Of Parasites Against The People - Alternative View

What Lies Behind the Promotion of Homosexuality?An article was published in the United States that revealed the mechanism of imposing the ideology and practice of homosexuality on the world by the super-rich. Why is this pronounced physiological pathology actively imposed as the norm on all mankind?

On The Issue Of Democracy Or The Theater Of The Absurd Continues - Alternative View

On The Issue Of Democracy Or The Theater Of The Absurd Continues - Alternative View

Democracy … democracy - how much meanness and lies are hidden in this word !!! Such my definition of the essence of democracy will probably surprise a lot of people! But upon learning why I gave such a definition of democracy, the reader will be even more surprised! I

CIA On Guard Of World Democracy - Alternative View

CIA On Guard Of World Democracy - Alternative View

Who are the American intelligence services working against? This question arose after the recent failure of US spies in five European countries

Preventing World War III - Alternative View

Preventing World War III - Alternative View

World War III - is not excluded, but its probability, fortunately, is rather low. Let's take a look at why and what can be done to prevent it

What Do The Ancient Knights Templar And NATO Peacekeepers Have In Common? - Alternative View

What Do The Ancient Knights Templar And NATO Peacekeepers Have In Common? - Alternative View

This is a miniature copy of a medieval bas-relief depicting a knightly tournament. This is a favorite pastime of the ancient Order of the Knights Templar. The best of the best showed their achievements in the art of war, and the winner received applause at the king's feast

American Leash Of European Intelligence Services - Alternative View

American Leash Of European Intelligence Services - Alternative View

That is how many times information has surfaced about how the American intelligence services use other states, the intelligence services of other states to achieve their goals. At the same time, one must understand that there is no benefit to these countries, often direct harm

Destruction Of The Family As A Project Of Western Occultists - Alternative View

Destruction Of The Family As A Project Of Western Occultists - Alternative View

The search for those responsible for family policy in the West leads to the ideologists of anthroposophy and pedophiles

The Revelation Of The "economic Hitman" Of The CIA John Perkins About Bribery And Murder Of Foreign Leaders - Alternative View

The Revelation Of The "economic Hitman" Of The CIA John Perkins About Bribery And Murder Of Foreign Leaders - Alternative View

Since the Second World War, the United States has become a global world power. This is evident not only in the fact that the United States, with about 1,000 strong points, serves about 95% of foreign military bases. The United States also dominates economic policy around the world

Transcript Of The Cover Of The Economist 2020 - Alternative View

Transcript Of The Cover Of The Economist 2020 - Alternative View

Quote from a 2019 article: “Implicit methods are often used to understand and control crowd manipulation. The less we understand what we see or are shown to us, the more sophisticated and stable is the result of actions of a single person, and in the aggregate of a community with the same interests. L

Banks Will Start Trading Biometrics Of Russians - Alternative View

Banks Will Start Trading Biometrics Of Russians - Alternative View

Client biometric data can become a new source of income for Russian banks.The largest collector of biometrics in the country - Sberbank - is interested in selling access to its database. Kirill Bogdanov, Aeroflot's Deputy General Director for IT, told TASS at the Wings of the Future Forum

The Beginning Of The Zombie Apocalypse Hit The Webcam In London - Alternative View

The Beginning Of The Zombie Apocalypse Hit The Webcam In London - Alternative View

On Friday, November 29, shooting occurred on London Bridge due to an attack on passers-by by a certain 28-year-old Usman Khan. As the BBC writes / shows and all TV channels with them, Mr. Usman Khan attacked passers-by with a knife, killed or wounded several people, and then was shot by the police

The Epidemics That Frighten The Planet Are More Like Scams - Alternative View

The Epidemics That Frighten The Planet Are More Like Scams - Alternative View

In February, a virus emerged in West Africa with a 90 percent death rate. In the summer, the entire planet was already in a fever. A terrible hemorrhagic fever is approaching, for which there is no medicine, vaccine

The Fifth Generation Of The Vaccinated Could Be The Last? - Alternative View

The Fifth Generation Of The Vaccinated Could Be The Last? - Alternative View

"I asked my 85 - year old grandmother, how many vaccinations did she get? It turns out that only two

Bill Gates Sponsors Vaccinations To Reduce Population - Alternative View

Bill Gates Sponsors Vaccinations To Reduce Population - Alternative View

We all know the Bill & Melinda Gates Charitable Foundation is committed to vaccinating children around the world. At a 2010 forum in Dovos, Gates revealed that he intends to invest $ 10 billion in the development of new vaccines

"Besogon" Mikhalkov, In Which He Accused Gates Of Chipping The Population, Was Taken Off The Air - - Alternative View

"Besogon" Mikhalkov, In Which He Accused Gates Of Chipping The Population, Was Taken Off The Air - - Alternative View

The release of the Besogon TV program directed by Nikita Mikhalkov, in which he accused Bill Gates of trying to chip the population, was taken off the air.“On Friday there were two sessions of the Besogon TV program“Who has the state in his pocket?”

Chipping The Population - Alternative View

Chipping The Population - Alternative View

In July 2019, in San Francisco, the American billionaire and inventor Elon Musk presented his Neuralink project, the goal of which is to create electronic chips implanted into the human brain. It is assumed that with the help of such an implanted microdevice, people who are deprived of the ability to move will be able to use the power of thought to type text on a computer screen or work with the necessary sites on the Internet

When People Start To Implant Chips - Alternative View

When People Start To Implant Chips - Alternative View

Electronic microchips that can be implanted into the human body are no longer fiction, but reality. What seemed unthinkable yesterday is already gaining its place in the world today

Chipping In Britain: Unions Are Trying To Sound The Alarm. But For How Long? - Alternative View

Chipping In Britain: Unions Are Trying To Sound The Alarm. But For How Long? - Alternative View

UK's largest employers' organization and the country's main trade union body express alarm and concern that UK companies are forcing their staff to implant microchips to improve safety

The Eye Is Watching Us! - Alternative View

The Eye Is Watching Us! - Alternative View

In the wake of talk about chipping, mass surveillance, restrictions on freedoms and other similar conspiracy theories, I wondered - maybe they are true?Let's start with chipping. Supporters of conspiracy theorists believe that soon, under various pretexts - for example, a vaccine against coronavirus, people will begin to implant chips or microcircuits under their skin

Aliens Are Already Chipping Earthlings - Alternative View

Aliens Are Already Chipping Earthlings - Alternative View

From time to time, doctors find foreign objects in the head, bones and soft tissues of the bodies of their patients. The carriers themselves have no idea where these balls, cubes, etc. come from in their bodies. The implantation of these implants is carried out at a level inaccessible to modern medicine

The Year Of The Beginning Of Universal Chipping In Europe Is Named - Alternative View

The Year Of The Beginning Of Universal Chipping In Europe Is Named - Alternative View

In the early 1970s, a portable identification system, known today as RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification), was first created and tested at the Los Alamos Research Laboratory.In principle, RFID (passive RFID tags) is a detector radio that works without batteries and draws energy for the speakers from the radio wave itself

Interview With A Dedicated American Jew - Alternative View

Interview With A Dedicated American Jew - Alternative View

Below are excerpts from interviews in abridged form, in solid text (to save space)

Rain Tax: The Fraudulent Achievements Of US Capitalism - Alternative View

Rain Tax: The Fraudulent Achievements Of US Capitalism - Alternative View

And this is just a statement of a fact that was obvious 200 years ago. No wonder the British Prime Minister in the 1830s after the collapse of one of the largest banks in the USA of that time and the refusal to pay its depositors, including many foreigners

Why Is Facebook Listening To Your Conversations? - Alternative View

Why Is Facebook Listening To Your Conversations? - Alternative View

Well, what, some time ago they laughed at those who pasted cameras and microphones, and then suddenly it turned out that the Internet shows ads about exactly what you were talking about in the room and never looked for it in search engines.The same is about Google and Facebook - for a long time they were greatly idealized, but then a lot of information surfaced about the cooperation of these companies with special services

The CIA Trained A Psychic To Kill The Leadership Of The USSR Straight From America - Alternative View

The CIA Trained A Psychic To Kill The Leadership Of The USSR Straight From America - Alternative View

Published documents on the study of the phenomenon of Uri Geller - of a person who bent spoons with a glance Does telepathy exist?

A. Tyunyaev About Clones Among People - Alternative View

A. Tyunyaev About Clones Among People - Alternative View

An interesting hypothesis that the majority of modern humanity are artificial derived clones, expressed by a full member of RANS A

Are 93 Percent Of The World's Population Clones? - Alternative View

Are 93 Percent Of The World's Population Clones? - Alternative View

In the old days, it was mainly history that developed. As a result, a certain system of ideas about the past of mankind was formed. In our time, other sciences - statistics, sociology, economics, etc

Have Human Clones Been Around For A Long Time? - Alternative View

Have Human Clones Been Around For A Long Time? - Alternative View

On the Internet, information has increasingly begun to break through that there have long been clones of people in the world who quietly live next to us - and we, of course, just don't notice them. And how can you spot them?

Results Of The Year - The Battle Of The Elites For Power. Part Three - Alternative View

Results Of The Year - The Battle Of The Elites For Power. Part Three - Alternative View

Part 1 - Part 2 - "OH, THAT'S NOT EVENING, THAT'S NOT EVENING …" It is obvious and in fact - the global financial "Bolivar will not stand two"

Is There A Secret Government On Earth? - Alternative View

Is There A Secret Government On Earth? - Alternative View

A book by a former employee of the British special services, Dr. John Coleman, was published in Russia, exposing the conspiracy of the elite against humanity "The Committee of 300" People do not believe that countries are ruled by presidents, prime ministers, chairmen and other "visible" officials

Declassified FBI Document: Nikola Tesla Was Delivered To Earth From Venus - Alternative View

Declassified FBI Document: Nikola Tesla Was Delivered To Earth From Venus - Alternative View

The document mentions that Nikola Tesla successfully invented a device that could be used for interplanetary communication

Who Is Killing Leading Russian Ufologists - Alternative View

Who Is Killing Leading Russian Ufologists - Alternative View

The famous researcher of anomalous phenomena Vadim Chernobrov died at the age of 52, "Komsomolskaya Pravda" finds out why Russian UFO researchers die in their prime

Dangerous Hobby: Why Ufologists Die So Early - - Alternative View

Dangerous Hobby: Why Ufologists Die So Early - - Alternative View

In recent years, only in Russia, several famous ufologists and researchers of the mysteries of ancient civilizations have died. There is a version that they passed away because in their search they got too close to the truth.For those who are fond of alternative history, believe in paleocontact and flying saucers, the sudden departure of Andrei Sklyarov, Yuri Smirnov, Vadim Chernobrov was a huge loss

Mysterious Deaths Of Ufologists! - Alternative View

Mysterious Deaths Of Ufologists! - Alternative View

In May 2017, Vladimir Chernobrov died. The head of the "Cosmopoisk" group died at the age of 52. According to official figures, he suffered from blood cancer