Conspiracy theories 2024, September

Two Well-known Ufologists Died Suspiciously In One Week - Alternative View

Two Well-known Ufologists Died Suspiciously In One Week - Alternative View

The week before last, two reputable American ufologists unexpectedly died at once: researcher Robert Dean and informant Karl Wolfe

The Man Filed A Lawsuit Against The GMO Corporation Monsanto, Accusing It Of Infecting Himself With Cancer - Alternative View

The Man Filed A Lawsuit Against The GMO Corporation Monsanto, Accusing It Of Infecting Himself With Cancer - Alternative View

Monsanto is a huge diversified multinational company, originally established in the United States. It is now the world leader in plant biotechnology

Sensations That Turned Out To Be A Hoax - Alternative View

Sensations That Turned Out To Be A Hoax - Alternative View

From time to time, the press reports on another scientific sensation, for example, about archaeological or paleontological finds, allegedly changing the course of history. However, in practice, many of them turn out to be a fiction, often invented by clever adventurers

Instead Of The Moon, We See A Fake In The Sky - Alternative View

Instead Of The Moon, We See A Fake In The Sky - Alternative View

A video shot by a camera from the ISS appeared on the world network and quarreled astrophysicists around the world. The recording, according to American astronomers, captures the moment when the moon was substituted for a fake

A Grandiose Hoax Is Being Prepared Around The Flight To Mars - - Alternative View

A Grandiose Hoax Is Being Prepared Around The Flight To Mars - - Alternative View

SpaceX has announced that it will send the spacecraft to Mars by 2018. But to launch the spacecraft - that's half the battle. It is also necessary that it fly to Mars like a working machine, and not like dead iron. The intrigue is in this

How Banks Deceive Us - 5 Tricks - Alternative View

How Banks Deceive Us - 5 Tricks - Alternative View

Everyone can become a debtor to the bank if they are negligent in their banking services. Unfortunately, this applies not only to loans, but also to other banking services

The Briton Claims That The Authorities Of His Hometown Are Poisoning People Through The Radiation Of Street Lamps - Alternative View

The Briton Claims That The Authorities Of His Hometown Are Poisoning People Through The Radiation Of Street Lamps - Alternative View

British resident Mark Steele lives in the town of Gateshead in Tyne and Wear, which is allegedly undergoing secret tests of new street lamps

The Ten Most Frightening Theories Known To Mankind - Alternative View

The Ten Most Frightening Theories Known To Mankind - Alternative View

What theories did not give rise to the scientific imagination. For example, that we all actually live in a bubble inside boiling water. Or how do you like the theory of the existence of two-dimensional, that is, flat people?

Brainwashing - Alternative View

Brainwashing - Alternative View

Zombie - this is the manipulation of a person's behavior without his knowledge, which is carried out according to a certain program from the outside, and depriving a person with its help of freedom of choice and thinking

The Main Enemy Of The Russian Land Is Russian Television - Alternative View

The Main Enemy Of The Russian Land Is Russian Television - Alternative View

It is more terrible than America and NATO, more destructive than atomic bombs. Because Russian television kills the soul of a person and you can take it with your bare hands.What are you watching on TV? Good, kind, eternal? Something socially useful?

Unprofitable Inventions That The World Is Afraid Of - Alternative View

Unprofitable Inventions That The World Is Afraid Of - Alternative View

The last hundred years can be called without any convention the time of scientific and technological revolutions. There were so many discoveries in various fields of science and inventions that it is difficult to even list them. But for all these decades, it was not possible to find something that can replace gasoline

&Ldquo; Half Of All Scientific Research In The World - Fake &Rdquo; - Alternative View

&Ldquo; Half Of All Scientific Research In The World - Fake &Rdquo; - Alternative View

The editor of one of the most respected medical journals in the world admits that half of all scientific research is false

Hollow Earth Theory! - Alternative View

Hollow Earth Theory! - Alternative View

In the 40s. of the last century in Germany, Nazi scientists from the Ahnenerbe Occult Institute investigated the theory of a civilization living inside the planet. They speculated that there is a form of intelligent life underground

Big Brother Rules The Ball - Alternative View

Big Brother Rules The Ball - Alternative View

If you look at what was written in the twentieth century about the ways and images of the future, the picture turns out to be rather hopeless. Continuous nightmares. From the comparatively soft ones - "Brave New World" by Huxley, "Return from the Stars" by Lem, to the very harsh ones - "Kallokain" by Karin Boye, "We" by Zamyatin, "Animal Farm" and "1984" by Orwell

Technology At The Service Of Corporations: Notes From A Design Ethicist Google - Alternative View

Technology At The Service Of Corporations: Notes From A Design Ethicist Google - Alternative View

Tristian Harris, Product Philosopher at Google, on ten tricks by tech companies that exploit the vulnerability of the human mind.Illusionists begin by looking for blind spots, vulnerabilities and boundaries of human perception, in order to influence human behavior without anyone knowing about it

Apollo 20 Found On The Moon A Huge Spacecraft Of Extraterrestrial Origin - Alternative View

Apollo 20 Found On The Moon A Huge Spacecraft Of Extraterrestrial Origin - Alternative View

For several years now, the topic of the Moon and flights to our satellite has again become more and more relevant. This, of course, was promoted by Hollywood films. But many officials say they are going to conquer the moon in the near future

No Biometrics - No Service. Moneylenders Rush To Drive Russians Into A Digital Stall - Alternative View

No Biometrics - No Service. Moneylenders Rush To Drive Russians Into A Digital Stall - Alternative View

Almost a year and a half has passed since the adoption of the anti-popular, anti-constitutional law on the biometric identification of Russians, and it can be stated that the patriotic community was absolutely right in demanding its immediate repeal

Strange Events Are Taking Place All Over The World: For Unknown Reasons, Electricity Goes Out - Alternative View

Strange Events Are Taking Place All Over The World: For Unknown Reasons, Electricity Goes Out - Alternative View

Strange events are taking place in different parts of the world: for unknown reasons, electricity goes out. So, for example, recently there was a spontaneous power outage in half of Attica, and then on some Greek islands

Near Area-51, An Unknown Man With A Strange Top Hat In His Hands Was Shot - Alternative View

Near Area-51, An Unknown Man With A Strange Top Hat In His Hands Was Shot - Alternative View

A mysterious and inexplicable incident occurred the other day at the entrance to the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS) complex of military bases, which include the famous Zone-51 base, which allegedly stores alien ships and bodies

An Unknown Country Has Begun Secret Production Of Chlorofluorocarbons, Again Damaging The Ozone Layer - Alternative View

An Unknown Country Has Begun Secret Production Of Chlorofluorocarbons, Again Damaging The Ozone Layer - Alternative View It seems that some unidentified country located somewhere in East Asia has violated the rules prohibiting the use of chlorofluorocarbons, as a result of which they enter the atmosphere in the Earth's ozone layer

Games Of Kings: Retribution - Alternative View

Games Of Kings: Retribution - Alternative View

The ruins of ancient Chersonesus were washed by the restless waves of the Black Sea. Heavy gray clouds brought north winds from the sea, and a clear summer afternoon was darkened by a slight twilight. The smell of rain was already in the air, and the distant rolls of thunder, as if through the gray cotton wool of the clouds, reached the shore in dull, barely noticeable sounds

Games Of Kings: Trojan Horses - Alternative View

Games Of Kings: Trojan Horses - Alternative View

The sun was going down, illuminating the figures of four horsemen, who were leading a leisurely horse ride through the alpine meadows. Stroking the manes of their horses, old friends shared their experience: the king of television - Ivan Ivanovich, the head of alcohol corporations - Vasily Vasilyevich, the lord of the sex industry Peter Petrovich and computer genius Alex Gotman

Game Of Kings: Empire Of Lies. The Origins Of - Alternative View

Game Of Kings: Empire Of Lies. The Origins Of - Alternative View

A cold autumn mist hung over the ground. The village near Moscow was already plunging into a twilight doze, and only at the far end of the street, from the windows of the old dacha, was the light visible. The autumn of 1986 went into the eternal twilight of history, giving way to winter

Games Of Kings: Authors Of History - Alternative View

Games Of Kings: Authors Of History - Alternative View

Alex walked across a wide, endless field. The crimson sun rose behind him, and in front there was a gray predawn twilight, cut by the first rays of the rising luminary. Eerie black birds appeared far ahead. With each passing second, they were getting closer and bigger

By 2035, Homo Sapiens Will Give Way To Controlled Homo Digital - Alternative View

By 2035, Homo Sapiens Will Give Way To Controlled Homo Digital - Alternative View

The plans of global transhumanist foresight officers to introduce electronic devices into human bodies and to fully control their emotions and minds continue to be consistently implemented. Not so long ago, we talked about the upcoming connection of neurointerfaces to the brains of schoolchildren as part of the "innovative" experiment "Neuronet" (a project of the National Technology Initiative - a program launched by globalists from ASI and the "Russian Venture Company" in purs

3 Countries Of The World That Tried To Abandon The Dollar, And What Happened To Them - Alternative View

3 Countries Of The World That Tried To Abandon The Dollar, And What Happened To Them - Alternative View

There are 3 countries on the planet that previously tried not to use the US dollar as the world's reserve currency. What happened to them and what is happening to the dollar today - let's look at examples. 1

The US Federal Government Has Begun To Prepare A Digital Dollar - Alternative View

The US Federal Government Has Begun To Prepare A Digital Dollar - Alternative View The US federal government has just awarded a startup Blockchain Key Retroactivity Network Consensus (KRNC) to study the possibility of integrating cryptocurrency into the American economy.At the moment, this does not mean that the US will turn the dollar into a digital blockchain, according to CoinDesk

News Of The Digital Kaganate: The Mechanism Of Buying And Selling Only By "electronic" Citizens Has Already Been Created - Alternative View

News Of The Digital Kaganate: The Mechanism Of Buying And Selling Only By "electronic" Citizens Has Already Been Created - Alternative View

This article reveals some details of the implementation of the plans of the world government to create a digital concentration camp in Russia. Christians will find themselves "overboard" of the economic life of the state much faster than it seems

Why Are Bankers So Eager For A Cashless Society - Alternative View

Why Are Bankers So Eager For A Cashless Society - Alternative View

War for cash is not a conspiracy theory. This is an open agenda. It is driven by the convergence of interests between bankers, central banks, politicians and Silicon Valley tycoons who benefit from a fully digital economy.Last week, Facebook partnered with major banks, payment processors and e-commerce companies to launch a digital currency called Libra

The Digital Occupation Of Russia - Alternative View

The Digital Occupation Of Russia - Alternative View

A conversation about cybersecurity, national interests and information warfare with a Russian entrepreneur in the field of information technology, artificial intelligence, software development, project management I.S. AshmanovDmitry TARAN. Igor Stanislavovich, could you give an assessment of the state of information security in Russia?

YouTube Has Declared War On Flat-earth Advocates - Alternative View

YouTube Has Declared War On Flat-earth Advocates - Alternative View

The category of dubious and conspiracy materials will include, for example, videos related to different versions of the American 9/11 attacks, stories about a flat earth

Reptilians Live Among Us And Have Already Seized Power Over The World . - Alternative View

Reptilians Live Among Us And Have Already Seized Power Over The World . - Alternative View

A terrible tragedy happened recently in Pennsylvania. 32-year-old American Stephen Mineo asked his 42-year-old partner Barbara Rogers to kill him. She shot her beloved straight in the forehead and called the police

25 Curious Facts About Freemasons - The Most Conservative And Closed Society - Alternative View

25 Curious Facts About Freemasons - The Most Conservative And Closed Society - Alternative View

Freemasons are a society with secrets. There are many legends around the Freemasons - from the theory of the "world Jew-Mason conspiracy" to blood-chilling stories about ritual murders. The masons themselves call themselves not a secret society, but a society with secrets

Game Of Kings: Words Of Death - Alternative View

Game Of Kings: Words Of Death - Alternative View

For dinner, in a quiet, relaxed atmosphere, the Kings gathered again - the owners of large media outlets and transnational corporations, the arbiters of destinies. The room was pleasantly dark and Mozart played unobtrusively. The glare from the flame of candles played ominously on the faces of those present, while they themselves had a leisurely conversation, sharing their experience in manipulating society

The Tragic Mystery Of Two Malaysian Planes - Alternative View

The Tragic Mystery Of Two Malaysian Planes - Alternative View

Although a week has passed since the crash of the liner, there are no fewer questions, and the number of versions and hypotheses of what happened is growing before our eyes

In Fact, There Are Not 7 Billion People On Earth, But At Most 900 Million - Alternative View

In Fact, There Are Not 7 Billion People On Earth, But At Most 900 Million - Alternative View

Deception exists because you are used to taking everything ready-made. Without your own research and analysis, well, at least a critical look at the essence of the issue

The Flood And Flat Earth - Alternative View

The Flood And Flat Earth - Alternative View

Among the many inconsistencies and holes in the ball-earth theory, there are some that the supporters of sharobelief sometimes do not even try to explain clearly, understanding the hopelessness of these attempts, and preferring not to notice or discuss them

The American Was Not Allowed To Take Off And Prove That The Earth Is Flat - Alternative View

The American Was Not Allowed To Take Off And Prove That The Earth Is Flat - Alternative View

An elderly man planned to climb to a height of 600 meters on a homemade rocket and make sure of this hypothesis. American Mike Hughes was unable to obtain permission to fly on his homemade rocket to test the theory of a flat earth

Biblical Concepts Of The Earth - Alternative View

Biblical Concepts Of The Earth - Alternative View

Let me bring to your attention a small study on "Biblical Cosmology". 1. Shape of the Earth According to the Bible, the Earth is not a ball

NASA And Other Lies: The US Has Proven That The Earth Is Flat - Alternative View

NASA And Other Lies: The US Has Proven That The Earth Is Flat - Alternative View

"Earth - flat ": a conference of supporters of this theory was held in the USA The first conference of supporters of the theory of a flat earth took place in the USA. What are the beliefs of the participants in this forum and what they are ready for in order to search for evidence, we tell below